• Published 28th Dec 2018
  • 282 Views, 3 Comments

Terra - MuffinPonyPoser

As a young pony in a time of tribalism and political strife, Terra grew up alone in a forest. After years of being alone, she greets a young Celestia and Luna. But what else will these troublemakers bring?

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1.3: Premium Pie Predicament

Chapter 3: Premium Pie Predicament



The birds were singing, the castle was blooming, and there was only one thing I could think as I woke up early for the third day in a row.

Buck. Buck. Buck.

Over and over again.

My eyes were half lidded, my hooves felt heavy, and wherever I walked, the tree around me seemed to darken.

On the positive note, I wasn’t bothered by the guards as I walked. They all saw me and skirted around me. Didn’t know why, but oh well, right?

Either way, I walked through the castle with no aim for around twenty minutes, then practically bolted for the kitchen. On my way, I came across Blue Star. She saw me and followed, asking me about something. I tuned her out as I ran past corridors of rooms and through a library. The library even shushed us.

In my defence, I hadn’t had my coffee yet.

I skidded to a stop as I came to the chef, who had finished an order I had made the night before.

The chef said something as I started drinking my coffee.

“-- Good?”

“Hrmm?” I asked, still half asleep.

“The breakfast good?” He asked.

I looked out the window, and the sun was up and the variety of flowers on the branches of the tree were blooming fully. I nodded.

“Did you listen to anything I just said?” Blue Star asked.

I frowned and turned to her. The pegasus mare had an off white coat and blue mane with red streaks. Her cutie mark was a Leo constellation that was fully blue. She did like constellations, but she was more of a lion than a scholar; ferocious, fearless, and prone to hunting those she deemed as prey. I was in her crosshairs.

“Didn’t your mother tell you what happened to her when she pushed?” I asked exasperatedly.

“She did, but I don’t believe her. I’ve been doing this for a while. I still haven’t seen this ’dark side’ of you.” She told me with one eyebrow raised.

“Goodbye” I said cheerfully as I had taken my breakfast, sans my coffee

Before Blue could question me, I warped the tree around me, fell down a floor, closed the gap, and galloped. I could hear her swearing and flapping of wings as well, but I had the advantage of being able to warp the tree around me. As I ran, the servants of the castle(which I was still against, even after twenty years of ruling) watched me and ran the other direction.

Must have known what I would do if cornered.

I galloped to the front gates, where Swift was waiting. He saw me and let me through. As I looked behind me, I saw Blue flying full force. Her face was a mixture of indignation and unadulterated, unrestrained rage.

Swift winked as I ran out the doors to the sky full of grays and blues.

I nodded to him as I gained more ground from my aggressor.

He stopped her and started talking to her. I was able to get away. Thanks Swift. I thought to myself.

As I galloped I thought of what I had done to get where I was. The dragons, griffons, and the yaks. Those allies and the sacrifices I’d had to make all those years ago. My father and the manticore. Flashbacks of my hoof to claw fights with the dragons, my drinking with griffons, and the wrestling contests with the yaks. Each time I won, I lost something as well. Something I had loved or depended on. Even when Celestia and Luna had come, I had still felt that… that heaviness in my being.

I slowed my gallop to a trot and my trot to a walk, then looked around me as I moved. The houses were all different colors. Even those the same color had different shades, or were set up different. Pinks, purples, blues. They surrounded me as I calmed the hurricane in my mind and came to the outer ring eastern road. I reminded myself that there was no room to dwell on the past.

After all, I need to do my job, right? I thought to myself.

As I walked through town, I saw students going to the school. I saw teachers talking amongst each other.

I was waved at by students and teachers alike, but they went off with their own groups.



After Terra and Luna left, I realized court would open soon. Taking the shortest path there(as there’s no reason to be late!), I opened the doors and got comfortable, taking a look around the room

As I opened my court and my advisors entered, I remembered today’s importance. A table with several knights, cannons, and alicorns was brought.

The land with West Equus and East Equus was drawn rather exquisitely, and there were political borders. The main countries of this map were Yakyakistan, Gryphonia, Everfree, the Crystal Empire, Oasis, Roam, Zebrica, and the Desert of the Lost. There were huge areas of untamed lands that no one dared to attempt to settle, as these lands were generally inhabited by magic resistant beasts like ursae and hydras.

I noticed that each meter on the map was equivalent to 1543 kilometers, and the map had been updated to include the Roaman advance to the south eastern continent.

As I settled in with food, the rulers of the nations closest to us came into the room.

To my immediate right was the king of the Crystal Empire, King Sombra. He was away from his queen, but I knew her country needed her to run internal affairs. Their empire was north to ours, but farther west than the griffons.

To my left was the leader (not monarch) of the Oasis to the south, Chrysalis. She lead a tribe of runaways like us, but they chose to abide in the desert to hide from the fools in the south. We had a mutual agreement of ‘we’ll stay off your land if you stay off ours’. She had a black coat and green mane. Her eyes were rarely seen, but they were green nonetheless.

I asked both “Do you know if the Gem Hounds or Minotaurs are coming?” I received a “No” from both.

To the left of Chrysalis was a representative for Iron Gate of Roam, then Nyo of Zebrica. To the right of Sombra was Prince Gruntig of Yakyakistan, then the newly crowned Torch of the Dragon Lands.

Above the map, resting on a cloud, was Gaelle, the Queen of Gryphonia.

Finally, there were three representatives from the tribalists that came in, still bickering with each other. As this group came in, taking a seat opposite to me, I bit back a load of angry comments.

After all, peace was the reason we were here.

I allowed everyone to settle in, taking about five minutes. Slowly the room quieted down from the rulers and representatives jabbing at one another to whispers to neighbors.

“Are we all ready for this annual summit?” I asked loud enough to be heard.

A wave of agreement came from the others.

“First thing on the docket is explaining the rules to those who just joined this year.” I sid, looking at the Divided and Zebrican newcomers.

“Rule one. Under no circumstances should this meeting turn to violence. For ANY reason. This is why we meet at different nations each year, to be determined at the end of the session.

Rule two. If there IS a disagreement, be it over land, resources, or lives, we shall talk out a solution with neighbors, allies, AND enemies. Today, we help each other, no matter past grudges.” I said this glancing at the tribalist representatives.

“Finally, rule three. Under no reason should you divulge what goes on as long as this meeting should take place. This is to protect the individuals and secrets of the nations. Should something like this happen, all others will immediately agree to take action upon you. Understood?” I finished.

All nodded and ‘yes’ed.

“First on the docket today, is Roam’s advancement.” As I said this, the representatives from the Empire, Yakyakistan, the Dragon Lands, and Gryphonia all stood back from the table, making it apparent they did not wish to vote on this, nor add anything to the matter. “We shall hear the defence of our good pony, then decide among ourselves the legitimacy of said defence. Proceed.”

The amber-coated pony started to speak in a deep voice. “I am Beacon of Roam, and I will speak on the behalf of Iron Gate.

We have expanded into the untamed lands and the tip of the continent to support our population and economy. There is currently too little space for our populace where we originated from.” He looked at Nyo “Zebrica should not worry as we will only expand to the north east of where they are, and we have no care for their savannas and dense forests.” He then looked at the tribalists “The nation Divided should not fear us as most of the populace they are protecting has given us the land and their support freely. It is of no consequence to us their internal affairs.” He then looked at Chrysalis and I. Everfree and Oasis should not fear us as they have natural defences against our strongest asset: our army. I have made my case, and I hope you all see reason.”

At the end of this, I took a deep breath to think. Time seemed to slow down around me, though I couldn’t see whether or not my mind was playing tricks on me. I hadn’t the time. For now, I had to think of the ramifications of the three decisions laid before me.

I could vote in favour of Roam and its expansion. That would increase our nation's defenses against the Divided and perhaps make trade with Roam easier. It might also encite a war with Oasis- who could take us by illusion- and Zebrica- whose navy is far superior to our own.

I could vote against the expansion, but that might have the opposite effect and cause Zebrica’s demise.

Or I could abstain. This would distance me from all, but would save me from either side’s wrath.

“Would anyone like to add to this?” I asked as I narrowed my decision.

Nyo of Zebrica tapped on the map. “I would like to add a thought, as invasion may be what they sought. I hope this nay be true, but if it is they will go after you.” She pointed at Chrysalis and I.

I had learned while making the accords that most sentient creatures spoke what was deemed ‘Common’. Zebras were no exception, but their Shamans spoke in rhyme. It was a tradition I respected, though it was a hassle to translate what they meant.

“I agree with this. How do we know that you will stop after that? If what you say is true, you might just need more and more land, going to war over it.” Chrysalis said while inspecting her black- coated hoof.

One more

“And we can all agree that you taking our land is harming us greatly, in obtaining food, supplies, maintaining the weather, and researching topics.” The three representatives of the Divided spoke, one after the other.

Beacon looked around the room for support, and eventually came to me.

“Celestia, what is your opinion on this?” Beacon asked.

“As much as I would like to abstain or vote in favour of your expansion, I do not happen to have all the facts I need to make an opinion.” I said, eyes still closed.

“Such as? I’d be happy to answer your questions.” Beacon responded.

“Last you checked, what was your population count in total?”

I took careful note of his response, because at this, Beacon froze. I saw his eyes moving from side to side, looking for a solution to his apparent problem.

“If you lied to us to further your own country, I couldn’t do anything about it. But you also threatened to send the populace of Everfree, Oasis, Zebrica, and possibly even those in the north into a war. Just for land you don’t need.” I said cooly.

At this, Torch, Sombra, Gaelle, and Gruntig stepped forward.

Beacon’s eye twitched. “Wh-what do you mean?” He asked us.

“I figure that for you to NEED the land, you must have several billion crammed into the country. After all, you conquered nearly all of the lands around you. So, tell us. What. Is. The. Count?” I asked him.

“We currently have half a million spread out in our mainland.” He said.

“Yes, but I asked how many in total? After all your expansion wasn’t too long ago.”

“Three quarters of a million of our own, and approximately seven hundred thousand immigrants from the north.” He relinquished.

“Step into the sound-proof bubble so we may make our decision.”

He stepped into a blue bubble. It was a simple spell that ensured he would not listen in on our conversation. The spell was foal’s play compared to other feats.

“Is there any information you would like to give before the vote?” I asked. None of the others raised any appendage. “Okay. All in favor of the Roaman expansion?”

As I looked to tally the votes, none were made.

“All against?”

The vote was unanimous. All countries were against Roam’s plan.

I turned to Chrysalis. “Can you please grab Beacon?” I asked.

Chrysalis nodded, and the upset of her hair showed me her eyes. They were closed, though she still walked normally. Beacon came back to take his seat to the left of Chrysalis.

“Our thoughts are against your expansion. I’m sure we can come to a compromise of land, but Nyo, Beacon, and the Divided must speak among themselves on this matter. The next docket---”



I heard a bell, then talking in the halls a few minutes later. It was recess and most were leaving the tree to stretch their legs. That was most. Teachers, which students outnumbered by at least twenty to one, stayed inside to grade homework, catch up with their peers, or, in my case, dish out punishments. Students and teachers alike had and will have needed punishments, just like a normal school. My only solace was that there were no troublemakers today. I was meeting with one Sweet Dreams.

I heard a knocking at my door.

“Come in!” I shouted.

The door opened and Sweetie came in. I took stock of her features. Her cutie mark was a miniature black version of herself with white eyes; her coat a bright white; her mane a deep, dark blue your eyes could get lost in; and her eyes were a perfect black.

“Hello. You wanted to speak with me today, yes?” Sweetie asked as she sat down.

I nodded. “While your actions the other day were to fight for others, I wish to know who YOU are as a pony. So, I would like to ask you some questions. Some may be personal, and you do not have to answer them all.”

“Ok. I don’t really know anything that you would gawk at, though.”

I smiled. “Question one.” I started pretending to write on a piece of paper. “What does your cutie mark mean?” I asked, not putting the clipboard I was writing on down.

“It is a metaphor for my personality. I can be a bright pony. If you push me, though, I become cynical and can tear even the strongest down.” She said with a happy smile on her face. “I learned this part of myself when I stood up for friends from a bully. I left the bully crying, and had punishment from both my teachers and my parents. But I still protected my friends.”

“That’s… a dramatic way to get your cutie mark.” I said plainly.

“Well, I did kind of run into Rare Gem because of my punishment, so I can’t complain much!” Sweetie said cheerfully.

Okay, Sweetie is interesting character. Either way, I need to find one more thing out before telling my sisters of her potential.

I took a sip of coffee before continuing.

“Question two. Is there a particular magic you specialize in, or perhaps one that you wish to know more about?” I asked

Sweetie put a hoof to her chin and thought for a good thirty seconds, then told me “I can walk through dreams, if that’s what you mean.”

I nearly choked on my coffee.

“You said that nonchalantly. I don’t suppose you know what that ability means, do you?” A shake of her head was all that was needed. “As you probably know, there are several schools that are generally harder for normal ponies to really delve into. It takes talent and a magical affinity for it. Some of them include fire magic for pegasi, long range teleportation, transmogrification, and dreamwalking.” I explained to her, standing up to pace around the room.

“Most thestrals and a small group of ponies can truly dreamwalk. I believe Luna tried to once, nearly dissolved herself in my headspace. So, I ask out of concern. When you dreamwalk, is it forced?” I continued.

“I slip into it as I fall asleep. I wake up well rested all the same, but I can sense something wrong when family or friends have nightmares. So I simply walk and I’m there, helping them.” Sweetie said.

I sighed, both out of relief and deep thinking.

“Final question, then I’ll answer any that you have. Have you ever, in any way shape of form, caused malicious suffering?” I asked, facing away from her.

Sweetie stayed silent. She wouldn’t look at me, constantly finding another part of the floor to look at.

“I see. Well, I can’t punish you, so long as it wasn’t in this school, but I hope you know not to. If you ever do wish to harm others in that way, please speak with me. I know the feeling quite well.” I said, voice soft.

“Why would--”

“I deal with nobles, and some are very… difficult sometimes.” I said.

“Do you have any questions for me?” I asked, taking a seat at my desk once more.

Sweetie shook her head.

“In that case, you’re excused. If you want some time before leaving to collect your thoughts, you can stay. But please don’t bother me, as I have a mountain of paperwork to do.”



I walked back into the school as the bell rang, trying to distance myself from the athletic groups. After all, they were my bane at times.

“Hey punk.” I sighed. Too late.

I kept walking, readjusting my saddlebags.

“You ignoring me, you little brat?”

“You’re, like, two grades above me.” I said in a monotone voice.

“And then sassing me. Whelp, get ready for a--” he started.

The pony trying to fight me was Wild Strike, who was notorious for being impetuous, sometimes just as much as I was random.

I slipped through reality to get away, as I didn’t want my mood to be ruined for the day. I came out at the tree, where swaths of students had started shuffling in with pairs and friend circles. In this cacophony of colors and ponies, I knew I’d lose him.

Most would describe my ability as teleporting, but I didn’t use unicorn or alicorn magic. I just DID. There were other instances of reality-shirking, like extending my legs to stretch them to unfathomable lengths, popping out of small places if a friend broke a promise, and sensing when things would happen.

I was still working out that last one.

“WHERE DID YOU GO, PUNK?!” I heard Wild Strike shout.

Looking back I saw him shoving through crowds. Luckily, my next period was close to the entrance, and I was able to slip out of the hallway. As I looked around my third period, Thaumatic Studies, I saw Rare Gem sitting next to where Sweet Dreams would normally be.

The school that Princess Terra set up was different than most other schools.

For one, the ‘Tree’ accounted for all grade levels. From when a foal was supposed to go to school until post high school.

It was also highly personalized. Teachers were meticulously paired with students whose personalities mixed extremely well, even accounting for friend groups and those with similar mindsets.

Finally, we were able to choose many of our classes, as long as we took one foreign language, as well as common. There were even classes to hone and improve certain cutie marks! Terra had really thought of everything before making this school a reality.

Either way, though, Sweetie wasn’t here. That worried me, as she never missed this class, as she liked the discussions the teacher, Miss Straight Shot, would set up. The class was a series of desks set up on steps, with ample space between each to account for the desks and walkways.

Each classroom tended to be different, in fact they were as different as the teachers were.

“Hey Gem.” I said, putting down the saddlebags. They were heavy, but I was used to them.

“Pie! Sorry, I was starting another book.” She looked around the classroom, with students starting to shuffle in. “I didn’t miss anything important, did I?”

I put a hoof to my muzzle, pretending to think, then said “Nah. Just Wild being himself.”

“I will never understand how you always get away from him.” She said, then whispered to herself “But that’s beside the point. So you got away from him. Did you see Sweetie on your way in?” She asked.

As people continued coming in and settling down, the room became a little louder due to the various conversations taking place. I tried my best to be quiet.

“No. I thought you’d know where she was.” I said with one eyebrow raised, slightly confused.

“She went to Miss Terra’s office ‘cause of what I told you yesterday. I was just wondering why she wasn’t back yet.” She said to me, still watching the door.

The bell rang as Sweetie came through the door, severely out of breath. She had a note in her wings, which were ruffled.

“Sweetie. I was wondering when you’d be here. Do you have an excuse note?” Straight shot asked.

Sweetie took the note out of her wings, hoofed it over to the teacher, then sat down in between Gem and I.

The teacher called out our names to take roll as all the conversations died down.

I looked at Sweetie, and she had a troubled look in her eye. Something about her visit to the Principal shook her, but I couldn’t know what for another two periods.

“Today we will be conversing about forbidden and unethical usage of magic. Form groups of three to six to come up with six or seven examples of forbidden magic. Anyone who comes up with one that isn’t well known gets five extra credit points. Do as you will.” She told us before going to her desk and writing.

Sometimes she was a little too nice, but with many of my classmates being ‘straight A’ students, it was worth it to her.

Sweetie, Gem, and I ended up in a group together.

I took out my notebook, both to record our answers and the other groups’.

“I know quite a few, but I’d like to hear your ideas first.” Sweetie piped up, her face ridden with a false smile.

“Necromancy, mind control, and chaos magic are all fields that are prohibited.” Gem pointed out.

“Yeah, but there’s also the earth ponies’ ability to suck life out of nearly anything, making them theoretically immortal. That’s something you don’t hear of every day.” I shot back, making it clear I was debating.

“How about the abuse of dream walking and changing your race to be ageless? Those aren’t well heard of, and transmogrification can have disastrous consequences.” Sweetie joined in. Eventually, we boiled it down to six.

“Okay, any volunteers?” The teacher called out.

I raised my hoof, as did two other groups.

“All of you, pick a number one through five.”

“Three!” One group called out. Not missing my chance, I called out “Five!”

Gem and Sweetie looked at me with faces that screamed ‘really? I hope you know what you’re doing.’

The final group yelled out “Two!”

“My number was five, so we will start off with Pie’s group. Whenever you’re ready.”

“We chose transmogrification, magic stealing, chaos, abuse of dreamwalking, dimensional magic, and mind control.” I said loud enough that she could hear us, as we were halfway up the ‘stairs’.

“Your group gets five extra points for magic stealing IF you can tell me more about it. Otherwise, five points for dimensional and dreamwalking abuse.” She said.

“Earth ponies have the ability to give magic to grow the life around them. If they wanted to, however, they could do the opposite. This would result in the death of plants, and ponies having no magic.

They would either be killed off by predators or get their magic back. This can happen if either the attacker dies before they do, they consciously give them their magic, or they are forced to because of an artifact.” I said, going slowly to make sure I didn’t mess up a word.

“Good. Because of the detail in your explanation, I will give you each seven points. Next?”

Class went on like this, going from group to group and occasionally having to stall for an explanation, until the bell rang for fourth period. I packed up my quill and notebook, then headed out the door. Sweetie had a different class than us, I think it was an enhanced studies class. Meanwhile, Gem and I left for our duelling class.

In a normal school it might have been regarded as an extracurricular activity, meant for after school. Miss Terra decided that we should have the choice to duel, either between ourselves or monsters, as a class itself. Gem and I chose a pony on pony class, just for self defence. She had told me of her issues at home, so I joined the class to give her a friendly face.

As we went up a flight of stairs, we talked about the two lessons the teacher, Swift Kick, presented us with.

There were no real seats in this particular classroom. It was also much larger, as it was on the second of five floors. The first floor was reserved for theoretical sciences. The second floor, as well as several atypical classes outside, were athletic-based. The third floor had a huge empty space that, when asked about it, Terra simply told ponies “You’ll see the use soon.” and continued with renovations.

“Today, we will be endurance running for half the period. You have to run around the tree, then come inside for a ticket. If you get twenty of these, you get full points. The only rules are no flying or teleporting, and you must run the entire time. If any of you break either of these, you will either get less points, or none at all.” Swift instructed.

There was a grumbling, but everyone there began to run at a pace. Rare Gem and I stayed in the middle, not sprinting and not jogging at the same time.

“What do you think happened with Sweetie?” I asked her.

“I think I know, but I don’t think I should tell you.” She said, looking away.

“Why not?”

“It’s a well kept secret she has, and she has to decide whether or not she’ll tell you.” Gem told me simply.

By now we were three-quarters of the way around the tree.

I continued thinking. I thought of the past and present, what with my family…

Best not think about that quite yet.

“Any other news?” I asked Gem.

“Not really. Are you sure you don’t want to finish early instead of stay here with me?”

“Well, I figure I’m getting the same grade as you, and I don’t seem like a try hard. So yes, I’ll stay your pace.

Not to mention that I often blip in and out of reality when I run alone for long.

Gem and I continued talking until class had finished, then said our farewells. I had no more classes with them today, so we went our separate ways. All the while I couldn’t stop thinking.

Why won’t Sweetie tell me? Does she not consider me a close enough friend? Or did I come off as too strong again?

Either way, I found it was lunch again, but I had studying for the next class to do.

I just hoped that whatever happened with Sweetie would work itself out.



It was the end of the day, and all the students were heading home. There weren’t any clubs today, and I was relieved by that fact. I just wanted to be left alone.

“Sweetie” I heard a certain Pie say. “I was wondering about something.”

Oh great. Now I can’t properly freak out without getting Pumpkin involved.

He didn’t hear me respond, but continued anyways. “You seemed off in Thaumatical Studies. What happened?” He asked.

I don’t know what to tell you. I just… don’t.

“Hello?” Pumpkin asked. He had desperation in his voice. Though I couldn’t say what it was about, I could see it was eating at him.

I sighed. “She asked me some questions, glossing over a couple of issues I happen to have.” I mumbled loud enough that he could hear me.

A look of realization dawned on him. “That… other side of you? What about it?”

“I… I don’t want to talk about it.” I told him before unfurling my wings and flying off. I lived relatively close by, but I wanted some time to myself.

As I looked around for a cloud, I saw that the sky was completely clear. Not a cloud in sight.

I looked around once more for a house with a red roof, and found it was a small ways away. With a certain cinnamon coated, frazzy orange maned stallion outside my house.

I have to give him credit where credit is due. He sure does care.

I took a slight detour, and Pumpkin pulled out a contraption that shouldn’t have fit in his bag. It seemed to be a hoof-powered flying device made out of candy canes and balloons. He didn’t fly VERY fast, but it was fast enough that he had me in his sights. I couldn’t simply hide, or he’d seem like a kook for doing this.

I went over to greet him.

“Hi Sweetie. Wondered where you went. I… one second.” He brought out several deflated balloons out of his mane. Still pedaling. Then attached them to the top. While pedaling.

I tried fighting back a snort, but failed. By the look of his face, he was worried I would fall. I lowered myself to the ground right outside my house, the flying contraption landing next to me. I then laughed my head off.

“Pumpkin… You are… The most RIDICULOUS pony I know. And I’ve met so many so far!” I said in between fits of laughter.

He then proceeded to get out of the helicopter and empty out his saddlebags. An anchor, several grilled cheese sandwiches, sweets of all variety, and a couple of ponies fell out of his bags.

“Sorry about that! Don’t know how you guys got in there!” He apologised to them.

“We were… But how…. What?” One of the ponies said.

I continued laughing.

“I had to take everything out of my saddlebags to fit this! Sorry.” He said to them with a grin.

He then proceeded to stuff the helicopter, which was twice his side in length and triple his size in height, into the bags.

I thought I would die right there, I was laughing so hard.

“Why… Why did you do that again?” I asked, after I had stopped laughing.

“I was going for ridiculous, and might have overstepped the bounds.” He responded.

“You think?” I said with an eyebrow raised and a grin on my face.

He put a hoof to his mouth with a grin and said “Hrmmmmm… Nah”

“Well, thanks. I have to do homework now, though. See you!”

“And you!” He said in the distance.

I will never know how that pony’s mind works.

I didn’t know just how right I was.

Author's Note:

I added the map of my version of Equus for the story title, and will TRY to make a better version of it. This will most certainly take a while.
Either way, you'd think that being an author doesn't require the power of MATH, but I had to find a sweet spot to make Equus just right on my scale, which required serious math. Each line on the folder paper I used to make a rough sketch equals to abut a meter on the table.
Per the norm, Enjoy!

Comments ( 2 )

Why'd you draw the map on notebook paper?


It was supposed to be a sketch, and I'll definitely draw it out with color later. That one's a temporary one for the purpose of Premium Pie Predicament.

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