• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 241 Views, 0 Comments

Two lost apples - PaladinponyT

Friendship is a very precious thing no matter how short, this story tells the tale of three ponies who face great hardships together. After facing many trials, they unfortunately have to say goodbye too soon.

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Chapter 3: Tales of old times

The Everfree forest seemed less frightening in the light of day; as we walked Bright Mac and Buttercup told me stories about their family. Bright Mac's mother had helped to found Ponyville, she was still a very hard worker, but they had convinced her to take it more easy these days. Especially since she had three grandchildren to look after now, Buttercup's father was a more complicated issue. He had been very angry with their union and had left for Vanhoover, Buttercup tried to get in contact with him many times, but nothing came of it. I knew how she felt, I missed my own father; I remembered very little of him. All I knew of him was that he had been a Pegasus and that he had died heroically. My relationship with my mother was complicated; she could not raise me herself, but I never resented her for that.

When we stopped to take a break, the two of them started to ask me questions about myself. There was not a lot I could tell them, my missions for the princess needed to be kept secret. Also my personal history was difficult to talk about, but I had a few things to share. With my magic, I pulled my sword from its sheath and the blade shined like silver. So dazzling was it in the sunlight that my companions could not look away.

"This is the Alicorn blade, forged in the ancient world by powerful forgotten spells." I said proudly.

"I have never seen anything like it before." said Buttercup in wonder.

"Nor will you, this sword is the only one of its kind," I said disappointedly. "For this blade is made of star-metal and the spells used for it have been lost forever."

"Where did you get it?" asked Bright Mac. I had expected that question, everypony and creature who had seen it asked that.

"Funny enough, this sword is how I got my cutie mark." I answered. "It was a long time ago, and I was looking through the many incredible artifacts that the princess keeps inside the castle." I had them both in rapt attention, no matter how many times I told this story; the reactions were always the same. "Suddenly, there it was, like it just appeared out of nowhere, and when I pulled it out something amazing happened. I saw places far away from Equestria with fantastic creatures and great kingdoms." Their eyes were wide with amazement as I continued, "But then, I saw terrible places filled with horrible monsters and dark rulers." Now both of them looked frightened. "I was filled with a powerful desire to go to these places and cleanse them of all their evil."

I got up, took off my cloak and showed them my cutie mark; it was a gold sword in the middle of a crossroad. "Then this appeared and the princess knew that the sword was part of my destiny. She let me take it and made me her personal ranger. My job is to enter places of great danger and bring back information."

"And that's what you're doing out here?" asked Bright Mac.

"Yes," I answered "But do not ask me more about that, what I have learned is for the princess only."

The two nodded and got up. Buttercup was helping Bright Mac with the wagon when a long howl sounded out. It was answered by other howls, some loud and some low. Buttercup held her husband closely as she shook a little in fear. I raised my sword, but no Timberwolves came.

"I hate this forest," said Buttercup. "I wish we didn't have to go through it to reach the other towns."

I put my sword away and wrapped my cloak around me. "This forest is old, older than Celestia," I said. "It's a remnant of the ancient world, when magic was wild and full of chaos."

"You mentioned that before," said Bright Mac as we started to move again. "Can you tell us more about the old world?"

"Not a lot is known about it, a great deal of the ancient lore has been lost." I answered. "All that is known, is that in those times the early ponies were surrounded on all sides by monsters of chaos." As I spoke, I tried to remember all I had read about those times. All the lore that remained was collected by Star Swirl the bearded, now Celestia kept it in the castle. "Then came The Bringers of Harmony, six powerful alicorns who brought order to the land."

"Alicorns? Real Alicorns?" asked Buttercup in amazement.

"Yes, three mares and three stallions," I answered. "However, only one of their names is known and only their gifts to pony kind remain."

Bright Mac looked confused, "Gifts? What gifts?" he asked.

I smiled in amusement, "Well, the lady of earth gave ponies their strength and knowledge of farming." The two of them suddenly looked dumbstruck, I chuckled a little. "The lord of storms Icarus gave the pegasi their wings and the mistress of magic gave the unicorns their horns." The two of them were so distracted by my tale that they nearly tripped on a rock. Again I chuckled, "The prince of heart, who studied emotions and their effects went north. There he made a great kingdom of his own."

Buttercup saw my sad look, "What's wrong, Sun?"

I looked back at them, "It's nothing, that kingdom is gone now. Lost forever maybe." I took a deep breath and continued, "The last gifts were left by the queen of light and king of darkness; they were the first rulers of day and night." I said in great respect. "Their gifts were their only daughters."

"Celestia and Luna!" yelled Buttercup brightly. I stopped and they stopped too.

"Yes," I said. "But now only one of them is left."

"What happened to the six?" asked Bright Mac.

I started walking again, "I don't know, no pony does. Not even Celestia; she was to young to remember." The two of them saw that I was starting to get upset.

"Maybe we should stop," said Buttercup in concern. "The sun is going down and we have been walking for hours."

I nodded, "Very well, but tomorrow we need to leave the Everfree, day or night we need to get out of these trees."

Bright Mac looked puzzled. "Why?" he asked.

"The lord of the woods knows we are in here and his servants are looking for us."