• Published 24th Mar 2019
  • 574 Views, 6 Comments

Game of love - Blackraven

just standing next to her suppousedd hated nemissi was beyound bearable to her but now she has to sleep under the same roof but tonight her nemesis will do something she never thought he was capable off

  • ...


Hours had gone by and Diamond tiara was still trying to get past the first level and she’s failing miserably.

Button mash had laid down his head but not falling into a slumber as he knew that totally accurate tea party simulator was a game known for its frustration and with a hot head like Diamond tiara on the controller. Lunas knows what’s going to happen.

Still, his eyes were closed but his ears were perked up and his tail slight keeping it close to Diamond tiaras just in case he needed to wrap his tail around Diamond, restricting her from demolishing his 15000-bit game console.


Button mash smirked as he kept on hearing the word that completely disgusted him as a gamer but now it was as harmonies. As a choir of angels singing together in serenity. The words he absolutely despises when he had the console was now the most beautiful sound he had ever heard in his life.


As the game contained on its rampage of insults to the pink filly. Button mash was alerted; a growl can be heard of Diamond tiara. Fear in his fear and worry lingered in his heart. The earth pony colt stood ready to put Diamond tiara down or at least restrict her, love tap did tell Button mash that it wasn’t gentle-coltly to harm a mare or filly for a reason that wouldn’t been seen as socially approving.

But never the less. He was ready. Button mash was fast on his hooves, sure he didn't have the strongest punch or biggest muscle like tender taps but he definitely had the fastest, a side effect of playing ‘burning ice’ the virtual reality game which required precision and speed. Ready to move, Button mash kept his still hind legs ready for speedy grapple and restraint.

Button mash heard slight rules and shifts in movement then instantly, everything went silent. However, nothing happened, no screaming, no bashing not even getting up but then all of a sudden Button feels a soft gentle hoof on his shoulder blade.

Completely frozen, Button sat there. Unwilling to open his eye’s. Praying to celestia that it is his mother’s hooves That he had actually fallen asleep and had re-awoken but He knew he didn't fall asleep.

The hair of the colt’s boy stood up.an electric bolt of shock went through Button s body as a second hoof settled on the base of Button s right cheek. the colt laid still on the floor. His eyes still ever closed. Button had to get a small peek, Button risked it and opened his eyes just slightly, he sees a pink fur coat and a small pink lips inches from his own, her eyes still closed. Shacked Button closed his field of vision. The level of confusion of the colt was beyond measurement. The colt felt hundreds of emotions run through him. Button mash was completely dumb struck. After what seemed like hours of an inability to comprehend the situation but was actually minutes. The young stallion felt It’ll of those emotions immediately shot out of the colt as he could hear a small cooed from the pony kissing him. Then Button felt the gentle force that was rushed up against his lips leave him.

After the she broke away from her kiss. The young stallion was relieved, the situation had died down a bit and that she left his lips but the trouble of the young colt soon came back as his tail was being completely wrapped around by Diamond ’s tail. Button mash had a short tail and Diamond had quite the bushy fluffy tail. Which made it easier to wrap it around Button mash’s tail. He could feel her tail slowly engulfing the foul’s tail.

Button mash had played enough games to know that this is not supposed to happen to enemies or this should not be done by enemies but by lover interest of the protagonist. the music of the game stopped. Diamond tiara had paused the game.

“why Button mash, why did you have to run to her, why her, why didn't you notice me?”

The brown colt laid petrified. plans of escaped formed in the colt’s mind. As the gears of thought turned itself in Button s head. The process was halted. Halted by the gentle muzzles of Diamond tire

“why did you just ignore me? I tried so hard, I tried so much but you never noticed me”

“after all the good things I had done for you, all the times I tried to win you over, but you never saw it. you never saw anything. Did you ignore me? When I’m mean to you, that's the only time you notice me. WHY, Button mash why. AGH.” Diamond tiara uttered out. Suddenly Button mash feels something wet on the edge of his muzzle and the soft cries of a filly

" O my celestia is she crying, what is going. what does she mean by not noticing her, what is going on " panicking Button mash began to shake but just barely?

"I guess tonight is the only time I’m going to be close to you Button. I just wish I was brave to tell you m how I feel. That I hate bullying you, that I hate calling you names. but then again, bullying is the only way that you actually notice me. huh. what’s up with that. O my celestia what am I doing. I'm talking to my self is what I am doing! I’m just fantastic aren't I. "

"My celestia she’s ........ She......... She’s in l-l-l-l-love with me " thought to himself. And what does she mean by all the good things she did for me. Have I been so love struck with sweetie belle that I haven't noticed what other fillies have been doing around me .NO, I have to get the bottom of this I must find out the truth, if she knows that I am awake and she's baiting me or is this how she really feels about me.

A few more minutes had gone by with the seemingly unusual atmosphere around them Button mash ‘arousal' woke up from his "sleep”. Just as Button has planned. Diamond quickly reacted and sprang away from the colt. Grabbing the controller, making it look like she had never left. “Have you been going through this level the whole time Di?

“Yes, now shut up and go to sleep or at least yourself useful and go get us some drinks. Button Nash.”

“What Button bash not cutting it for you anymore Diamond tiara?”

“Shut up and listen.”

With a defeated sigh, Button mash went towards the stairs. The colt’s mother’s room is right by the stairs. Her room perfectly parallel to the entrance to the stairs, this design proved to be problematic. especially when the cream mare not having a good night failed to paying attention to her surroundings and accidentally slips of.

