• Published 8th Dec 2018
  • 1,602 Views, 17 Comments

Am I Blue? - The Bricklayer

Gallus, griffon orphan who nobody could care about. Gilda, grumpy and hates the holidays. Maybe it's that jolly spirit in the air again, but perhaps just this year, maybe these two griffons will find something that they both need.

  • ...

What are these tears in my eyes tellin' you?

Gallus, for one of the few times in his life and he never thought he’d say this was fairly unhappy when the school bell rung, signifying the end of classes. Normally, he’d be -if you pardon the upcoming poor joke- dashing out of the classrooms like a bolt from the blue. Unfortunately, this time of year put a quencher on that. Holiday carols rung through the air, reminding the sixteen year old griffon that yes, once again it was time for Hearths Warming Eve. And for him, the griffon variant, the Blue Moon Festival.

For him, the admittedly cool name was the only nice thing about it for reasons that had been uncovered the year before. Now normally, the Blue Moon Festival was the one time of the year griffons actually got together with their families and actually tried not to cuss each other out or slash each other’s faces off. Hell, they even gave each other gifts they knew the others wouldn’t like.

This was of course, all a moot point for Gallus given that he had no such family to speak of. He’d never outright said it to anyone, but he didn’t have to. Everyone, including Headmaster Twilight knew it.

“Hey, uh Gallus?” Smolder asked from somewhere behind him as the mainly blue-feathered griffon trudged through the hallways heading back to his dorm. The orange scaled dragon apparently had plans on going outside, as she was clad in a blue scarf and pink earmuffs. “Dude, you going to be alright?”

“...How do you think I’m going to be?” the griffon muttered under his breath bitterly, and Smolder had at least the decency to wince. Not that Gallus cared, he really didn’t need anyone’s sympathy.

“...Oh, right,” Smolder sighed, after sucking in a breath. “Hey, if it’s any consolation I’d invite you back to the Dragon Lands for the Feast of Fire. May not be all this sappiness and the like, but you’d have someone to spend your time with really.” she offered.

Gallus gave her a weak smile. “No offense, but I’d rather not travel to a festival dedicated solely to telling the saddest story possible and seeing who wins the golden kewpie doll or whatever you guys pass around.” he remarked. He suspected Smolder had a crush on him, given that she was one of the ones who went the most out of his or her way to spend time with the normally lonely griffon. And inviting him to her homeland for her version of the holiday festivities was probably a big deal and all that.

“It’s not all about tha…” Smolder trailed off, before blushing bright red and giving out a small sheepish laugh. “Okay, so maybe it is all about that. I’m just saying, I don’t want you to have to spend the holidays there, y’know?”

‘There’ happened to be the House on the Hill, or as it was better known by the ponies, the Bright Future Orphanage that Gallus now lived at, after Headmaster Twilight discovered Gallus’ status. Bright Future really was an oxymoron in his case, as nobody really wanted to adopt a sixteen year old. A sixteen year old griffon at that, which came with their own sets of problems. Instead, they always favored the young set of ponies. Even if he’d been there only a year, Gallus knew how it went. Mothers, and couples always went for the young, cute ponies. Of which Gallus was none of these particular qualities.

“Thanks for the offer Smolder, but spending time around macho, belching dragons like Garble and the like? ...Yeah, I think I’ll pass.” Gallus said with a dismissive wave of his claw, suppressing a sad sigh. In all honesty, he’d really love to be somewhere for this season and in all honesty he didn’t know why he wasn’t taking up the dragoness on her offer but there he was, declining it. It was perhaps chalked up to his natural griffon pride, at least that’s what he’d like to think but everyone else would probably call it him being stubborn and having the inability to let others in. That second one was probably much closer to the truth, if Gallus was to be perfectly honest with himself.

“If you say so dude, but you know I’m just looking out for you,” Smolder replied. “We all are. Silverstream, Yona, Sandbar, the rest of us. We’ve all been thinking about inviting you over to our countries or homes for the holidays just so you won’t have to spend yours at that ratty old place.

“...So that explains why Yona was so insistent I come with her to Yakyakistan for Snilldar Fest…” Gallus muttered. “Listen, I get what you’re trying to do Smolder, I honestly do, but…”

“It wouldn’t be the same as you spending time with a bunch of grumpy old griffons trying very hard not to claw your faces off?” Smolder deadpanned as she flapped above his head with her little wings. “...Oh right, I forgot. You don’t have that particular ‘luxury’,” she deadpanned, making little air quotes with her claws to boot. “Honestly Gallus, I don’t get why you’re so damn stubborn. We’re just trying to help ya here!”

