• Published 7th Feb 2019
  • 581 Views, 5 Comments

fear,night,and shadow - Moonghost

My first story on fanfic: Moonghost has just recently been released from the tip of the Crystal spire and the Crystal Empire laughter is the only heir of a long dead empire he got pulled in to being the leader of the shadowlings......................

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7 the shadowlings

Setting: Canterlot castle throne room at sunset. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are both waiting to meet with Moonghost. They are each wearing, along with all their other regalia, a choker that is inlaid with three elements each of the Elements of Harmony. They also have a platoon of Solar and Lunar guard with them flanking the sides of the throne room. Celestia and Luna are talking to one another in hushed tones.
As the sunsets outside, casting a shadow onto the floor of the throne room, Moonghost appears solidifying in the shadows on the red carpet in front of the princesses’ thrones. The Solar and Lunar guard raised their spears as both a salute and a threat.
Celestia and Luna, though apprehensive try not to show that they are surprised by his sudden and subtle appearance in the room. The guards
Moonghost, looking around the room with confidence, says, “Well this is quite the welcoming committee, more appropriate honestly considering what I gave you in that folder wouldn’t you say?”
“Guards at ease!” said Princess Luna. “You really didn’t expect us to not take precautions did you?”
“No, I did,” Moonghost said. “I too took precautions and brought my own honor guard. They are some of the best I have ever had in my service, excluding two that you have met and one that you have not.”

“I don’t see anyone,” was quietly heard from the directions of the Lunar guard.

“That’s the point.” answered a disembodied voice from somewhere in the room.

Moonghost, with a smile and small laugh, called out, “Shadow Master Shade could you please reveal yourself to our hosts and hopeful allies?”
The air began to slightly quiver to the right of Moonghost. Then an unusual creature fully appeared. It had the hind quarters and legs of a pony, the front legs and chest of a feline, with a head like an asp, though its tongue did not flick in and out. It bowed and said to Moonghost, “Of course your majesty.” Then addressing Princesses Luna and Celestia it said, “We meant no disrespect Princesses. We are just very cautious with the life of Moonghost our emperor.”

“Understandably so,” said Celestia, “but, you said we?”
Shadow Master Shade said, “Yes, there is more than myself that have accompanied the emperor. There are ten of us here to be precise. Would it make you feel at ease if you could see all of us?”

“Yes, please.” Celestia said.
“Shadow Knights, become visible for our hosts, said Shadow Master Shade. “We don’t want to be rude.”
As these words were spoken the air began to quiver behind Moonghost and Shadow Master Shade in two straight columns with five behind Moonghost and four behind the Shadow Master.

Luna suddenly looked shocked, and said, “We know one of them. Look Celestia, isn’t that the Pony of Shadows?”
“Your right,” said Celestia, gritting her teeth. “What is he doing here?”

Moonghost, looked around surprised, at this reaction. “Which one do you know by this name?”

“The one immediately behind you, Moonghost,” said Luna.
“Come forward,” Moonghost said the shadowling directly behind him. “Have you had contact with these ponies before?”
“No, not them exactly, but their teacher yes,” said the shadowling. “He did not understand what I was doing and thought I was stealing power for myself. I was really trying to just make copies of the artifacts that he had collected to bring them back to your palace your majesty for your inspection. I thought they might reveal a clue about the unknown enemy. However, I did not get the chance to copy them because Star Swirl did not permit me to do it when I asked his permission. So, I kind of borrowed them without his permission. I was going to take them back, after you inspected them. To distract them while I returned to the moon, I left a fragment of my shadow cloak behind as a distraction. Perhaps it was this distraction that they have encountered.”

The shadowling, walking out from behind Moonghost to his left, faced the princesses, and bowed deeply and said, “Princesses, my name is Shadofred, and if the fragment I left behind caused any problems I will gladly do what I can to correct them.”

“Your offer is accepted Shadofred, and thank you,” said Princess Celestia. “It is recorded that approximately 800 years ago the Pillars of Equestria fought a creature called the Pony of Shadows who had joined forces with a pony named Stygian. They all vanished and I am not sure that there is anything that can be done. In any case, if there comes a time that we need your help with this, or the Pony of Shadows returns, we will contact you.”

Princess Luna suddenly asked, “What is a shadow cloak?”

“Let me answer that, said Moonghost. “The shadow cloak is a parasitic creature that lives in the deepest craters on the dark side of the moon. They seek to consume all forms of heat because where they live is so dark and cold. Usually anyone who wants to get into my personal guard needs to be able to survive an encounter with a shadow cloak as proof of their worthiness to join the Shadow Knights and become an imperial guard. Occasionally when this encounter takes place, the shadow cloak and the guard in training will bond and form a symbiotic relationship. The shadow cloak gains a permanent source of warmth and in turn gives the shadowling the ability to teleport great distances without becoming fatigued. It also provides an extra level of camouflage in the dark.”
“Interesting,” said Luna.

“Oh, Luna, Celestia, you are both welcome to come to my capital city Nyx.

Author's Note:

So, much fun writing this chapter for you all.