• Published 26th Nov 2018
  • 355 Views, 2 Comments

A Night at the Movies - Mr Movie Magic

While on vacation in Applewood, Rainbow Dash and the CMC explore a haunted movie palace.

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One: The Weekend to Themselves

It was a lazy day in Ponyville. There wasn’t really anything special in particular to do. Twilight and Spike were in Canterlot to participate in a delegate’s conference with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Fluttershy had gone on a retreat with Tree Hugger. Pinkie Pie went with the Cake family to a baker’s convention. Applejack had gotten all of her chores done at Sweet Apple Acres, Rainbow Dash had already cleared the skies above Ponyville, and Rarity had completed her new designs. In their clubhouse, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were also without anything to do. It seemed like they had tried everything they could to get their cutie marks. Their list of new activities to try was running low. Having no luck in finding something to do, the six of them took a walk through the town, trying to figure out how to spend the day.

“Do either of you have any ideas on what we can do today?” asked Scootaloo.

“We can just chill and take it easy,” Rainbow Dash suggested.

“You mean like a spa day?” Rarity perked up.

“No. I mean we just kick back and nap.”

“Ah’m too bored to nap,” said Applejack.

“Well, what do you suggest we do?”

“Hey, I smell popcorn!” exclaimed Sweetie Belle.

The smell was coming from the Ponyville Picture House.

“Why don’t we go see a movie?” Apple Bloom asked with excitement.

“I’m in,” said Rainbow Dash, “but it’s gotta have action.”

“Action? No thank you,” replied Rarity. “How about a nice romance?”

“No romance. No melodramas. Nothing mushy.”

“Ah don’t reckon that leaves us with very many options,” noted Applejack.

“What about the new Saddle Song picture?” Apple Bloom suggested. “I just love that Singing Cowpony!”

“Sorry, Apple Bloom,” said Applejack, “that one doesn’t come out ‘til next week.”

“Oh, darn!”

“How about this one?” asked Sweetie Belle. “It’s a biopic starring Hoofrey Bogart as Mr. Kino and Clark Stable as Prof. Menlo. It’s based on their lives, which has inspired the tales of the haunted movie palace in Applewood.”

“Haunted, huh? So, it’s a ghost movie!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “There’s gotta be some action, not to mention the thrills!”

“There’s no ghosts,” said Rarity. “I for one think a biography would be delightful.”

It was the only other film playing. Since they were all in agreement to catch a movie and there weren’t any objections to this film, they all went to go see it. They purchased their tickets from the box office and went inside. The Ponyville Picture House was not a large theater; there were only four screens. It was, however, just big enough for Ponyville. They all bought bags of popcorn, fun candies, and drinks. They went to the auditorium where their movie was playing and took their seats. After a few minutes, the house darkened and the film began to roll.

When the movie got out, they were talking more about it than they thought, especially Rainbow Dash, considering there was neither action, nor ghosts. They paused to converse in the theater lobby.

“How about that ending? Where did they go? What happened to them? Will they be seen again?” Rainbow Dash was beside herself.

“You sure liked the movie, didn’t ya?” said Applejack.

“It was great! I bet you Mr. Kino and Prof. Menlo are the ghosts. They’re the ones haunting the theater.”

They paused to take a breather from the excitement of the film.

Ding! Dong! Outside, the chimes of the Ponyville clock rang two o’clock.

“Two o’clock,” Applejack noted. “We’ve got the whole afternoon ahead of us. What do y’all wanna do now?”

Hmm… they contemplated the possibilities.

“The theater…” a faint voice whispered.

“Did you hear something?” Rarity asked.

The voice whispered again, followed by a ghostly moan. “The theater… O-o-O-o…”

“Rainbow Dash!” exclaimed Applejack. “Just what the hay do you think you’re doin’?”

“It’s not me,” replied Rainbow Dash.

“Let’s go to the theater,” spoke the voice.

Applejack turned to find her little sister hiding behind a curtain. She could see her hooves sticking out from underneath and could hear her imitating a ghost. She approached and pulled the curtain aside.

“Oh, hey, Applejack,” said Apple Bloom, pretending that nothing peculiar was going on. “Boy, this is such a nice curtain. It’s so soft. Have you felt it?”

“Apple Bloom,” began Applejack, “sumthin’ tells me Ah don’t wanna know what you’re up to, but seein’ as Ah’m your big sis, I gotta know. What’re you up to?”

“Couldn’t we go to Applewood and see the haunted movie palace?” Apple Bloom replied.

“We just might get our cutie marks in ghost hunting,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Now, Sweetie Belle,” said Rarity, “there are no ghosts.”

“But what if there are? If they start haunting, who are ponies gonna call?”

“Ah think these little fillies are on tuh sumthin’,” said Applejack.

“About ghost hunting?” asked Rarity.

“No. Ah mean about goin’ tuh Applewood. Twilight and Spike are in Canterlot, Fluttershy’s on retreat, and Pinkie Pie’s with the Cake’s. Why don’t we have our own fun?”

