• Published 1st Dec 2018
  • 1,135 Views, 7 Comments

Drop Dead - MorbidTheBrony

Princess Twilight is back and she couldn't choose a worse way of surprising the girls...

  • ...

One alive, one not as.

Right now, things were really looking up for Twilight Sparkle. Well, sure, the Friendship Games were a total hassle, what with all of the magic, the whole demon thing and yadda-yadda-yadda. But after all that mess, things were looking up for the girl. She left her old terrible school, she finally stepped out from behind the curtain and she even made six new best friends. After only being at CHS for only a few days, she already feels very accepted. Everyone was so kind to her, students and teachers.

Right now, the girls were all gathered to have a lovely picnic around the now destroyed Wondercolt statue. Thanks Midnight! Twilight and Fluttershy were playing with Spike. Rarity was fixing Rainbow Dash's hair. Applejack was drinking orange juice. Wait, orange? Sunset Shimmer was enjoying a very nice sandwich and Pinkie Pie somehow climbed on top of the statue. Yep, this was the life she never knew she wanted.

But suddenly, one of the statues faces glowed a great white. Twilight did not understand what was going on. Everybody stepped back as if they were bracing themselves for something. Then, out nowhere, a girl with very similar hair and skin to Twilight's stepped out from the statue. She slowly moved out of the portal and then...

...she falls directly onto the ground!

The group all gasped loudly. Sunset quickly knelt down next to her and turned her around so she was looking up. She began shaking the girl's shoulders. "Twilight? Twilight! Are you okay?!"

No response from the girl. But wait... her name was also Twilight. Even her hair matched Twilight's: dark purple with a purple and pink streak going from top to bottom. Who was this girl?

"Twilight! Wake up!" Sunset shouted. She held her ear over the body's mouth. She then sighed with relief. "She's still breathing. She's just unconscious."

"My heavens! What on earth happened to her?!" Rarity asked.

Sunset shook her head. "I-I really have no idea. She hadn't been responding to my messages through the journal." She then gasped. "Something terrible must have happened back in Equestria!"

Twilight did not understand anything at all to what was going on. It was driving her crazy.

"Sounds t'uh me that you gotta head on back to Equestria, see what's up over there," Applejack suggested.

Sunset turned her attention to the portal and then nodded. "Yeah, it sounds like it. In the mean time, you guys all get her over to my place. I'll meet you all there in a moment. Here," Sunset explained, handing Applejack her house keys. She then stepped towards the portal and placed a hand onto it. Nothing was happening. She tried pushing harder on it. Nothing at all. Sunset turned back around, facing the girls. "Girls... the portal won't open! It's been closed!"

A chorus of "WHAT?!" was said.

With so many questions on her mind now, Twilight finally broke, "Does anyone mind telling me what the heck is going on right now?! Like, why is there a girl that looks exactly like me?! Where did she come from?! What's with all this stuff about a portal?!"

Sunset lifted one of Princess Twilight's arms over her shoulders, Rainbow Dash on the other arm. "No time to explain right now. We gotta get her to somewhere safe! I promise, I'll explain everything later."

They all took the princess around to the back of the school to the parking lot.

"We'll put her in Fluttershy's car," Sunset said, beginning to struggle with lifting this other Twilight.

"But her car's too small. We won't all fit in," Rainbow Dash explained, having the some troubles as Sunset.

"We don't have to, you and me can just go with her, everyone else can follow in their cars."

Everybody nodded in agreement and hurried to their own cars. Rainbow and Sunset carefully carried Princess Twilight into the back seat of Fluttershy's car and sat on each side of her. They all then drove to Sunset's house.

Twilight jumped in Rarity's car, still having troubles of her own. There was no way that this was another her from another dimension, right? Her mind continued to race faster than everyone's cars. She hoped everyone had a good explanation for what the heck was happening.

Arriving at Sunset's house, Rainbow and Sunset continued to assist her. Then their job was made harder as Sunset had to unlock her door. The princess wobbled left and right, struggling to keep her balance. The flame haired girl managed to open her door in time and everyone entered. The girls then laid Princess Twilight on the couch and all began to think.

After some silence, the human Twilight spoke up. "So, does anybody mind giving me an explanation?" she asked.

Sunset sighed. "I guess I might as well." She looked towards this world's Twilight. "So you see, this right here is actually an alternate version of you, Twilight, from another world... inhabited by ponies."

Inhabited by ponies? Another world? Twilight though she was just being crazy. But then again, it did explain an awful lot. Those readings back when she analysed the statue. They were much more powerful than the readings the magic from the girls gave her. And those tears in reality Midnight Sparkle made... there looked to be another world on the other side of them. Was that the pony world?

"Inhabited by ponies? What's their world like?" Twilight asked. "Do they all talk or something?"

"Yes, actually. Their world is much like ours, except everyone there is a pony," Sunset explained. "There are four different species. There are unicorns, pegasi, earth ponies which are just regular ponies and alicorns which there are only four as far as I know. Alicorns have both a horn and wings. Heh, fun fact, this Twilight here is actually an a alicorn."