“I know, and I get that, but honestly for the longest time it’s always been just me looking out for myself, caring for myself and that’s the end of it.” Gallus replied, as he continued to trudge into his dorm room, and began packing up what little things he had before he returned to the orphanage.

“Yeah, ‘cept one problem with that,” Smolder replied, stubborn to the end. Gallus had to admire that at least. “You’re not alone anymore, you’ve got us. Your friends. Listen, year ago I wouldn’t have cared a damn thing about doing something like this, but you guys along with that whole incident with Cozy Glow… well you changed me all around as much as I hate to admit it. Tiamat above, I’m even dressing in what ponies call ‘cute’ for winter time!” she exclaimed in faux-exasperation.

“I know… I know,” Gallus sighed, as he stuffed the last of his things into his saddlebag. “But Sunshine Smiles, the poor old mare... Well she does need the help back at the orphanage and as I’m one of the most mature ones there it’s sorta my duty to be the man of the house if you will.”

“I admire your loyalty Gallus, I really do,” Smolder admitted, with a slight shake of her head. “But still…”

Gallus held up a claw to stop her, and Smolder groaned. “Seriously, what do you plan on even doing there anyways?” she had to ask.

“Hearths Warming Carols around the big tree I helped Sunshine set up a few days back, for one,” Gallus listed. “Planning on giving out fresh bread to some of the ponies around town and such.”

“Sounds… fun I suppose,” Smolder remarked. “You’ve really changed Gallus, haven’t you?”

“Haven’t we all?” Gallus smirked back.

“Yeah, guess we have,” Smolder replied, giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead making them both blush. “Stay safe, you hear?” she asked, before flying off. As she left the school, the young dragoness sighed to herself. If only there was something more she could do.

Mid-flight somewhere between her school and the outskirts of Ponyville, Smolder came to a screeching halt as she steeled her eyes. No, this would not do. She would not leave Gallus alone like this, despite what he claimed. As much as he tried to hide it, Smolder could tell her friend -and crush- was quite miserable. He was good at masking his emotions, that much was certain. But not quite good enough. No, there had to be something she could do, Smolder thought to herself as she made a 180-degree turn back towards the school. The question was… Well, what could she do exactly?

“Only one way to find out…” Smolder thought to herself as she landed back on the grounds, with a determined look cast across her features. Nothing, no-one was going to stand in her way she thought with a little huff of fire from her nostrils causing some students to back up and melting some snow beneath her claws. Smolder may not have been the best at giving gifts, even she knew that, but if there was one thing -one thing- she was going to do this holiday season was to give Gallus some sort of happiness. And after all, as the song Silverstream liked to spout went, even one small thing could have been the greatest gift of all, right?

She may not have believed in the usual form of pony mushyness, but in this case she’d do something that was worthy of Hearths Warming Eve. She still didn’t quite know how she was going to pull this off exactly, but after tonight Gallus was not going to be in that orphanage any longer or Tiamat damn her to the fiery pits of the inferno. This was a task she could not fail in.

Gilda Gruff could be said to have been at least at one point in her life, a simple kind of griffon. One that adhered to the old griffon ways in “Don't give a flying feather about anyone but yourself” and end of story. Granted, things had gotten slightly more complicated since then she supposed. For one thing, there was a certain mare named Rainbow Dash she’d met at Junior Speedsters Flight Camp. Probably the only real friend in her life she’d ever had she supposed. And no, despite helping get Griffonstone onto a hopefully better path the pink ponk didn't count. She was just a sugar-high bouncy nuisance. End of story.

Things were… slightly different now she supposed. Griffonstone was changing and perhaps for the better, but it wasn't fast enough for her tastes. She wasn't entirely surprised really, for the last couple centuries all the griffons had known were how to look out for themselves not even bothering to take or even consider a certain sappy pony thing called friendship into the equation. It was slow, but she was beginning to see signs of change amongst her species, at least the younger members like that mini-Pinkie known as Gabby. The older members like her grandfather? Nah, too set in their ways to even remotely consider the possibility.

Gilda Gruff, simply put… She’d had enough. The griffons had learned enough by now to start to be able to figure out friendship for themselves (hopefully) so it was high time she took her leave. No, she wasn't wimping out of this. She’d just had enough of the constant in-fighting and feuding between her townspeople for her tastes. It was no small wonder she’d packed up her things and left for Ponyville and it was also no small wonder Gabby after the last Blue Moon Festival was deeply considering the same thing. Despite their differences, Gilda would all too kindly welcome the chatty young hen into her home.

