• Published 19th May 2019
  • 488 Views, 4 Comments

Being Super - Nic Nerdy

Things go a little wrong for Supermare when a green rock is discovered it can harm her.

  • ...

Being Super

In the nice little town of Ponyville, there is the Danvers Tech Shop/Repair building that is connected to the house of the owners, the Danvers. The four ponies living in the home were Jeremiah, Eliza, Alex, and Kara Danvers, better known as Supermare. It has only been a week since Supermare helped revert Nightmare Eclipso to Princess Luna with her newly made friends of other costumed ponies that have incredible powers they use to defend innocent ponies from threats.

At the moment, Kara is down the basement of the house, looking upon the very rocket that brought her from Krypton to Earth. She looks inside the seating area where she sat as she was in the rocket when it launched from her home, remembering staring out the viewport to see her parents stare at her as she left the exploding world. In a drawer close to the the stairs up, rested Kara's Supermare uniform in a nice folding.

"I wish you could be here." Kara whispered to herself and held on to a blanket.

"Kara?" Alex asked for her adoptive sister. "Mom and dad need you upstairs!"

"Coming, Alex!" Kara replied and put the blanket back into the ship.

Kara went upstairs and walked to the living room where her adoptive parents are waiting with two suitcases ready.

"So can we expect both of you to watch the store while we're gone?" Eliza asked her daughters.

"You can count on us, mom." Alex replied.

"Can you make sure that nothing will go wrong?" Jeremiah questioned.

"Nothing will go wrong." Kara answered with certainty.

"If anypony needs saving from you, you'll be careful?" Eliza asked her adoptive daughter.

"Eliza, I can come walking from a burning building and look like you what see now." Kara replied and readjusted her glasses.

Eliza walked up to Kara and gave her a hug.

"I know, Kara, I just worry about you because you're my daughter." Eliza said and held on to Kara.

"You and Jeremiah deserve the trip to Fillydelphia. I mean come on, you're going to a science expo and you guys love it." Kara said in order to convince her adoptive parents they should go.

"You girls just take care of yourselves while we're gone, okay?" Eliza ordered and asked.

"We will." Alex responded and all four got into a hug, for they are a family that love each other.

After their parents left for the train station, Kara and Alex did a quick check over the inventory of the store, which was easy for Kara and her super speed. Only five minutes after the inspection was finished, the sisters flipped the sign on the front door to open, allowing ponies to enter the store. One pony that entered the store was Vinyl Scratch, a unicorn with pink sunglasses and headphones on her head, white coat of fur, and blue hair for her mane and tail.

"Ms Scratch, back so soon after your latest concert?" Alex asked the DJ.

"You know you ponies are my go-to-place for repairs on my base cannon." Vinyl said and pushed a cannon forward that when the button on top is pressed, unleashes some sick beats.

"So what is the problem, this time?" Alex looked over the cannon.

"I'm not entirely sure. Since last night, it's been making this weird noise that isn't the beat for my jams." Vinyl recounted.

"Might be a lose circuit." Alex inspected and analyzed.

During the analysis of the base cannon, Kara caught a cry for help from a few miles away with her super hearing.

"Uh... I just remembered we don't have any snacks, and I don't want us going hungry. Alex, you think it's okay for me to leave?" Kara asked her sister.

Alex very much understood what Kara was talking about. "You go ahead, don't forget to get some apples." Alex ordered Kara.

With her sister's permission and knowledge, Kara went through the door to the house.

"Your sister is very weird, you know that?" Vinyl suggested.

"She's "unique" in her own way." Alex chuckled and blushed.

After excusing herself away, Kara went back to the basement and put on her costume to become Supermare, pulling off her glasses to distinguish her superhero appearance from her normal one. Supermare then flew outside to where the noise came from and located it at a jewelry store that was being robbed by five ponies, with large sacks meant to hold the stolen jewels. Deciding to make her entrance, Supermare flies down to the ground outside the store and saw that the five ponies were themed around playing cards.

"Hello, everypony!" Supermare announced her presence to the goons.

One white stallion, wearing a silver helmet with the symbol of the playing card "King", and a red and black cape, let go of the store owner and turned to the Pony of Steel.

"Looks like we got the wrong kind of attention, gang. What do you think we should to Supermare?" The helmet wearing stallion asked one of his fellow members.

