• Published 30th Mar 2019
  • 457 Views, 0 Comments

Out Of The Woods - Melody_Dreams

Fluttershy and her sister Rainbow Dash venture away from thier home in the Everfree Forest after an attempt on their life is made by a misterious pony in disguise

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Chapter 4: Soup with A Dragon, Zebra and Rainbow Pony

I felt odd waking up the next morning. I usually woke up early but after yesterday I would have thought that I would sleep late. Instead I recognized the faint glow from the horizon that told me that the sun hadn't even risen yet.

Looking at Rainbow in front of me, I saw she was sweating and pale. Just laying next to her, I felt the heat from her fever. I pursed my lips in worry.

Looking at her right now I knew the poison had spread and was affecting her really badly. No doubt she would be unconscious or at most semi-conscious the whole day.

Wanting to stretch and check on Rainbow I tried to get up when a voice eccoed across the cave. It sounded almost like a colt but what he said made me stop all together.

"Try anything and you're dead."

Slowly turning around I had a small heart attack. I had been afraid of many things in my lifetime, lightning, the dark, marmalade. But out of all my fears the one that was by far the worst was dragons.

There in front of me stood a small chubby dragon. From the scary stories I heard as a foal, I assumed the one in front of me was
just baby. This calmed me down by a lot.

Looking closer I saw he wasn't really too scary. Now if you had given me this image 2 days ago I would have hidden like a small filly but with what has happened in the last 24 hours I don't think much can faze me at this point. I guess there's the fact that I was also really tired, so I don't think my brain was functioning properly.

He was quite small, maybe a little shorter than I was. He stood on two legs and had a short stubby tail. He had a round tummy and big green eyes. I don't know if I was just being crazy but the more I looked at him, the less afraid I became.

That is till I saw what was in his claw, then I started freaking out. There in his claws was a large dagger with the same green glow as the one that the master had used the day before. In the other he had a net and was standing close enough to end my life within a second.

He shakily spoke, " N-now, I'm going to t-try and make this as q-quick a-as p-possible."

His whole being began to shake and I saw that he was coming closer. I saw he didn't want to do this, I saw a child that didn't need the weight of being a murderer.

So before he struck I spoke up," What's your name? " I knew it wasn't the best thing to ask in this situation but I was panicking and frankly didn't know what to say.

It seemed to do the trick though since he slowly lowered his weapon, " I-I'm S-spike." he said anxiously.

I knew that the only way out of this mess that didn't include hurting a child was to slowly calm him down. "So Spike, may I ask why you're here trying to kill us?"

Like I said before, having an impatient master and brash sister tend to give your voice a calm demeanor in these situations. So as calm and peaceful as I could I tried to get the situation under control.

He seemed surprised by my tone and started to sniff, " I-I h-have to or m-master will punish m-me." I became so sympathetic by this drake. He was only a few years old, maybe 9 or 10 and that-that monster was making him kill.

A natural instinct made me get up to get closer. That might have been a mistake because the small dragon immediately stepped back and pulled up his knife.

"S-stop! Don't come any closer! I-I'll kill you!" he shouted shaking even more. By now he had tears streaming down his face and he seemed less threatening and more alone and scared with every step closer I took.

I spoke again, closing in on him, " You don't have to listen to him Spike. You don't have to kill us. You can come with us, finally be free! It's okay to be afraid but we can handle this together." at this point he was shaking and sobbing. Soon he dropped the knife and I hugged him tightly.

He was so small and helpless towards that monster. I bet that the master also had him since he was a baby like Rainbow and I. The only difference is that he was probably alone while we had each other.

I slowly rocked the dragon back and forth while he hugged me tightly. "Shhhhh, it's alright, it's over." soon he had calmed down and we just sat there. Rubbing his red eyes he got up and without a word picked up the knife and put it in the bag he carried.

Taking this as a sign of peace I gave him a small smile. He gave a small nod before heading over to Rainbow who I had completely forgotten about. He spoke softly, "She doesn't look too good."

My rainbow maned sibling was sweating and even if some of the other injuries seemed a little better, the poison around her leg had mad it more than halfway across her flank. She needed help within the next few hours or she would be gone.