Everypony thought it to be a great idea.

“Oh, I think a vacation in Applewood would be most delightful,” said Rarity. “They have some of the most luxurious spas in all of Equestria.”

“Not to mention all the celebrities!” Scootaloo added.

“Alrighty then,” said Applejack. “All those in favor of goin’ to Applewood, say ‘Ah.’”

“I,” Rarity replied.

Then Scootaloo, “I.”

Then Sweetie Belle, “I.”

Then Apple Bloom, “Ah.”

Followed by Rainbow Dash, “I.”

And finally, Applejack. “And Ah,” she declared. “Looks like the Ah’s have it. We’re goin’ tuh Applewood!”

They each went back to their homes to pack their bags for their Applewood weekend vacation.

In Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo made sure they were well-prepared.

“Are you all set?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“You bet!” answered Scootaloo.

“Uh, what’s that?”

“It’s a tennis racket and a flyswatter.”

“Are you sure you’re going to need those?”

“There could be ghosts,” Scootaloo explained. “This is all my ghost hunting gear.”

Rainbow Dash knew that there probably wouldn’t be any ghosts, but seeing how excited her number one fan was, she couldn’t dampen her spirits. “Way to think ahead, Scootaloo! That’s using your noggin. C’mon! We’ve got a train to catch!”

Scootaloo jumped on Rainbow Dash’s back. Rainbow Dash took off into the air and they soared through the atmosphere to the train station in Ponyville.

At Carousel Boutique, Rarity was helping to pack a bag for Sweetie Belle. “Let’s see. We’ll need my hairdryer, shampoo, conditioner.” Rarity used her magic to levitate two outfits. “Which shall I take, Sweetie Belle? The sequins or the glitter?”

Sweetie Belle really didn’t know. “Uh… the sequins?”

Rarity looked over each of the outfits. “You know, maybe I’ll pack them both. It never hurts to pack extra.” She put on a sunhat and put one on Sweetie Belle. “Oh, would you just look at us?” Rarity admired herself and Sweetie Belle in the mirror. “These matching sunhats are too fabulous to pass up. Now, do you have everything ready?”

“Just one more thing,” said Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle took the vacuum from the closet.

“The vacuum, Sweetie Belle?” Rarity asked in confusion.

“It’s in case we find any ghosts,” Sweetie Belle explained.

“Well, if you’re certain you need it. It’s a bit big, don’t you think? Why not bring the smaller one?”

“Okay, Rarity!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “What a great idea! The ghosts will never see it coming.”

Having finished packing their bags, Rarity and Sweetie Belle left for the train station where they would meet up with Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Applejack, and Apple Bloom.

Down at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack packed a light bag, figuring she wouldn’t need too much. She was all set and ready to go, waiting by the front door.

“Apple Bloom, are ya ready?” she called out.

“Just about,” Apple Bloom’s voice sounded from upstairs.

There was the sound of shuffling and clanging.

What in tar nation is she doin’ up there? Applejack wondered. She went up to Apple Bloom’s room and found her digging through an old trunk.

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack exclaimed in surprise. “What in Equestria is all this?”

“Ah’m packin’ all the ghost huntin’ stuff Ah can find. Look: Ah’ve got a magnet, a horseshoe, a compass, Granny Smith’s spare dentures, and this crystal ball Madame Pinkie Pie gave me.”

“Madame Pinkie Pie?” Applejack questioned.

“Yeah. She’s been teachin’ me all about her Pinkie sense.”

Applejack noticed something in Apple Bloom’s bag. “Are ya sure you needa bring a stick?”

“It’s not a stick, Applejack,” corrected Apple Bloom. “It’s called a dowsing rod. Zecora gave it to me.”

Then Granny Smith walked into the room. “Here’s that lil’ radio ya wanted, Apple Bloom.”

“Gee, thanks, Granny Smith!” Apple Bloom said happily.

“How’s a radio gonna help you find ghosts?” asked Applejack.

“It’s not for huntin’ ghosts,” replied Apple Bloom. “It’s for listenin’ to Saddle Song on the train ride.”

“That stallion sure can sing,” commented Granny Smith. “If yer goin’ huntin’ fer ghosts, Ah’ve got sumthin’ fer ya.”

Apple Bloom and Applejack followed Granny Smith to her room. There, she gave Apple Bloom a purple stone.

“What is it?” asked Apple Bloom.

“This here’s the stone of the spirit. Guaranteed to ward of even the most ornery of haints.”

“Where’d you get this?” asked Applejack.

“It belonged to a distant relative, Ah reckon,” Granny Smith explained. “They got it from a pony named Pie, er, sumthin’. From what Ah’ve heard, they were bein’ chased across the prairie by Phantom Cowponies. This one stone kept those spooks away.”

“Is that true?”

“Beats me, but y’all can never be too careful.”

Apple Bloom finished packing her bag. She and Applejack set out for the train station up in Ponyville.

Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo would soon be on the first train to Applewood!