• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 1,329 Views, 44 Comments

Time Heals All Wounds - Brony4Ever1992

Finale in the "Fall and Resurrection of Twilight Sparkle" trilogy.

  • ...

Chapter 12

It was a calm day in Ponyville. At her castle, Princess Twilight Sparkle was relaxing with a good book. This was on the advice of her marefriend Sunset Shimmer. Spike stood at the sink washing and drying dishes. Sunset was sitting next to Twilight for support while putting the dishes away with her magic.

"You know what the worst thing about you being the Princess of Friendship is?" asked Spike.

"Tell us." answered Sunset.

"The dishes." revealed Spike.

Sunset snickered.

"Thanks for taking care of that Spike. After all the stuff that's happened, I really needed to relax with a good book." said Twilight.

"Told ya." said Sunset, in a sing - song tone.

Sunset kissed Twilight on the cheek.

"It's kinda funny, isn't it? All these ponies coming to you about friendship." mused Spike.

"What's funny about that?" asked Twilight surprised.

"You know, 'cause you used to be famous for being a bad friend." answered Spike matter - of - fact.

Sunset Shimmer quickly shot Spike an annoyed look.

"I had good friends in Canterlot." said Twilight.

"Well, I seem to remember you being a shut - in who rarely spent time with other ponies." noted Spike.

Twilight could not ignore the horrifying reality staring her in the face.

"This is a disaster! All my old friends! I can't remember any of their names right now!" ranted Twilight, "But, do you think they think I'm a bad friend?!"

Sunset wrapped her foreleg around Twilight.

"Calm down. Deep breath Twilight." said Sunset.

Twilight stopped and began taking deep breaths.

"I wasn't exactly the most friend pony either. Of course, I was a bitch who put other ponies down." said Sunset.

"And friendship turned you around!" exclaimed Twilight anxious.

"Oh crap." sighed Sunset.

"Well, I only meant you've come so far." said Spike, "You're a great friend now and-"

"Oh, I feel terrible! I've got to make it up to them! Pack a bag, Spike! We're going to Canterlot!" declared Twilight.

Twilight turned to leave, but stopped.

"And make a list of my friends names." requested Twilight.

"Me and my big mouth." groaned Spike.

The three packed up and left. Sunset put a notice outside the castle saying they'd be in Canterlot if anything happened. The three hoped onto the train and made their way to the capital. Once in Canterlot, they stayed at the palace. The next morning, they went to visit the tower where Twilight and Spike lived before moving to Ponyville. Twilight knocked and Sugar Belle answered.

"Hello you guys." said Sugar Belle.

The three came in while Night Glider flew down.

"What brings you here?" asked Night Glider.

"We wanted to see how you where doing." answered Sunset.

"You wouldn't happen to be visiting because Starlight tried to kill Prince Rutherford, would you?" asked Night Glider firmly.

"Kinda." answered Twilight meekly.

"Oh man." groaned Sugar Belle.

"They're nowhere near Canterlot." said Sunset.

Spike looked around.

"Man, this place looks good." stated Spike.

"It was messy before we cleaned it up." said Night Glider.

"I left it a mess...like my friendships." mused Twilight sadly.

Sunset would hug her marefriend.

"We also found this." noted Sugar Belle.

Sugar Belle used her magic to bring a torn up teddy bear.

"That was my gift for Moon Dancer. I guess she won't need it now." said Spike.

The trio from Ponyville stayed for a little while longer. Once they left, they headed to the home of Minuette. Twilight could not hide her anxiety as she walked. Finally, they arrived at their destination. Twilight gulped and knocked on the door.

"Uh, it's not too late to to forget I opened my big mouth." said Spike.

"No, Spike, I'm glad you opened your big mouth." replied Twilight.

Sunset Shimmer snickered at this.

"These ponies have probably been suffering since I left. Wondering why their supposed friend would treat them so bad!" cried Twilight.

Suddenly, the door opened and Minuette appeared.

"Twilight Sparkle!" cried Minuette joyous.

Minuette laughed.

"You old so - and - so! What are you doing here?" asked Minuette excited.

Minuette noticed the baby dragon and other unicorn.

"Hey Spike!" called Minuette.

Minuette jumped down.

"Look at these wings huh?" asked Minuette.

Minuette giggled and used her magic to hand Spike a camera.

"Grab a picture of me and the princess, will ya." requested Minuette.

"She's real torn up." said Sunset sarcastic.

"I tried telling my co - workers we used to be friends way back when! But, they've never believed me!" declared Minuette.

