• Published 30th Mar 2019
  • 209 Views, 2 Comments

Beyond the Twilight Eclipse - newmoonwinter

A world at war, two friends find each other, though they both are from completely different worlds.

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Chapter 1 - The Arrival

I just sat there on the couch reviewing what I saw, that is until the newscaster came back on. They were detailed that for the past couple of hours the beam of light had consumed most of Salisbury England leaving behind an earth looking dome as the light faded. Scientists were dubbing this strange newly formed object, the “Salisbury Earth”. As you would guess the International Reformation Legion were the first to fire upon Salisbury Earth. The news switched to a satellite view of the battle. ICBM missiles were launched from nearby Atlantic submarines, even the RAF was in full deployment, firing their Red Top missiles and unleashing their rail guns. It’s almost comical, every attempt to destroy this barrier, either turn into rainbow explosions, or a puffs of smoke and flowers. All harmless effects. I let out a laugh as I continued watching the relentless failed attempts of an aerial attack. I laid down, and got myself comfortable as I continued watching. Eventually the battle stopped, firstly due to the ineffectiveness of their bombardment, and secondly because of pilots reporting symptoms of radiation poisoning. Quarantine precautions were ordered by the Royal Family as a strange energy emanated from the outer layer of Salisbury Earth. Nothing was allowed to get within five miles of the dome.

Kero started kneading his claws into my belly as he got ready to curl up. ‘One would think you humans would learn the first time that an attack like that would fail.’ His tail whacked me in the face as he laid down.

I looked down at him. “Yeah, no kidding. It’s like we’re watching a live production of an action flick.” I switched off the television, closed my eyes, and started drifting off to sleep. With all that happened these past few days, I was glad that I was able to rest a bit.

Something was off. That was the only thing I could think of at the moment. Everything looked the same, but couldn’t place why I thought that. Kero was still on my belly purring away, Braith was curled up by the unlit fireplace. I tried to get up but for some odd reason, I couldn’t. “Oh God! Is this what sleep paralysis feels like? I couldn’t really feel my toes, nor could I feel my fingers. Come on, wake up. I need to get up. No, no. Calm down. There’s a perfectly logical explanation for this. Maybe I just slept crooked.” I almost had a panic attack, but somewhat got a hold of my senses. I hadn’t noticed that Kero had hopped onto the back of the couch, let out a yawn, before falling back asleep.

After a little bit, I finally was able to roll onto the floor, my legs and arms refusing to move the way I wanted. It was a good thing the coffee table was a bit away from the couch, or I would’ve had another thing to worry about. “Okay, fine. I guess I’ll just crawl to the bathroom.” Oddly my hands and feet made an audible clop on the hardwood floor as I continued crawling towards the bathroom. Though something about the way my feet and hands sounded familiar, like I heard it before. I managed to get to the bathroom nudge the door open with my head, and crawl in. The room was dark. I fumbled for the light switch, which seemed a lot higher than I remember it used to be. Finally turning on the light, I was momentarily blinded by the light. Why was I so sensitive to light? After a few moments, I was able to see where the counter was. I used the counter to help me prop myself on my feet proper. What stared back at me in the mirror was short of impossible. The sapphire blue eyes, the dark blue hair, and the strange shaped face covered in velvety earth brown hairs. I tried to pinch my cheek to see if this was nothing more than a dream, but to my surprise, my hand, even my arm was nothing more than a hoof and leg, covered in the same earth brown hairs as the creature in the mirror.

Panic started to take over once again. “Okay calm down. This can’t be real, this is nothing but some hallucination or a really vivid dream. Oh what’s that name? Lucid dreaming, yeah that’s it. This is nothing more than a lucid dream. A really vivid bizarre lucid dream, fueled by my Bronyness. Oh come on! I wasn’t that kind of fan to want to dream about, this.” I let out a sigh as I continued to stare at her, or was it my reflection - wait, her? How could I tell? As my legs adjusted for a more comfortable stance, the tail brushed against something that sent shivers up my spine.

“At least that didn’t change. I’m still female, at least. But why, this?” I crossed my eyes as I tried to look at the protrusion coming out of my forehead, then looked at the reflection in the mirror. “Is that, a horn?” I let out a sigh. “Okay dream, you want me to be in this form, fine. But why the hell am I so short? And what's with the short mouth-” I yelled at my reflection, but cut myself off. I took a few moments to calm myself down, fumbling with the tap to get some water flowing, splashed my face, and turned off the tap.

I got off the counter, placing my forehooves back on the floor. Now knowing why I was on all fours, made me cringe with each step I took. I stretched up and turned off the light as I exited the bathroom. I made my way towards the living room window, placing my front hooves on the sill, and looked out. To my astonishment, the world outside looked much like it once did before the formation of the factions, but there was something different about it. Pegasi, unicorns and ponies of bright colors, all walking with the humans. How can this be- oh, right this is nothing more than a dream. I felt like something grab a hold of me and pull me into the darkness.

