• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 1,852 Views, 18 Comments

Titans in Equestria - SunsetDragon

The Titan King thought he had seen it all, but that thought changed when he finds himself and his kind thrust into a whole new world. One that wasn't meant for their kind.

  • ...

Ch 5. Meeting of the Alpha's

You know, all things considered, right now this was not the worst possible situation he could be in. Sure he was grappling with another of his kind and using his tail to keep the moth Kaiju that was helping the other lizard Kaiju on the ground. But at least he hasn't killed anyone, purposefully or accidentally. Plus, his hatchling was safe. He was assuming. He hoped. But all that had to wait, as right now he was trying to not be killed.

Gojira grunted as he used more of his strength to shove back the attacking lizard. He then raised his tail and spun around, slamming it into the lizard and sending her to the ground. As Gojira turned to look down at her, the moth used this attack to fly up and latch onto the back of his head. Immediately, Gojira reached up and ripped her off, or at least tried to. Turns out, seeing as this moth was built differently than Mosura, her legs were thick and had little talon-like hands. And these little hands could hold on, tightly. Gojira had to use more strength than he thought to pull her off. He was able to do it and throw her off, only to be tackled to the ground by the female and pinned.

Gojira struggled as he felt the weight of the female press down on him and he roared out in pain when she bit into his neck. He thrashed more violently in an attempt to get this female off him and used what his sire called the death role to try and loosen her grip on his neck. She wasn't expecting that as she let out a surprised gasp before being pulled into the roll and being slammed by his weight. The female grunted as Gojira got up and slammed his foot onto her chest as he lit up his dorsal spines and charged his breath. Just as it reached the back of his throat, the moth came flying in and slammed into his face. He held the breath in but stepped back from the slam, freeing the female from his grip.

Once his foot was lifted off the female, she rolled over and got up before rushing him again and slamming him into the tree. The moth moved to have her legs keep his mouth shut while the lizard kept him against the tree. Seeing as Gojira couldn't release his breath out, he thought of another way to unleash his attack. Though this would hurt quite a bit, and he hoped he could finally do it on command now. He let the energy charge up just a bit more, making certain parts of himself glow from the power in the process, and then unleashed everything he had into a shockwave.

The blast did its job, successfully pushing back both the Lizard and the Moth sending them both into the ground. Gojira huffed as he regained his bearing from letting out the attack and stared down his attackers. He moved swiftly, pinning the Lizard with his foot and Moth with his tail. They struggled under his weight and he roared down at them in an attempt to get them to stop. They struggled a bit more before the Moth stopped struggling and submitted to him, the Lizard looked at her in shock before turning back towards Gojira and stopped as well, albeit reluctantly.

"So, we done with this now and ready to talk?" Gojira huffed as he asked.

"Yes." The moth responded.

Gojira looked down at the two of them for a second before getting off of them and allowing them up. The Lizard got up first and helped the Moth and they both looked towards Gojira. He kept his stance, showing that he would put them back into the ground if they tried to attack him again. The Moth was the first to move, she flew to the left and motioned her head at the two, beckoning them to follow. Gojira looked towards the lizard and motioned her forward, she scoffed in response but followed the Moth regardless. Gojira walked after her, keeping just enough distance so that the Lizard could not get off a quick attack. They followed the Moth till she leads them to where a rock was next to the tree and landed on it, looking towards Gojira. The Lizard walks next to the Moth and now both of their gazes are on him and he takes this time to speak.

"I am Gojira, King of the Kaiju and Alpha of Equestria. I mean no trouble and merely was trying to follow my Young on a journey." Gojira stated.

The Moth and Lizard looked towards each other before turning back to him, with the Moth being the first to speak.

"I am Eterna and this is my mate is Shodai. We are the Queens of Infant Island and we apologize for directly attacking you without proper cause."

"Don't be. I appeared in your territory without any signal or permission so I understand why you reacted the way you did." Gojira replied.

"You said something about your young? You don't strike me as the father type." Shodai claimed as she eyed him.

Gojira snorted at that, "I understand that but time can change a kaiju. That and the support of a mate."

Eterna seemed to glow at that, "So you do have a mate? What is she like?"

"She is my eternal sun. The one who evaporates my worries and concerns and who gives all she meets her warmth. Though to her enemies, she turns into an unstoppable force of destruction. Honestly, I'm surprised she ever gave me a chance." Gojira said as he looked up at the sun.

Eterna awwed at the description Gojira gave of his mate, while Shodai merely lifted one of her eyebrows at the response. Gojira caught her look and merely shrugged and gave a huff. He knew that look, it was the same look he would give Mosura whenever she would go off telling him about some relationship she saw between any two kaiju. He was like that once and though he had changed in the past half-century he still got like that from time to time. So he would just get along with her for however long he was going to be here.

