• Published 14th Feb 2019
  • 811 Views, 41 Comments

I lived among the forest - bones_of_a_brony

the story of a man named Sam living among the forest hiding from the talking ponies after finding himself in a world that is not his own.

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1 never camp in a storm

Author's Note:

hello, and welcome, so this is my first time writing like this so I hope it is enjoyable for you and I would appreciate it if you would help me get better by giving me ideas and helpful criticism for me. I don't have a proofreader yet so I'm sorry if i missed any mistakes. also if you would like to pitch ideas for the next chapter such as what happens to Sam and things of the like feel free to leave a comment. I'm open minded well I've rambled for long enough so I'll stop now
enjoy the story.

"Youll never take me alive you overgrown thorn bushes!"

I yelled as I ran for my life from what appeared to be large dogs composed of nothing but wood and twigs, now admittedly insulting them may not have been the smartest thing to do as it seemed to just make them mad and that much more determined to catch me. I did not know this forest so I had no idea where I was going and unfortunately because of that I ran right into a rock wall that I had no idea was there, once this happened I slid down it until I was on the ground and clutched my face in pain.

"ow, fuck I think I just broke my nose"

this was, of course, the least of my worries as I turned around to find the dogs that where chasing my had caught up to me and had me surrounded in a semi-circular shape.

My back was against the wall literally and I knew that I was doomed as I watched the one closest to me tense and lunge at me, I covered my face with my arms bracing for the end, but it never came. Cautiously I lowered my arms to see that the dog was suspended in a strange purple light, it was then flung at the others as I heard a female voice say

"why don't you pick on somepony your own size!"

I turned my head to see what to me looked like a miniature horse with a horn on its head. Oh, wait you probably have absolutely no idea what's going on do you? Allow me to explain from the beginning, and you may want to take a seat this may take a while to get through.

Four days eirlyer

First off let me introduce myself, my name is Sam just Sam no last name as my parents wanted it simple, anyway my crazy story started when I decided to go camping in the woods being an outdoorsy type, so that's what I did I gathered all my camping equipment, got in my car and drove to the outskirts of the town I lived in. Once I reached the woods I got my gear and hiked in several miles to find a nice secluded spot and set up my camp. It was simple nothing fancy just a small tent, sleeping bag, cooler, and a firepit I made from a few rocks placed in a circle. Having finished setting up camp I went and soaked my feet in a nearby stream and just relaxed for most of the day. My problems started when the sun started to go down. You see once the sun had set, large clouds started to roll in and it got darker, at first it was fine I lit a fire and put on a jacket,but then it started to rain and I mean really rain, like the kind of rain that puts out your fire for you and makes you seek shelter in your tent kind of rain, so that's what I did. Sleep didn't come easy that night, the rain never stopped and the wind picked up as well, so much so that I was afraid that my tent would blow away and I'd be left in the rain. But that never happened so eventually I fell asleep even as the storm raged around me, it was not my brightest idea. The storm eventually passed and I awoke the next morning. Stepping out of my tent I noticed a few things once I was awake enough to do so.

The first thing I noticed was that the storm had stolen my cooler, the second thing I noticed was that part of my tent had collapsed in the night, no big deal I could get a new cooler and the tent could be fixed, it was the final thing I noticed that gave cause for concern. You see the third thing I had noticed was that the woods around me were completely different from when I went to sleep that night and well that worried me. had the storm somehow blown me into another part of the forest without me waking up, no that was unlikely. well, in any case, I was lost somewhere I didn't know with no food and only a tent for shelter, I was in a word screwed. (ok don't panic just remember the rules for being lost in a forest, ok I can do that uh step one was keep calm, ok I'm calm the next was to uh crap what was the next step? oh right stay put ill be easier to find) once I had gone over all that in my head I decided to fix the tent if I was to stay put and hope that people came to look for me, so that is what I did. "ok I ate a big meal last night so I can go a while without food but I have a few granola bars in my backpack just in case,I can drink from the stream if need be and I can just pee on a tree if I need to so now all I have to do is sit here and wait I told my friends I'd only be gone for two days and its already been one so it shouldn't take long for them to come looking. Ya I'm sure they'll be here soon" Three days later

"Ok now I'm starting to worry, I ate all my granola bars, I've peed on all the trees, the stream tastes funny and I thought I heard a wild animal in my cap last night."

Ya I was starting to not be ok anymore my friends should have come looking for me days ago yet I'm still here, wherever the hell here is, but I would just have to keep waiting...and I would have if it wasn't for the fact that heir was something growling at me from the bushes to my left. I turned and saw something that almost made me think I was hallucinating, it appeared to be some kind of large dog or small wolf made of wood and twigs. I just stood there for a moment there was no way it was real right? I mean wooden wolves it was ridiculous and yet here I was staring one down, it wasn't moving just staring. I would of just slowly backed away when a thought occurred to me(wait, don't wolves hunt in packs?)no sooner has I thought this did I hear several more growls next to me

"clever girl."

It was at this point that I had another thought(run you idiot!) so that is what I did, I ran like my life depended on it because it kind of did and as I ran I yelled:

"Youll never take me alive you overgrown thorn bushes!"

Which of course led me t not looking where I was running and slam into a rock wall possibly breaking my nose and getting surrounded, then saved by this little horse thing, which of course leads us to the present. I looked on as the wolves ran away then turned to look at my rescuer and after being chased by wood wolves and smashing my face on a stone wall mixed with adrenalin my mind was not thinking as clearly as it might have and so I said what might have been the single greatest thing that had ever been thought up by my brain.

"tiny purple horned horse...yep don't know what I expected"

It looked at me, tilted its head and then did something that freaked me out even more than when I didn't know where the voice came from, it spoke to me.

"Hello? sir are you alright?"

It was at this point that my brain having had about enough for one day decided that it was nap time and promptly caused me to pass out. This of course made the purple horses concerned as the last thing I heard as I passed out was her saying "oh dear I should get help" my mind then faded out of conciseness,and that should just about bring you up to speed on what is happening so far, tell you the rest later its late, so what happened next will have to wait. oh but before you go one thing you should know never ever camp during a storm.