"How about we give her the beat-down, King!" A taller and muscler white stallion in a red and black outfit in the same gimmick, but in the card "Ten".

A mare unicorn with white hair for her mane and tail, red coat, and the "Queen" symbol as a cutie mark stepped forward. "Please, Ten, maybe she needs something a bit more magnetic." She raised her right hoof and it looked like anything metallic like the doorknob on the front door surrounded her.

"Maybe she needs a stallion that's a little flexible." A black coated stallion with blond hair stretched his upper body to the ceiling like his body was made of Play-Doh, having the symbol of "Jack" as his cutie mark

"Or how about something that will get inside her head. A black colored mane and tail mare said in a soft tone, having the symbol of "Ace" as her cutie mark.

"Wait a second, are all of you themed around playing cards?" Supermare asked. "I won't even lie, that's actually kinda lame. I mean, did you just happen to meet each other and learned your names kinda go well together?"

"You're not actually wrong. We also realized that our powers would best be used to cause some mayham." King explained to Supermare. "Why don't I show you my power?" He asked before he lifted a staff with his mouth and it spewed fire at Supermare. "We are the Royal Flush Gang, just so you know."

Fortunately for Supermare didn't do anything to her, not even her costume. She then walked forward slowly.

"Ace, you need to get the jewels out of here! We'll hold her off!" King ordered Ace and she started to put the glittering objects in the bags they brought.

What Supermare didn't exactly notice of Ten was his incredible strength as he smacked her through a wall and she landed outside where a lot of ponies were watching the fight unfold.

"Weren't expecting that, dweeb?" Ten questioned the Kryptonian as he and the others stepped out of the store.

"Excuse us, but we don't like you hitting our friend." A voice said from above. "So why don't you surrender and come quietly?"

It was Wonder Mare who had spoken and the rest of the Super Six on a building's rooftop behind Supermare.

"You ponies aren't just very nice." Mary Marvel stated to the R.F.G. "You don't steal from a store and you don't ever hit another pony who is only doing good."

"Oh, like you losers? Give me a break, we know we can do whatever we want." King yelled to the ponies on the roof.

"Not if we have a thing to say about it!" Black Canary said before she leaped off the roof and used her Canary Cry against the Gang.

King was able to resist Black Canary's sonic attack by generating a small shield that lessened the barrage.

The rest of the Super Six leap down to the ground as Black Canary helped Supermare back on her hooves. Batmare and Black Canary engaged with Jack, Mary Marvel engaged with Queen, Green Lantern engaged with Ace, while Supermare and Wonder Mare were about to attack King and Ten.

"How do you want to hit him?" Black Canary asked the mare in the bat costume.

"I think we can use that one move we practiced in case something like this happened," Batmare suggested and ran at the same speed as Black Canary towards Jack.

Unfortunately, Jack's unusual elasticity caught the two off guard as they were weirded out by his power and he was able to wrap himself around the two heroes, holding them close to each other. Both Batmare and Black Canary were struggling to get themselves free. While with Mary Marvel, she was dodging Queen's magnetic swinging of a nearby lamppost that she had lifted from the ground earlier.

"Wow!" Mary Marvel exclaimed as she dodged an upper strike from the lamp. "It looks like you have a very magnetic personality, how about I find a very special somepony for you in jail!" She threw out her idea before she sent a bolt of lightning at Queen.

"I already have somepony, it's my darling king," Queen said and used her power to throw the lamp at Mary, who dodged several times until she was smacked down with the seventh attempt.

On another part of the street, Green Lantern was blasting green energy balls from her rings at what looked a ghostly barrier from Ace. When that didn't seem to work, Green Lantern flew up and decided to crash into Ace. But as she got closer, Jessica felt an overwhelming amount of uncertainty in the presence of Ace and floated in the air like a cloud.

While with Wonder Mare and Supermare, they were in great combat with Wonder Mare fighting King as they were both leaders of their respective groups, and Supermare is throwing punches like Ten is doing so.

"Where did you receive your abilities?" Wonder Mare asked as her sword was blocked by King's staff during a strike.

"Maybe if you decide to stop follow us and give up being a goody-two-shoes, I'll let you know." King sent an energy blast from his scepter at Wonder Mare, which sent her back from him, but she was able to resist the strike so she wouldn't be seriously harmed.

