• Published 23rd Jan 2019
  • 452 Views, 3 Comments

The Dawn of Shawn - Thunder7669

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Chapter 9: Rebirth (Princess Luna)

A year has passed since the death of the Dazzlings and I have been keeping a close eye on Shawn, Wesley, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon. Babs Seed has been giving Shawn and his friends a hard time at school. Three months later, Diamond Tiara got bit by a spider whose venom will give her amazing abilities in time. Another three months later, she would discover how the spider impacted her.

Diamond Tiara

It was lunch time, me and Shawn's favorite time of the day. I brought my own lunch and shared it with him. We were both talking until Babs Seed tried to hit me with a lunch tray. I dodged it and what was crazy was that I could see the lunch tray before it happened. "Babs, can you do us a favor and leave us alone?" I asked politely.

I could tell Babs Seed wasn't having it today because she then lifted me out of my seat and threw me on the ground. As I got up, she got into a fighting pose and said, "C'mon, let's go twinkle toes."

"I don't want to fight you, Babs." I told her.

"I wouldn't want to fight me neither." Babs Seed then came at me with a flurry of punches but I just dodged them all as if they were in slow motion. On one of the punches, I did a triple flip. She tried to land one final blow on me, but I grabbed her arm and punched her with incredible force. The punch was so strong that I launched her across the room and into a trash can. She was so embarrased that she ran away from school crying. After all she put me and my best friends through, I can say that I always wanted to do that for a while now.

Princess Luna

After the fight, Diamond Tiara found out she could stick to surfaces and grab things at a long distance thanks to the power the spider gave her. Another three months later, Shawn and Wesley wanted to get bigger because they didn't want to rely on Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to protect them. So they were taken to Sci-Twi's lab and she used her growth device and made them normal size. They could even shrink down if they wanted to with a single thought.

Just a week earlier, Babs Seed went to go speak to Wallflower Blush, her best friend. She was seeking power, power that could help her not only defeat Diamond Tiara, but rule the world. Wallflower Blush then told her to go to the giant bell tower and wait on the bottom floor underneath the giant bell. When Babs Seed got there, Wallflower Blush banged on the giant bell and it put her body into shock. She then turned into a red, blob-like form and fell down onto Babs Seed, who saw everything happen. She then encased Babs Seed in her own red webbing and gave out a monster scream.

After this happened, I knew this monster had to be stopped so I went to the Dazzlings' grave and revived them in a form simular to Wallflower Blush's. I then told them about Babs Seed and Wallflower Blush. I also told them to go find specific host before going up against Wallflower Blush.

Silver Spoon

I woke up from a nightmare I had. It was Babs Seed turning into a red monster and causing maxium carnage at CHS. I then saw a yellow, blob-like substance in front of me. It then crawled up to my body and into me. "Silver Spoon, it's been a while." It said in a female voice that sound familiar.

"Adagio Dazzle? I thought you were dead." I asked her.

"I was, but now I'm reborn into this form. I know about Babs Seed and according to your thoughts, I know about what happened tonight." I was robbed of my favorite spoon necklace. "Luckily, I can locate this theif for you. That's what friends are for, right?" She said as she sent me jumping out a window. She then grew me wings and we flew to Canterlot City.

After a while, we found the person who stole my necklace robbing a convience store. "I want my beer now!" He said while pointing a gun at the lady. Adagio then transformed my body into a yellow siren form of her and went into the store. She then grabbed the man's arm with her special yellow webbing, which caused him to drop his gun. She then approached the man who's expression turned from an evil grin to complete horror.

"You come in here again. In fact, you go anywhere in this city, preying on innocent people, and we will find you and eat both your arms and then both of your legs and then we will eat your face right off of your head. Do you understand?" Adagio said. The man then shook his head in fear. "So you will be his armless, legless, faceless thing, won't you? Rolling down the street, like a turd in the wind. Do you feel me?"

"What are you?" The man asked. Adagio then uncovered half of her face to partly show my face.

"We...are Scream." We both told him. Adagio then ate the man whole and turned me back into myself. I then found in my pocket my necklace and put it on once again.


I was walking back from school when I heard something call out to me. It sounded like a female's voice but was a little raspy. I then followed the female voice into a dark alley and saw a purple, blob-like substance. It then crawled up me in a spiral and went into my body.

"Wesley, you don't know who I am, but I know who you are." She said.

"Wait, who are you and how do you know my name?" I asked.

"My name is Aria Blaze and I was sent to help you. Who sent me is only for me to know." I then continued to walk back home until a group of boys grabbed me and pushed me into a wall.

"What's your problem?" I asked.