"Only four? Why is that? Is it, like, a birth deficiency or something,"

Suddenly, Sunset burst out laughing. Even with the current situation, Sunset was laughing a little too hard. "N-No, it's not like that at all!" Sunset wiped a tear from her eyes.

"Sunset, honestly! Calm yourself! There's a terrible matter at hand!" Rarity said, punching Sunset's arm.

She was still laughing. "S-sorry-hee-hee." She managed to calm herself down a bit. "Alicorns are the most powerful of all pony species. They can't be born. Becoming an alicorn is earned. Since there are four, there are four princesses of Equestria. Twilight here is the princess of friendship. There's also Celestia, the princess of the sun, Luna, the princess of the moon and Cadence, the princess of love."

Twilight's eyes widened. "My counterpart is a princess?! And my old babysitter?!!"

Sunset nervously smiled and nodded. "Eeyup, and Twilight was also the one who made me who I am today. Her and also the girls."

Twilight sat down on a nearby chair and slapped a hand on her forehead. "Ugh, my head hurts. I-I guess all I have to ask now is... well, how do you know so much about this... Equestria?"

Sunset rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, it's actually because that's where I'm from."

"Y-You're...?" Twilight was on the verge of fainting herself. Her mind was flooded with questions, theories and it just hurt a lot because of it all. She never imagined there to be other dimensions other than theirs.

Twilight wasn't looking very good to everyone else. Fluttershy went over to her and shook her slightly. "Umm, are you okay, Twilight?"

Twilight was about to answer her, but then she just collapsed. Now there were two unconscious Twilights.

"Oh no! Now there's two dead Twilight's!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Everyone looked at Pinkie questioningly.

"Uuh, they aren't dead, Darling. They are just both unconscious," Rarity told the sugar addict.

Pinkie glared daggers towards the ceiling.

Sunset nervously laughed. "I guess I kinda overdid it with the explanation, huh?"

"Ya think, Sunset?" Applejack scolded. She then sighed. "What're we gonna do now with both of them unconscious?"

"We could try to wake them both up," Rainbow Dash suggested.

"How do ya suppose we do that?"

Rainbow shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe slap them awake?" She approached their Twilight and raised her hand.

Rarity pulled her away from their unconscious friend. "Rainbow Dash! You are not slapping your own friend awake!"

Rainbow shook herself out of Rarity's grasp. "Fine then, do you have a idea?"

"Yes, actually. I suggest we place them onto towels and splash them with cold water," Rarity proposed. She quickly noticed Pinkie raising a hand at the princess and quickly stopped her before she did anything dumb.

Everyone seemed to be okay with that plan. So, Sunset went to collect a few towels and Fluttershy filled a jug with very cold water. Pinkie and Applejack laid the Twilights on top of the towels on the floor while Rainbow Dash and Rarity held two small glasses filled with the cold water. They readied eachother by nodding and then splashed the girls with the water. It didn't work the first time. So, they tried another glass, then another glass. Then, on the fourth glass, they both instantly shot up breathing heavily.

Princess Twilight looked around at her surroundings. She had never been in this place before. The girls waved at her. She waved back. "Uuh, hey girls. Where are we right now?"

"We're at my house," Sunset said stepping forward. "But what happened to you, Twilight? You just came through the portal and then you just fall."

"Hehe. Yeah, well, that's because before I jumped through the portal, I sorta maybe... placed the journal on top of the mirror a little too fast that it fell and hit me on the head..."

"Are you serious?" Rainbow glared at the princess. "You were hit by a book?"

"It's a heavy book, okay," Princess Twilight said, blushing.

"Guess that explains why the portal's now closed," Sunset added.

Princess Twilight perked up worryingly. "Wait, the portal's closed?!"

Sunset nodded. "Yeah, I'll message Spike to open it again latee. And another thing, why haven't you been answering me the last few days? There was a huge magic problem recently and I really needed some serious advice."

"I know, I'm sorry! It's just that I had a big problem that included a time travel loop that kept reoccurring and sending Spike and me to a different reality," the princess explained. "Then, when I got back, I read your messages and rushed on over. The last days have been really strange. It was probably the strangest thing to ever happen to me." She then noticed a pair of eyes staring deep into her. "Oh, hello, what's your... name?"

The girls laughed as both Twilights stared at eachother.

"Uh, Twilight?" Sunset tried to get their attention. Resulting with both Twilight's looking at her. Everyone laughed more. "Meet Twilight."

The Twilights were looking at eachother again. The princess version noted the very similar similarities, but there was one glaring difference.

"Why do I have glasses here?"

Author's Note:

Yeah... I don't like it either.

Comments ( 7 )

"Why do I have glasses here?"

Very good question. No really, why? I'd like to think ir's more than just to tell the two apart.

Comment posted by TyrTheTaur deleted Dec 1st, 2018


By that I mean we need to know!

Computer screens. Reading books in well lit light will keep your vision far longer than large amounts of work on a computer- that is likely not in a well lit room.

At least, that's what I've always assumed to explain the disparity between glasses and no glasses.

I always went with the assumption that Princess Twilight was able to get a magical medical procedure when she was younger that fixed her eyesight. Especially since she was the personal student of Celestia.

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