Without a word I picked her up and headed towards the mouth of the cave. The little dragon quickly tagged along beside me and we slowly made our way downwards on the path.

We hadn't said anything for an hour when I heard a whisper from the small creature beside me. "Excuse me? If you wouldn't mind, I didn't quite catch that."

Looking down I just barely heard, "Thank you."

Smiling brightly I gave him a small pat on the head as if to say 'you're welcome'

The rest of our walk we kept quite. After a while we had made it off the cliff and continued into the dark undergrowth. My stomach was killing me. I hadn't eaten since the day before yesterday and had been running, swimming and flying all day. Soon I became quite curious as to my new partner Spike. Soon I verbally voiced my thoughts.

"Hey Spike? I was wondering if you-" I was suddenly cut off in the middle of my sentence.

Now, you may think that one small group of creatures wouldn't get into as much trouble as we do. However we still manage to do that, even after everything that has already happened. I don't know if this is bad luck or a curse but the giant wood puppy was back once again to make our lives difficult once more.

"What in Equestria is that?!" shouted Spike having never seen Rainbow and my old encounter.

"That my little dragon is something we should get away from." I said calmly. Now, it may seem like I am an amazingly calm pony, and from the outside I look like it. But truth be told I am freaking out in so many ways right now that I don't even want to know where my thoughts got their ideas.

Before we could do anything the large wolf lunged for Spike. An instinct, that I may have finally acquired after much trial and error, kicked in. And I jumped, pushing me and him to the side.

The wolf missed but soon turned around snarling. It circled around us, watching our every move. It's green eyes held that wild look and it's sharp claws dug in the dirt.

Spike with utter terror in his system just stayed behind me as I moved anxiously with the beast. One wrong move and we were done for. Before it got any closer it sat down and howled out to the sky.

I knew what this meant, he called some of his friends. Panicking I ran in any direction, dragging poor Spike with me and Rainbow Dash was having a bumpy ride.

Before we could get far one of the new wolves showed up. This one was made of darker wood and had a scar on it's left eye. It moved fast and before I could move out of the way it managed to claw at my side that I left unguarded and stabbed my abdomen. Recoiling I screamed from the pain.

"Fluttershy!" Spike shouted in worry but most of what I saw was slightly fuzzy. Soon the rest of the pack showed up and three of the wooden creatures circled us. Looking for something, anything! I was desperate and was doing everything in my power not to scream from the pain by my abdomen.

Finally a strange feeling took over my body. A strange awareness of my surroundings. It was a feeling that I had not felt many times before but I knew what was happening. I had done this before and now it was happening again.

The pain in my stomach melted away and became numb and I stood up silently. I pushed Spike to the side so that he couldn't see what I was about to do. He was confused and baffled that I could even stand.

Finally I looked strait into the eyes that had been hunting us and all went quite. The wolves looked surprised, even confused but soon I heard whimpering coming from these once intimidating foes. However I took notice that the corners of my vision were becoming darker by the second.

I then spoke in a voice that had so much authority that it felt like a completely different pony was talking.

"Leave. Now."

The wolves whimpered again before running as fast as they could back to the forest with their tails in between their legs. Finally it all came floating back and I fell down, my sight going black and only hearing Spike call to me in panic.

I slowly fell unconscious as the world around me melted away to the dark abise.

~Time Skip (because I'm lazy and don't know how to map out a chapter) ~


Yeah that's an understatement. If you got stabbed and got a headache from blood loss then you would feel the same. I woke up a couple of seconds ago but I really don't feel like opening my eyes.

Well at first I didn't, but then I realize that there is something that is snuggled up next to me and I have no idea where I am. Opening my eyes, I was happy to find little Spike snuggled up to me in a little ball. Looking around I had no idea where I was.

I was in a small home that had many viles of liquid on shelves with books I've never read. Strange wooden masks decorated the walls along with other foreign nick-nacks. Right at the center stood a big black cauldron with something bubbling inside.

Looking to the side I was relieved to see Rainbow on the other side of the bed snoring away. Most ponies would have freaked out that they were in a strangers house with no explanation but I have a headache so I don't really care.