Spike aimed the camera.

"Wait - wait - wait! Really fluff them up, huh?" requested Minuette.

Spike zoomed and snapped the picture.

"Oh, you must Sunset Shimmer. Nice to meet you." said Minuette.

"Same." replied Sunset.

"So, what are you doing here Twilight?" asked Minuette.

Twilight winced a bit.

"I mean, I know you're here all the time, but you never come to see me." added Minuette.

Twilight felt guilt building up.

"Hey! I just had the greatest idea!" declared Minuette, "You wanna go see Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine?"

"Of course! My old friends!" answered Twilight excited.

"That's great! Come on, let's fly!" exclaimed Minuette, "Get it?"

Minuette started heading off.

"This is perfect! I can apologize to them all at the same time!" cried Twilight happily.

"Let's hope they're not as traumatized as Minuette." replied Spike sarcastic.

The four left. Minuette would quickly get in touch with Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine. They went to Donut Joe's and they began eating. After defeating Tirek, Joe rescinded the Twilight ban. Minuette, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine began talking about when they heard Twilight was a princesses.

"We where thrilled to hear you where crowned Princess of Friendship!" exclaimed Minuette.

"We saw you at the coronation. That was some shindig." added Twinkleshine.

"You did?" asked Twilight feeling guilty.

"Sure! We see you all the time!" answered Twinkleshine.

"I do remember see your faces in the crowd." noted Sunset.

"See." said Lemon Hearts.

"You remember our old friend Lyra?" asked Minuette, "She lives in Ponyville too."

"We've talked with her." replied Sunset.

"We're always over there visiting her. Or she's coming over here!" said Minuette.

Minuette giggled.

"We've thought about asking you to join us from time to time. But, we figured you just moved on." explained Minuette.

"Oh." said Twilight guilty.

A awkward silence followed until Lemon Hearts cleared her throat.

"So, what brings you by anyway?" asked Lemon Hearts curious, "All these time you've come to Canterlot, you've never had doughnuts with us."

"Well, uh, you see..." began Twilight.

Twilight took a deep breath as Sunset gave her a nod.

"I came to apologize." revealed Twilight.

Minuette swallowed the doughnut she was eating.

"For what?" asked Minuette.

"Before I left Canterlot, I didn't really appreciate my friends. And that's because I didn't know how important friendship was. But I've learned so much since I moved to Ponyville. I learned what it means to be a good friend and I certainly wasn't one. So, for all pain I caused you, I am truly sorry." explained Twilight sadly.

Minuette, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine laughed.

"Oh, come on, Twilight! Sure, it might have stung a bit when you ran off to Ponyville without saying goodbye, but it's not like we weren't used to that from you!" began Minuette.

"Yeah, we didn't take it personally." added Twinkleshine.

"But it's really good to see you know." concluded Lemon Hearts.

"See, everything worked out." noted Sunset.

"Yeah. Thanks for the support." sighed Twilight in relief.

Lemon Hearts proposed a little blast from the past. The girls finished eating and departed. Spike came with them. Minuette, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts brought Twilight (and Sunset) to the Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns science lab. Minuette, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts recalled the time that Lemon Hearts got her head stuck in a beaker. However, Twilight recalled another familiar face in Moon Dancer. Minuette, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts noted they lost touch with her and so the group went to her home.

"I'm sure this place as seen better days." mused Sunset, looking at the rundown house.

Twilight knocked and would put a hole in the door by accident. Moon Dancer then opened it.

"Moon Dancer..." began Twilight.

"What do you want?" asked Moon Dancer annoyed, "I'm trying to study."

"It's us! Your old friends!" declared Twilight.

Moon Dancer simply groaned and shut the door.

"That's old Moon Dancer, all right. She always did like her books." noted Minuette, "Hey! Kinda like you used to be, huh?"

"Exactly how I used to be." said Twilight worried.

The group stayed in Canterlot with Twilight determined to talk with Moon Dancer. They observed Moon Dancer while hiding. Moon Dancer only went to the library and back home. She never went anywhere else. After three days, they again watched Moon Dancer enter the library. Spike was getting annoyed.

"Nopony looks at her or says hello or even smiles at her." noted Twilight concerned, "Was she always like this?"

"Well, she was always a little shy. But for a while there, she was really starting to come out of her shell." answered Minuette.

"Sounds like another pony I know." thought Sunset.

"Remember when she threw that little get together?" asked Minuette.

Twilight could only shrug embarrassed.

"Oh, right. I think you might have been busy that day." mused Minuette.

