• Published 14th Feb 2019
  • 814 Views, 41 Comments

I lived among the forest - bones_of_a_brony

the story of a man named Sam living among the forest hiding from the talking ponies after finding himself in a world that is not his own.

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happy times and a new friend

today was a fun day, today master did nothing but walk around and play with me all day long I love him he is kind and loving to me. he- oh wait you don't know me. Hi, I'm Twiggy weird name but I like it I am a timberwolf puppy and master found me and fixed me he is nice I like him. He heal me when I was hurt he nice, oh yes their this thing that comes and talks to master it black and white, master says it zebra I like, they nice to me. ooh its food time* twiggy eats his food as I smile at him, he really has made things here a lot better, I needed another friend, I often look at him and wonder what goes through his mind when he just stares at something,

"hey little guy I need to go talk to my zebra friend ok ill be back in an hour can you guard the place while I'm gone?" * my eyes widen as master says this, mater trusts me to guard his possessions and our home I will make him proud, I yip happily to him and lt tail wags, he smiles at this and pets my head then heads out.
Now then it is my duty to protect master and all that he owns, now most creatures that don't live in the forest don't know this but timberwolves like me are actually really smart as such it didn't take me long to realize something was off as after about an hour after master left noises came from outside and I didn't much like them, they accompanied a certain scent in the air that set me on edge, as such I did the only logical thing I could do, I hid and waited to ambush the sound as predators do. It would seem my patience was to be regarded as not a minute later the door was forced open and something invaded masters home, it looked strange as it walked upright like master but was dog-like like me,. I lept int action an growled and lunged at it and firmly clamped down on its leg and bit as hard as possible growling and snarling as I could tell this thing was not supposed to be here.

I had managed to make the thing cry out and tasted blood , now I may only be a pup but I knew well enough to know that I could not win in an all-out fight with this thing as it was bigger and most likely stronger, so I relied on my small size to quicky draw blood and dodge then strike again and I could te it was working as the dog thing was slowing down.
"gah! stupid wood dog you stop it now!"
I, of course, had plans to do no such thing as I kept attacking and barking, I howled loudly and kept it busy as unknown to it I could hear master coming back and he sounded mad. I gave one final strike just as the door flew open and master slammed a huge rock into the dog things head, it made a big noise an the dog thing fell to the ground, I growled at it and master pet and praised me.

" good boy twiggy defending your home such a good boy!"

My tail wagged happily, I had done it I had defended masters home I was a good boy, while all this happened master had taken some vines he had that he had meant to use to hang his herbs and thing and instead used it to bind the dog thing so it would not escape when it woke up. And wake up it did, I had watched it for a while as it started to wake up so I growled so as to show it that it was being watched. At first, it struggles and yelled but master thumped a rock in his hands a few times and it got quiet, I layed nearby as master questioned it

" who the hell are you an why are you invading my home!"
the dog thing- " I is spike. I am a Dimond dog or was. I was kicked out of my home, I wonder, I saw this place thought good for food but then attacked"

"ya well that's what you get for breaking into people's homes, I don't know how it works where you're from but here you get attacked for breaking in, your lucky I came home twiggy wouldn't have stope had i not told him to. Now give me one reason why I shouldn't throw you out into the forest "
Spike-" please! I can get oo an stuff please no throwout, I-i * a light went off in his head* I can get gems!"

this got masters attention. " gems? as in crystals and precious stones? Why would you do that and second why would I * he pauses and thinks, this could be a good way to pay back Zecora and maybe a way to get crafted goods from town without revealing his spot by getting her to buy it* hmm ok Ill make a deal with you here, ill give you food and water as well as forgive you for breaking in, hell ill even let you live here but in exchange you get me a steady supply of gems, do we have a deal?"
Spike- "yes yes deal this is a good deal!"
master unties him and immediately the dog jumps up and hugs him " we gonna be bestist friends you not regret this ooh I go get gems now!"
and with that, he ran off and master puts his hand on his face "why do I get the feeling I'm gonna regret that?" I simply shrug and curl up to sleep as master thinks to himself, I did my job and master has a potential new friend, either way, I'm happy I master is happy, and with that thought, I curled up an took a well-deservved nap.