"Yeah, real nice but can we get back to what this is supposed to be about?" Shodai asked aggressively.

Eterna turned towards her mate with a sheepish look and blushed while Gojira simply nodded. Shodai looked back at Gojira and just asked, "So, when do you plan on leaving?"

"I'll leave now if that is what you want. I understand that I am not in my territory and as such I will comply with your demands so long as you treat me with the respect you would give any other Alpha." Gojira said evenly.

Shodai merely squinted her eyes at him and just let her tail slam on the ground while puffing her chest out and standing to her full height. Gojira matched her actions but started flashing his plates as well, if she wanted to go another round he would oblige her. Though before any further action could be taken, Eterna flew in between them and started to glow a rainbow of colors in an effort to calm them down.

"Ok. Ok, there is no need to get physical again. We can all just calm down, please." Eterna asked while eyeing each of the lizard Kaiju.

Both relaxed their stances and listened to the moth's words. Another battle was not needed, though just because Gojira was more willing to use diplomacy than he was before, he was always ready to fight if the situation called for it. Gojira thought it just better to show them where he had come from and held his head high before taking a couple of sniffs in the air. He found his scent and started following it, becoming the other two with a head movement. Eterna and Shodai looked at each other before following Gojira.

They walked for a while in silence, just enjoying the sounds of the forest as they made their way to the cave. As they walked Gojira looked towards his claw to see the necklace still glowing. That made him happy and he let out a sigh in relief, Twilight was at the very least still alive and wearing her necklace. Gojira closed his claw and continued forward and after a little longer he saw the cave. He smiled and made his way inside and after lighting up his plates and looking around he saw the drawing of the mirror he tested. He turned around and saw Eterna and Shodai looking around before looking at him. He lifted his tail and pressed the end of it to the drawing and it glowed and rippled as he pushed it through.

Eterna and Shodai were fascinated by this portal with Eterna walking closer to put one of her legs through it. Shodai stayed backed and looked towards Gojira who just looked at Eterna with amusement. Eterna noticed his stare and looked back at him sheepishly before backing up and allowing Gojira to move closer. He nodded towards the two of them and was about to head through the portal when he felt something. It was small at first but noticeable, it was a feeling of something off, of something wrong. He lifted back towards his full height and started walking back towards the entrance of the cave. He looked around, trying to find which direction the feeling was strongest in. He knew that something was coming and whatever it was, it was powerful. As he looked around he saw a star sailing through the sky, heading north and he saw that the moon was moving, making night come early. He growled at this, this was similar to when that devil landed on earth but this time it wasn't an eternal storm that was brought, it was eternal night.


Gojira looked behind him to see Shodai roaring into the sky, she looked pissed and immediately made her way past him and towards the direction of the meteor. Eterna was quick to follow and then pass Shodai, most likely to scout out the enemy. Gojira stood still for a moment, not sure what to do, he could either help in what he knew would be his first real battle in what would be half a century. Or, he could return to his original mission and look for his wayward daughter and bring her home. He turned around and headed back towards the portal, this was not his realm, this was not his domain. He had no reason to interfere with a battle that he was certain the Alpha of the land could handle. Shodai was a Titan, a Titan of his own species, and he could easily tell that she had power. He made his way to the portal and just as he was about to enter it, he heard a screech that he hadn't heard in ages.


That had stopped him in his tracks, he knew that roar, even if it was a bit different from the one that he heard during all those battles he knew what kind of creature it belonged to. He sneered with anger and felt rage build up within him, he hated that golden devil, and to know that another one landed here at around the same time he entered this universe, he did not like it. Next was a roar of both Eterna and Shodai and he could feel the earth tremble as the fight began. As much as he hated the thought of that Devil being alive, in any world, he would leave it up to this world's Alpha to deal with it. With that, he entered the portal and continued with his mission.

Shodai slammed herself into her opponent, sending them tumbling back due to her weight. She moved to stomp on their chest and her dorsal plates glowed with energy and she opened her mouth to fire but was immediately pulled back by the enemy's tails wrapping around her arms and pulling back. She fired her star-fire into the sky as she fell on her back and saw the enemy get up to stare at her. She had never faced anything like this, but she remembered seeing an image of something similar in one of the tunnels down below. That one lay slain, by the one-eyed King of the island with the storm around it. She knew this because she had met him, one of the oldest living Kaiju on the planet and for the longest time thought by most to be the Alpha of the planet. He was old and he did not want the title, he was content to just live on his island and watch over it until his son took over as King. And the one-eyed King had returned to the Ape Kaijus ancient home to watch over it.

He was strong but she would wager that she was just as strong if not stronger and it pissed her off that she was not making any headway with this invader. The way they sneered down at her made her angry, but she also saw past them to see her Queen dive down. Shodai closed her eyes as Eterna slammed into the middle head of the invader and let loose her rainbow rays. They erupted into light, blinding the invader and forcing them to kneel and Shodai took advantage of this. She charged up her star-fire and fired directly ahead of her blasting the invader in the middle head and then the chest when it moved. The invader was knocked off-balance and pushed back before tumbling over and roaring in a mixture of pain and anger. Shodai charged up again and Eterna gathered her mystical energy in her antenna and both unleashed a combined attack at the Invader. It hit and sent them skidding backward and leaving a trail through the ground.

Shodai and Eterna glared at the smoke that had covered their enemy after their attack. The invader got up and its figure was seen through the smoke. It flapped its wings to clear it and the two Alphas saw the damage they inflicted. The invader's large and muscled light grey chest was blackened by their combined attack. Their large, clawed, wings had scratches and tears on them and the long twin spiked tails had broken spikes. Its heads were also full of burn marks and the middle, in particular, had the crescent on its head broken but its curved horns remained intact. The left and right ones had their smaller set intact, but each one had their left and right horns tips missing. They snarled at the two earthen Titans and closed their eyes while tensing their body and rising to their full height. Shodai and Eterna saw this space hydra heal itself, to when it looked like when it had arrived just a while ago. All three Titans tensed as they stared each other down, only to be broken by the right head of the invader talking to its siblings.

"I wish to burn these creatures sisters, I hate the fact that they were able to hurt us." The right head spoke, which could now be identified as male.

"Patience little Sol, we will end their pitiful lives. Won't we sister Estrella?" The left head spoke to both the now Identified right head Sol and middle head Estrella.

"Of course sister Luna. You and brother Sol shall have that insect, I want the lizard." Estrella said with pure malice.

The space hydra suddenly jumped forward, propelling themselves with their massive wings, and tackled the lizard and moth duo. Luna lunged forward and bit down into one of Eterna's wings and lifted her before slamming her into the ground. Sol lunged and bit into Shodai's shoulder while Estrella slammed her head into the nuclear leviathan. That, added with the invader's massive body sent Shodai backward and into the ground. Shodai laid on the ground, dazed, but cleared her head as the invader slammed one of their clawed feet onto her chest. They then used one of their tails to wrap around and lift Eterna into the air as she was groggy after being slammed into the ground head first. The three heads chuckled before it turned into full-blown laughter as they stared at their downed enemies.

"Look at these pitiful creatures, thinking that they could actually match us." Sol taunted.

"Yes, I can't wait to brutally murder them. Especially the bug, I bet she bleeds the most wonderful of colors if those wings are anything to go by." Luna said with psychotic joy.

"Yes, all on this world will either submit to us or perish. For we are the eternal void." Estrella said.

"We are the eternal night!" Luna shouted.

"We are the eternal star!" Sol continued.

"WE ARE GALAXHIDORAH!!!" the three shouted in unison as they roared into the sky.

All three heads reared back as they charged up their respective breath attacks. Shodai struggled to get up but was pushed to the ground by Galaxhidorah and dug their claws into her chest. Shodai growled in pain and turned to see Eterna try and get free before being squeezed by Galaxhidorah's tail. The space hydra smiled as they were about to unleash their breath attack before a beam of blue star-fire slammed into the invader. The star-fire was strong enough to knock back the invader and make them fall over and roar in a mix of surprise and pain. The ground shook. Then again. Then again. Then again. Then the fifth shake happened and it was accompanied by a familiar sound.


Gojira had returned to lend a hand, he would have left this alone, but he thought he had some time to spare, seeing how the necklace wrapped around his clawed finger was still glowing. He growled ahead of him, where the now named 'Galaxhidorah' laid in the ground beginning to get themselves up. This however seemed to be a perfect opportunity as Shodai shot up from the ground and charged right at the space hydra. Eterna gathered herself and gently flew up to be eye level with Gojira.

"Thank you for coming to help."

"It's no problem, I know personally how annoying those things are." Gojira said as he looked over to Shodai wailing on the space hydra.

"Yes but we will have help soon enough, you however need to get going." Eterna said while pointing to his claw.