"When was it?" asked Sunset.

Minuette thought.

"I think it was when you moved to Ponyville." answered Minuette.

"When Princess Celestia sent me there right before Nightmare Moon returned." realized Twilight.

"Thought she might finally be coming out of her shell with that party. We invited her out a few times after that. But, she was always too busy. So, eventually, we just stopped asking." explained Minuette.

"I had no idea that party was so important to her." said Twilight.

Twilight jumped up.

"I've got to make it up to her!" declared Twilight.

Twilight entered the library and spotted Moon Dancer reading and taking notes. Twilight made her move.

"Oh, my gosh! Moon Dancer?!" exclaimed Twilight, "Is that-"

The other ponies in the library shushed Twilight.

Twilight raced off, but would sneak right back.

"Moon Dancer, can I talk to you-" began Twilight.

Moon Dancer cut Twilight off by shushing her, but noticed there was a barrier around them.

"What is this?" asked Moon Dancer surprised.

"Eh, a bubble of silence. We haven't talked for a while and I thought it might be nice to catch up." explained Twilight.

"For what purpose?" asked Moon Dancer angered.

"Because we're friends." answered Twilight.

Moon Dancer popped the bubble getting another round of shushes from the other ponies in the library. Twilight walked off, but when Moon Dancer pulled another book off the shelf, there she was.

"I'm really sorry to bother you. I was just hoping we could outside and talk for a bit." said Twilight.

Moon Dancer returned the book and walked away. She sat down and began flipping through another book.

"I'm sorry I skipped your party." said Twilight, now in the book.

Moon Dancer let out a surprised shriek. She slammed the book shut while the other ponies would shush her.

"Why won't you leave me alone?" asked Moon Dancer frustrated, "You've got the wrong pony."

Moon Dancer opened the book back up.

"I don't have parties!" declared Moon Dancer, in a hushed tone.

"You did once. And I was so caught up in my own studying that I didn't take your feelings into account." replied Twilight.

"Look Twilight Sparkle. I just need to be alone so I can study without some crazy pony trying to make friends, all right?" asked Mon Dancer.

"Fine." said Twilight flatly.

"How did you get into my book?" asked Moon Dancer curious.

Twilight smirked and finally got Moon Dancer to come with her. They went outside to find Sunset waiting.

"Minuette and Spike got tired of waiting." said Sunset.

"This is my marefriend Sunset Shimmer. This is Moon Dancer." said Twilight.

"I remember you from Sombra's invasion." noted Moon Dancer.

Twilight winced at this.

"That's a touchy subject for her." noted Sunset.

Moon Dancer showed actual concern for Twilight. They began walking and talking when Moon Dancer again asked about the spell Twilight used to get into her book.

"I've been studying a new studying technique. I can only do it for a few minutes, but you'd be amazed at what you can pick up when you're actually in a book!" explained Twilight.

"It's one of Hayscartes' methods." noted Moon Dancer.

"You know Hayscartes?" asked Twilight.

"Of course. He's a genius." answered Moon Dancer.

"I have a copy of his Treatise on Ponies, you know." stated Twilight.

The three arrived at the tower and Sugar Belle let them in.

"You two both have equal sign cutie marks." noted Moon Dancer concerned.

"We escaped from Starlight Glimmer, but weren't able to get our cutie marks back." revealed Sugar Belle sadly.

"It's okay." said Night Glider.

Moon Dancer began looking around.

"What is this place?" asked Moon Dancer.

"This is where I used to live." answered Twilight.

Moon Dancer began looking around.

"You mean, I never had you over here?" asked Twilight.

Sunset quietly explained the situation to the two ex - Equalists.

"Wow! A first edition of Principles of Magic!" exclaimed Moon Dancer.

The unicorn took a moment to think then looked back.

"Hey, did't I give this to you?" asked Moon Dancer.

"Maybe." answered Twilight unsure.

Moon Dancer opened the front of the back.

"I did! Look, "I even wrote something in it." noted Moon Dancer, "To my friend Twilight Sparkle. Thanks to introducing me to the classics."

Moon Dancer shut the book.

"I can see by the fact you left it here that it meant a lot to you." said Moon Dancer bitterly.

"I didn't come here for even more poignant reminders of what a bad friend I was." began Twilight.

Twilight walked over to Moon Dancer.

"I brought you here to tell you that you can come here to your heart's content." said Twilight.

Twilight looked at the two former Equalists.

"If that's okay with you two." added Twilight.

"Fine by us." said Sugar Belle.