While I lay there I had a happy thought. We made it. We're alive.

Soon being broken out of my train of thought, I heard the sound of the front door being opened and shut. Soon the sound of a mare came from that direction.

"Ah I see that you are awake, the same cannot be said for your drake." Said the mysterious pony. However when I looked up it wasn't a pony at all. There stood an equin yes, but she had black stripes covering her from mane to tail. She had a wise aura about her and headed to the cauldron. I was more than surprised to find a zebra out here in Equestria.

I suddenly felt my insecurities that I thought I had lost back at the mansion suddenly come back. Who is this? Am I being a bother? Why am I here? How am I alive?

Soon shaking my head from this I asked her meekly, "Um.. If you wouldn't mind, could you please explain to me why I'm here and who you are?" She raised her eyebrow.

"I should ask be asking all of you those questions. Finding you three in the Evergreen woods must have reasons. Finding both mares who's health was poor, a little longer and you would be knocking on death's door. But my name I can answer easily. Zecora I am, who may you be?" she said quizzically.

I found it strange that every word rhymed and that she said it so easily but I understood what she meant.

" Oh I'm Fluttershy. And we were in the woods because... Well it's quite a long story. I wouldn't want to bother. " I scratched the back of my head. I mentally slapped myself for acting so meek and quiet but I guess that meeting new creatures brings the old habit back.

Suddenly remembering, I said," Thank you for saving us. I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't."

Zecora slightly chuckled and turned to the cauldron, adding something from her saddlebag. After stirring it she scooped some of the chunky liquid into a bowl and headed my way.

She gestured for me to drink it but I couldn't help but being suspicious. Looking at my expression she must have seen my hesitant face.

Giving me a warm smile she jokingly spoke, " There is no need for hesitation, The soup before you has no poison."

Taking the bowl I took a small sip and lost all manners that I have ever been taught. I would have been more graceful if I hadn't been as hungry as I was. It was the most divine thing I have ever tasted. You try going 2 days without food while being hunted by an evil creature that lives in a mansion.

I quickly gobbled up the soup and shyly asked for more while blushing. The zebra smiled and gladly went to get more. While she was gone I felt a small shift next to me.

Spike uncurled yawned, showing off his small fangs. He rubbed his eyes and when he opened his eyes you could tell his mind was still clouded by sleep. He looked at me and my smile for about 10 seconds till he realized what was going on.

When he saw I was awake he jumped and hugged me, "Your alright!" he shouted in glee. I was happy to see that the small dragon had made it unscathed.

He looked up at me with watery eyes," When you wouldn't wake up I was scared that you- that you-" I cut him off with my butter colored hoof. I didn't even want to think about that.

"Hey it's okay, What matters is that it didn't happen." he just nodded and hugged me. I found it strange that it was so normal to me.

With meeting new ponies or creatures I usually tense up and it takes me a while to get used to them, from what I could tell with Zecora. So why did it feel like I had known the small drake for years. It almost felt like a little brother to me. I mean, I barely knew anything about him.

I looked a little closer at him and also saw a trait that he and I had in common. On his scaley skin where numerous scars that stretched across his body.

I needed answers

"Hey Spike? If it's alright, I'd like to ask you about a couple of things."

He looked up slightly anxious and nervously nodded. I smiled and asked," From how you knew my name without me telling you, I presume that when you say 'master' it is the same stallion that kept us in the mansion?" It only made sense.

He nodded," Yeah you're right. When I was still an egg I was taken by him and hatched to do his work. I wasn't allowed out of the small room kept hidden from the rest of the house but every now and then I was able to sneak around the mansion through the secret passage ways. Every time I saw you and your sister laugh and joke around it made me happy. Not that I was stalking you! " he said quickly to clarify.

Now everything made sense. A couple of years after living in the mansion we would sometimes have the peculiar feeling of being watched. It wasn't a bad feeling but had forever been a mystery till this day. Not to mention that I now know why I felt like I knew Spike, because I technically did.