Gojira looked down to see that the crystal was now dull and for a second he felt his heart freeze. Just a second ago it was bright and lit, but now it was dull. He paused and thought to himself that this didn't mean that Twilight was dead, just that she was no longer wearing the necklace. He looked up to the rainbow-colored moth and nodded before barreling back the way he came, intent on getting to his hatchling.

Eterna watched as Gojira sprinted back to the cave he appeared from and sighed before turning back to stare at the battle ahead of her. Galaxhidorah was locked in a standstill with Shodai and both charged up their respective breath attacks. Eterna loosened her joints and flared her wings, waiting for her moment, and looked over to the right to see the 'help' that she had sensed coming to their location. She hadn't seen him in a long time but aside from the longer 'beard' he know possed he looked the exact same. A large ape-like kaiju, with black fur covering his body and two sets of clawed scars running over his chest. He looked over to the fight going on, snarling, revealing one of his for sharp canines being broken and the moonlight gave just enough light to see the massive scar over his right eye and see that it was now blind. He huffed and shifted his stance, raising the arm that held an ancient axe that pulsed bright blue from the spine acting as its blade.

"Eterna." The ape kaiju greeted.

"Kong" Eterna replied, "We thank you for your assistance."

"No need, I killed the last one who fell to the earth and I shall kill this one as well." Kong said as he waited for the moment to make his move.

Shodai was grabbed by Galaxhidorah and flown up before being thrown back and away from the space hydra. As she was tossed, Kong and Eterna used this opportunity and rushed in. Eterna glowed and charged her antenna while Kong roared and raised his axe, all while lighting up his fist with lightning. Galaxhidorah roared at the two and charged at them as Shodai got up and joined the charge from behind the space hydra. All four monsters roared as they clashed together and the whole world shook as the battle of the millennia began.

Gojira had run through the portal and let the magic do its work, shrinking him and reshaping him back to his kirin form as he was spat out back into the mirror room within the Crystal Empire. He shook himself in order to get his bearings and looked around the room to see that it was still empty. He huffed in gratitude and turned himself around to stare at the mirror again. He glared at it for a bit while quietly mumbling, "Alright, no other kaiju dimension, just take me to my hatchlings." He ran through and felt the mirror work its magic, twisting and reshaping his body to this new dimension. Lucky for him it was the right one as he was spat out on concrete and after shaking his head clear and looking around, he was left jaw-dropped.

In front of him was a group of human females and they all bore striking resemblances to the elements, he assumed this dimension's versions and saw Twilight in the middle of them. A few meters in front of them he saw what looked like brainwashed humans, all wearing nice clothing. And floating in the air, he saw some sort of demon wearing the element of magic. He glared at the demon before noticing its appearance, it wore what looked to be a dress, meaning it was female and the hair color of it was identical to Sunset. He wanted to deny what was in front of him but couldn't when he heard her speak.

"The gang really is all back together again, ahahaha" Sunset said as she wiped a faux tear from her eye. She then gathered magic from her hands and started creating a sphere of magic as her eyes glowed. "Now step aside, Twilight has tried to interfere with my plans one too many times already. She needs to be dealt with."

Now that made Gojira angry, he had raised this girl from her early childhood. Sure he wasn't perfect and sure there were probably a few things that he probably shouldn't have told or taught her considering what age she was when he told her. But there was one thing, above all else, that he had engrained into her skull. Never kill for pleasure, only when necessary. To have heard her threaten Twilights life when at this point he could tell she could easily knock her out instead sent anger straight into Gojira. He stood straight up and inhaled before yelling at the top of his lungs the one thing that would get her attention.


Sunset immediately paused her action and looked over to see an older man with a dark grey shirt and a black leather jacket on top. He wore dark blue pants and black boots and had black hair with a couple of small scars across his face. The thing that struck her though was the yellow eyes that stared directly at her and were filled with rage and disappointment. She recognized those eyes immediately and knew exactly who had called her out using her full legal name and she could only mutter one word, "Shit".

Author's Note:

HELLO EVERYONE! Wow, it has been a while huh. I apologize for that but here I return for the next chapter of Titans in Equestria and boy is this chapter filled with action. Though reading this over, I've come to see that I'm not really good with action scenes as they feel way too short. Hopefully, I can fix this with time but for now, y'all gotta deal with it. I don't have an upload schedule but hopefully, I get the next chapter out a lot sooner than this one. Anyway, thank you all for reading, and until next time, PEACE!

Comments ( 5 )
Comment posted by Rorya96 deleted Jun 2nd, 2022

Well…someone’s in trouble.

Ohhhhh, someone's in trouble. :rainbowkiss:

Comment posted by Rorya96 deleted Aug 20th, 2022

I don't want to be a bother but, are you going to continue this store? if not that's all right :)

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