I blinked a few times as my eyes adjust to the bright glow of Salisbury Earth. “How in the world?” I said to myself as I stared at the massive dome. “Wasn’t I at home or at least a version of my home? Why am I here?” I looked around, it was definitely night, yet, somehow this dome was giving off immense light. After being mesmerized by the dome I took a good look at myself. “Okay, I’m human again. So does that mean I’m awake, or is his still a dream.” I waited for a few moments just on the half chance anyone would answer. I hadn’t really noticed how pieces of my exposed skin was changing color, and began sizzling. I quickly doubled over in pain when everything went black once more.

*Whack!* Kero was smacking me in the face. I gasped for air as I suddenly woke up, sweat rolling down my face. ‘Master, are you alright? You were mumbling in your sleep before tossing and turning.’

I let out a sigh before wiping my forehead. “I think I’m okay, j-just had a weird dream. Or was it a nightmare, I’m not really sure.”

I looked at the looked at the clock, reading 18:53. It was at this time that my stomach decided to make itself known. I groaned as I turned on the TV once again before heading into the kitchen to grab some grub. The news was still talking about Salisbury Earth and new developments. I nearly dropped the mixing bowl as I heard them speak of small equines emerging from the dome. I ran in, sliding on the hardwood floor to watch the event.

‘Yes folks, you heard it correctly. It seems there are strange creatures coming out of Salisbury Earth. They seem to resemble miniature horses.’ I continued watching in awe as people in hazmat suits slowly approached the small equines. ‘It looks like a few of the local scientists are trying to make contact. This has been such a day to remember.’ As the scientists got within a few feet of the equines, they quickly started backing away. ‘Wait, something is wrong, the scientists look to be in trouble. The military has once again stepped in and escorted them to safety.’

“Okay, that was weird, first my dream, and now this. Could this be a new type of radiation that can penetrate hazmat suits? I could imagine EQD writing about this. Oh god, the amount of art and fanfics that will come out of this event.” I said as I face palmed, dropping the mixing bowl. The sound of the bowl hitting the floor snapped me out of my deep thought, I grabbed the bowl and returned to the kitchen.

‘Looks like there’s a taller equine is emerging from the dome.’ I let out a sigh, turned off the burner, and walked back to the living room. I-I had to blink a few times just to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. What the hell? I took a deep breath, sat down on the couch and continued watching the live feed of these equines emerging out of Salisbury Earth.

Sure enough the military once again jumped into action. Probably thought it an invasion force or something. ‘It looks like the Royal Military are launching an assault on the newcomers.’ I shook my head as the constant bombardment met with great resistance. The tall equine, it looked like a winged unicorn, but what was interesting was the fact the long horn glowed in a golden light. ‘It looks like the tall equine has put up some sort of shield around the other smaller equines. If I wasn’t here and seeing this with my own eyes, I would say this was nothing short of movie magic. It looks like the military has stopped firing.’ the camera pans back to where the military were firing, the equines were untouched, however the ground around the group was scorched and had small craters. ‘It looks like the tall equine is moving towards the General.’ Unlike the last time what happened to the scientists, this time round the soldier was unaffected. Maybe the scientists got too close to the radiation? ‘It appears as though the equine is talking to the General.’ That’s not all they can do, I thought to myself as I once again headed back into the kitchen.

“I wonder what they want? It would surprise me if they had a press conference.” I said as I continued making my now late supper. I finished cooking, and sat back down on the couch with my food. I continued watching the coverage of these creatures arrival. In the hour that I was in the kitchen cooking, the military had set up a few tents some distance away from Salisbury Earth, out of the radiation field. “I guess after the fighting the military finally got a clue and started becoming hospitable.”

Kero grabbed a piece of fish of my plate and started munching. ‘Well, better late than never. What do you think of all of this, Master?’

“Do you want my honest opinion, or do you want to from my brony side of things.” I said taking a fork full of tuna casserole.

Kero pawed another piece of fish from my plate, and ate it. ‘Does it really matter Master? I’m just curious as to what you think.’

“Well, my bronyness is ecstatic that some show I used to watch is real somewhere in the vastness of the multiverse- wh-what’s that look for?” I said watching Kero stick out his tongue at me before licking his paw.

‘I was just thinking. Multiverse? This is the only universe I know of. Do you mean there are others?’ He went back to stealing another piece of fish.

“In most scientific documentation I’ve read said that there could be billions upon billions of other universes out there, but seeing as technology hasn’t gotten to where we can traverse past our own solar system, it’s fairly hard to prove, other than a slight frequency difference.” I shoveled another fork of the casserole into my mouth. “But apparently, trans-dimensional travel must be simple for these folks.” I motioned to the TV as the newscaster started interviewing one of the technicolored equines.

‘I don’t think it’s easy for them, by how tired some of them look.’ Grabbing another piece of fish. ‘I think your casserole needs more fish and less vegetables.’

I let out a sigh. “Says the one who won’t touch a carrot let alone a cucumber.” I finish eating, set my plate in front of Braith and let her lick it clean whilst I went back into the kitchen to clean up. A few moments Braith gummed the plate and brought it to me. After placing it in the dishwasher, I set it to run a cycle while I got ready for bed. I made sure both Braith and Kero had water and their pet specific food topped up, turned off the TV, and headed to my room.

Much of the coming weeks was pretty well the same, the air raid siren would go off signaling impending air strike, each attack becoming longer and more intense than the last.