> Beyond the Twilight Eclipse > by newmoonwinter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I still can’t believe how far I’ve - err, we’ve come. Life is one big adventure, especially back then. In the ten years since I came to this land, I’ve never known the extent of how much of an influence magic had in this world. Though, it was weird that most stuff I took for granted on Earth-1, wasn’t even an idea here. Don’t get me wrong, they do have trains, and some sort of flying contraption that closely resembles an old zeppelin. What really took me by surprise was the fact there were no modern day weapons. So far most of their weaponry development hasn’t gone past the late medieval period. They mostly relied upon magic to defend their home from intruders, and I’ve never seen so many bright colors, not like the dull washed-out world I came from. Throughout my life I was always thought this world of mine could do without all the violence and fighting. In the early 2000s there was this show that caught fire gaining an unexpected audience, me included. It was nothing but positive messages of friendship, learning lessons as the show progressed. The vibrant colors of the characters, and the world looked like a utopia compared to this dull colorless violent world. Too bad it was nothing more than a cartoon, right? But oh how I wished there was such a place. Who knew it was in a whole other universe. I admit over the years of being part of the fandom had - Ahem, “acquired” a few items. Nothing more than some collector cards, a few figurines, a T-shirt, but the most prized part of my small collection were my custom plushies. They were the only things keeping me from letting the despair of the world creep into my near empty house. In my college years I had gotten myself my own place. It wasn’t much, but it at least had the space I needed to continue my work as a Core Systems Administrator for the newly created world computer network company, EDEN Systems. It was the first mega corporation in the world, using quantum computers to store and control the flow of information in the net. I mainly kept the spare room as my “cubicle”, so to speak. The house was nicely furnished thanks to my mother and her fiance, but it still felt empty. I mean the furnishings weren’t fancy, but I had just your run of the mill typical house stuff. Living room had a simple hid-a-bed couch, a TV, and a small entertainment unit. I was lucky to get a place with a separate kitchen with a sliding wooden door. It was filled with the best cookware in the world, w-well in my eyes. Vision-ware had been discontinued for some time, but while in my local thrift shop, I found a pristine complete set of pots and pans, what luck. Anyways, my bedroom kept in tune with my minimalist decor, only sporting a queen sized bed, a nightstand, and a display case to show off my somewhat small collection. During the days, I’d head off to school passing the local animal shelter, often wondering if I should get a little furry animal companion for my house. I would shake my head and continue to my performing arts courses. Once classes were done, I would travel back home, log into my remote terminal, and start combing through the source code, removing the odd bug from the system. The whole routine started getting pretty tedious after a couple of years, and EDEN Systems had been hiring new coders that had a more up-to-date approach to eradicating errors. I had saved quite a bit of my earnings to the point I could almost live off. So, after logging off my remote terminal, I sent in my resignation to EDEN Systems, and turned off my computer. The next day when I headed back towards home from my classes, I turned into the animal shelter. I looked at several potential pets, including a black long haired cat and a springer spaniel collie that reminded me of a pet mom had when I was a kid. I don’t know why or how, but that cat called out to me. So after my selection, I brought him home with me. Kero’s personality was what I needed at this point, always batting my face whenever I started feeling down about myself or my current situation. I guess it was his way of trying to cheer me up. Soon after I walked in the door, something odd started happening. ‘So master, why did you name me Kero? It’s not a typical pet name you humans would call your companion.’ Said Kero as he started licking his hind leg after hopping onto the couch. I couldn’t really believe my ears. I put my finger in one ear to see if it needed cleaning. Nope, it was perfectly clean. “Did you just talk? Great, now I’m going crazy. I spent too many years alone and this is the result. My imagination has started to run out the door.” ‘No master, you’re not going crazy.’ Kero said. I could’ve sworn that he had an English accent. Whilst deep in thought I hadn’t noticed him standing up on his hind legs, holding out his forepaw. *Whack* ‘Please snap out of it, and go grab me some mowk. I had a stressful day and I need to relax.’ “You know, that really hurt.” I said rubbing my cheek. “And what’s wrong with the name Keroberos? It was my favorite character of an anime I used to watch as a teen. He was a guardian beast, and well.” I rubbed my cheek once more. “You certainly are being that, I suppose.” I switched on the TV, before entering the kitchen. “Let me know what’s going on whilst I fix us a snack.” I let out a sigh, saying under my breath, “I can’t believe I’m talking to a cat.” ‘I heard that, master.’ Kero said, as he laid back down facing the TV, letting out a yawn. I came back a few moments later with a saucer of milk for him and a salad for myself. The news had just come on, and the title of the breaking news nearly caused me to drop everything, “Nations of the World Reformed into Three World Factions”. I shook my head. They had finally done it, what my classmates feared came to pass. As for me, I could care less about politics, it was an unnecessary stress I could do without. I placed the saucer onto the coffee table. Kero hopped off the couch and onto the table to lap up his milk. Over the course of a few weeks, my town went from thriving to desolate and dying. Most of the folk had moved away, or sought the protection of one of the three newly formed factions, including most of my fellow classmates and faculty. I think there were all of three classmates in my performing arts course. What teachers and faculty were left, all decided to give the remaining students degrees in their fields of studies. Yay? I hadn’t really figured out what would happen to me next, but who could blame them for shoving what little students out into the real world. The world went all to shit, and people were seeking protection in other places. Getting back to the three Factions, there were the North American Human Alliance, the International Reformation Legion, and the United Factions. Through the following weeks of sitting at home researching, I found out quite a bit about these new factions. What I found out, I didn’t like, not one bit. The North American Human Alliance (NAHA) were nothing but bureaucracy, selfish desires, and mainly comprised of many of the powerful countries in the world. The US, Japan, China, and Russia became this faction’s infrastructure. All they wanted was to be in control, under their rules. I heard that they had spy cameras everywhere at every block, and often hacked into civilian computers to see what the populace were doing. The International Reformation Legion (IRL) was the reformed ‘New Commonwealth’. The Royalty of Great Britain used that small little clause in the declarations that basically allowed them to take back whatever country that used to be under Britain’s rule. Unlike most of the new commonwealth, my country somehow slipped from their sights. Whether it was because we were neighbors with the US, or the fact that we were always the peacekeepers in the first two world wars. Who knows. It wasn’t like I cared or anything like that. The United Factions (UF), which used to be called the United Nations, was the neutral power that took countries that didn’t fight, under their wing. They say that, but I heard otherwise. Rumors went around saying that they had a larger army than the other two factions, and was influenced by those who had money. This world had changed quite a bit, and soon the factions began to have disagreements. Then the inevitable happened. Many thought the third World War would happen in some far off future. Yeah, maybe in some other version of this earth, or in fantasy movies, but this was reality. No futuristic weapons, just fighter jets, ICBM missiles, and a lot of destruction. Ever since the prime minister declined the factions offers, our country was always in the middle of the crossfire. My town got hit by a few “stray missiles”, but I don’t buy that one bit. The once tornado warning siren became an air raid signal, so the remaining town folk could go to nearby makeshift bomb shelters. Three years of this passed, and in that time I had acquired another companion, Braith, the springer spaniel collie I had my eye on for a while. She was always a mush-melon, that’s one of the reasons why I “rescued” her from the animal shelter. They were shutting it down to make it into another bomb shelter, and were going to euthanize the remaining animals that couldn’t find homes. Though it was tough to see such a great place get shut down, I knew in my heart something had to be done. You could say I did the right thing? I broke into the shelter, and, well, I guess you could call it a jailbreak. I set every one of those animals free. I was caught not long after with Braith leashed beside me. I spent that night in a cell with my new dog, but at least my heart was in the right place, and I had the company of such a lovable pup. After coming back home, I witness something that could only seen in a movie. On the news, a breaking story had just started airing. The news helicopter was flying over what looked like Stonehenge in the UK, only there was a beam of white light shooting skyward from the center. The ground shook beneath before the beam of light started spreading, soon engulfing the helicopter cutting out the live feed. I couldn’t figure out what had occurred, despite watching it first hand. Before the camera cut out, I thought I saw someone, or something emerge from the light, but it could’ve been my imagination. > Chapter 1 - The Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just sat there on the couch reviewing what I saw, that is until the newscaster came back on. They were detailed that for the past couple of hours the beam of light had consumed most of Salisbury England leaving behind an earth looking dome as the light faded. Scientists were dubbing this strange newly formed object, the “Salisbury Earth”. As you would guess the International Reformation Legion were the first to fire upon Salisbury Earth. The news switched to a satellite view of the battle. ICBM missiles were launched from nearby Atlantic submarines, even the RAF was in full deployment, firing their Red Top missiles and unleashing their rail guns. It’s almost comical, every attempt to destroy this barrier, either turn into rainbow explosions, or a puffs of smoke and flowers. All harmless effects. I let out a laugh as I continued watching the relentless failed attempts of an aerial attack. I laid down, and got myself comfortable as I continued watching. Eventually the battle stopped, firstly due to the ineffectiveness of their bombardment, and secondly because of pilots reporting symptoms of radiation poisoning. Quarantine precautions were ordered by the Royal Family as a strange energy emanated from the outer layer of Salisbury Earth. Nothing was allowed to get within five miles of the dome. Kero started kneading his claws into my belly as he got ready to curl up. ‘One would think you humans would learn the first time that an attack like that would fail.’ His tail whacked me in the face as he laid down. I looked down at him. “Yeah, no kidding. It’s like we’re watching a live production of an action flick.” I switched off the television, closed my eyes, and started drifting off to sleep. With all that happened these past few days, I was glad that I was able to rest a bit. Something was off. That was the only thing I could think of at the moment. Everything looked the same, but couldn’t place why I thought that. Kero was still on my belly purring away, Braith was curled up by the unlit fireplace. I tried to get up but for some odd reason, I couldn’t. “Oh God! Is this what sleep paralysis feels like? I couldn’t really feel my toes, nor could I feel my fingers. Come on, wake up. I need to get up. No, no. Calm down. There’s a perfectly logical explanation for this. Maybe I just slept crooked.” I almost had a panic attack, but somewhat got a hold of my senses. I hadn’t noticed that Kero had hopped onto the back of the couch, let out a yawn, before falling back asleep. After a little bit, I finally was able to roll onto the floor, my legs and arms refusing to move the way I wanted. It was a good thing the coffee table was a bit away from the couch, or I would’ve had another thing to worry about. “Okay, fine. I guess I’ll just crawl to the bathroom.” Oddly my hands and feet made an audible clop on the hardwood floor as I continued crawling towards the bathroom. Though something about the way my feet and hands sounded familiar, like I heard it before. I managed to get to the bathroom nudge the door open with my head, and crawl in. The room was dark. I fumbled for the light switch, which seemed a lot higher than I remember it used to be. Finally turning on the light, I was momentarily blinded by the light. Why was I so sensitive to light? After a few moments, I was able to see where the counter was. I used the counter to help me prop myself on my feet proper. What stared back at me in the mirror was short of impossible. The sapphire blue eyes, the dark blue hair, and the strange shaped face covered in velvety earth brown hairs. I tried to pinch my cheek to see if this was nothing more than a dream, but to my surprise, my hand, even my arm was nothing more than a hoof and leg, covered in the same earth brown hairs as the creature in the mirror. Panic started to take over once again. “Okay calm down. This can’t be real, this is nothing but some hallucination or a really vivid dream. Oh what’s that name? Lucid dreaming, yeah that’s it. This is nothing more than a lucid dream. A really vivid bizarre lucid dream, fueled by my Bronyness. Oh come on! I wasn’t that kind of fan to want to dream about, this.” I let out a sigh as I continued to stare at her, or was it my reflection - wait, her? How could I tell? As my legs adjusted for a more comfortable stance, the tail brushed against something that sent shivers up my spine. “At least that didn’t change. I’m still female, at least. But why, this?” I crossed my eyes as I tried to look at the protrusion coming out of my forehead, then looked at the reflection in the mirror. “Is that, a horn?” I let out a sigh. “Okay dream, you want me to be in this form, fine. But why the hell am I so short? And what's with the short mouth-” I yelled at my reflection, but cut myself off. I took a few moments to calm myself down, fumbling with the tap to get some water flowing, splashed my face, and turned off the tap. I got off the counter, placing my forehooves back on the floor. Now knowing why I was on all fours, made me cringe with each step I took. I stretched up and turned off the light as I exited the bathroom. I made my way towards the living room window, placing my front hooves on the sill, and looked out. To my astonishment, the world outside looked much like it once did before the formation of the factions, but there was something different about it. Pegasi, unicorns and ponies of bright colors, all walking with the humans. How can this be- oh, right this is nothing more than a dream. I felt like something grab a hold of me and pull me into the darkness. I blinked a few times as my eyes adjust to the bright glow of Salisbury Earth. “How in the world?” I said to myself as I stared at the massive dome. “Wasn’t I at home or at least a version of my home? Why am I here?” I looked around, it was definitely night, yet, somehow this dome was giving off immense light. After being mesmerized by the dome I took a good look at myself. “Okay, I’m human again. So does that mean I’m awake, or is his still a dream.” I waited for a few moments just on the half chance anyone would answer. I hadn’t really noticed how pieces of my exposed skin was changing color, and began sizzling. I quickly doubled over in pain when everything went black once more. *Whack!* Kero was smacking me in the face. I gasped for air as I suddenly woke up, sweat rolling down my face. ‘Master, are you alright? You were mumbling in your sleep before tossing and turning.’ I let out a sigh before wiping my forehead. “I think I’m okay, j-just had a weird dream. Or was it a nightmare, I’m not really sure.” I looked at the looked at the clock, reading 18:53. It was at this time that my stomach decided to make itself known. I groaned as I turned on the TV once again before heading into the kitchen to grab some grub. The news was still talking about Salisbury Earth and new developments. I nearly dropped the mixing bowl as I heard them speak of small equines emerging from the dome. I ran in, sliding on the hardwood floor to watch the event. ‘Yes folks, you heard it correctly. It seems there are strange creatures coming out of Salisbury Earth. They seem to resemble miniature horses.’ I continued watching in awe as people in hazmat suits slowly approached the small equines. ‘It looks like a few of the local scientists are trying to make contact. This has been such a day to remember.’ As the scientists got within a few feet of the equines, they quickly started backing away. ‘Wait, something is wrong, the scientists look to be in trouble. The military has once again stepped in and escorted them to safety.’ “Okay, that was weird, first my dream, and now this. Could this be a new type of radiation that can penetrate hazmat suits? I could imagine EQD writing about this. Oh god, the amount of art and fanfics that will come out of this event.” I said as I face palmed, dropping the mixing bowl. The sound of the bowl hitting the floor snapped me out of my deep thought, I grabbed the bowl and returned to the kitchen. ‘Looks like there’s a taller equine is emerging from the dome.’ I let out a sigh, turned off the burner, and walked back to the living room. I-I had to blink a few times just to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. What the hell? I took a deep breath, sat down on the couch and continued watching the live feed of these equines emerging out of Salisbury Earth. Sure enough the military once again jumped into action. Probably thought it an invasion force or something. ‘It looks like the Royal Military are launching an assault on the newcomers.’ I shook my head as the constant bombardment met with great resistance. The tall equine, it looked like a winged unicorn, but what was interesting was the fact the long horn glowed in a golden light. ‘It looks like the tall equine has put up some sort of shield around the other smaller equines. If I wasn’t here and seeing this with my own eyes, I would say this was nothing short of movie magic. It looks like the military has stopped firing.’ the camera pans back to where the military were firing, the equines were untouched, however the ground around the group was scorched and had small craters. ‘It looks like the tall equine is moving towards the General.’ Unlike the last time what happened to the scientists, this time round the soldier was unaffected. Maybe the scientists got too close to the radiation? ‘It appears as though the equine is talking to the General.’ That’s not all they can do, I thought to myself as I once again headed back into the kitchen. “I wonder what they want? It would surprise me if they had a press conference.” I said as I continued making my now late supper. I finished cooking, and sat back down on the couch with my food. I continued watching the coverage of these creatures arrival. In the hour that I was in the kitchen cooking, the military had set up a few tents some distance away from Salisbury Earth, out of the radiation field. “I guess after the fighting the military finally got a clue and started becoming hospitable.” Kero grabbed a piece of fish of my plate and started munching. ‘Well, better late than never. What do you think of all of this, Master?’ “Do you want my honest opinion, or do you want to from my brony side of things.” I said taking a fork full of tuna casserole. Kero pawed another piece of fish from my plate, and ate it. ‘Does it really matter Master? I’m just curious as to what you think.’ “Well, my bronyness is ecstatic that some show I used to watch is real somewhere in the vastness of the multiverse- wh-what’s that look for?” I said watching Kero stick out his tongue at me before licking his paw. ‘I was just thinking. Multiverse? This is the only universe I know of. Do you mean there are others?’ He went back to stealing another piece of fish. “In most scientific documentation I’ve read said that there could be billions upon billions of other universes out there, but seeing as technology hasn’t gotten to where we can traverse past our own solar system, it’s fairly hard to prove, other than a slight frequency difference.” I shoveled another fork of the casserole into my mouth. “But apparently, trans-dimensional travel must be simple for these folks.” I motioned to the TV as the newscaster started interviewing one of the technicolored equines. ‘I don’t think it’s easy for them, by how tired some of them look.’ Grabbing another piece of fish. ‘I think your casserole needs more fish and less vegetables.’ I let out a sigh. “Says the one who won’t touch a carrot let alone a cucumber.” I finish eating, set my plate in front of Braith and let her lick it clean whilst I went back into the kitchen to clean up. A few moments Braith gummed the plate and brought it to me. After placing it in the dishwasher, I set it to run a cycle while I got ready for bed. I made sure both Braith and Kero had water and their pet specific food topped up, turned off the TV, and headed to my room. Much of the coming weeks was pretty well the same, the air raid siren would go off signaling impending air strike, each attack becoming longer and more intense than the last. > Chapter 2 - Waging War > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The loud screeching of a F-35 rushed overhead, caused my pets to come into my room and wake me up. I groaned as I looked at the clock by my bedside, 05:37. It was law nowadays to have clocks on the 24hr setting rather the normal 12hr like it should be. Don’t get me wrong, military time is great for those who can make the translation in their heads. I’m still having to use my fingers. I sighed as I let out a yawn. Still half asleep, I dragged myself out of bed, tripping over Braith. You could say she’s like my sister, or rather the sister that I never had. I guess it’s the same way with Kero, my black cat. Though, with him, it’s more like he likes slapping me whenever I get into a slump or go too deep in thought. I live in a dying town, not many people live in these parts, and the nearest store is a few miles away. Which is great… Okay, maybe not that great. All my old friends either joined with NAHA or IRL, or moved to one of the few scattered cities that were under the protection of the UF. Most of the schools were pretty well all shut down by now. Okay, I’m going to pause here for a moment. Those acronyms for the three factions are pretty funny. NAHA is also the name of a city in Japan; IRL can be assumed as the phrase, In Real Life; and UF is also the University of Florida. After hitting the washroom, I went downstairs to the main floor, flopped onto the couch, and turned on the television. Of course the news casters were talking about these visitors who had come to our world with some sort of friendship crap. Next thing you know, they’re attacking with their weird technology. It’s been three years since those creatures emerged into our world. The land where the Royal Family once called home was gone, and some sort of dome had appeared the day they came to Earth. What was odd, was the location of the epicenter, Stonehenge. Almost a couple of months later, the British Isles and part of the surrounding continent were enveloped by this and reformed to a more - well, lets just say that island never looked more vibrant. Day in and day out the dome slowly grew bigger, not just in circumference, but in height as well. They were starting to call it, Salisbury Earth, as it resembled our own planet and the original location where this dome was created, but cleaner, I guess? It had stopped once it engulfed most of Europe, and part of the Atlantic Ocean. The radiation emanating from Salisbury Earth also expanded. What was weird was the fact none of the animal and plant life were affected, just us humans. Anyways, flights had to be rerouted around this barrier, and special carrier platforms were built in the Atlantic Ocean so passenger planes had a place to land and refuel. I hadn’t really cared. I mean, who would? The way these creatures looked, reminded me of a show I had been a fan eve past the time the show ran it’s final ninth season. I still contributed some artwork to the Brony Fandom, but I was more of an RPer than artist, going on adventures as my original character through my writings. The news casters spoke about how the three factions “so called” failed in their attempts to make peace with these newcomers. Another excuse for them to use violence, I thought as I rolled my eyes at the announcement. Come on. Some new race appears out of nowhere, and the factions start firing on them. It’s almost comical, once again every attempt to hurt these creatures, either turn into rainbow explosions, puffs of smoke and flowers, or a bubble-like shield would surround them absorbing all of the explosive power. I let out a sigh as Braith laid down in front of the smoldering fireplace. It was almost winter, and the snow had only just started falling. I shook my head as Kero hopped onto my chest. I quietly winced in pain, his claws kneading into me. As I continued watching the news. He curled up into a ball, and started purring when... *KNOCK* *KNOCK* *KNOCK* I let out a sigh hearing a loud rap at my door. It had been a long time since anybody had the decency to be polite. Usually they just bust the door open and barge in. The number of times I had to fix my front door was starting to get ridiculous. I grabbed my cat, holding him with one arm as I got up, and turned off the TV. Braith hadn’t barked once, which was weird. She was one for letting me know if someone was at the door. It didn’t matter if it was friend or foe. I sort of shrugged at it, and went to the peephole to see who it was. I cocked my head seeing nobody at the door. Maybe someone was playing the old ding dong ditch prank? I turned to walk back to the couch when, you guessed it. *KNOCK* *KNOCK* *KNOCK* “There better be someone there, this time.” I said as I once again look through the peephole. I raised an eyebrow seeing a bit of pale yellow hair blow up in front of where I could see. It might’ve been some gust of wind. Since the barrier had appeared, weather had been going haywire all over the world. Another three raps later, I started hearing a really faint voice start talking. Kero, by this time, had wrapped himself around my neck, and shook his head. ‘You do realize you have a guest, right?’ Kero said. ‘It would be rude to leave them out there, especially if it starts snowing again.’ At this point, I had given up on thinking I was going crazy. Kero always was able to speak to me. My guess was, the world was already going crazy, so why not add talking cats into the mix, right? Anyways, periodically he would disappear for hours on end, returning and not really telling me where he had gone. Personally, I didn’t really mind that much, he had his collar on and he always found his way home. ‘Are you just going to stand there? Don’t be shy, open the door.’ Kero looked at the door. “Easy for you to say, you’re just a cat. I haven’t really had company since my friends left.” I said rolling my eyes. ‘Did you want the cuff upside the head meow, or later.’ Kero hissed. I rolled my eyes again and let out a sigh. I waited to hear the knocking before I finally answered. It took me a few moments to figure out who, or rather, what, I was looking at. The figure that stood on the front porch was no more than four feet three inches tall, I think. I mean, they came up to just above my waist. They started kicking at ground, their unusually large head looked down, as their pale yellow colored hair partly covered their face. From the quiet mumbling of the creature I could tell that it was relatively female. You could say my heart exploded, cause the next thing I remember was… ‘Oh come on, wake up.’ Kero said as he continuously swatted at my face. ‘You know, you are being rude just lying there.’ “Oh, my. I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” The timid creature crawled over. Wait, crawled over? No. It was more like she was walking on all fours. Odd for something having the ability to talk, let alone walking on all fours. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just had a bit of a head rush, is all.” I said. ‘You’ll have to excuse my master. She’s not much of a, morning person.’ Kero said looking right at the light crimson creature. “Can’t argue there.” I said half jokingly. I brushed Kero away from me as I put my hand to my forehead. Braith came over, whimpered a bit, then proceeded to constantly lick my face. Anyways, the air raid siren sounded off, as the whistles of objects falling could be heard. I shook my head and covered my ears. Explosions and flashes of light continued for what seemed like forever. The light crimson creature ducked down shaking, her moderate cyan colored eyes full of fear. Kero whacked me with his tail, as he scampered over to the frightened creature. He proceeded to nuzzle her and purr, eventually getting her to let out a smile. It was at this point I noticed a pair of feathered wings coming out of her back, just behind the shoulders. ‘And you call yourself a nice human. Here, a lady basically walks in your home, and you don’t do anything to comfort her when she’s scared.’ Kero glared and hissed at me before going back to comforting the frightened figure. I stayed crouched on the floor of the entrance hall until the air raid siren went off giving the all clear. Finally, after being stuck on that floor for more than an hour, in a kigurumi no less, I was able to get up. Oh, how embarrassing, to be seen in my custom purple unicorn kigurumi. “I can never get used to that. Ever since the prime minister declined the factions offers, we’re always in the middle of the crossfire.” I said as I slowly got up. “Cross, fire? What’s that?” the pale crimson creature asked. ‘Let me put it this way, miss. Humans tend to fight among themselves for money, power, resources, or land. And those who are in the middle of the conflict generally are the ones who get hurt.’ Kero informed her. “But why fight? Why can’t everypony get along?” She asked with a concerned look in her eyes. “I’ve been asking that same question my whole life- wait, everypony? Don’t you mean everybody. Anyways, I never got your name, miss horse.” As my curiosity got the better of me. “Oh, it’s Summer’s Day. I’m not a horse, I’m a pony. It’s um, nice to meet you.” Her voice trailing off. “Oh, uh, you can call me Riley.” I said, trying to keep myself from passing out from the cuteness overload. I invited Summer into the living room whilst we talked. She told me of her friends and how she found herself in our world. I was mesmerized at how she could talk, despite her mouth being all, different. A few times she used horse puns when explaining things. I didn’t really mind, do to the fact the fandom has a similar use of the puns. The place she came from was Equus, an odd name for a country, but then she corrected me and said that was the name of her world. She told me her country was called Equestria. “Oh, so this Equestria place...” I started saying, “is everyone like you? I-I mean-” She cut me off with a nod. “Yes, although, there are many other creatures that live there too.” I should've known. A brightly colored equine who can talk comes knocking on my door, so why not have some cartoon based country name. There goes my Bronyness again. Equestria can't be real, despite one of its citizens walking beside me. I hadn’t really noticed my phone was ringing until Braith brought it over to me in her slobbery mouth. After wiping the drool off of the call display, I noticed it was from my work. It didn’t really surprise me that they would be trying to contact me. ‘Let me guess, EDEN Systems want to talk with you about something. It’s not like this is the first time this has happened.’ Kero said before starting to clean himself. ‘I don’t really care if you go out, just remember to clean my bathroom and put out the mutt.’ “It’s not like there isn’t others they could call. And besides, I sent them my resignation. Someone else can deal with it.” I said, really ignoring my phone going off for the second time. “Um, Excuse me? Is there anything I can do to help?” Summer asked staring at me with her bright azure eyes. I look to her. “Not really.” I said trying to hold in the cuteness overload. “My companions seem to like you, so you’re welcome to stay.” I got up, went into the kitchen, and started on my morning chores. I started the kettle for a fresh pot of tea. Summer followed along, as we continued talking. She looked at the state of the cat litter, took a deep breath and started cleaning it. It was interesting how she could pick things with her hooves. Last time I looked equines here didn’t have this ability, but there she was using the scoop with her hoof cleaning out Kiro’s litter. It wasn’t long after that when the air raid siren went off. These bombardments were starting to get more and more frequent. Kero and Braith ran into the kitchen, the sound of glass shattering and explosions echoed into the room. ‘Riley, this place is no longer safe for us. A human on the picture box declared a state of emergency, whatever that means.’ Kero said, as he once again comforted Summer nuzzling and purring. I look to Summer. “Well, I guess it’s time to move.” I let out a sigh, turning off the kettle. I knelt down to Braith, who was shaking in fear. “Braith, listen to me. I need you to get that big duffle bag out of my room and set it by the- uh, make that take it to the back door. Knowing my luck the whole front of the house is destroyed.” Almost on cue, we heard a groan and the front half of the house started collapsing. It was a good thing there was a second hallway to my room. I told Braith to be careful, she whimpered, and cautiously went to my room. Summer had a worried look on her face. “Don't worry.” I said. “I trained her to be safe in case there was ever a tornado, and someone needed rescuing. I really don’t get all this fighting. It’s not like it solves anything.” ‘Humans are selfish and stupid creatures.’ Kero interjected, making me let out a sigh and stare at him with a raised eyebrow. ‘Let me rephrase that. Humans in general, not including my master, can do pretty stupid things like causing wars, and other senseless violence.’ Braith came back with my emergency bag in her mouth, a blanket and my old winter jacket on her back. I shook my head, as I grabbed the items off my dog. The bombardment of explosions got louder, as I knew the inevitable would happen soon. Kero nudged Summer. “Summer, this place isn’t safe. It’s too cold for you to be like that. Cover yourself with the blanket, and follow me.” I said. I thought to myself, hoping that the garage and driveway were still intact so I can get in my vehicle, and drive to safety. Summer nodded, fear still in her eyes. “I, uh, I hope my friends are okay.” She said as she grabbed the blanket with her teeth placing it over her barrel. I hadn’t realized how big the blanket was until I saw it on her. After putting my coat on, I walked over and helped her adjust it to her size, tying it up in the front. By that time, Kero decided to jump on Summer’s back and curl into a ball. I grabbed my duffle bag and leashed Braith. I heard the loud whistle of something approaching from an unknown altitude. Braith pulled me towards the back door. I looked back to make sure Summer was following, letting out a sigh seeing her frozen in place. I put my arms through the handles of my duffle bag, let go of the leash, and walked back. “Here, let me carry you. You can hold onto me.” I said as I slowly reached out to her. Summer looked up at me then back to Kero. He gave her a nod, and proceeded to climb up my arm, and curl around my neck. “Um, are you sure it’s okay?” I let out a sigh. “I know you’re terrified, and believe you me, I’m just as scared. But we have to go.” She looked down at the ground for a moment then back to me and nodded. I picked Summer raising an eyebrow. The hell? Despite her size, she was really light. I mean, when Braith was that small she weighed at least twice if not three times as heavy as Summer. I groaned as I saw my dog scamper off back down the hall. ‘Braith, this isn’t the time for this...’ I thought. I continued to the back door, unlocked the many deadbolts, grabbed my car keys, and headed outside. Braith finally followed behind me, gumming my plushies in her mouth. That was so important? I shrugged my shoulders, making sure not to drop the miniature horse. My mind still denying me to admit what I was holding. I opened the back door, both Kero and Braith hopped onto the back seat of the Jeep Compass, and kicked the door shut. I opened the front passenger door, carefully placing Summer onto the seat, moving the seat forward enough so she could reach the dashboard if she wanted to sit up. I quickly shut the passenger door then ran to the driver’s side and climbed in. Within seconds I got the vehicle started. I put it in drive, not bothering to hit the garage door opener, and slammed my foot to the accelerator. We crashed through the door, and down the driveway when another missile impacted my once beautiful home, turning it into nothing more than a pile of flaming rubble. ‘It would seem that we got out of there in time. My instincts are never wrong, you know.’ Kero said from the back seat. “Yeah.” I looked over at the wide eyed mare. “This must be pretty frightening to see all this destruction, huh.” I swerved around a man running for his life. Summer looked at me. “This is the most scared I’ve been since the time I stumbled into a cave of timberwolves. Your world is more violent than the Princess led us to believe.” “Princess?” I raised an eyebrow. ‘Could she be talking about that princess? But that can’t be, that was a kid’s cartoon, right?’ I looked up for a moment as we started heading west on the 417. ‘God, please tell me this is some sort of joke.’ “She came to your world a few months ago before the gate expanded.” She said, starting to calm down. I hadn’t notice Kero hopping up to the front and started nuzzling Summer. ‘Of course. My world has gone to hell in a handbasket, and now all of this.’ *Whack* Kero slapped me. “Uh, thanks.” I let out a long sigh. “So this Princess of yours, she was here?” “Yeah, She came in the hopes of friendship, but.” She looked down for a moment. “Why are your species prone to violence?” A good question, one that I didn’t have the answers to. What could I say? I didn’t want to lie to her saying that most of the world wasn’t like that. I just kept my focus on the crater filled highway, making sure we got to our destination, wherever that would be. Kero knowing my hesitation to answer looked up at her. ‘Not everyone is like my master. When something new, or scary comes around, humans use violence as a way of saying they will protect themselves if any harm comes to them.’ He starts licking Summer’s forehoof, as if he was trying to groom her. “But that’s silly. We would do no such thing.” She said. “Tell me about it. In all honesty, there’s probably at least 1% of the world who doesn’t like violence. But us as a species, aggression is just part of our nature.” I let out another sigh, as we turned into an ONroute. “Sorry, but this girl needs some food, and we’re low on gas.” I was glad the highway refueling stations were somewhat up and running. “I’m not exactly sure if they have anything you can eat. Most of these places just have a coffee shop, and a couple of burger joints.” Summer’s ears perked up. “Coffee shop, like a bakery?” “Well, sort of. I mean they have some pastries, like doughnuts, and muffins-” I was interrupted when she put her hoof on my arm. “Can you see if they have a carrot or a blueberry muffin? And maybe something to drink.” My eyes started tracking something coming in for a landing by the front doors of the ONroute. “I’ve got a better idea, lets both go inside and figure out our options both on what to eat and where to stop for the night.” She gave me a concerned look for a moment. “But won’t I get strange looks?” “I highly doubt that. Besides you’re not going to be the only equine there.” I looked at Kero. “Hold the fort make sure Braith behaves, and I’ll try to get something for the both of you.” ‘Make sure it’s some mowk for me. With the way you’re driving, I don’t want anything too heavy.’ I simply nodded my head. I reached over to open the passenger door for Summer. “Are you going to be alright getting down?” She looked over the seat, the back to me. “I should be fine. It’s not that far to jump.” I sat there and watched her hop down and out of the Jeep onto the concrete. I could imagine that would hurt her hooves. I watched as she got up on her hindquarters and tried to shut the door. Hearing her grunt, I got out, went over and shut the door for her. Kero pawed at the window, then laid down on the dashboard. Summer and I walked up to the rather simply built building. I watched her have this cute look of awe, as we entered. Sure enough the only thing that was still in business was the coffee shop and sandwich place. After waiting in line, we both got our food orders, and looked for a spot to sit and brainstorm. The only spot available was near the pegasus I watched glide in earlier. My mind started to wander as I was trying to see what our next move would be. I had just lost my home, and this equine was looking for her lost companions. Whatever happens now, I’m sure it’s not going to be dull. > Chapter 3 - The Sapphire Sunset > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked in the mirror at the brown unicorn staring back. “Why does school have to start so early? Celestia hasn’t even raised the sun yet.” I groaned as I splashed cool water in my face. “Okay Sapphire Blaze, every day is a new day, come on, let’s see what I’ll learn today.” I looked over to my sister’s bed. “Ruby, time to get-” I let out a sigh as she was trying to put on her crutches. Watching her trying to pick up her crutches with her magic, then resorting to use her mouth like an earth pony to pick them up one at a time made my heart fall. “I’m already awake, sis. You should learn not to stay up so late studying.” Ruby bit the strap of her one crutch, pulling it snug across her forehoof. “Celestia’s Sunrise is a bit late, don’t you think?” She said looking towards the only window of our room. She strapped the brace of her other crutch round her hoof. I brushed my mane and tail before letting out a sigh. “It seems that way. It’s been happening more and more as of late.” I move my head from side to side to make sure I got everything, but was immediately pushed aside by my sister. “Okay, you’ve had enough, it’s my turn.” Her horn fizzled and sparked as she tried levitating the brush. She lets out a sigh, and gave me those puppy dog eyes at me. “I guess I’m having a bit of trouble today, can you?” She motioned to her knotted long crimson mane and tail. “You know I’ll always be there to help you.” I started brushing my sister gently. “I told you not putting your mane in a braid would help to make sure you don’t get tangles.” I ended up resorting to using my mouth to sort out her knotted mess. “Maybe if my horn was working like normal unicorns, I wouldn’t have to ask for help and burden you like this.” It wasn’t anger, it was more like frustration. “Sis,” She paused for a moment whilst I continued continued grooming her the old fashioned way. “Do you ever think I’ll be able to do things like everypony else?” I shook my head, watching her ears fall. I let go of her mane and looked into her reflection. “Why resort to being just like everypony else? Remember what mamma always said to us? ‘Always strive to be the best you can be. Never let your disadvantages win. Instead, make them into advantages.’ So who cares about being like everypony else, just be the best you can be.” Really, I should take my own advice one of these days. I was at the point I could continue using the brush to smooth out her mane. “Look at me, I don’t have a cutie mark, but does that stop me from being the best I can be, no. I know you’re self conscious about your walking aid, but that shouldn’t stop you from doing anything.” She gave me a smile. “This is why you’re my big sis. You always seem to know what to say at the right moment.” She looks down for a moment before heading towards the door. “Try to have a good day today, okay. I know right around now you start going into a slump.” Smiled, then let out a sigh. “Um, sis?” Pointing to the door with her crutch. I strapped on my saddlebag, stuffed notebook, textbooks, and pencils inside, and walked over to the door. My magic pulled down on the door handle, and pulled the door open. We walked out of the dorm room, and said our goodbyes. I started towards the lecture rooms, while my sister hobbled towards the infirmary wing. The only good thing about taking morning classes, not many ponies liked waking up before sunrise, so the halls were pretty empty. I passed by Minuette, and Lemon Hearts, as made my way to “Advanced Theory in Levitation”. Most of the ponies I passed called me a “late bloomer”. I asked one of professors about that during the first few weeks of school. They said it was a name given to those who still haven’t found their special talent. It’s like being called a blank flank. It hurts, but most of the time I just ignore them and focus on my studies. There’s this orange unicorn with red and gold mane and tail who always has this sad look to them whenever we have to do team projects. Since nopony wasn’t to have anything to do with me because of my, flank, I end up on my own. Moondancer is a soloist, and who could blame her, she’s just as smart as Twilight Sparkle. But that orange unicorn has that look like she wants to do things on teams but doesn’t know how to ask. I’d go in a heartbeat, but I’m not sure if she would even want to be a team mate for class, and why would anypony want to associate with a late bloomer. I let out a sigh as I levitate my textbook and start writing notes, whilst the professor gave the lesson. I guess I hyper focused on my own work, I hadn’t noticed class was over, and there was Professor Amber Sunbeam looming over me like I had done something wrong. She always was like that, even though she was quite kind, and liked getting to know her students. “My dear, why are you still here? Don’t you have other classes to get to?” The Professor asked, trying to sound sincere, however her natural scowling look told me otherwise. “I-I didn’t realize the lesson was over.” I quickly packed up my textbook, notebook and pencil into my saddlebag. “I guess I better get to my next class.” My ears drooped as I turned towards the door. “You seemed out of sorts during today’s lesson. Is everything alright?” She asked. I stopped for a moment before turning to her. “Everything is fine, why do you ask?” “Because you were staring off in space before sticking your muzzle into your textbook. Normally I don’t mind, but you seem to be more focused in your reading than hearing my lesson. Can you tell me what’s going on?” By then the second bell rang signalling the start of another class period. “It’s fine - I mean I’m fine. I’m going to be late for my next class.” I let out a sigh before exiting the lecture hall. I hadn’t really paid attention to where I was going when I bumped into Moondancer. I said my sorry, and went on my way, only to hear her call me a late bloomer. My ears fell, as I continued to my next class, “Cover’s Journeys of Magical Discovery”. It was mainly a history class talking about Starswirl’s protege Clover the Clever. When I got to the classroom, the only spot I saw was in the front row. Not only was I late for the lesson, but I had to be in the front row. As I trotted towards my seat, I heard the whispers of the other students calling me names. Like I needed it right now. I pulled out my notebook, turned it to a blank page, then started writing. “Hey, um, do you have an extra pencil I can borrow?” I didn’t realize who was sitting to my left until she spoke. I turned to see the same orange unicorn I saw in last class. “Huh?” Was the only thing I could utter out, as astonishment took over. Not many ponies would remotely talk to me, let alone ask to borrow anything. “Do you have an extra pencil I could borrow? I seem to have lost mine, and I’m not one for using quill and ink.” The mare asked. “Oh, um sure.” I levitated mine over to her, and grabbed another one for myself out of my saddlebag. “I’m Sunset Shimmer, and you’re Late Bloomer, right? Thanks for the pencil.” She said with a smile. Just as I thought, she just had to call me by that terrible name. “It’s not Late Bloomer. My name is Sapphire Blaze.” I said sternly. Then realized the tone I spoke in, letting out a long sigh. “Okay okay. You don’t have to get all huffy about it. Just that’s what everypony called you, and I assumed that was your name.” At that point I had stopped paying attention to her and continued writing notes. There were a few times where she would ask me about something, but it was met with silence. Most of the afternoon was the same, me being teased about my lack of a cutie mark, hyper focusing on my studies, and the few interactions between Sunset and I. I was glad I had a counselling appointment with Princess Celestia. I guess it was a regular thing that the Princess would set up a monthly time for some one on one with the students of her school. I trotted up to Celestia’s room, and knocked. A few moments passed before the door was engulfed in a golden light and opened. “You are just in time, Sapphire. Please come in.” The white alicorn spoke, as she motioned for me to sit in the large chair across from her. I was hesitant at first, like I had been every time it was my turn to visit. I took a deep breath, and walked towards the chair. “Thank you for seeing me.” I unstrapped my saddlebag, sat it next to the chair before I hopped up and sat down. “I’ve been hearing from your professors that you’ve been soloing your team assignments, and have been spending more time reading the textbooks than listening to your professors.” She said. She wasn’t wrong in that respect. “I guess it’s because I’m here to learn about magic, not hear stories.” I said. It was how I perceived school was, just a place to learn how to be a better unicorn. “School is more than studying. You should make some friends.” She said, in that familiar caring tone. “But why?” I asked, wondering what she was going on about. Something about her tone told me there was an underlying reason, but it was one I had to figure out myself. “Friends brings a kind a joy you wouldn’t find in those books.” Her words were true, but friendship still wasn’t for me. School was just for studying, that was it. “But I’m happy when I do magic, and discovering new ways to use old spells.” I was very much a bookworm, always spending my evenings in the Canterlot Library reading old texts on spells, or ancient per-Equestrian history. “Answer me this, why pursue magic?” She started to pour some tea. Yet another fair question coming the ruler of Equestria. “To be able to do good in the world?” I hadn’t meant to say it as a question, it just sort of came out that way. “For whom?” She asked back, as she levitated a tea cup to me. “You can’t always be on your own all the time, it’s not healthy.” I grabbed the cup with my magic, and thought for a couple of moments while sipping the hot brew. “How can I make friends when everypony calls me a," I swallowed. "late bloomer?” “That will pass in time. They will see you for who you are, not what you have on your flank. You just need them to get to know you. Talk to them, make jokes, spent time with them, help them out if they have a problem. You just, become friends.” From the sound of it, it was like she spoke from experience. I took a sip of tea. “I don’t know. The last time I tried talking to somepony, it didn’t go so well.” I just focused on the dark color of the liquid. “Friendship isn’t easy, it takes time and effort. Soon you’ll make lots of friends.” She said refilling her cup. “But what if I fail to make a friend? What if after all that, they still don’t want to be friends?” I stared down at the floating tea cup. “I don’t think anypony is unable to make at least one friend.” Her words were warm, yet, there was a bit of sadness in what she said. “I try to act nice, be friendly, and yet I get teased for it. What am I doing wrong?” I said setting the cup on table. “Your professors tell me you can easily figure out the fundamentals of magic, as well as a few of the advanced spells, yet friendship goes over your head?” The princess looked at me for a few moments, then spoke. “I’m sure you’ll be able to figure it out in the end. Have patients.” I looked down at the floor. “I, I don’t know. Friendship just seems so hard.” I looked into her eyes. There was one question I had to ask, and probably knew the answer. “Is, is this an order, princess?” “Yes. Until you figure it out and make a friend, I don’t want you to go into the library to study alone. You need to start having fun, enjoy life and friendships.” Her words hurt like I had been stung my a bugbear, but in the end, I know it was the right thing she could’ve done. I said my thanks, got off the chair, strapped on my saddlebag, and exited the room. My head hung low as Celestia’s words repeated in my head. I continued making my way back to my dorm, hoping tomorrow would be another day. I was sort of glad tomorrow was the weekend, I could go out and visit the town, restock the food supply for the coming week, and take a tour around the palace. I guess that was one of the perks of being in Celestia’s school, her students were allowed onto the palace grounds, talk to the ruler when she wasn’t busy, trot through the hedge maze, there was quite a lot one pony could do. I let out a sigh as my magic grabbed ahold the latch, and pushed my door open. With all that went on, I took off my saddlebag, throwing it on my small desk, and went to bed. My mind raced trying to figure out how one would make a friend. I rolled onto my back and raised my forehoof towards the ceiling. “Why did Princess Celestia look so sad? Did I remind her of somepony?” I let out a sigh, lowering my hoof. “How am I supposed to make friends when I’m constantly teased?” I rolled onto my side and stared at the photo of my parents and little sister. “Yeah, I know mamma. My time will come when I figure out who I’m meant to be. I wish you were here. Ruby and I are trying our best to cope, but it’s hard when you’re so far away.” A tear rolled down my cheek as I nuzzled my pillow trying to comfort myself. It’s been three years since the fire, and yet the wounds still hurt. Three years today. Ruby and I were the only ones who made it out before our house collapsed. That was all thanks to mamma and papa’s quick thinking. When the paramedics and fire department arrived, I covered my sister’s eyes as they pulled the corpses of our parents. I didn’t want her to see the horror, no foal should. We only had a few burns on our bodies. Ruby had a crack on her horn, and her hindquarters had some fractures, but the majority of both our wounds were of the heart. Within an instant, we lost everything, our family, our home. All we were left with was the family bits, no aunts or uncles to take us in, we were alone in the world. We spent a few weeks in hospital waiting for our wounds to heal, and Ruby's rehabilitation so she could walk again. I was glad when the Princess allowed my sister to stay with me at the school. We both had each other, trying to make it in this world. A faint knocking interrupted my train of thought. This was either Ruby, coming home late, or another adoption agency pony wanting us to have a “new family”. The knocking continued. I got up, wiped the tears from my eyes, walked to the door, and answered. I opened the door a crack. “Hello?” I asked. “Sis, it’s me. There’s somepony who wishes to speak to you.” Ruby said, as she pushed me out of the way with her crutches, and hobbled towards her bed. I looked to see who would want to speak to a late bloomer, when. “Hello Sapphire.” The orange unicorn spoke. What was her name, Glimmering Dusk? Oh, right, Sunset Shimmer. “I wanted to thank you for letting me borrow your pencil. I meant to give it back earlier, but it looked like you were having a hard day.” She was levitating my pencil in front of her. “Uh, thanks Sunset.” I let out a sigh. “Today wasn’t that much of a good day for either of us.” I pointed towards my sister. “I see. Is that why she’s trotting with help?” Sunset asked purely out of curiosity. “I don’t think that’s any of your business.” My emotions started to run away from me, as tears ran down once again. Ruby got off her bed and hobbled to the door. “You’ll have to forgive