• Published 30th Mar 2019
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Out Of The Woods - Melody_Dreams

Fluttershy and her sister Rainbow Dash venture away from thier home in the Everfree Forest after an attempt on their life is made by a misterious pony in disguise

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Chapter 3: An Oversized Wooden Puppy

Rainbow and I slowly started walking in the same direction I had before. Nothing was said as we slowly made our way through the undergrowth.

Rolling my shoulders a bit, I winced at the reaction from my wings. After all the adrenaline had worn off, my wings finally remembered that they had been used and started acting up. I looked over at Rainbow who limped as we walked.

I suddenly remembered something, " Hey Dash? Thank you for doing that back there."

She looked at me with a surprised expression on her face, she arched her eyebrow in confusion, " For what?"

Rolling my eyes I spoke to my younger sister, " For saving me when he came with the knife."

She snorted and laughed a little," Hey if anything I should be thanking you, if it weren't for you both of us would be dead." I just smiled and carried on walking.

I could feel myself changing the further we got and the more time spent away from the mansion we traveled. I felt myself open up and slowly get to who I used to be. It's like everything that happened, the way I got broken down and hurt, is slowly being mended and healed.

I think Rainbow Dash noticed, because even though she was hurt, she was smiling. As we went along an idea came to mind.

"Hey Dashie, could we stop for a bit? I want to see something." shrugging she sat down and looked at me as if to say 'go on'.

I smiled and looked around the spot we had stopped, it took me a minute but I found what I was looking for. There, on a tree branch, was a small nest with a Blue Jay and her eggs.

Grimacing I opened my wings and shakily made my way up to the small creature.

"Hello, Excuse me for the trouble, but you wouldn't happen to know where we can clean my sister's wounds do you?" I asked softly.

The bird chirped as if to say 'of course, it's no problem at all dear', and flew down with me, then leading the way. Rainbow grinned at me and we quickly started moving, not wanting to be left behind.

The small bird wove in between the branches while in flight, more graceful than I'd ever be right now in my condition. It chirped in a polite chatter that I understood as ' So, may I ask what two young mares like you are doing out here in the middle of the woods?'

Clearing my throat I replied, " Well, it's a rather long story, not to mention confusing."

The Blue Jay, who I've come to learn is named Mrs Twintwig, chirped back telling me it was alright. Rainbow just looked at me with both a confused and amusing smile at my one sided conversation.

Soon after about fifteen minutes, the dense forest opened up to reveal a gentle stream with crystal clear waters. Thanking Mrs Twintwig, I ushered Rainbow slowly into the water to clean up.

Once she had gotten in I looked around and my eyes darted to what I was sure was a Daze fern. Remembering that they're used for cleaning wounds, I grabbed a few leaves and went back to the stream.

I quickly warned her, " Okay, this might sting a little." Understanding she simple nodded her head and closed her eyes. As gently as I could I pressed the soaked leaf to a large gash on her head. Slightly recoilling I heard her hiss through her teath.

I absolutely hated this but with the infection on her leg, she can't afford anymore infections in her other injuries. Slowly I started humming a song that was all to familiar to both of us.

I had sung the song to her when we had been very small. After we were subdued and began working as maids, I had stopped singing it altogether.

I'm not exactly sure where or how I learnt the small lullaby but it had been stuck in my head from as long as I can remember. I like to think that it was from our parents and that they sung us to sleep but I wasn't really sure. I had calmed Rainbow Dash with the melody more times than I can count in our youth.

And just like many years before she became less tense and relaxed as I cleaned. I slowly began singing the song while cleaning.

Dear light in the dark, shine far
Sing to you a lullaby
Sun and moon, both love the stars
But sleep you must tonight.

So hush my dear, lay down
So hush my dear, don't make a sound
Sleep my darling, don't you see?
The dreams that await you sit patiently

I kept humming the tune of the song not seeing something had heard me. And just like that the whole atmosphere changed in an instant. Instead of feeling safe and relaxed, our emotions soon became panic and fright.

Behind us was a deep and threatening growl. Both me and Rainbow were as still as statues. Slowly I turned behind me to see two glowing green eyes and splinters for teeth.

Not knowing what to do I quietly asked Rainbow," Um... Dash? What do you do when there's a giant wolf made of wood with neon glowing eyes trying to eat you for a late brunch?"

In a high strained voice I heard her say, " Can't say that I know Shy."

Everything went quite, the beast was mere inches from us standing on the edge of the bank. I thought it was odd but not much could process when a split second later a terrifying bark and howl came from the creature.

Not to long after Rainbow yelled," Swim!"

Now that would have been a great thing to do if,
a) I could swim and
b) If I could move

Seeing my petrified stance Rainbow scoffed while dodging an incoming attack from the claws of the beast, "Oh for the love of- just go Shy! We don't have time for this!"

