• Published 6th May 2019
  • 189 Views, 0 Comments

Lost in the Retro - Beep

Sometimes our lives are just set out from dreams. No one told us the difference however.

  • ...

Dreams Remind Us

The breeze, the soft clouds, the heavy thumping of her heart, the colt on the floor, the whistle going off. She collapsed right into the clouds, her eyes slowly closing while ponies rushed over to her.

“Are you awake?”

Retro grunted, her eyes filled with sunlight.

“Miss Retro!!” a voice shouted!

“Gah!! Retro cried out as her eyes flew open. “Yes!?” She looked around and saw her classmates giggle and stifling laughter while her school teacher glared angrily at her.

“Second time today Miss Retro, do I have to write a referral to the Principal’s office?” A simple hoof tap on the linoleum set the tone of the teacher.

“No...” retro replied with a defeated sigh. “I'm sorry.”

“Good. Now back to the lesson, if you could please read us the next phrase please.”

Retro sighed and looked down, lost. She didn’t know which phrase they were on. She was sure another discipline lesson from her teacher was about to begin.

pssst” a small whisper came from her left side. She carefully looked to the side of her peripheral view and saw a filly holding up a small note that read ‘line 34, second sentence’ scribbled in pencil. She silently mouthed a thank you with a small smile to the filly and began to read.

“Flight as therefore should never be considered anything more than the freedom of the air as you glide through it, its gentle hold on you as you soar over...”

Retro closed her locker with a heavy sigh. Two weeks into this school and she was already being disciplined. She swears it’s not her fault, it’s nobody’s fault really. She’s just...tired, of a lot of things.

“Hey!” a voice snaps her from her thoughts. “You’re welcome for the help back there.”

Retro turned from her locket to the filly next to her. “Uh...hi?”

“Hi, I'm the filly that saved your flank last period. Line 34 umm...second sentence if I recall.”

Retro perked up “Oh...oh! Yes, thanks...umm again. I’m sorry for not recognizing you, I put up my privacy bubble after that. I didn't even get a good look at you until now.”

“That’s fine.” The filly replied. “So your name is Retro right?”

“Yes, what’s yours?”

The filly chuckled a bit and struck a pose “Winged Hussar!!!”

“Really?” Retro questioned.

“No, of course not” the filly chuckled again. “I’m Breezy Hooves, flying extraordinaire and your local expert on anything going down in the area. From rumors to gossip, I’m your gal.”

“Oh that’s nice, I’ll definitely come to you if I need any details on anything,” Retro replied. “By the way, do you know where Equestrian 2B might be at, my classes were switched up today.”

Breezy seemed to almost fill with joy, “Oh, lucky! That’s my next class. Come on, I’ll show you.” The filly then hovered into the air with gentle the gentle flapping of her wings.

This school might not be so bad.

Retro was alone with her thoughts, a straw in mouth as she sipped on her juice. A small table in the corner of the cafeteria away from most ponies. Retro then took a bite off her pear, her thoughts then came back to her. Had she really made a friend with Breezy?

Retro internally sighed, her juice near empty now. Out of boredom, she took another bite of her pear.

It is a really good pear.

“Addendum 1A, No form of pegasi skeletons or any form of bone related to pegasi were discovered in excavations done by the famous pegasi researcher and paleontologist ‘Ground Hoof’.” the teacher paused. “Can anyone tell me why he had found no form of pegasi remains in his excavations?”

Silence filled the classroom, the teacher unsurprised continued and answered his own question.

“Pegasi had no part in earth or unicorn pony roles during ancient times. It was believed that neigh ancient pegasi used a form of cloud and storm magic to ‘bury’ their dead into clouds. During his excavations, Dr. Hoof found olden scriptures that seemed to point in this direction. They were quickly translated and as such the theory was proven correct.” The teacher continued off until he trotted back into his desk.

The bell had then rung, much to the teacher’s and the student’s delight. Before anyone could trot out the door the teacher piped up.

“Tomorrow we will be learning how our founding figures in history have left an impact on us and shaped modern loud cities like ours. Read page 88 on your textbook and for Celestia’s sake, take notes.”

Retro began to close her notebooks and open her saddlebags to put away her things. She promptly trotted out the door and into the hallways of traffic. Student after student getting things from lockers or holding conversations. Retro ducked her head down, she felt out of place.