my sis. Today marks when our parents died, and she gets emotional when the sun starts to set.” She started to nuzzle me, trying to get me to calm down. Sunset’s ears drooped. “That’s, terrible. And here I just thought you were just a regular ol’ unicorn.” She realized what she said. “Sorry, that was rude of me. I meant to say, you two have been through a lot." She thought for a moment. "If you need one of Celestia’s prized students exclusive books or a doctor to get your sister back on her hooves. Let me know.” Boast much? Here I thought we could’ve been friends, then she pulls this. “Yeah, well. No thanks. We’re fine as we are.” I grabbed the pencil. And shut the door in Sunset’s face. I went back to bed and shoved my muzzle under my pillow. Ruby shook her head. “I know it hits you hardest, but I think that Sunset was trying to be friendly. She and I had a talk whilst we walked to the dorm. She doesn’t really understand how one could be friends with each other. I told her that even though I can’t walk on my own yet, and I get teased, I try to look for a common interest when trying to be friends with somepony. Something you need to look for as well.” She approached her bed, undid her straps, laid the crutches on the floor, and crawled onto her bed with relative difficulty. “Sis? If you hadn’t gotten accepted into this school prior to the accident, I don’t know if we would’ve made it with me always slowing you down. Not with the care I am getting now.” My head poked from under the pillow. “Ruby, you’ll never slow me down." I paused for a moment. "What are you getting on about?” Raising my head, and staring at my sister. “It’s, it’s nothing.” She lowers her head and looks at her scarred hind hooves. “I don’t want to always be a burden to you.” Her ears droop. “What if I never heal? What if I never gallop or use magic again?” “Does that really matter?” I said as I went to sit beside my little sister. “So you can’t walk like everypony else. You will in time. Just like someday, I’ll figure out my special talent and get my cutie mark.” I put my foreleg around her trying to comfort her. Though, I think it was more for me than anything. I needed the hug as much as my sister did. I started humming a lullaby mamma used to sing to us as foals. Soon Ruby drifted off to sleep just as the moon was starting to rise. I gently put her under the covers, and walked over to my desk. I spent a good chunk of the night doing my homework, as well as make a list of what we needed for the week. Some of me was lucky that my horn wasn’t damaged from the accident, it acted like a dim lamp with it’s silver glow as I moved the pencil with my magic. I looked over to my sister as she tossed and turned in her sleep. Her cracked horn sparked a few times, probably having a bad dream. I let out a yawn. I closed my notebook for the night, and climbed into bed. It wasn’t long before my sleep deprived self drifted off. > Chapter 4 - The Late Dawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Something was off. I couldn’t place my hoof on it, but something was different. As I open my eyes, the first thing I noticed was the room I was in. It wasn’t the dorm in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns at all. All this grey, and the loud booms off in the distance. I try to get up but noticed my body wasn’t responding the way it should. I took a few moments to let my body fully wake up. I knew panicking about it wouldn’t solve my current situation. With what little muzzle I had, I grabbed the blanket with my teeth and threw them off me. I was quite proud I had learnt that whilst I was in hospital. The room was dimly lit with some sort of contraption attached a wall. I crawled off the bed and onto the cold wooden floor, then proceeded towards what I thought was the door. I was sort of glad that it was open a crack, cause for some reason my magic wasn’t working. I nudged the door open with my head, and crawled through. I went across the hall to what I thought would be the bathroom. I stretched up noticing some sort of switch on to the right of me, just inside the room. I had to blink a few times to get used to the bright, unnatural light. I saw the counter and pulled myself up with what I thought were my forelegs. I looked at the reflection staring back at me. For a few moments I didn’t know what to think. The face had a weird muzzle, a tiny nose and small mouth, covered in a peach colored coat? I took the forehoof appendage and rubbed it on her, my, face? It felt smooth, hairless. Brown locks of hair fell in front of my sights - okay, not completely hairless, I thought. I blew the hair up, and it fell back in place out of the way. My gaze stared at the eyes for a few moments. “Interesting. Her, my, our?” I shook my head. “The eyes are very close to Ruby’s and mine.” I let out a sigh. “I wonder if this is one of the mythical ’Princess Luna’s’ dream realm concoctions.” I looked down at my unusual deformed hindquarters. “This’ll be interesting walking as a biped.” I said, as I watched the little protrusions on my rear hooves wiggle. It shot a shiver down my spine, but can’t do much about it. I wobbly walked out of the bathroom, and down the short hallway. I let out a gasp as I looked down a rather long staircase. “Just take it one step at a-” My balance got the better of me making me tumble down the stairs, hitting the wood floor below in a matter of seconds. I laid all sprawled out on the hardwood floor for a couple of minutes in shock. “Ow...” Was all I uttered before I tried getting up. I didn’t hurt persay, it was more like a pinch. I wobbled over what I assumed was the front window, and looked out. To my astonishment I saw lots of ponies as well as these weird hairless bipedal creatures running like something was going to strike them down. I heard the loud sound of a siren going off, and watched as the house across from me burst apart, leaving behind nothing but burning rubble. “What kind of Tartarus is this? I’ve never seen such destruction before.” I felt something grab me, then everything went dark. I awoke to find myself in the San Palomino Desert back in my pony form, however. There’s this weird bubble barrier thing in front of me. It looked like it was night time, with rolling hills, and pieces of stones sticking out of the ground. I was sort of perplexed as to what I should do. Suddenly there was figure standing in the distance in that bubble. I thought for a moment. ‘With how this barrier is curved, I wonder if the distance of an object is skewed like seeing a bit in water. Objects may appear further away than they actually are?’ I shrugged and raised my forehoof towards the bubble. I felt a jolt which made me hop backwards. The bubble then twisted and contorted, then popped, leaving only a small pillar of light. “Who was that figure in the bubble?” I felt that same ‘something’ grab me and pull me into the darkness. I felt vertigo as I fell in this blackness. My back hit the floor with a thud, waking me up suddenly. I took a few moments to catch my breath. Ruby looks at me from her bed. “I guess you had a one heck of a dream.” She said groggily, rubbing her eyes. She lets out a yawn. “Wake me when it’s morning.” Morning? I look over at the clock on my desk. I squinted trying to read it before I used my horn’s glow to see the numbers. “Uh, Ruby? It’s like 10 AM.” I look to the window. “Okay, this is weird. The sun should’ve been up a couple of hours ago.” I let out a sigh watching my little sis pull the blanket over her head. I walk over to her bed and start pulling off the blanket. “Come on, rise and shine. We have a lot to do today.” She pulls her hind legs up to her barrel wrapping her forehooves around them. “It’s still dark out. Can’t we just wait till sunrise?” She said trying to pout. My horn glows a bit brighter as I pull her to the edge of the bed. “Let me help you with your crutches this time. I don’t want you to struggle with them today.” I grabbed the crutches with my magic, and started strapping them to Ruby’s forehooves before I heard her yelp. “Oh, sorry, I pulled them too tight didn’t I.” She nodded her head, as I loosened them so she could tighten them herself. “Thank you for helping, but I need to do this on my own.” She started adjusting the brace on the crutches to a more comfortable position, then tightened them snugly. “So, what are we going to do today?” I blinked a couple of times as a beam of light from the now rising sun hit my eyes. “Well I thought we’d hit Joe’s Doughnut Shop for a bite to eat, then get some food for the week. After that-” Ruby stood up on the floor. And nuzzled my chest. “Always the one with the plan, huh sis. How about this, you let me do the shopping, and you can go see the palace. I know you’ve been wanting to go for the past few weeks.” I look at her sapphire eyes. “Ruby, are you sure you’ll be okay shopping on your own?” I guess you could say, I’ve been a bit overprotective of my sister, but I guess this was her way of trying to do things on her own. I can respect that. I let out a sigh, and helped her strap on her saddle bags. “Okay, we’ll split off after breakfast.” I said rolling up the list, pulled out a small bag of bits from my desk drawer, and placing them in her saddle bags. “Now let’s get ready to go. Can’t have our manes all messy when we’re going out in public.” Her ears lowered as she made her way to the bathroom, me following behind. “I really should do something for you big sis.” Her eye twitched as I started brushing out the knots in her mane. “Maybe a new brush?” I let out a sigh as I had to, once again, untangle her mane in my mouth. “Or may-be an appointment to get our manes under control.” I simply nodded my head, still having her mane in my mouth. I thought to myself, looking at our mirrored reflections, ‘It wouldn’t be a bad idea to get our manes and tails done.’ After a few minutes later, her mane became more manageable to brush out. “What about both?” Her ears perked right up. “Yeah, yeah! We could get it done tomorrow? Your midterm is on Tuesday, right?” I slowly nodded my head. The relaxation right before my examination would help me to focus. “Okay, now you’re all ready to go, it’s my turn.” I started brushing my mane quickly, not really caring for perfection today. A few minutes passed, the both of us started heading out of the dorm room. Ruby stuck close to me as we made our way towards the main entrance. I passed by where I had my meeting with Princess Celestia the previous day, her words echoing in my head once more. We continued out of the school, I waved to Shining Armor and Cadence as we passed by. “Ruby, you’ve got to keep your head high. We’re in the most beautiful in Equestria.” I gave her a smile as we continued our way towards the market square. “Says the pony why only has a few scars from the fire. I’m nothing but a complete wreck.” She lets out a sigh. “I’m always depending on you for help and-” I stop mid-step placing my forehoof to her muzzle. “We’re family. It doesn’t matter one bit whether you need help or not. I’ll always be there when you need me.” Her ears perked up as we continued on. We eventually made it to Joe’s Doughnut Shop, and entered. Joe was serving a Royal Guard and couldn’t help but overhear their conversation. “The Princess’s pupil went into the Princess’s private study without asking permission. That Sunset thinks she can go anywhere she wants because she’s the Princess’s protege.” The guard huffed as he sipped at his hot beverage. “I hear you. Though, I’ve never really seen her with anypony other than the Princess. Doesn’t she have any friends?” Joe said in response, grabbing