"We don't exactly plan on living here all our lives anyway." added Night Glider.

"But, first you have to do something for me." said Twilight.

Moon Dancer raised her eyebrow in suspicion.

"What?" asked Moon Dancer suspicious.

"Have dinner with our old friends tonight." answered Twilight.

"I can't. I'm reorganizing my biology scrolls tonight." replied Moon Dancer.

"I've been spending a lot of time with Minuette, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts since I returned. They really miss you." explained Twilight.

"Look! I already told you! The last thing I need is a bunch of ridiculous friend making keeping me from my studies!" declared Moon Dancer.

Moon Dancer began walking away.

"Moon Dancer, wait! A wise pony once taught me there's more to life than dusty old books!" declared Twilight.

"I'd try friendship and it's just not for me." replied Moon Dancer, "Now, if you'll excuse me..."

Twilight frantically scratched her head.

"What if I taught you Hayscartes' method." proposed twilight.

Moon Dancer relented and agreed. That night; Twilight, Moon Dancer, Sunset and Spike went to the restaurant. Sunset wanted to stay behind as not to interfere. Spike was against this and Twilight asked them to come for moral support. Minuette, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine where waiting. They eat and talked. None of them noticed they where being watched.

"So, uh, what are you studying these days?" asked Minuette.

"Science, magic, history, economics, pottery. Things like that." answered Moon Dancer flatly.

"Yowza! You planning on being a professor or something?" asked Minuette.

"No." answered Moon Dancer flatly.

"So...you're just studying." said Minuette.

"Can I go now?" asked Moon Dancer flatly.

"Moon Dancer, please." said Twilight worried.

"It's all right Twilight. We're having a good time." replied Minuette.

Minuette turned to her other two friends.

"Right?" asked Minuette.

Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine answered with unsure sounds.

"So, uh...Spike, tell Moon Dancer the story 'bout the time Twilight had to read a book about doing a sleepover!" requested Minuette.

"Slumber Party 101? I've read it." said Moon Dancer flatly.

Twilight chuckled nervously.

"Really? Well, um, did you know that Lemon Hearts here works at the Canterlot Palace?" asked Twilight.

Moon Dancer remained silent.

"That must be interesting." said Sunset.

"Uh, yeah. It's true. I do mostly big events mostly. State dinners, that sort of thing.

Everyone except Moon Dancer made awkward noises.

"Ugh!: groaned Moon Dancer.

Moon Dancer got up and left with Twilight following. Twilight caught Moon Dancer outside.

"Moon Dancer! You've got to give friendship a chance!" cried Twilight.

Moon Dancer moved Twilight out of the way with her magic.

"I gave friendship a chance a long time ago! It didn't work out then - it isn't going to work out now!" declared Moon Dancer.

Moon Dancer walked off.

"Twilight, are you alright?" asked Spike.

"No. No, I'm not." answered Twilight

Twilight began sadly walking away.

"Where are you going?" asked Spike worried.

"I don't know. I really messed this one up. That part was everything to her. I can only imagine how it must have felt when I didn't show up." explained Twilight guilty.

"If only there was a way to undo the damage." said Twilight sadly.

Sunset thought.

"I think I how what to do and who can help us do it."

Sunset explained the plan to Twilight and Spike. The three departed to put their plan into action. Minuette, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine finished up at the restaurant. The next day, Minuette headed to the tower. She knocked with Sugar Belle answering. Night Glider was right behind her.

"Have you seen Twilight?" asked Minuette.

"Not since yesterday." answered Sugar Belle.

"Must have gone back to Ponyville." replied Minuette.

The trio heard laughing.

"What in the world is that?" asked Night Glider.

They spotted Twilight flying with Pinkie and Sunset on her back while Spike clung to her tail. They crashed at the tower.

"That was awesome! We've got to go flying more often!" declared Pinkie.

Pinkie flew using her tail a helicopter. This left Sunset speechless.

"There you are! I thought you threw in the old towel and headed home!" laughed Mineutte.

"We did head home, but it wasn't to quit." said Sunset.

"We got our secret weapon." added Twilight.

Pinkie Pie returned.

"Hey! Pinkie Pie!" cried Minuette.

"Hey Minuette! You didn't tell me Minuette would be here!" cried Minuette.

Pinkie and Minuette hugged.

"You two know each other?" asked Twilight surprised.

"Don't question it." sighed Sunset.

"Oh, sure! She was one of Cadence's bridesmaids! We hang out all the time when she comes to Ponyville!" exclaimed Pinkie.

Pinkie elbowed Twilight.