"You will be unhappy to learn I refuse." Wonder Mare said as she resumed to striking at King's scepter, dodging attacks at the same time.

While still using her powers of mind manipulation on Green Lantern, Ace went back to collect the jewelry her and the others put in the bags they brought. But during the fight, Supermare punched Ten into the store, cutting one of the bags and some glittering jewels fall out of it.

"You skirted punk, you knocked some of our loot loose!" Ten yelled at Supermare as she followed him inside.

"None of those jewels are going anywhere, but you'll go to jail right after I..." Supermare was about to make some declaration of heroism before she was interrupted by a sick feeling in her stomach. "What is this?"

Ace stepped in front of Ten and looked at Supermare. "Oh, you feel a little stomach ache, blondie?"

"I... I'm fine, it will pass." Supermare started to race toward the card-themed gangsters, but that sick feeling kept coming to her as she got closer to them, like she could fall over and moan in pain.

"You know something, Ace? I think this pony isn't feeling so good." Ten laughed at the Pony of Steel's expanse.

King and the others went into the store to meet Ace and Ten in the store as all of them were being followed by the heroes outside. While Queen and Jack were lifting the bags with Ten, King gave orders to Ace.

"We're gonna need a way out of here, Ace," King ordered his fellow thug.

"Not a problem!" Ace screamed before she charged enough magical energy that surrounded the whole gang that the members of the Super Six were unable to do anything but stare away as the dome of energy made the gang vanish from sight.

"Oh great, one of them knows teleportation." Black Canary said as she stepped inside the store.

"Supermare!" Batmare exclaimed as she spotted Supermare was moaning in pain on the floor. Naturally, she went over to her friend and lifted her up from the floor.

"What did they do to you that could hurt you? You're nearly invincible." Green Lantern asked as she used her ring to form a duster that cleaned the dust and tiny bits of rubble off Supermare's uniform.

"I don't know what happened, I started feeling like I could hurl after I punched the big here into here." Supermare looked around the room as she spoke and something caught her attention, a small earring with a green rock attached to it. Looking at it causes her to back away.

"Supermare, what is it?" Wonder Mare asked as she was rather confused.

Batmare got a look at what Supermare was looking at, walking to the earring and picking it up, she brought it to the others. As soon as the earring was close enough to her, Supermare started to feel more pain in her body.

"Batmare, put that thing away from her." Wonder Mare ordered the detective and she obliged by putting the earring in one of the pouches on her belt.

"A tiny earring makes her sick? What, is she afraid of them?" Mary Marvel wondered.

"Maybe it's the jewel." Batmare theorized on the matter.

"It actually is the jewel, but it's not just a jewel." Supermare looked better after the earring was put away. "Let's go back to my place, there is something I need to show you."

A short few minutes for the flyers of the group, Batmare having to be held by Green Lantern in a green bubble, the Super Six arrived at the Danvers home as Supermare had guided those that have never been. When they got there, Supermare used her key to enter through the front door and into the living room of the house. Everypony looking around the room.

"So this is where the Pony of Steel hangs her cape on her off-time." Black Canary pointed out what was so clear.

"She must not hang it in this room, ponies will see it and figure out her secret identity." Wonder Mare misunderstood what she said.

"That's not what I..... oh, nevermind." Black Canary groaned in slight annoyance.

"Kara, is that you? I just closed the store for now and I was hoping you could take over for me." Alex said before she stepped into the living room to see all the superheroes in front of her.

"Nice to see you again, Ms. Danvers." Wonder Mare broke the silence.

"Nice to see you too, your highness," Alex said before she pulled Supermare towards her. "Kara, are you insane?"

"Alex, I think I should show them the basement since I do trust them to not say anything." Supermare pushed herself away from her sister.

"We have a mineral in this pouch that can harm Kara and she said we should come here," Batmare said after she pulled off the pouch containing the earring.

Alex went through some thinking on this decision, she looked towards Supermare and her friends.

"Follow me," Alex said before she waved for everypony to follow her down into the basement.

When everypony got to the basement, the ponies that weren't Supermare and Alex stared in awe of the rocket that was unveiled.

"Do you mind if I can scan the rocket?" Green Lantern asked and held up her ringed hoof.

"Can your ring do that?" Supermare questioned her emerald friend.