a jelly doughnut for the Guard. “Who knows. She spends so much of her time outside her studies in the Starswirl the Bearded wing of the Library. Anyways, thanks Joe for filling my order quick.” The Guard’s horn glows, levitating the paper bag and his drink, and heads towards us. We part ways letting the Guard exit the shop. We both approach the counter, and examine the various pastries. Joe looks at the both of us for a few moments then speaks up. “Well if it isn’t the Blaze sisters. It’s been a while since I last saw you in here. What can I get the both of you?” “Good morning Joe.” I said, eyeing the apple turnovers. “Could I get a couple of your apple turnovers, and a cup of green tea.” I turn to Ruby, then nudged her a bit. “Okay sis, your turn.” Her ears lower. “Um, could I get a maple cream doughnut and an apple juice?” Her voice was unusually quiet for some reason. Joe smiled at my sister. “You don’t have to be shy, little one.” He starts filling our order. “I remember another pony being like you a few years ago.” He lets out a sigh. “She was the most shy pony I had ever known - talented, but shy.” “Uh Joe, This pony wouldn’t happen to be an orange unicorn with a golden and red mane and tail would it?” I asked. Joe set the pastries onto our tray, then turned to fix our drinks. “If you mean Sunset Shimmer, you’d be right. I guess she’s still finding it hard to make any friends.” Ruby looks at me. “Sounds like another one I know.” I shushed her. “So, what do ya fillies have to do today? From the looks of it, it seems like you have a full day planned.” Joe said as he sets down our drinks on the tray. “Ruby’s doing this week’s groceries, whilst I visit the Palace.” Joe raised an eyebrow. “What. She insisted on doing the shopping.” Ruby nodded her head before hobbling to a nearby booth. “Are you sure it’s a good idea?” He asked. “You could do what the other students do and just order your food to come to your dorm room.” Ruby looked at Joe as I brought over our breakfast. “Joe, I want to do this. I don’t want to always depend on my big sis for everything. And the docs say the more I am moving the faster I’ll recover.” She grabbed her drink with both hooves and takes a sip. I look down at my food. “Ruby, if at any time you feel too tired and need a rest. Come back here. We’ve got all day to get everything on the list, so take it slow.” I took a bite of my turnover. It reminded me of what mom used to bake when we were foals. The sweet aroma of fresh apples, the delicate balance of the cinnamon ginger and honey, and the near perfect flaky crust - it was almost a shame to have a sprinkle of sugar on the top. I took a few moments to finish the first turnover, then looked to the owner of the shop. “Joe, could I ask a favor from you?” Joe raised an eyebrow, then gave a smile. “Sure kid. What would you like?” I took a sip of my tea, looking at Ruby, before answering. “Could she borrow your cooler? That way she doesn’t have to carry everything in one go.” It was probably bold of me to ask, but it would allow her to not carry so much, and that way she’s not pushing herself too much. I waited for Joe’s reply. He took a few minutes to think about it, making me fear the worse. Why would anypony help a cripple and a late bloomer? “Well, I’d have to see how much space I have back there. As long as it won’t take up too much room, it should be okay. You just have to come get it before I close up shop.” I beamed with satisfaction, however, Ruby only gave a smirk. Her eye twitched for a few seconds, then she blinked a couple of times. I hadn’t really noticed her doing that. I started having second thoughts, but then she looked at me. “Sis, don’t worry. How my horn is healing, it sort of gives mini headaches. I’ll be fine.” She started on her maple cream doughnut, watching as she makes a mess of it trying to eat the pastry with her hooves. I levitated a napkin up and wiped her muzzle. “Do you have to do that, now? Couldn’t you have waited until I was done?” She gave me a pouty face, which made me giggle a bit. I think she wanted to lick the cream off her muzzle, but I beat her to it. Joe brought over a cup of coffee, and sat down at our table. “So, how is everypony enjoying their breakfast?” He took a sip, then gagged. “Could you pass me the sugar?” I levitated the sugar container over to him. “I see, you’re quick to use your magic. But how do you think your sister feels when you do that?” I let out a sigh. It was a fair statement. I had taken my magic for granted, where my sister couldn’t even get her horn to glow without it sparking. “I know. She would feel pretty useless. It’s probably why some ponies don’t like to interact with her because of that.” I started on my last turnover. “So she’s different, does that really matter?” Joe poured a considerable amount of sugar into his drink, then begins to stir. “Canterlot can sometimes be cruel to those who aren’t like everypony else. There are some, myself included, who don’t mind. We’re all ponies, for Celestia’s sake.” He sips at his drink, letting out a sigh of satisfaction. “Now, I think it’s high time the two of you go and get on with your day, despite me liking your company. There are very few who like to chat up a storm.” He gave the both of us a smile. Ruby was licking her forehooves clean, as I finished up my tea. “One of these days, we’ve gotta return the generosity you gave us.” I said. Joe was like an uncle to us, always there to listen over a cup of tea, and gave pretty decent advice. I still remember when he came to visit us in hospital, bringing us some of his pastries, and talking to us about what went on in his shop. He’d often would tell jokes when we were having a hard time. He was one of the few Canterlot residents that didn’t mind us. We could be ourselves, and open without being put down. Joe shook his head. “That won’t be necessary. Just coming to talk to me is enough.” I looked at the clock on the wall. He was right. It was time for the both of us to get going, it was almost noon, and there was a lot to do. We said our goodbyes, and left the shop. I stood there for a few moments as I watched Ruby wobble towards the core of the market. After seeing her enter the vegetable shop, I decided to make my way towards the Palace. My walk to the palace was alright, only getting the odd pony calling me a late bloomer. Even the elite aren’t okay with me, how great. I continued onward to the main gate. I was stopped by two Royal Guards holding spears in their wings. “Hult. State your business here.” The rather gruff looking guard said. “My name is Sapphire Blaze. I attend Princess Celestia’s School, and I came to take a tour around the palace. It’s sort of my first time here.” The slender mare Guard chuckled, and lowered her spear. “The Princess had a feeling you might show up here at some point today.” She looks to the other guard. “Stand down. She’s a guest of the Princess, let her through.” “Uh, thanks?” I said, not really meaning it to be a question. The guards parted ways and I trotted into the main courtyard. Boy was I impressed with the way outside the palace looked. How well maintained the trees were. I lifted my head up and took a whiff of sweet scents of the nearby garden. I continued on my way towards the hedge maze. When I was in the “Histories of Canterlot Royalty” class, I was fascinated on the origins of the Statues that lined around the entrance to the maze. I passed by the statue of the draconequus, Discord, the spirit of disharmony and chaos. It felt like it was looking at me, despite it being just a marble statue. One statue was clad in ancient armor holding a flag in its forehoof - the plaque said it was the statue of victory. The way the mouth look, it was more like it was trying to yell rather than cheering. Right in front of the maze entrance was a statue of three earth fillies with a foreboding look to them. This didn’t really scream friendship as its plaque said. It looked like they were in mid-cast, or rather trying to cast a spell. I sat down on a nearby bench facing the back steps of the palace. I saw Moondancer and Sunset converse, I guess they were on tour here as well? I overheard a bit of their conversation. “Will you be my friend, Moondancer?” Sunset asked. “I don’t see why you couldn’t become friends with the Princess’s favorite student.” Her voice sounded sincere, though, still boasting, just a bit. “I can get you books or spells you can’t get anywhere else.” “No thank you. It’s a great offer and all.” I could imagine Moondancer pushing up her glasses with her hoof as she said that. “Why not?” Sunset sounded devastated, her ears lowering. “I don’t have the time with midterms coming up, to worry about having friends.” She turned around to leave. “You don’t have friends either.” Those words cut through me like a knife through butter. I remember how I acted the day before it immediately I felt regret. I watch as Sunset disappeared into the halls of the palace, and Moondancer running off towards the main gate. I just sat there for a while, not exactly sure of what I should do. I ultimately decided to take my “tour” inside. I made my way to the back entrance, and entered. The long hallway was elegant, with the gold embroidered red carpet lining the center of the hall, and pillars of smooth marble, and beautiful stained glass adorned most of the windows. I walked down the hall, not knowing where I was going. I passed by that seemed like the palace throne room. From what I saw through the cracked open door, it looked like Sunset and Celestia were having a strong conversation. “Friendship is not easy, Sunset.” Celestia said as she walked up to her subject, her dawn colored mane and tail waving in the unseen breeze. “But why? You want me to fail again?” Sunset steps back a few steps. “I don’t think anypony would be incapable of being friends.” The princess raises her forehoof and strokes her subject’s mane. “But what am I doing wrong?” She asked her teacher. ‘I could think of a couple things that you could change.’ I thought to myself as I continued listening in. “I’m acting nice, I try to be friendly, and nothing works.” She continued, backing away once more. “You’re telling me you can figure out the fundamentals of magic, but simple friendship is too hard for you?” Celestia steps in closer once again placing her hoof onto Sunset’s shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” Now I’m getting deja vu. Didn’t she say something similar to me just yesterday? Am, I that much similar to Sunset that the Princess would say almost the same exact thing? No, that can’t be right. Sunset is a boastful unicorn, and I’m, just a late bloomer. Wait, could that be the reason, we’re both late bloomers, me in the literal sense, and her, as in social standings? Sunset lowers her head, sniffling. “Is, is this an order?” she looks up to the regal Princess. “Yes, and until you figure it out, I don’t want you in the library.” Celestia’s words echoed in my mind once again. I sort of felt sad for Sunset. Being barred from someplace you feel most comfortable in, just doesn’t seem fair. I noticed a couple of guards coming towards the door, Sunset following behind, her head still lowered. I quickly continued on my way, as to not look suspicious. ‘Wait, they have a library here? Oh, that’s right, the Starswirl the Bearded wing of the Canterlot Library is somewhere in the palace. It would make sense to have it where it’s under guard supervision.’ I thought to myself as I continued wandering the elegant hallways of the palace. I walked through the grand banquet hall, found the royal kitchen, and stumbled into the Starswirl the Bearded wing. “There are no words to describe how I’m feeling right now.” I was amazed at how many different books there were. I spent much of the afternoon reading everything I could get my hooves on. It was early evening when I noticed I wasn’t alone. Somepony was reading something out loud. “This is amazing. That mirror in the Princess’s study, according to Starswirl’s notes is a passage to another world, that’s entirely different than our own. ‘On the third night of the full moon the door closes upon its zenith until the moon turns thirty times.’ Hmm, it only opens once every thirty moons and only for three days.” The voice sounded like Sunset’s, but wasn’t she banned from coming here? The sounds of hooves started to get louder, and somepony, or ponies were approaching. I hid myself in a dark corner of the library wing, but now had a pretty good view of what transpired. Sunset was too involved in reading a scroll to see the three who approached. “WHAT, are you doing here?” The regal voice rang out. Sunset wide-eyed, looking towards the Princess and her Guard escort. “Pr-incess Celestia?” “I thought I made it clear that you were not allowed in here, and you have disobeyed me.” Celestia’s voice was more stern than normal. She lets out a sigh. “I told you I couldn’t make friends.” She stood up, trying to plead her case, as if she was on trial. “You didn’t even try.” Celestia snapped at her student. “Try what? I-I-I tried everything you told me.” Once again trying to plead her case. “Did you?” Celestis stepping forward. Sunset’s horn begins to glow in a green light. “You’re a hypocrite! You don’t even have friends!” Her voice echoes as she teleports away. The sheer wind of Sunset’s teleportation rips apart the scroll she was reading. The look on the Princess’s face was devastating. I slumped down, knocking a few books off the shelf. I didn’t really care, I just sat there watching the two guards come towards me horns glowing. How close was I from doing that myself? The guards coxed me to stand up and come into the dimming light. Celestia looked towards the wide window of the library wing, her horn glowing, magically making the large hourglass flip over before waving her guards off. Celestia started to walk towards the door, something was telling me to follow. “Princess?” I asked, now concerned for what just transpired, and her majesty’s well being. “Sapphire. I appreciate what you want to say, but I need to be alone. You are free to leave. I’m sure your sister is waiting for you.”  Celestia’s voice had a certain sadness. I nodded my head and started to head out of the palace, being escorted by one of her guards. I guess she didn’t want me to lose my way. ‘You’re a hypocrite! You don’t even have friends!’ Sunset’s last words echoed in my head as I left the palace grounds. I made my way to the market, my ears lowered. I spotted Joe and Ruby waiting for me in front of his shop. I could tell sis was very successful in her shopping, two barrels, and her saddlebags bursting full of stuff. Joe offered to help us, but I insisted that I could handle everything. I switch saddlebags with Ruby so she could walk a bit easier, and carried the barrels, one on my back, whilst levitating the other with my magic. Our walk back to the dorms was quiet. I needed some time to think. Today was rather eventful, to be quite frank, too eventful. I was having a hard time processing what I witnessed, and going over what I could’ve done to prevent all this from happening. We finally made it to the dorm room. I pushed down on the door handle and pushed the door open. It took us a good hour or so to put everything away, by then the moon had started to rise. Ruby spoke as she took off her crutches. “Is everything alright? When I saw you, it looked like you had been kicked in the face.” “Just there was a lot going on in the palace today. Some good, some bad.” Trying to hold back my emotions as best as I could. “Sounds more bad than good.” She gets off her bed, and wobbles towards me, without her crutches. I put a smirk on my face, but then I was once again taken over by grief. “Do you think I’m a bad pony?” I looked at her with my ears down. “Of course not. Why would you think that, Sapphire?” She tried to give me a hug. “It’s just. Had I not been a jerk to Sunset yesterday...” My voice got quiet. “Did something happen to her?” She sat on my bed. “You witnessed something, didn’t you.” I didn’t really want to tell her anything about what transpired, I just sat at my desk deep in thought. Not really sure how long I sat there, but by the time my tiredness started taking over, Ruby was sound asleep. I tucked her into her own bed, then hit the hay myself. Maybe everything will be better in the morning. The next day was alright, despite the sun not rising. Ruby and I had a relaxing time at the local spa getting our manes and tails tamed, and styled, ate out for supper, which was a nice treat for my sis. It was mostly in celebration for walking a full day without her crutches. I still couldn’t shake this feeling something had happened. For three days in a row the sun hadn’t risen once. My midterm was fairly straightforward. But I barely passed, I had lost all motivation in my studies. The empty seat beside me, used to be occupied by Sunset, but she didn’t show up for any of her classes. I had become fed up with school, and decided to pay the Princess a visit. I made my way to the Palace, wanting to tell her royal highness a piece of my mind. The closer I got to the front steps, the calmer my mind got. The guards didn’t look all happy, in fact they looked how I felt two nights before. The nice mare guard who I talked to a few days back, escorted me to Celestia’s  chambers door. “I think it would be good for her to have one of her students come visit her for a change. Ever since Sunset left-” My ears perked at that. “She Left? Where did she go?!” My voice carried through the oak door into the Princess’s room. “Tell me!” The guard shook her head. “I was off duty at the time, but from what I heard, she attacked a couple guards on patrol, went into the Princess’s private study, and disappeared.” The door began to glow in a golden light, and slowly opened. “Sapphire,” The calm voice of Celestia came from the dimly lit room. “Please come inside. I know you must have questions for me.” I walked in. Celestia was sitting on a cushion in front of her fireplace. She gestured for me to sit beside her. I didn’t say anything for a few minutes. I wanted to yell and scream, but something told me this wasn’t the time nor the place. Here the princess was sitting there, her mane and tail were a mess, and she didn’t dawn any of her regal wears. I guess my instincts took over as I started to groom the Princess like I did with my sister, starting with Celestia’s tail. I stopped for a moment to speak. “Princess? Was I really that similar to Sunset, you feared I’d be just like her?” I went back to undoing the tangles in her tail with my mouth. She looked at me, and let out a long sigh. “Twice now, I’ve let somepony who needed me, down.” She sniffled. “You reminded me so much of my sister when she was no bigger than you are.” “You thad a thithter?” I said still having Celestia’s tail in my mouth. She nodded. “Once, long ago. She always had such beautiful nights, and watched over everypony whilst they slept. But because I was praised and loved by ponies during the day, not many loved my dear sister’s hard work at night. I was blinded with praise, and didn’t see her jealousy was pushing us apart.” She looked towards the moon now filling the window. “Eventually her jealousy consumed her, and she became Nightmare Moon. I tried all I could to bring my sister back to her senses, but,” she let out a long sigh. “in the end, I had to banish her to the moon.” I  took a few moments to think of a response. Levitating over a brush, I started to smooth out her now untangled tail. “And here you’ve been all alone all this time, bringing both the day and night. Every night seeing the reminder of what you did. It’s like me seeing Ruby’s scarred legs and her cracked horn. It’s a daily reminder that had I been the one to teleport us out instead of mamma and pops, everypony would’ve been okay.” I continued brushing Celestia’s tail. “We can’t change the past, only look ahead for a better tomorrow.” I started to groom her mane. Celestia looked back to the fireplace. “But then I was a fool, once again. Sunset Shimmer needed help, but I pushed her away. I thought if she could make friends on her own, it would fill her with a joy books and studying could not.” A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked to the mirror by her bed. “As you saw in the library, hurtful words were said by both of us. After raising the moon, I realized my mistake, and tried to apologize, but it was too late. I found her room empty. I heard some of my guards yell out in pain, and I rushed to their aid. The door to my study was wide open, and the guards I had placed were on the ground in pain. The mirror was the only thing that wasn’t covered up, making me fear the worse.” She looked at me still unknotting her messy mane with my mouth. “Sunset left Equestria. Whether it was for good, or not. I had the palace guard move the mirror here in hopes that one day she might return and I can ask her for forgiveness.” I let go of the piece of mane I was unraveling. “I wasn’t good to her either, if I’m all honest. It was the anniversary of the fire, and I wasn’t nice to her at all. She was trying to help me and my sister out, by offering stuff, but I let my emotions get the better of me. I slammed the door in her face.” My ears lowered. “If I hadn’t been so short with her, maybe she’d-” Celestia nuzzled me. “I don’t think anypony could’ve seen this coming. We all make mistakes, Sapphire. It’s how we grow.” She let me get back to grooming her. “Your teachers have told me you haven’t been doing your assignments. It’s been hard on you as well to face things without somepony around.” I nodded my head, as I started brushing her mane. “I know this is bold of me to say this, but,” I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and anticipated for the worse. “Would you look after Ruby? Let her stay at the school to study, and continue her recovery.” Celestia had a puzzled look on her face when I finally opened my eyes. “What do you mean by that? Are you not going to continue your studies?” “Yes, but not here. Right now, I need time to be away from here, and collect my thoughts. It’s just Canterlot brings back a lot of negative memories.” I lowered my head. “Alright. I will grant you this request, on one condition.” I set down the brush, and watched her get off the cushion. “You let me know where your travels take you, and visit the both of us once in a while.” I didn’t know what to think. What was Celestia planning? “I think I have an idea on where you should start your journey.” I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Tomorrow I will have a ticket sent to your dorm, for the express train to Ponyville. Once there, speak to the mayor, and they’ll line up a place for you. You can request your things to be brought to you, if you so wish.” I was speechless, confused, and had more questions than my tired mind could ask. We said our good nights, and I made my way back to the school dorms. By the time I got to the room, Ruby was already asleep. A plate of carrots, sliced peaches and an apple sat on my desk with a note. It was nice of her to make me a small snack, knowing I didn’t eat that much all day. I smiled as I read her note, ate, then headed off to bed.