"So it was you? Wow we thought it was a friendly ghost. Oh right off topic.. Ahem So how did you find us all the way out in the woods?" Before he could answer, we heard a throat being cleared by the doorway. Zecora stood there holding a tray with two bowls of soup.

Realizing that I had completely forgotten about the zebra in the house I quickly introduced Spike,"Oh sorry, Spike this is Zecora. She saved us out in the woods after the attack."

" I see your friend is awake. How are you feeling little drake? " The striped mare spoke.

"Oh I'm alright. Thanks for saving us back in the woods." Zecora smiled and was about to say something when we heard a groan from the other side of the bed.

With her rainbow mane in a mess and coat matted in different direction Rainbow finally woke up. "Ugh It feels like I rammed headfirst into the tool shed three times."

Without any recognition of doing so, I jumped to my sister and hugged her with all my might. Soon she pleaded me for air and I let go.

"So what happened?"

That's when it struck me that during most of my adventures these past few days Rainbow had been unconscious almost the entire time. I was about to speak when she shouted out.

"Is that a dragon?!"

After some explaining she understood however she wasn't too amused to know that I had trusted a dragon who had been trying too kill us not long ago.

"Wait he tried to kill us?!" she shouted out in anger.

Spike raised his hands in defense,"To be fair I was being threatened by a torture enthusiast."

Rainbow still wouldn't take it as a live and let live situation. And kept pestering on and on till I told them to keep quite. I'm pretty sure that if Rainbow had super powers, hers would be a death stare. That poor little dragon was so young.

After asking Zecora what happened after I passed out, it turned out we were very lucky that she was a native to these parts and knew the right treatments or else Rainbow and I would be dead.

As it turns out the large dog-like creature was called a Timberwolf.

"I am quite surprised. How is it that you survived." she asked. By now we had gotten used to the rhyming and just saw it as normal conversation.

Spike spoke up too,"That's actually a pretty good question. What in the sun and moon's name did you do back there?! One look and the Timberwolves went running for the hills."

At this Rainbow perked up and had a grin, "Wait, did you use what I think you used?" she asked.

I sighed,"Yes. I used the Stare."

She jumped, "That's awesome! I' ve only seen it once before. Dang it! Stupid poison mad me miss the stare."

Both Spike and Zecora looked at us confused and I explained,"The Stare it a strange ability that I have no control over. It's technically telepathy but in a much scarier way. When I use it, anything that I stare at directly will follow the command in fear. I've only used it a couple of times before and I don't really know how to activate it. The one downside is that it drains my strength tremendously and I usually black out after I've used it. "

Spike seemed to have stars in his eyes as he looked up," That is so cool! "

I merely smiled at his childish enthusiasm and saw Rainbow Dash have the same expression. Some things never change.

After they calmed down I looked to Zecora," Is there by any chance a town or any forms of civilization close to here? " she nodded slowly.

"Yes, there is a town not too far from here. However the journey is not very clear. Through Evergreen you must venture, danger lurks within the green enclosure."

Great another thing to worry about. But then she continued, "However I would like to keep you company, Be your guide through all the trees and shrubbery."

I was amazed she would do that for us?, "Are you sure? You've already helped us so much." she nodded and looked out the window.

"My, look at the light already shed. I think it best if you all get to bed." I looked outside to see that our talking had gone on for hours and the sun had been replaced by the moon that sat high in the sky.

Nodding we all got in bed. Rainbow shouted, "Goodnight!" and was out a couple of minutes later. The same was said for Spike who fell asleep next to me in a small ball.

I looked at everyone's peaceful expressions and finally relaxed, drifting into the realm of dreams.

A lot had happened in the last few days and it had taken a lot to get this point but from here on out we have atleast some form of direction to follow with Zecora leading us.

Tomorrow we would head out and hopefully make it to the town and see other ponies. Right as I was about to fall asleep an image of a strange event came to view before I was taken away by my exhausted mind after a long day of explaining.

I finally felt safe

Author's Note:

I finished! FINALLY!!! I had a major block in my system for some reason but finally I got it done. I'm not too happy with the chapter layout but I finally finished so at least there's that. I hope you enjoy😋

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