"And you call yourself the Princess of Friendship!" laughed Pinkie.

Pinkie walked over to Minuette.

"Twilight and Sunset filled me in on the way over. We'll need fifteen bags of confetti and as many hooves as we can get." said Pinkie.

"Let's go! We can pass the doughnut place on the way over!" declared Minuette.

"And what are we going to do?" asked Spike.

"Just come with me." answered Twilight.

The girls put their plan into action. A party was put together and a trail of books was laid out to lure in Moon Dancer. Sure enough, this worked. As Moon Dancer got closer, Sunset had to resist the urge to say "Ooh, piece of candy" with every book she picked up. Finally, Moon Dancer arrived at the party. Moon Dancer dropped the books in surprise.

"What is this?" asked Moon Dancer surprised.

Twilight walked over.

"It's a party. For you." answered Twilight.

Minuette, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine came over while Sunset and Spike pushed a cake.

"Surprise!" cried Pinkie.

The energetic party planner exploded out of the cake. She put a hat on Moon Dancer's head and a party horn in her mouth.

"Come on in!" declared Twilight.

Moon Dancer spat the party horn out.

"Thanks but no thanks. I don't do parties." said Moon Dancer, removing the hat with her magic. Moon Dancer began walking away so Twilight would teleport in front of her.

"I know. And I think it's my fault. Back when we where in school together, you invited me to a party. I was so focused on my studies that I didn't show up." said Twilight.

"Big deal!" declared Moon Dancer annoyed.

"It was a big deal. And now that I realize how important friendship is, I'd like to make up for my mistake with a new party! A party in honor of my friend Moon Dancer!" explained Twilight.

Moon Dancer looked at the party out before her.

"Please, you've got to let me make this up to you." said Twilight.

Twilight used her magic to bring a stick over to hit the pinata. Moon Dancer took the stick.

"And you think this is going to do it, huh?" asked Moon Dancer.

Moon Dancer walked toward the pinata.

"Um, yes." answered Twilight nervous.

"Well, sure, why wouldn't it?" asked Moon Dancer sarcastic.

Moon Dancer hit the pinata.

"That was only the first time I put myself out there, and then you didn't show up!" declared Moon Dancer.

Moon Dancer pointed the stick at Twilight and turned to face her.

"Then you just left town without even saying goodbye even though we where supposed to be friends! I was humiliated! I felt like I wasn't important! I never wanted to be hurt like that again!" screamed Moon Dancer.

Moon Dancer pointed the stick at Minuette, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine.

"Those three finally convinced me that I had value! That other ponies might want to be my friend!" exclaimed Moon Dancer.

Moon Dancer pointed the stick at Twilight again.

"And you! Didn't! Show! Up!" cried Moon Dancer.

Moon Dancer ran off crying. Pinkie whispered to Spike while Twilight approached Moon Dancer.

"You're right. This party can't make up for the way that I hurt you. But, please don't let my mistake be the reason you can't be friends with anypony else. " said Twilight.

The other four unicorns present walked over.

"We were your friends then and we'd be honored to be your friends now." said Minuette.

"I'd be honored to be your friend too." said Sunset.

Moon Dancer cleared the tears from her eyes while Twilight pointed to a surprise.

"What? That's the librarian. The book seller. My sister." said Moon Dancer surprised.

"You've got a lot of friends Moon Dancer." noted Minuette.

Moon Dancer was getting emotional again.

"I'm sorry, Moon Dancer. I've faced magical creatures, the end of Equestria...even falling under the control of King Sombra. But seeing how my actions affected you, that was one of the worst feelings I've ever had." said Twilight.

"Thank you, Twilight. I never realized how much I needed to hear that." said Moon Dancer.

Moon Dancer was choked up.

"Now come on everypony, let's party!" declared Moon Dancer, "Right?"

The party would commence with everypony having a great time. As it neared its end, Sunset pulled Twilight aside.

"I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you." said Sunset.

"It was nothing." replied Twilight blushing.

"Hey, you reached out and helped a pony you hadn't seen in years. You truly went above and beyond." said Sunset.

"It's not like I could travel back in time and fix my mistake." said Twilight anxious.

Sunset raised her eyebrow.

"I'm kidding. Let's get back to the party." said Twilight.

Sunset agreed much to the relief of Twilight.

Author's Note:

A/N: That's where we'll end things for now. So, Twilight made amends with Moon Dancer and there's bit of obvious foreshadowing here. Next time, it's "Do Princess Dream of Magical Sheep?" plus a bit more. Please review.