Speaking of that, her home wasn't anything you’d call fancy really. Just simple, basic and rather dirt-cheap. Still, it was miles above that old shack she had back in Griffonstone. And chances were unlike in Griffonstone she could probably improve her living conditions once she earned enough bits for herself with whatever job she happened to land. The spa seemed nice enough she supposed. A bit girly yes she admitted, but if that big huge muscle head of a pegasus Rainbow referred to as Bulk Biceps saw something in it who was she to judge? She’d honestly take whatever she could get by this point. Ponyville had plenty of opportunities. Even teaching it seemed, if Rainbow was anything to go by. She didn't know how Loyalty was something you could exactly teach or how Rainbow balanced this and being a ‘Bolt but somehow she did. So props to her Gilda supposed. She’d never thought Rainbow a multitasker but then again ponies, like griffons changed as time went by.

Speaking of Twilight’s School of Friendship as she heard the place was called, Gilda found herself flying there despite the biting wind and the snow fall that threatened to blind her vision even with her superior than the norm eyesight. She couldn't really explain it at the time, she just felt drawn to the place. Like some outside force was calling her there. Now, she doubted it was because of any need of any sort of any special friendship teachings -She’d had enough of that thank you very much!- but still it seemed to call out to her.

Now, of course, she’d heard the rumors. That there was this magical all-knowing tree of some sort deep underneath Ponyville that was continuously spreading its roots. Like some sort of Eldritch Abomination but at the same time not. It only wanted the best for Ponyville. Now how a tree could be alive in the traditional sense as in living, thinking and breathing, Gilda couldn't quite honestly understand but then again she didn't pretend to understand a lot about Equestrian magic. Especially that type laid down by ancient sages long ago. What she did understand was this: it had helped Gallus understand and overcome his fears of claustrophobia.

Gallus. There was a name that kept ringing out in her mind, Gilda thought even as she touched down in the school’s main courtyard. She didn't quite know why but yet it did. A few ponies parted in fear of her as she made her landing and Gilda grumply grumbled “Wimps.” to herself even as she walked into the school’s main hall. They could all go and mind their own business for all she cared if they were that scared of her coolness. Anyways, she had more important matters to attend to. Like Gallus for instance.

Now this was a curious case to her. A few nights back, just when Gilda was still settling into Ponyville and her new home a figure came to her in a dream at least she hoped it was a dream. She’d rather not consider the alternative. Sure, she probably could have taken them but still it was rather embarrassing for her personally as a griffon to be caught with her guard down. Now, the figure had appeared to her as old King Boreas - You know, the griffon who found the idol?- of all creatures, and had explained what was currently troubling one of her fellow griffons.

Not that she needed explanations about this from some long dead griffon. She already knew of Gallus’ little problems with his home life or lack thereof. She’d spotted him once or twice peeking in her family home’s window every so often with the Blue Moon Festival being the most common occasion. Once, out of simple curiosity, the hen had followed him back home only to find him curled up in a makeshift nest shivering his feathers off. She’d like to think she'd steeled her heart but she did distinctly remember going back to her home. Next, she'd grabbed this ratty old blanket she’d kept around for one reason or the other and gave it to Gallus. She just hoped Gallus slept better that night, before quickly forgetting about him. Or so she’d thought.

Evidently both her brain and her conscience had other plans in store for her. Maybe that's what that strange figure in the night was, her better half telling her -Well, yelling at her really like any good griffon worth his or her salt- to just go ahead and stop lying to herself. Telling her that she did have a heart and that she did care for this kid and that she wanted him to be her nestling. As sappy as it sounded, that's what Gilda believed. She certainly didn't want to think it was the Ghost of Hearths Warming Past or the Tree of Harmony itself telling her something. Those two explanations just gave her the shivers.

But whatever it was, or whatever it may have been that night she couldn't deny it any longer. She cared for this kid. Quite a few ponies or griffons would faint if they heard she had a heart -Well maybe not Gabby or Pinkie, they’d just hug her till she died of air loss- but yes it was true. Gilda Gruff wasn't completely heartless like almost every other griffon in the world.

And apparently, that same sentiment applied to dragons as well. Or at least dragonesses by the name of Smolder. Even now, she could hear the young squirt’s begging and pleading behind closed doors, asking Twilight if somehow she of all creatures could adopt Gallus. Gilda chuckled, kid had spunk. That was for sure.