“Hey Retro!!”

Retro turned her head and saw Breezy waving at her. A few other fillies at her side were following close behind, they looked like older students judging from their hair-dos and the number of books in their saddlebags. Retro felt somewhat uneasy, it wasn’t strange of her to know that fillies like Breezy had a multitude of friends. But they looked older and more judgemental than others, however, those thoughts vanished from her mind when they waved at her as well. She let go of a heavy sigh and trotted over to them.

“Hey Breezy and uh...hi?” Retro felt the uneasiness rise back but was again shut down by the fillies.

“Hey! You must be Retro, Breezy’s been talking about you all day” chipped one of the fillies.

“Mhmm, said you were new here. Is that right? Do you live close by? Where did you come from and what district?”

Retro seemed to be bombarded in conversation and questions and took a step back until the other older looking filly trotted towards her. She put her hoof around her and spoke up.

“Geez guys, give her some breathing room.” The filly then took a pace back and introduced herself. “I’m Cloudy Skies, that one with all the questions is Rainbow Quartz and the other one is Angel.”

“Angel...what?” Retro responded back with her own question.

“Just Angel, trust us we have no idea either.”

“I give my name out to those I trust, you guys haven’t made that list yet” Angel replied. “Besides I can’t expect you guys to not laugh at it if I gave it out to you.”

“Yes yes Angel, we’ve heard it a thousand times. Anyway, you've met Breezy, our charismatic, cheerful and the youngest of our little clique.” Cloudy continued and trotted back to the other fillies. “We wanted to personally greet you otherwise Breezy would never let us hear the end of it, also you're the new foal on the block right? It would be nice for us to show you around and don’t worry, we’re not going to force you into this.”

Retro took a deep breath and stared at the group. She had mostly avoided situations in the past like this before, usually relying on herself to survive drama. Now here was a perfectly good opportunity to maybe have another life as a normal teenage filly in school and it was asking her to take it. Breezy seemed to be a fair pony in this, after all, she is the one who told the fillies about her, they wouldn’t have met her if Breezy wasn’t a good pony right?

Okay, scratch that logic. Retro should join them, it’s only a couple of ponies, there is no harm in having a few friends right? After all, they could grow close, develop bonds, have fun and introduce colt’s to retro and vice versa, also her mother wouldn't mind her to have some friends. But, there also came the fact that her family might move again, those bonds...lost, friendships...fading and the number of letters dwindling by the day until you are forgotten...no no! She needed those thoughts out.

“U-umm I...uh well...” the fillies seemed attentive to her response, Retro took another deep breath and made the call. “Yes.”

Yes. She had said...yes. She had broken an entire part of her mind that seemed to be gnawing at her for the longest time, now it felt...nice. Yeah...nice

The fillies seemed satisfied with her answer, they had happy smiles and looks. Breezy broke the silence and went to hug Retro, she then felt a true bear hug. The pressure of Breezy’s hold seemed to crush her lungs. She then let go, much to Retro’s relief and the fillies excitedly jumped.

“This is like so awesome Retro!” exclaimed Rainbow Quartz. Her hooves clapping together. All four ponies then heard the bell.

“Oh shi-...dude” yelled Cloudy, she then turned to Angel. “Were late!”

Both ponies then quickly said goodbyes as they sprinted down the hallway, around the corner and out of sight. The rest of the other ponies that occupied the hallway were also starting to hurry to their classes. Some packing books into their bags others slamming lockers and sprinting down the hall. Rainbow Quartz picked up her saddlebags and hoisted them around herself, she also said a quick goodbye and sprinted the opposite way down the hall.

“Well, it was nice to meet your friends Breezy, but we have class and I doubt you want to be late to yours.”

Breezy chuckled and said ‘goodbye’ before she as well, ran to class hastily. Retro then closed her locker door and too, hurried to her class.

“Maybe this school isn’t so bad.”

Author's Note:

Hi there! I'm PencilPen, either Pen or Pencil is fine really.

This fic is based on an OC from a friend of mine.

This my first time doing a fic in writing, I have no real experience writing fics, aside from a few writing classes in high-school. Even then I had no idea what to do, so I’m putting my craft out here and seeing how well I can do!

Feel free to leave any feedback. Please, it’s appreciated!

Bye for now!


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