"It's connected to a digital library that my bosses that also created the rings built. They know just about everything in the universe, according to them anyway." Green Lantern explained before she spoke to her ring. "Ring, scan and identify."

The ring did as she commanded and shined a green wave on the rocket, moving up and down for a complete scan until the wave pulled back into the ring.

"Scans identify the vessel as Kryptonian in origin." A voice came from the ring.

"So that's the type of alien you are, a Kryptonian. I'm shocked you haven't told us yet." Green Lantern pointed out.

"We've all been busy with stuff," Supermare responded as she dug through the ship, looking for something until she pulled out a cylinder shaped item from inside of the rocket. "You might wanna stand back." The others obeyed and Supermare slid her hoof over the device for it to project a hologram of two older ponies in odd clothing.

"Meet my parents, my real parents." Supermare gave introductions to the older ponies she resembled in some areas. Supermare's mother, in particular, had the eye color as her.

"I can see how they are your folks." Mary Marvel said to her friend. "You look close enough to your dad."

"Thanks, Mary," Supermare replied.

"I know it's another planet with its own fashion sense, your clothes were kinda odd." Black Canary spoke out.

"I'll have you know that I had a cute dress when I was a filly. A really nice crystalline silk, I might add." Supermare retorted to her friend.

"While it's nice to talk about clothes, why did you invite us here?" Batmare inquired.

"Oh right, that rock is dubbed "Kryptonite" because it's actually the radioactive remains of my planet that came along with me. Me, Alex, and our parents didn't discover its effects until three weeks after my arrival, I started feeling a lot weaker when I got close to a chunk." Supermare gave the backstory. "It was like the fragments were changed by the radiation that came from Krypton's explosion."

"Anypony who was digging for gemstones must've found the Kryptonite during digging sessions. That also means that there are hundreds of it that could be anywhere on the planet." Batmare added in.

"It doesn't just make her weak. When we first discovered a fragment nearby, it looked like Kara could die from long term exposure." Alex further expanded upon. "Meaning that whoever finds Kryptonite has the means to kill you, Kara."

"But like Batmare said, any number of pieces could be hard to find." Green Lantern repeated to the others.

"But we'll need to worry about that another day. Right now, we need to find and apprehend the Royal Flush Gang." Wonder Mare reminded everypony.

"There is just the problem that we have any idea where they hide. I'm open to any suggestions if anypony has some idea." Mary Marvel pondered the conundrum.

"There aren't that many warehouses in Ponyville." Black Canary thought over. "So they don't have many options to choose from, right?"

Green Lantern stepped forward. "I think I have an idea. When that Ace pony got into my head, I saw other images pouring through my head like memories, except that they weren't mine. My best guess is that they came from her own memories. One of them featured a small house I saw on the way to the jewel store."

"Then let's go to that house!" Mary Marvel started to fly up.

"But we must keep in mind there might be more Kryptonite the Gang stole." Wonder Mare brought up.

On the other side of town, there is a house where the Royal Flush Gang are gathered together as they inspected the stolen gems and jewelry. King having the most gems in his view as he admired them. While Queen is using her powers to lift a metal tray to have several gems on top of it.

"Gotta say this, my king. This heist was certainly the best one we pulled off." Queen said as she looked at the gems in the tray.

"Well, my queen, it was all thanks to you and my cunning plan," King said in a romantic manner towards Queen before coming over and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Jack made gagging noises. "Get a room, you love birds."

"No one cares what you think, Jack." Queen paused her inspection on the gems.

"Ten, I still can't believe you were able to hit Supermare into the floor," King spoke to Ten, who was lifting some anvils.

"About that, I don't think it was just my strength that beat her. She looked like she had some bad cake in her stomach and it came back to haunt her, like that one time Jack ate that those bad berries." Ten recalled the embarrassing moments.

"You could've told me about those berries, you know," Jack said as he felt betrayed.

"I know, it was just too funny." Ten chuckled.

"There might've been something I noticed about Supermare." Ace spoke out. "When a bit couple diamonds fell out of the bag, a green one got close to her and she started to look sick as she got closer."

"Ace," King said as he got up closer to his goon. "You're saying some green rock can hurt her?"

"Yes," Ace replied.

After Ace had said that, King went to dig through the gems they have collected, he found several green gems among them.