“But-” Smolder sputtered out actually sounding close to tears as she tried to present her admittedly meager case to the Headmistress. Mare never seemed to stop working it seemed, Gilda mused as she walked in. Neither Smolder nor Twilight seemed to take notice of the creak of the door hinges or the griffon now amongst them.

“I'm sorry Smolder,” Twilight sighed, sounding exhausted. Gilda couldn't blame her. She had a family to go home to as well. “But there's just no way even you could adopt Gallus as much as you want to. Look, I want to see Gallus get a good family as much as you do but I can't just allow a child to adopt him!”

The mare took a long sigh before continuing. “Look, you understand my position on this right? You’d barely be able to fend for yourself if you started living on your own, much less take care of Gallus as well.”

“I know…” Smolder sighed, finally relenting. “It’s just I don't want to see Gallus get left out like this. Every year, he's going to go back to that place and every year because of his age nobody will ever adopt him!”

“You sure about that?” Gilda asked, finally making her presence known. “‘Cause I'm pretty sure there's at least someone here who’s pretty qualified to be a mother.”

“G-Gilda?” Twilight stuttered out in shock.

“That's my name, don't start wearing it out.” the griffon replied.

“You're going to adopt…?” Twilight trailed off, sounding nearly close to tears herself. Gilda’s only response was a nod, and Twilight chuckled. “You never do anything by halves do you?”

Gilda smiled even as Smolder mouthed a silent “Thank you.”

Gallus sighed to himself even as he lay back in his bed, feathers pushing up against the ratty mattress and the springs groaning out in protest from his weight.

Another crappy Hearths Warming past, another year of time in the orphanage. Seemed to be destined to be his lot in life, least till he got old enough to blow this joint the sixteen year old mused. He supposed it wasn't all bad. He had his school friends here, least till they graduated and moved on with their lives and of course until they got adopted he had his fellow orphans. Maybe it wasn't all bad, he supposed. The carols were fun and he did like to see the ponies light up with smiles whenever he and Sunshine handed out food to those just as fortunate or even less so as he was.

Suddenly there came a small knock on his bed room door, and Gallus sat up with a small groan.

“Now what…?” he muttered, and it seemed Sunshine had heard him.

“Come here and you'll see!” the elderly mare replied, sounding more gleeful than he’d ever heard her. He opened the door and his eyes widened in surprise to see Gilda standing next to Sunshine. His eyes widened even more when he saw the document in her paws. It was full of words Gallus couldn't make out, but there was one phrase he could.

“I, Gilda Gruff hereby take full responsibility for the griffon now known as Gallus Gruff.”

His eyes lit up in surprise and he asked: “Really?” scarcely able to believe it. Gilda nodded, before she was barraged by a hug from Gallus.

“Best Hearths Warming Ever.” both thought.

Author's Note:

Okay, so here ya go. My yearly Hearths Warming piece. Now I admit the Gallus dealing with his status as an orphan has been done by this point but has anyone ever ever written a story about someone adopting him, that someone being Gilda at that?

Anyways, despite the painfulness of writing this via tablet alone I hope you enjoyed this piece and have a very happy Christmas.

Comments ( 17 )

If I were green I would die.

Now i wanna see gilda in a story where she tries to be his mother.

Could have been longer, so I'll give it an 8 of 10.


Some joke I'm missing here? The title itself is a nod towards this song. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Am_I_Blue%3F

I admit if I wasn't forced to use a tablet here I would have added in Flashbacks to scenes such as Gilda giving Gallus his blanket that one night and maybe added in a scene with Gallus asking why him of all creatures and why Gilda would want to adopt him. Granted, that second bit almost made it in, but it felt like both drama for dramas sake and repeating what had already been said so it got cut.

Would you like to see a special review by Keldeo the Critic?


This was sweet, very sweet. Great job Bricky.

Happy Hearth's Warming Eve. :twilightsmile:

Hmm, this was good. A bit wordy, and I would have preferred more dialogue, but I like it.

This was adorable, and I love the idea of a Gilda, Gallus, and Gabby household happy family.

Yikes, man. That first paragraph is a doozy. The first sentence is a severe run-on, and then you apologized directly to the reader for making a joke immediately after that.

That’s not a good way to kick things off. I came within inches of dropping the story right there. The idea was nice and your writing has potential, but I seriously suggest finding someone to edit.

This was a sweet little one shot

Can we have a sequel where Gilda adopts/takes in Gabby? Then they'll be like a cute little family!

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