• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 241 Views, 0 Comments

Two lost apples - PaladinponyT

Friendship is a very precious thing no matter how short, this story tells the tale of three ponies who face great hardships together. After facing many trials, they unfortunately have to say goodbye too soon.

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Dark trees.

The Everfree forest was dark as I walked slowly under the silent branches. My hooves ached as I looked for a place to rest. My journey had been long and I was eager to leave the forest behind. The moon and stars watched me from the black sky, while I felt the trees close in around me. Many times I had walked inside these woods, and I feared no tree or beast. However, I could feel no eyes on me and that was more troubling than being watched. A cold wind suddenly washed over me; my gray cloak protected me from the worst of it. Then a great howl broke the long silence, I quickly moved to the nearest tree and pressed myself against it. I stood very still, letting my cloak hide me. Then they appeared from out of the dark, Timberwolves.

The ever present guards of the woods, night or day they moved restlessly searching for those unlucky enough or brave enough to wander into this forest. There were three of them; I could smell their foul breath as I watched them sniff the wind and ground. Thanks to the magic of my cloak, they could not see me, nor would they smell me. They moved around the area for a few more minutes before another howl, louder than the first, echoed through the trees. The three looked up and swiftly ran back the way they came. I remained where I was a little bit longer before quickly moving forward. Now I was even more determined to leave the forest. Autumn was getting closer, and the Timberwolves were more active during this time.

The end of the Everfree was still a long way away, and I was becoming more and more tired. I had no choice but to wait for sunrise. More than those cursed wolves walked the forest at night, and I was in no condition to face them. I stopped and looked around; finally I saw a large rock, I carefully walked over to it and ignited my horn. The spell was simple, but it took the last of my strength. I blinked to the top of the rock; it was tall enough to prevent anything on the ground from reaching me.

I took off my cloak and laid it out to sleep on. I then pulled off my sword belt and laid the weapon next to me, still in its brown leather sheath. I sat there for a while, looking up at the stars. Many times I had done this, and I still wondered just what waited out there beyond those stars. Would ponies ever get to see it? A question for another time. For now I needed sleep, and as I laid down to do just that, I found myself asking just what was in store for me tomorrow.