• Published 7th Feb 2019
  • 579 Views, 5 Comments

fear,night,and shadow - Moonghost

My first story on fanfic: Moonghost has just recently been released from the tip of the Crystal spire and the Crystal Empire laughter is the only heir of a long dead empire he got pulled in to being the leader of the shadowlings......................

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3 - Reality

Setting: (the frozen north 3 years after King Sombra’s banishment, Dr.Hooves and Moonghost sit playing chess in a cavern.)

"Time is for you as reality is for me", Moonghost said.

"I think I see what you mean, but please show me.”

"Oh okay."

Moonghost stood up, and walked a great distance into the back of the cavern away from the chess game. Suddenly he reared up on his hind legs and brought his fore-hooves down as hard as he could on the frozen ice floor of the cavern. The force of his blow shattered and cracked the cavern floor for several feet in front of him and sent a great crackling noise echoing from the mouth of the cavern.

From the damaged floor oozed a dark red liquid. The ooze drew itself together forming the body of a familiar figure … King Sombra!

When fully formed King Sombra looked around in astonishment.

As Dr. Whooves looked on in surprise he also became aware of an insect-like buzzing coming from the entrance of the cavern. He looked towards the entrance in time to see a large swarm of black insects flying into the mouth of the cavern. The insects landed on the ground and began to spin in circles forming the outline of another familiar and just as frightening figure, as their spinning stopped, Queen Chrysalis stood in their place, looking just as astonished as King Sombra.

Sombra and Chrysalis continued to look around themselves in surprise. First they saw each other and gave each other a sinister smile. As they continued to look around their surroundings they saw Dr.Hooves, still at the chess board, and finally emerging from the shadows at the back of the cave stood Moonghost. They each stood in silence taking in what had just happened. Staring at Moonghost, they both said, “We thought you were trapped in the large crystal a top the highest spire of the castle of the Crystal Empire!”

Moonghost’s lips curled into a sly smile as he casually said, “I was.”

Though Dr.Hooves thought he had known who Moonghost was, he was shocked to find out that he was the boss of two of the most wanted ponies in the land of Equestria.

Glancing towards Dr.Hooves' wide eyes, Moonghost said, “Oh, did I forget to tell you I'm the rightful heir to the Crystal Empire and the Badlands Hive?"

“I think you may have forgotten to tell me that,” said a stunned Dr.Hooves.

“Sorry. That was my mistake. I just wanted to show you, as you asked, how reality is as malleable and fluid for me as times flow is for you Dr. Hooves.”

Author's Note:

I love working on this chapter a lot more because I got to show more characteristic to moonghost.
Edited and reposted 2-9-19

For non-MLP fans reading here is a link for images of Sombra and Chrysalis:

King Sombra:

Queen Chrysalis: