• Published 11th Dec 2018
  • 827 Views, 4 Comments

Discord Takes On The Universal Union - Daddy Joe

After a small portion of an interdimensional empire invades Equestria, Discord takes matters into his own claws and does his thing.

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Discordant Entanglement

Discord walked over to the front window of his home and just stared out, lacking any emotion. He then let out a yawn, contorting the window instead of fogging it before walking away. After pacing the living room for a few minutes, he stopped to look at the clock and sped it up an extra one-hundred hours before switching it back to the correct time.

"Hmmm." Discord groaned.

Discord continued his complaints, now pacing the living room at a rapid pace. This eventually led to him next to the couches arm, dropping down and turning into a liquid state. He dripped from the cushions and onto the floor.

"Ohhh, I'm so bored." Discord whined, his mouth lying on the floor.

With a snap of his feline claws, two identical clones of Discord spawned from behind him; one aggravated and the other nonchalant.

"Quit your whining! You whiner! Are you from Whinerville?." Dikcord said, crossing his arms.

Discord rolled his loose eye and quickly rebuilt himself to a natural state. Dikcord created a shirt that read "Whiner" and dressed Discord in it.

"There we go." Dikcord remarked.

"Hey, go easy on the draconequus." Nice Guy Discord said.

"Thanks, Nice Guy Discord. And as for you, Dikcord, I can't help it. I've never fully gotten over not using my magic for good old chaos." Discord said.

"Oh, riiight. We could clearly see that about three days ago when you betrayed your friends just to relieve the 'old chaos days'." Dikcord said, sarcastically.

"That was a moment of weakness, might I add. Besides, I am now changing a new leaf for all the better. Might as well do that now." Discord said, replacing a dead leaf in his fur with a fresh, green leaf.

"Really? Then how come I have not seen the slightest bit of concrete evidence of that. You sat back and watched the Everfree forest eat up Equestria, and, once again, betrayed your friends and joined up with Tirek." Dikcord said.

"But I at least changed my ways, y'know. I defected from him." Discord said.

"But would you defect if Tirek had never betrayed you?" Dikcord asked.

"Oh. Well, uh, you see... No more questions! Be gone, Dik!" Discord said, causing the criticizing clone to fly out through the window. "Maybe I shouldn't of brought him into this."

"Forget about Dikcord. I know he can be cynical every now and then, but he is kinda right, FYI." Nice Guy Discord said.

"I know. That's why I blew him away. I just kind of wish I could have done more, y'know." Discord began.

"More what?" Nice Guy Discord asked.

"Actually stopping that overgrown, horned monstrosity. If I wasn't so foolish, I know I would've been able to stop him from stealing the magic within Equestria." Discord admitted.

"No durr. You would pretty much be the runner up as Equestria's last hope if all four alicorn princesses and the Tree of Harmony lost their magic. That was pretty close to happening, now that I think about it more." Nice Guy Discord elaborated.

Discord thought to himself, reminiscing how his actions had their consequences and what more he can do to contribute to harmony.

"This is it. From now on, I will use my magic for good and being more.... Um... Productive! Yes. That's the word I'm looking for." Discord declared with confidence.

"Good. Very good. I hope you keep your word on it." Nice Guy Discord said.

"Of course, of course. Now if you excuse me, I believe I need to do something productive with my day." Discord said.

Discord turned to look out the window, noticing hundreds of flying ships and crafts passing through his realm.

"Huh?" Nice Guy Discord gasped, tilting his head to a ninety degree angle.

"Would you look at that. I didn't even know the parade was going by today," Discord said, taking out a pair of high-powered binoculars. "Though I will admit that they dropped in the floats variety. Just look at the designs! What is that one float supposed to be? A body modified whale that can fly?" Discord said.

"And you're concerned about the design, Mr. Spirit of Chaos?" Nice Guy Discord asked, sarcastically.

"Naaah, not really. I think I'll head over there and give them a little hello. As Applejack would say, "It's all about that southern hospitality." Discord mimicked.

Discord teleported right next to the mobilizing military without hesitation. He remained undetected for no more than a second, even before he could utter a word. A synthetic gunship redirected its flight pattern and let out an alerting roar, which also go the attention of more of the alien ships.

"Whoa-ho-ho! I'm just trying to make friendly introductions." Discord said. The gunship began to fire its mounted machine gun right at Discord, but each shot was dodged with lightning speed.

Discord then flew back to his home and entered through the chimney, where Nice Guy Discord remained.

"What's up with that thingy?" Nice Guy Discord asked.

"Get into my pocket. This may get interesting." Discord said.

"If you say so."

Nice Guy Discord leaped into Discord's skin pocket and disappeared. On the other hand, Discord began boarding up the windows and wrapping numerous amounts of chains around the front door. He could hear the flying crafts approaching his home, but he wasn't afraid at all.

"And now we wait." Discord said, arming himself with pot and pans.

With the gunship now hovering right above the house, the humming coming from the engines of the dropships became more quiet as the ship started to make its descent. A squad of Combine Soldier's wearing light blue body armor and facial masks with red visors leaped out of the cargo hold of the dropship and crowded around the door, two leaning up against the houses siding with pulse rifles readied.

The last soldier to emerge from the cargo hold was heavily armored and hauled around a heavy, disintegrative cannon. The soldier was armored so much that it was a question wether this was actually a living being or just a machine. It slowly lurked up to the door, each step emitting a thud on the grass.

"Invasive Unit TH-73; you have broken your formation. Report your vindication." a female A.I voice requested over the soldiers built-in mask radios.

"Invasive Unit TH-73 has spotted and is engaging a lone hybrid. Hybrid could pose a likely threat. Preparing to exterminate."

"Acknowlodged. Expunge and regroup on E-19 alongside Invasive Unit TH-70 through TH-90 at codename; Infestation, and sterilize."

"Copy that."

One of the two soldiers leaning up against the wall used his hand to signal the armored guard to approach the door. The armored guard lifted the cannon and slowly walked up, keeping its distance from it by twenty feet.

"Hybrid, prepare to receive mortal judgement." a soldier warned.

"Uh. No, no. Nobody is here at the moment. Please check back again another day. Even if he was here, you would need to say the secret phrase." Discord teased with an accent.

"Blow it open and let's wrap it up." the soldier directed toward the guard.

"Blow the door down? Now that would be cheating. You need to say the password before-"

Without much warning, the guard charged up its energy cannon and blew the front door to smithereens, creating a gaping hole in the front of Discord's house. The soldiers then rushed inside and aimed right at Discord, who just simply tossed his pans onto the ground.

"All right, all right, you got me. Huh. What can I say? Now, this is gonna go one or two ways. You spacemen are gonna-"

The soldiers opened fire on the draconequus. A barrage of flechette bullets tore into Discord's body, as well as the wall behind him as he stood. Discord let out a pseudo scream and flopped around on the floor, gagging with his tongue hung loose until the soldiers held their fire. An elite soldier walked up to Discord and quickly inspected him.

"Invasive, Hybrid is confirmed sterilized."

"Are you sure about that? You soldier boys really need to learn how to double-tap." Discord said, giddily, standing straight up once again.

"Negative, Negative! Hybrid is not sterilized!"

Before the soldier had a chance to shoot Discord again, the floor to the house vanished. "Shit!" The twelve soldiers and the synthetic guard dropped and fell down into the endless abyss of the chaotic realm.

"I'll come check on you guys later! Latch onto the flying cheese wedge if you get hungry!" Discord shouted down, restoring the floor to his house.

However, Discord forgot about the gunship that hovered above the roof. The gunship charged up its belly cannon for a few seconds. A blue laser came down like a motor and just obliterated the entire house into rubble, but leaving Discord unharmed. He stood with a blank expression in the middle of his mess of a home.

"Oh doody." Discord grumbled, snapping his claw. The deadly gunship was defeated, but now nothing more but a blue whale, landing behind Discord with a thud. The dropship, on the other hand, was now a giant crustacean shell that sat in the yard.

"Ouuuuaaa." the whale vocalized.

"Just stay here for now, my aquatic mammal. Now, where are those astronauts heading to?"

Discord examined the battalion as it continued to move forward into Equestria. He quickly caught on to the entry portal to the Combine world and the scattering portals that allowed entrance to the other world. And so, Discord made a quick teleportation to the Equestrian portals, zipping up all eight with eight arms, shoving the entire battalion back into their Overword and zipping that portal up. It could've been problem solved at that moment, but a great deal of Combine have already invaded Equestria.

"Well, looks like I can put some of my chaotic magic and nature to good use for once." Discord said.

Comments ( 4 )

OK you have my interest.

Please continue

I love the idea but you just need to do some more research lore wise on how the combine work, otherwise this is a brilliant idea! Having the combine fight something of discord’s power would be a very cool story concept

So, Discord is defending Equis/Equestria from the Nasty and Evil Inter dimensional Empire of the Combine in the Half-Life Universe?

Sign me UP!!!!!!! Also, please Update if you have the time.

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