Snapping back to reality I moved, missing the animal's jaws by less than an inch. Seeing that swimming was the only option, Rainbow and I dived and swam down stream. It was hard to do and I saw that Rainbow was struggling with her injuries and wouldn't last much longer.

The current was also getting stronger and deeper. Like I said, swimming wasn't something I could do and even if I looked like a dying seal, I was amazed that I stayed afloat. Looking back I saw that we lost the wolf, seeing Dash's strength finally give way, I grabbed her and luckily enough found a stray log pulling us up I held her tightly.

I between breaths I heard her say," That... Was.. Close"

I didn't know what to say to that, instead I made sure that she didn't get worse by the afternoon swim. Looking at her leg I saw that the veins that had been small and nearly invisible were wider spread than before. The poison was moving quickly, if we didn't get her treatment she'd be dead in the next 24 hours tops.

While I was examining her she was turned away. Soon she spoke up, "Hey, Shy? Can I ask you a question?"

Slightly hesitant I nodded my head, wondering what would be asked.

" Well, I never asked before cause I didn't know if it was your decision or the masters, but what have you been hiding from me all this time? And don't say that it's nothing. I saw how you reacted when he talked to us in the beginning. The moment he touched you, you froze. And it's not the first time it's happened. I mean he did a lot to us, but that was years ago! " she ranted

Lowering my head and turning the other direction. I breathed in deaply. The sounds of the water around us as we sat on the drifting log was calming, as were the undeniable sounds of life around us.

I sighed," That's not true. "

She looked confused and I decided to explain," You said it was years ago, but it's not true. Every week you see me go in for book reassessment, but that's a lie. It's all a lie I told you to keep you safe."

Feeling even more confused she angrily asked" What do you mean.!?"

"Everytime I steped into those chambers I was beaten and broken. All of what happened to you years ago still happened to me, every week. It wasn't as bad as my birthday though, that was always the worst week of the year."

The blue Pegasus had become uncharacteristically quite. Then I got a slight fright when she pulled me into an embrace. I felt the water drob on by back as she cried and hugged me tightly.

I was surprised, I thought she would hate me because of this. But instead she did something she hadn't done since she was a small filly, she cried.

Slowly I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her back as she cried. I remember when we were still small and hadn't been workers yet, how she would cry from the pain of being beaten. I would hold her just like this and tell her that it would be okay.

Soon we pulled apart and Dash furiously rubbed her eyes," look, now I'm turning into a softy, heh" she sniffed a bit and looked at me through puffy eyes and a small smile.

Later after some of the more detailed conversations that she wanted to know about she sighed and looked at me," Why didn't you tell me, I would have gone in there and punched his eye out."

"That's exactly why, Rainbow I love you, but you would just go charging in without a plan and get hurt. Besides, I already burnt one of his eyes, and I'm pretty sure the other one is blue so I guess I did that for ya?" I spoke softly.

"Wait what? When?" she asked confused. Then I remembered that she was unconscious most of the time that I had made my miraculous escape.

Soon I told her everything and by the end I had to help her stop laughing or else she would have hurt herself.

" Hehe, you punched that sucker in the eye" I blushed a bit at the statement but had to admit it was a little funny. Soon I was giggling too.

Our fun was cut short however as we heard a sound," Hey do you hear that?" I asked

"Hear what?" I looked behind her and I think by eyes shrunk to the size of a pea.

"That!" I pointed.

Looking around and seeing what she had missed, instead of being terrified like me she angrily shouted, " Oh come on! First a burning Centaur then an oversized wooden puppy and now a damn waterfall! Can someone just give us a break?!"

" Rainbow this is serious!" I looked around to find something. I was getting desperate when I nearly face hooved at the obvious answer.

" Rainbow! Can you fly? " I asked quickly, the waterslide of doom was appoaching fast.

She opened her wings and cringed," Maybe, but not far, I think I sprained one of my when I was thrown into the wall."

Nodding I found a landing platform that would be the only way across. It was an open grass field right at the bank of the wide river. If we reach that we'll be safe.

I shouted," On my count we jump and try to fly to that ledge, okay?"

She nodded and I saw the edge of the waterfall only a couple of feet away, "1..2..3! Go!"

We both jumped not turning to look back at our mackshift raft fall down the misty abise. Struggling to keep in the air I pushed whatever strength I had into my wings, feeling like a fire had been lit on my back. We both just made it to the edge with a rough landing.

Gasping for air, Rainbow and I layed on the dewed grass and starred at the blue sky. Soon I heard whooping from my fellow Pegasus.

"Oh yeah!
Life threatening things=0"

I giggled at my sisters antics and sat up. Soon I heard a gurgling sound come from my stomach. I blushed slightly as Rainbow smirked, before a louder sound came from her.

Looking around for food I looked at the plants and saw that none of them were recognizable from my books back at the mansion. Now that I look at it, this part of the forest seemed odd. Very little could be heard over the raging water but even then, not a single sound was heard.

Even the grass and soil felt strange, and not in a good way. Looking at Rainbow who, despite the fact that it tasts horrible, was about to eat the green grass beneath them, " Rainbow wait! This place doesn't look or feel right. I don't think it's a good idea to eat anything if we aren't sure of it's effect."

Sighing she moved away from her grass and sat next to me. It had been a long day and we were both tired and hungry. Seeing that it was around 5 in the afternoon, I knew that we should start looking for shelter since there was only one or two hours of light left.

Almost as if she read my mind she stood up shakily and said, "Well we better start looking for someplace to set up camp. With the sun going down, I don't want to know what lurks here in the dark."

Nodding I picked myself off the ground and went to her side to help her walk. She won't admit it, but she's not doing well.

Her wound on her head had reopened, the wing on her back was swollen, and she was as pale as a sheet. Not just that, but we hadn't eaten all day and we had been doing chores before running and hiking and swimming. She looked terrible just from a small glance.

Looking over at the ledge going down, I knew that in our state we wouldn't be able to fly down, so the best option was to find a path down.

Slowly we made our way through the forest, looking for a path down. Luckily, after many hours, we found a way to go down the mountain but it was slippery and just a road that jutted out from the side with no railing.

By the time we had found a cave, the sun had already set and we had been walking for over four hours strait.

"It would be a good idea to stay here for the night. We're exhausted and with no light there's no telling if we step wrong and fall off the mountain." I told Rainbow who looked half dead. She just nodded as I sat her down and almost instantly fell asleep.

Halfway through our hike she had become less energetic and the severity of her condition finally caught up to her. I still felt guilty that she got hurt.

The cave was dark and damp. There wasn't anything that could be used to make a fire to I felt shivers when the wind decided to come through. Hoping tomorrow would be more successful and that Rainbow could get help I layed down next to her were it was warm and curled up before falling asleep.

~Back at the mansion~

A furious disfigured creature tore through everything. He threw the darkwood dressing table through the window, smashed the mirror and tore the curtains to shreds.

He roared in fury, " Those little brats! How could they get away! Gah! I will find them, and I will kill them even if I have to do it with my bare hands! Spike!"

Suddenly, out from nowhere, a small purple and green dragon fearfully ran to his master before bowing clumsily," Y-yes Mas-master T-t-tirek? " he stuttering.

" Make sure you find these insolent mares and kill them! I've had enough of this silly game!" he roared, and threw a small object at him

Nodding Spike the dragon ran as fast as he could from the burnt stallion. Once he was far enough he breathed a sigh of relief. Then his expression turned to one of sorrow.

He had grown up in the master's chambers ever since he had been taken from his mother by Tirek. Back then he was only an egg. It wasn't that he wasn't grateful for his master's generosity, it was just that he didn't want to kill any pony, let alone the two sisters.

Spike had managed to roam the grounds through secret passage ways and had watched the two of them laugh and talk. It wasn't that he was a stalker or anything, he just wanted to see what it was like to have a family. And even though they didn't know he was there, he grew attached the two of them.

The master never told of his plans just incase he should leak information but Spike had learned a bit despite the fact that he was a baby dragon. Oh he hated to do it! But unfortunately the master would punish or kill him if he disobeyed.

Looking at what the master had thrown at him, he sighed. A Seer gem. It was commonly used four hundred years ago during the great flood of ooz that took over the land. It's used to see and find ponies no matter where they are.

Taking the object in his claws, he recited, "Show thy place of matter and light, Show us Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash!"

The gem glowed and an image showed Fluttershy and Rainbow, sleeping peacefully unaware of the danger to come. Looking at the image he saw that Rainbow Dash didn't look healthy at all and was tossing and turning in her sleep, sweating profusely.

The crystal then gave out another image, sliding the previous one to the right. It was a map of the Evergreen forest, once known as The Everfee forest but the name was changed due to the capture of animals. Using his claws to adjust it, he kept typing in and tapping till it was a 3D image and a little red dot shone brightly from the side of a mountain. That was where his victums lay in wait.

Sighing he packed his things, along with a dagger and some expandable nets. Before leaving the mansion he looked back to the large house.

This wasn't what he wanted at all. Shedding a tear he turned around and kept walking.

"I'm so sorry."

Author's Note:

Hey guys! After the last chapter I felt like I was on a role and finished this one much faster that I thought I would, I hope you enjoy and make sure that you tell others! 😋