• Member Since 29th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 8th, 2021



Equestria as we know it today is a far cry from its infancy. In the age following its founding, the three tribes struggled to come to terms with each other, as they united against the monsters both from without and within that were determined to consume them in endless chaos. It was an age of tentative loyalties, easy mistrust, and war barely contained behind the thin facade of polite diplomacy. It was an age of hardship and loss, but it was also an age that called for heroes. Those that stood against the anarchy and darkness that battered upon the doorsteps of a fledgling nation, bringing to bear steel and spell in defense of Harmony.

This here, then, is the tale of one such adventurer, and his journey across the face of Equestria, and through the Magic of Friendship.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 18 )

I was debating between 'everyone' and 'teen' on that one. I was trying to base it of what the ratings for the earlier Final Fantasy games would have gotten if the ESRB and PEGI rating systems were around back then, but I suppose 'teen' should be on it. No real gore or anything has been in it, but there is some combat (it's Final Fantasy after all).

More like a crossover with concepts from the whole franchise. No one game is being drawn from, just the whole series altogether, really.

If anypony cares to give some critique, I'd be happy to hear what you've got to say. This is my entry to EqD's NaPoWriMo, and I'm trying to get through it as best as I can in the time given. :derpyderp2: Hopefully, I can get it finished by the end of the 31st. :pinkiecrazy:

Don't wanna be tardy, now do we? :twilightoops:

I'm amazed you could write 36k words with only 4 upvotes man, I would've caved to depression by now. :coolphoto:

I tend to abandon fics if they don't get enough limelight.

I haven't worked on it in a while, true, but I plan on finishing it anyways.

This was a project for last fall's National Pony Writing Month on Equestria Daily. All of what's up here was done in a single month, so there wasn't really much in consideration of worrying about upvotes or views at the time. Although now that I'm no longer under those constraints, I'd certainly like to have more readership. It's just not forthcoming. :applejackunsure:


Have you tried dropping it in a few more of the groups?

Writing one shot spin offs that require knowledge of the first fic is also a crafty method. ;) Assuming your fic can stand up to the new attention...

I haven't really thought of what other groups it could be put in other than the ones it's in already. Any suggestions?

And as far as spin-offs and one shots go, I had planned on doing a write-up of a prequel and a sequel story. I was going to try for the prequel first, as the sequel will need some elements from both this story and the prequel to make a little sense. I'll need to finish this one as well for that to work, but I think I can pull it off.

As far as standing up to the attention, I haven't a clue, as it hasn't gotten too much attention to begin with, so I wouldn't know how to gauge it really. :derpyderp1:


First step is to get some sweet a$$ generic art from literally anywhere on the internet, it garners interest in the story. It doesn't have to be super prevalent, but almost anything is better than nothing.

Amusingly enough, I tried that, but for whatever reason, FimFic wouldn't let me upload any of the images I picked out for it. I could try again, but I'm not sure how much it'd help at this juncture. :applejackunsure:

I also looked into commissioning some art, but just about every artist is busy or just won't respond. It's very frustrating overall. :twilightangry2:


Yeah sometimes you gotta trick them or 'sell' your fic. They're a choosey bunch, I was lucky I got Conicer to like my OC's story enough to do a piece for it. Instant success!

Well, damn. I have no clue why this image works now when it never did the last 20 times I tried to upload it, but whatever. It's on there now. :derpytongue2:

Well, as you might be able to see, the image I had actually picked out for this story finally decided it wanted to be uploaded. It's only tangentially related, but it does the job as far as I'm concerned. :pinkiesmile:

At any rate, if you're interested, check out the story and let me know what you think. If anything, an opinion on it could help me figure out where to go from here. Your suggestions have already helped as is. For that I thank you. :twilightblush:

I also just realized; I'm reading your story My Little Marriage: Mary is a Mare all the while speaking with you over my story. Either coincidence, providence, or just crafty planning on one and/or both of our parts? :pinkiegasp:

Fate only knows...

I think you should change your title picture to Final Fantasy 2, That's what this one is based off of isnt it?

Not really. I didn't base this on any specific entry of the franchise, but rather, drew inspiration from the series as a whole to base characters and elements of the world upon.

3097906well with the tital detaining to crystals i would most likel be pertaining to ff3

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