"You have a nice backpack here. Maybe a little bit too nice. We want this backpack." The group leader said.

"Sorry, but I can't do that." The Group leader then knocked me to the ground and pulled out a gun.

"Life or death, make your choice." The group leader said.

"I was sent here to protect you and that's just what I intend to do." Aria said as she transformed me into a siren form of her. The boys then ran away in fear. She then grabbed my backpack, flew us back home and transformed me back to normal.

"Thanks for the help back there." I said.

"You're welcome." She said.

"Also, we need a team name so people can know who we are."

"How about Agony?"

"Agony. Yeah, I like that."


I was riding home with Diamond Tiara. She finally got her driver's license and was a really good driver. She was also my girlfriend. After a while, we found a girl on the ground, unconscious. "I'll go investigate." I told Diamond.

When I got close enough, the girl grabbed me and sent a green, blob-like substance into my body. I then went back to the car and told her she was dead. We soon arrived at my house and Diamond Tiara kissed me. "Bye, Shawny. See you tomorrow." She said as she drove.

I went inside and cooked me a meal. When I finished, the doorbell rang. A female voice then said, "Do not open that door." I looked out and saw no one was there, but as soon as I opened the door, five rich girls came in dressed in school uniforms.

"Who are you group of girls?" I asked.

"We're the Shadowbolts and we need what you found on the dead girl." They told me. They knew about the substance.

"And if I say no?" I asked. They then pointed they're tasers at me. I then raised my hands up.

"What are you doing?" The voice asked me.

"I'm putting my hands up." I said as she then put my hands down.

"You're making us look bad." She said as I then put them up again.

"No I'm not." She then put my hands down again.

"Yes you are." She said as put my hands up. "Why are you doing that?"

"Because it's the right thing to do." I said as she put my hands down. They must've wanted me to stop because two of them tased me at a long range. That then made my arm turn into a green pillar that launched towards the tasers. I then grabbed the leader and slammed her down on the ground. I also grabbed a chair with my leg and threw it at another girl. I then took care of the final two by wrapping them in webbing and throwing them on the ground.

"Outstanding! Now, gather them up in a pile." The voice said.

"What!? Why?" I asked.

"Piles of bodies, piles of heads." We then soon found out there was backup so we jumped out a window and surprisingly landed safely. I then looked in the reflection of mommy's Prius and saw that the "monster" inside of me was my mother, Sonata Dusk. I was in a lot of disbelief.

"No. No. This isn't possible. You're still dead. You're just a parasite infecting my brain." I said.

"PARASITE!?" She said as she stuck my whole body to the wall. "You think this is still a joke, Shawn?" We then saw a convoy coming at us so we got on my dirt bike that I got for my birthday. When I got on, we destroyed roadblocks and other rival bikers that wanted me. We even almost got sandwiched by two vans but evaded them with ease. Our ride came to an end when the leader hit us with her car. I fell on the floor unable to move because my legs and arms were broken.

"You're becoming a real pain in butt, you little brat." She said.

"Yup, that's me. I aim to please." I told her.

"I not going to ask you again. Where is the Parasite?" I then grabbed her as my body was fixed. I also turned into a siren form of mom.

"Eyes, Lungs, Pancreas. So many snacks, so little time." Mom said as she licked the leader's face. A random guy then shot mom in the back with a shotgun, but mom just repaired the damage and bit off his head. She then flew us to a nearby lighthouse. I then transformed back to my original self and she popped her head out to speak to me.

"Mom, what's going on? How did you come back to life?" I asked her.

"Me coming back to life is only for me to know, but I can explain what is happening. Babs Seed is going to destroy this world unless we stop her." She explained.

"What are we going to do? There's reason she's dubbed 'Canterlot High School's Bully' by the way."

"I'm not sure, but we can stop her if we work together. You trust me, don't you. Of course you do, I was the one who took you in. Cooperate and you just might survive." We then went back home.

Author's Note:

Did you catch all five references?

1: The high school fight between Diamond Tiara and Babs Seed

(Spider-Man (2002)) Peter Parker vs. Flash Tompson

2: "I woke up from a nightmare I had. It was Babs Seed turning into a red monster and causing maxium carnage at CHS."


3: Babs Seed turning into a red monster at a bell tower

(Spider-Man 3) Eddie Brock turning into Venom

4: Silver Spoon and Adagio Dazzle at the convience store

(Venom) We are Venom scene

5: Shawn and Sonata vs. The Shadowbolts

(Venom) apartment fight scene/bike chase scene

Also, Scream and Agony are not just team names. They're the names of the two characters below.

