• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 818 Views, 6 Comments

Flight of the Harmony - SteamPoweredStallion

In a steampunk equestria seven ponies have to undertake an airship adventure to defeat an evil plot.

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"...An' Ah just wanted to say that Ah'm ready to... um… do my best as…"
"Yes, darling, I'm sure of that. I trust you've already packed your bags?"
"Yes, Ah…"
"Excellent. Now, how long until we're done loading the coal?" Rarity turned to a crew of ponies pulling carts loaded with coal towards the innards of the Harmony. Applejack, who had been following her for hours- failing to speak to her more than a couple of sentences- resolved to wait even longer. The preparations of the airship were proceeding at a blinding pace, but it seemed Rarity was nowhere near satisfied.
"Just 'bout another ten minutes, ma'am," answered the foreman, a gray-coated Unicorn.
"You have five minutes. When you're done, help crew four with the provisions. Miss Hooves, have you loaded all of your equipment?"
A grey-coated, wall-eyed Pegasus peeped out from one of the many portholes in the side of the ship.
"My what now?"
"Your equipment. You're here as a navigator. I trust you'll be needing maps, compasses and the like."
"Oh, right! I knew there was something I'd forgotten!" The Pegasus jumped out of the porthole and flew above them, towards the factory.
The airship's engineering courtyard was crowded with several teams of workers, loading crates, painting the side of the ship and working around its massive engines. The mixed sounds of welding, hammering and dragging filled the air.
"Have you fought in the Pirate Wars?" asked Rarity. It took Applejack a few seconds to realize this was directed towards her.
"No. Most of those who were in the Wars were dismissed. Ah was…"
"A royal guard then? I cannot imagine the gossip and intrigues of palace life…."
"No, none of that. Ah am just a soldier. Ah'm afraid Ah never…"
"Well, never mind, then," Rarity turned around and started yelling orders again. Applejack couldn't help but feeling offended- wasn't she good enough for her?
"Y'know, Ah don't think…"
"…And make sure you keep that side upright. You, there, can you please keep that noise down? And… WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!"
"…As Ah was saying…"
"I'm here! I'm here!" A purple-coated unicorn ran in from one of the adjacent rooms. Applejack quickly recognized her as Professor Twilight Sparkle, a relatively famous pony all around Equestria.
"Twilight, darling, please tell me you know where Pinkamina is."
"I'm afraid I have no idea. I haven't seen her since yesterday."
"One of these days… oh, Twilight, meet… Applecake, is it? She's the Queen's envoy…"
"That's Applejack." Applejack and Twilight shook hooves. "As Ah was trying to say, Ah'm honored to be on this mission and Ah'll do my best…" Applejack looked at Rarity "… even if Ah'm not a veteran or a general."
"Of course, of course… Twilight, please show her around the ship. I'll see if I can find that… that… Pinkie."
"Actually, I have to…"
"You'll have time for that. Possibly," Rarity walked forward, leaving the other two ponies behind.
"Is she always like this?" asked Applejack after a few seconds.
"No… not so much. She's under a bit of stress."
"Ah see. Listen, is this Pinkie y'all are talking about Pinkie Pie? Like, the inventor Pinkie Pie?"
"Yes, that's correct. Do you know her?"
"C'mon, everypony knows Pinkie Pie! We were friends a while back… before I left."
Twilight giggled. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I still have to meet somepony who doesn't know-"
Rarity's yell surpassed any other noise in the room. Applejack and Twilight turned towards the courtyard gates where Pinkie was standing, with a smile going ear to ear, in front of Rarity.
"I've been busy," answered the pink pony, somehow widening her smile even further.
"You've been… busy."
"…Busy doing what?"
Pinkie shook her head and jumped through the gates. Rarity galloped behind her, quickly followed by Twilight and Applejack. As they stepped out of the courtyard, a blinding light forced them to close their eyes.
As the three ponies opened their eyes again, the realized they were literally surrounded by a plethora of ponies armed to the teeth with photo cameras and notebooks.
A podium, with a megaphone, was set up next to the courtyard's wall. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike were standing beside it. Above them Derpy Hooves was floating, haphazardly carrying a set of tools in her front hooves.
"Well, you've already heard from most of the crew, but now, give a round of applause for the greatest scientist in Equestria, the director of the project not to mention, my dear friend, Twilight Sparkle!" Pinkie led Twilight to the podium while the crowd of journalists clopped their hooves.
Twilight looked around, embarrassed.
Now I know I should add "sudden press conference speech" to the list of things to always have prepared, she thought.

"Are they still there, Bert?"
"They haven't moved."
"How about the telegraph station?"
"They've searched it already, I think, but they're still guarding it."
"Think we could make break for it?"
The yellow-coated miner shook his head and looked at his colleague. "Them's too fast, Rocky. If we leave the tunnels they'll catch us straight away."
"And if we stay here they'll catch us eventually. If we can at least ask for help…"
"Ask who?"
"Well, if that's your best plan, just ask them if they let you send a message to someone."
"Very funny."
The two miners kept looking out of the mine's tunnels, at the several figures poised around the entrance and on the roofs of all the outlying buildings
They had attacked that morning, without provocation. Most of the miners had been captured in the initial assault and were now locked up and guarded inside the administration building. A few of them had managed to outrun the assailants and take refuge in the tunnels, and had been pinned in there since.
"If we could send an SOS to the central command, they could send us the airship."
"The airship?"
"You know, the one everyone's been talking about
"The Harmony."
"That's the one. We need to get to the telegraph building and warn them. And even if they catch us, they'll just tie us up and throw us in the offices."
"You think? I think they're planning something worse. I've seen one of them carrying a bit cauldron in there."
"You don't mean…?"
"I sure hope not. But…"
"That's it! We need help! Can you at least distract them?"
"Just long enough for me to reach the telegraph station."
"I don't think…"
A scream interrupted the two ponies. After a few seconds, they realized the scream was coming from the inside of the mines. They looked at each other in the eyes and immediately ran out.
Another scream from inside, paired with a twisted laughter.
Then, the sound of claws on rocky floors behind them.
The two ponies crossed the threshold of the mine. A group of enemies jumped down on them, cutting off their path. The ponies hopped to the right, galloping towards the telegraph station. The enemies quickly caught up. Bert hesitated a second, one second too many. Four dogs jumped on him, pinning him to the ground. Rocky reached the telegraph station, barged through the door and slammed it shut. The dogs immediately pounced on it, almost making it come off the hinges. Even from inside, Rocky could hear the sound of more of them jumping from the roof and scratching at the walls and windows.
He ran to the telegraph. He had never learned to use the thing properly- that wasn't his job. However, he did know enough to send an SOS. He quickly set the destination to the first address he could think of- Ponyville Factory, and pounded on the device, sending the brief message. Just as soon as it was completed, he looked out of the window. The dogs had climbed the telegraph pole and were furiously trying to rip the cables. Meanwhile, another blow shook the door.
Rocky paced around the room, looking for any escape. The windows were all besieged. The door was being furiously assaulted. The telegraph, even if the line still worked, was useless as he didn't know how to write any other message.
Eventually, the door gave in and was thrown off its hinges. A massive diamond dog walked into the room and examined it through the mechanized goggles he wore over his eyes. The two crosshairs settled on Rocky.
"Looksss like we found you. Did you call your mommy, my little pony?"
The dog walked to the pony and grabbed him with his cold, metallic claw. Rocky said nothing, utterly dumbstruck.
"Yessss you did, yesss you did!" The dog barked a laugh. "That'ssss… perfect."