• Published 23rd Jan 2019
  • 453 Views, 3 Comments

The Dawn of Shawn - Thunder7669

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Chapter 4: The Evil Faction (Shawn)

A few months passed and I got to know my new family even more. Sonata was like a mother a boy could ever ask for. She compassionate, loving, and kind to me.

Aria was more of a big sister that you love and hate at the same time. This might sound complicated but it's easy to explain if you've been in my shoes. She was loving but mean at times. She may pull off somethings that would hurt me but in the end, she loves me. I remember this one time when Adagio was wiping down the tables and mistakingly put me in the trash. Aria then came to take out the trash, noticed me, and put me gently in her hair. I was then dropped off near her pillow and fell asleep.

Today was May 18 and Sonata along with Aria decided to go to the beach since Adagio wasn't home yet. They told me to remember the rules and stay safe. They then each gave me a kiss goodbye and drove off. The second they left, I built a house of Legos on the lower shelf of the living room round table. I then took a nap from all the hard work.

An hour had passed and a door opening woke me up. "Wha-?" I asked myself. I then looked out the Lego window and saw Adagio come in along with three other girls.

"Uh oh." I said to myself with fear as they sat down in front of my house.

"Hi everyone, let's get straight to introductions. My name is Adagio Dazzle. What's yours?" Adagio said.

"Trixie Lulamoon." Said the blue girl.

"Vignette Valencia." Said the pink haired girl.

"Wallflower Blush, and you should already know me since I am the leader and founder of our faction." Said the green girl.

Faction? I thought.

"Of course we know who you are. The Dark Sisterhood is proud of their leader and we're all proud to be part of the Fearfull Four." Vignette said. She then noticed the house I built and picked it up. I then hid from her sight the best I could. "Adagio, do you know who built this?"

"No. Why?" Adagio said.

"They're really experienced in making this. I haven't seen a house like this before. There's also tiny structures on the inside." Vignette then placed the house on her lap as everyone talked about The Dark Sisterhood. As they were talking, I snuck out of my house and into Adagio's pocket. Luckily, she was sitting next to Vignette.

After a few hours of talking, they brought up something that made me tremble in fear. "So, I haven't told the rest of the group about it yet. But I have something planned for all tinies." Wallflower said.

"Really? What is it?" Trixie asked.

"I'm going to start a plan codenamed: Operation Tiny Camp or OTC for short. I'm sure your all aware of my memory stone teleporting out of my hand. Well, I found it's whereabouts to be somewhere in the Crystal Prep Academy garden. I would have our faction dig there since the Shadowbolts are on our side, but Principle Cadence forbid any activity like that to preserve the garden. So, the plan is to kidnap all of the tinies that we find in Canterlot City and force them to dig for my stone."

"Okay, this is a good plan and all. But why would you need this stone back and what if they say no?" Adagio asked.

"The stone let's me control the thoughts of anyone I want. The Dark Sisterhood can rule the world just by using a simple artifact. Oh, and in case the tinies refuses to help, I can turn this from Operation Tiny Camp to Operation Tinycide. In case your confused, Tinycide is a hybrid word of Tiny and Genocide."

"Wait, isn't there a catch to this whole operation?" Vignette asked.

"Yes, there's a catch. The Tinies Protection Agency or TPA will interfere with our plans if they find out. So I need you all to distract them from any part of our plan. Adagio, if you can, keep Sonata at home so the job can get done. If she finds out, she will stop us immediately. Also, Trixie, you're good friends with Sunset. Keep her away from the Operation and if possible, her main circle of friends."

"I don't have doubts, but what if we fail?" Adagio asked.

"Don't worry, Adagio. This time, things will be different." Wallflower's phone alarm rang, signaling it was eight o'clock pm. Everyone but Adagio left. Adagio then walked upstairs to her room. I then slid down her leg and ran to Sonata's room.


I arrived home with Aria and we went straight to my room. "That was fun, Aria. We should do that again sometime." I said.

"I wouldn't be against it but I feel like we should bring Shawn next time. Speaking of which, where is he?" Aria said. There was then dead silence and we heard muffled crying from my pillow. "I think we found him."

I went over to the pillow and lifted it up. I then saw Shawn crying. "Shawn? What's wrong, sweetie?" I asked while holding him gently on my breast and rubbing his back affectionately.

"Adagio is part of a faction known as The Dark Sisterhood. They're going to enslave all the tinies in Canterlot City. If the tinies refuse to help them, then they're going to start a genocide." I was surprised by this and looked at Aria.

"Don't worry, Shawn. Adagio won't lay a finger on you. I can protect you from her because I am the leader of The Tinies Protection Agency. I need to know who else is in this group you mentioned so I can stop them." Shawn then looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

"Vignette Valencia, Wallflower Blush, Trixie Lulamoon, and the Shadowbolts."

"Thanks for letting me know." I then placed him in his little bed and tucked him in. "Good night, Shawn. I love you."

"I love you too mommy." He said before drifting off into a deep sleep. I then turned to Aria with a concerned look.

"What are you going to do?" Aria asked as she walked out.

"I'm not sure yet. Good night, Aria." I said while closing the door.

"Good night, Sonata." I then laid down and fell asleep.