He walks past the room slowly. as the colt turned the corner the young stallion heard weird noises, light moans but not the usual moans of stress, pain or frustration. These moan was more of a joyful one and then Button could hear his mother, love tap began saying “faster”.

Not wanting to be caught Button mash slowly and stealthily, like snake from pony gears, sneaks down to pour Diamond tiara and himself some juice. opening the fridge with his move the colt grabbed the white box with his mouth and he pours the gold liquid into 2 transparent glass cups. he ponders over the one sided conversation him and Diamond tiara had in his room.

“What could she mean by all that, maybe I can’t remember what's she did for me. ”as the colt recalled his past memories, the Button slapped his head with his hooves” Wait Button, this is tiara The most wretched and horrible pony you know. Are you seriously falling for this lie “the colt rambling as a though had struck him “but What if this isn't a farce?” *Sigh *

Brown earth pony rubbed his head and wondered on.as the cycled through his thought, the colt hears a heard a voice from the back of his head


Button mash suddenly snaps back to reality and sees that he had empty half the bottle of juice on to himself and the glass as well as the table

“Oops” Button mash said in an idiotic sounding voice.

“O my celestia what is wrong with you.”

With no further response from Button, Diamond tiara proceeds to get a towel and began wiping Button mash.as she brushed the fabric against his chest, which completely caught him of guard. The colt stared at her

First she rubs his chest then his hooves. Not realizing that she is actually extremely close to himself. Sure it was just wiping of some golden liquids but this was all the proof Button mash needed.

for if she was bluffing him she wouldn't have helped.

He always remembers what mom told to him almost every day "you can always tell what kind of pony some pony is by the small things they do, not the big”. This in his head, Button mash new this was not a joke, rose, farce or a lie.

“Honestly Button mash if I ever meet some pony as clumsy as Button mash I swear I would have seen it all”.

Button mash paying no attention to this comment carried on staring into the big blue beautiful eyes of hers.

She notices this and keeps on wiping pretending that he’s not looking. A small blush ensued on the pink filly

Suddenly Button mash grabbed the towel out of her hooves and puts it down on the table.

“W-w-w-what are you doing” Diamond tiara mutters out.

Button mash again pays no attention and rushed his face towards hers but not to make lip contact but extremely close.

The 2 foals stood there for a few seconds neither one of them pulling away their faces from each other. Finally, Button mash moves in for his proper first kiss against Diamond tiara lips.

The 2 kiss for a long time Diamond tiara making no waste of this time immediately puts a hoof on his chest him and on his back indirectly forcing Button mash in to a deeper kiss and Button mash gently put his hooves by Diamond tiara hips. Button mash breaks from the kiss still holding Diamond tiara just in case she tries to make a run from it.

“W-w-w-what was that”.

“I'm pretty sure that was your first kiss Diamond tiara”.

Diamond tiaras is completely taken back by the comment

Suddenly a huge flash of red graced her face mixing with that elegant pink main coat

You’re a creep you forced me in a kiss I didn't want Button mash, you forced your lips on me!

The colt was speechless, after all that confession about how she felt about him. Diamond actually try to pull away from the kiss. Actually try to deny her feelings for him

“admit it Button mash. Someone dared you to kiss me. who dared you huh. snips and snails. Rumble, wood chipper, dinky?!

“she’s…………. afraid” the colt thought to himself. “she thinks that all of this is fake, that I’m trying to trick her “this anger the young stallion but he knew not to make a scene and not to tell it to her directly so the colt contained on. He had to make her confess on her own

“hmmm and yet when I put your face close to mines you didn’t pull back. when I was messed, you came to help clean me. I kissed you and you didn’t pull back. my hooves are on your hips right now Diamond tiara and yet you do nothing to stop it. you had all the power to stop this kiss and yet you didn’t why.”


“Diamond don’t lie to me, I heard everything you said to me in my room”.

Realizing that Button mash was listening to her every emotion, she turned from the pinkish red filly in to a near pale white ghost.

"-and before you say how could you just kiss me just by rubbing juice of your coat, remember this. you can tell some pony who they really are by the small things they do not the big and the fact you came after to help me and came down with me to make sure I didn't get in trouble shows all the proof”.

Diamond cold only stare as Button continued

“you tried to help clean me up is all I need to know that I have feelings towards a kind sweet pony who just haves they occasional melt downs here and there and behaviorally mess up with the ponies they really care about. Most of the time “.

Well Button mash was an honest colt but sometimes he was a bit to honest for his own good.

before Button mash could carry on with his lecture Diamond tiara immediately kissed him again. completely nullifying his brain and quietening him

after then Diamond tiara broke the kiss. Button was stuck. As if he was a statue

" come on let’s go to bed its way past out bed time”.

Button mash immediately nodded, dried off and was about to go the living room to sleep on the couch until

“where do you think you are going Button mash?”

“I’m going to sleep”.

"noooooo no colt, you coming with me “. Diamond then grabs Button mash by the hoof and drags him to his room. from there the 2 foals climb into bed gave each other a passionate kiss and rest their heads in each other’s comfort

snuggling and slowly falling asleep Button mash and Diamond tiara for once looked forward to going to school because they were going.


Comments ( 6 )

Curse you, I am hooked and want more I can't wait until the next story and I was wondering if you would like to make a sequel for this story with a co-Authors help (because I know you're busy)?

Sure if that author is willing

I will like to be a co-author for you if you want.

I would definitely love that

I will like to talk with you more but I will have to talk to you tomorrow because I have classes tomorrow.

Same actually it 5 in the morning where I am right now

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