"With these rocks in our hooves, we won't have to worry about Supermare screwing up our plans for much longer," King said before cackling evilly to everyone in the building.

"It isn't that a hard of a plan to come up with, right?" Jack asked.

"Shut up, Jack," Queen ordered the stretchable stallion and he looked depressed as a result.

Just then, a loud crashing noise was heard from the muffling, thin walls that made the entire Gang jump in surprise. The Gang went to look outside for what caused the tremor to find the Super Six outside their hideout, ready to fight them.

"Uh oh!" Ten exclaimed to the others.

"How did they find us?" King asked for an answer.

Ace got everyone's attention by waving a hoof. "You know how sometimes when I use my mind powers, I sometimes leave a few of my own memories in the pony's brain? When I used my powers on Green Lantern, our hideout must've been implanted in her brain." Ace quickly explained and blushed with a smile.

"If we survive this, Ace, we gotta have a talk." King groaned before he and the others went outside.

The Super Six waited outside for the Royal Flush Gang to exit the house and were rewarded for their brief penitence with the entire group of criminals walking outside, ready to fight for victory. Both leaders walked towards each other, while everypony else stood back.

"Before you explain how you found us, we already knew about Ace accidentally giving it away," King explained after he had shushed Wonder Mare.

"Wow, he beat her to it," Mary whispered to Supermare.

"I think the bigger concern is that they have now know the Kryptonite," Supermare whispered back as she pointed back at the chained Kryptonite necklaces around each of the members' necks. Doing this caused Supermare to look a little sick as she put a hoove to her mouth.

"If you wanna leave, we got this," Batmare whispered to her friend.

"As much as I would love to not throw up in front of the bad guys, I won't leave you behind," Supermare said with a smile and stared at Wonder Mare having a conversation with King.

"Neither would we." Black Canary said to Supermare, but regained focus when Wonder Mare came back to the group.

"We should be ready for attack." Wonder Mare told the others as King went back to his team.

An attack they had to be ready for as the Royal Flush Gang charged forward with their powers activated at the Super Six as everypony chose their opponents, some going against the ones they fought earlier, while others fought different opponents. First was Mary Marvel as she went up towards Ace, who went about reading her mind to find a weakness.

"Get out of my head!" Mary screamed as she put her hooves to her as she believed that would help her.

But Ace looked dumbfounded. "Your brain looks like that of a child's."

"I'm not a child!" Mary yelled before she blasted Ace with a bolt of lightning that didn't seriously harm her, but it did hurt a little.

"Ow!" Ace squeaked before she fell down to the ground.

"That will teach you for getting into my head," Mary said right before she flew to Black Canary and Batmare as they fought Jack once again.

"Think you can help us with him?" Black Canary asked for assistance. "He just won't stop stretching."

Getting an idea, Batmare got an idea and gave the other two indications on what to do with some hoof motions.

"Hey, Stretch-Hoof-Strong, think you can get me?" Mary yelled at Jack.

"I'll do just that, little lady." Jack stretched his body to try and catch her. But was suddenly hit at the back of the head by a rock thrown from Black Canary.

"What about me?" Black Canary asked for she started to run away and Jack continued to follow her across several buildings for a mile ahead until he couldn't stretch any further.

"Is this some kinda trick?" Jack asked as he tried to hold on to two chimneys.

"Yes." Black Canary answered before she used her Canary Cry to force Jack to let go and his body pulled him all the way back to the house, where Batmare waited for him and she turned around to give him a back-hoof kick to his head.

"I can't believe you did that to me." Jack's voice was muffled by his ever extended tongue, which made his voice sound like nonsense.

"To be fair, you did a similar thing from earlier," Batmare said before she kicked Jack again.

"Was that necessary, Batmare?" Black Canary asked her caped friend.

"Yes, it was," Batmare answered.

On another section of the battle, Green Lantern was dealing with Queen as she had to deal with a bunch of metal objects being thrown at her like a trashcan, a railing, and a lamppost, all of them being avoided by Green Lantern and her ring. She used the said ring to create constructs in order to defend herself from the attack.

"That is a nice piece of jewelry you have there, mind if I try it on?" Queen joked about before she tossed another trashcan at her.

Green Lantern used her ring to create a net to catch the trashcan, then restructuring it into a catapult to launch it back at Queen, which hit her in the chest. This wasn't good as it angered Queen to the point of throwing just about anything she could find towards Green Lantern and getting further annoyed when the emerald pony kept dodging and deflected everything thrown at her. Thus, Queen was lost to her blind rage that she didn't notice the giant green hoove she sent ramming into Queen and the hit sent her into the Gang's hideout.

"Not right now, you can't." Green Lantern blew the smoke coming from her ring after that retort.

On another side of the battle, Wonder Mare is tying Ten with her Lasso of Truth in order to restrain him, hoping it can stop him.

"How did you receive your powers?" Wonder Mare tightened the lasso and it glowed brighter around Ten.

"We got them because we were born that way, Wonder Bozo." Ten had no choice, but to tell the truth because of the Lasso's magical effects.

Deciding the answer was good enough, Wonder Mare turned her head to see King using his scepter to blast energy beams. But what interested Wonder Mare further was Supermare lying on the ground in response to the pain brought upon her by the tiny piece of Kryptonite around King's neck. Speeding towards King, Wonder Mare tore the radioactive from his neck and tossed it far away, Which was a benefit for Supermare.

"Alright, you made me mad, King," Supermare said before she got up and assisted Wonder Mare as her strength started to return.

Both the Mare of Steel and the Amazon princess resisted every blast of energy that came their way from King's staff, the owner of it looking a little more scared as the heroes got even closer, mostly because of Wonder Mare's use of her bracelets to deflect the blasts. Supermare eventually got close enough to punch King's staff at the top where the blasts came from, which sent all three away from each other as an explosion occurred. Everypony in the Mane Six went to destroying all the Kryptonite they could find on the streets and inside the house, ensuring Supermare will feel no pain any longer. After they did the clean-up, they helped Supermare and Wonder Mare back up.

"Is... all the Kryptonite destroyed?" Supermare asked after she got back on her hooves.

"We got rid of everything we could find and placed them in lead containers. We couldn't risk shattering the rocks into dust, then spreading in the air." Batmare explained and showed a box containing a piece.

"That way, you don't feel sick while breathing in the air." Mary further explained.

"I'm glad I can count on you girls to back me up on these sorts of problems I have," Supermare said before she got everypony in a massive group.

"We love you too." Wonder Mare said as the hug didn't harm her.

"But can you not crush us?" Batmare indicated herself, Green Lantern, and Black Canary.

"Sorry. Sorry." Supermare let go and blushed. "But how will Eliza and Jeremiah react to the fact to the fact I nearly died twice today?"

"I bet they will be calm and accepting of it." Black Canary said.

At the Danvers home, however, they didn't react rationaly when Kara's adoptive parents returned home.

"You didn't think about the fact these criminals had come into possession of Kryptonite, knowing that it could kill you?" Jeremiah said with frustration.

"We could have lost you, Kara," Eliza said only slightly calmer than her husband.

"On the plus side, we got rid of any we could find in Ponyville." Kara pointed out.

Her adoptive parents and sister looked at as she was utterly serious in what she had said as an attempt to get out of this situation. Thus, Kara blushed for another effort and out of embarrassment.

Author's Note:

I can't believe how long this took me to make, guys. Like "wow", this took long and I'm so sorry about that. Anyway, I hoped you guys enjoyed this story and are looking forward to more adventures with the Super Six.

Comments ( 4 )

Please tell me this is part of a series?

Yes, it is. It's set in an alternate universe where the Mane Six we know and love doesn't exist. But we instead have pony versions of DC superheroines.

Excellent job on the action, humor and wrap-up in this one-shot. Loved the other heroes' reactions to the existence of Kryptonite as well as both the fights with the Royal Flush Gang.

This is for MUCH later, but I am going to guess that Discord will eventually be in the role of Mxyzptlk (after all, why use an OC when there is already a canon character well suited for the role?) And Grogar is going to be either Vandal Savage with Evil Sorceror elements or he's going to Darkseid.

And, speaking of Grogar, I have a feeling that here, he might try the Legion of Doom thing MUCH sooner than in canon, and with more members too.

Of course, I will freely admit that these ARE just guesses and any or all of them might be wrong.

At any rate, I will definitely be looking forward to more of your work.

I'm glad I can count on you for support. I definitely have plans for Darkseid, Mxy, and Vandel Savage.

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