• Published 19th Dec 2018
  • 676 Views, 20 Comments

Code Of Ethics - ActivistVictor

Trixie must do community service by volunteering for the Special Olympics or face expulsion

  • ...


Author's Note:

I reedited this chapter because i felt Trixie was a little... too full of herself (if such a thing is even possible with Trixie), and i wanted her to seem less like an unredeemable asshole. That, and I also fixed some grammatical errors which google docs missed somehow... i really need an editor.

As the beginning of the first class of the day approached in Canterlot High, a group of the school’s special ed students entered the front of the building whilst engaging in conversation. One of them, Joseph, had short spiked black hair, white skin, and glasses akin to those worn by Harry Potter. The second, Duke, had grey skin and short black hair that was styled in cornrows. The third one, Ryan, had blue skin? And also had short black hair, though this was styled with the bangs gelled upward. And lastly, Snails, the fourth one, had green hair and yellow skin, and spoke with a slight canadian accent.

So, who else here is excited for this summer to come?” Duke said turning to address the others in the group, “Because let me tell you, knowing we have just a couple more days to go before we’re free has MADE MY DAY!” he said, before he turned away and then faked spitting on the ground.

“Duke, come on,” Joseph said, “Must you always do that disgusting fake spitting thing?”

“No, I don’t HAVE to… but I definitely do WANT to, and that’s good enough for me.” Duke said to Joseph.

“Oy vey” Joseph groaned in slight annoyance.

“I’m ready for summer,” Ryan said, answering Duke’s original question. “Nothing better than 3 months of hust sleeping in and playing video games… and sleeping in! And no homework or teachers in sight!”

“Video games eh? Duke asked rhetorically, “You mean like Team Fortress 2?”

“Here we go!,” Joseph thought in annoyance, knowing full well what was coming next.

Duke, not noticing Joseph’s annoyance, jerkily turned to face the group and said “I am Painis Cupcake…. “I will eat….. YOU!” as he pointed at them, and then afterward donned a very creepy smile on his face.

Snails and Ryan, amused as usual at his impersonation of Duke’s impersonation of the cannibalistic soldier from Team Fortress 2 turned youtube meme, chuckled a bit, while Joseph simply ignored them until the laughter died down, at which point he attempted to change the subject.

“So anyways, are any of you doing volleyball this summer?” Joseph said.

“I am,” Ryan said raising his hand.

“Me too, eh!,” Snails said.

“Wait, what?” Joseph said, “Ryan I was expecting to play, but since when do you play anything but buckball Snails?”

“Well, Spike said it’d be a good way to get out and meet people… particularly ladies. So I figured why not?” Snails said.

“*sigh*, typical Spike with his obsession on women...” Joseph thought to himself, before saying “Oh… well I hope you have fun.” He then looked around and said “Speaking if Spike, where is he? He’s going to be late if he doesn’t get here soon.”

“Oh you know him, he’s probably just sleeping in! You know how he loves his sleep, and poker, and Titanic!” Duke said.

“I love sleep too!” Snails said smiling as he turned to face the others. However, as he did, his noticed a certain teal skinned student in the distance. After taking her in for a second, he turned to the group and said, “And you know what else I love?”

“Painis Cupcake?” Duke joked, prompting Joseph to fake facepalm behind his back.

“Well, yeah, but I mean besides him!” Snail said.

“No idea man!” Ryan said.

“Search me!” Duke said.

Snails then pointed at the student he noticed before, who was currently busy arguing with another bacon haired female, and then said. “Her.”

“Um…ok, and just who is her, exactly?” Joseph asked.

“No idea!” Snails said shrugging his shoulders. “But she looks pretty pretty doesn’t she? I’m going to go ask her out!”

Joseph then said, “Uh, i don’t think that’ll be such a good idea…”

“Aw come on, you don’t know that man!” Ryan said.

“Yeah,” Snails said, “and besides, I only don’t know her because I haven’t talked to her yet. Once i do then we’ll know each other!”

“But, but, that’s...” Joseph said, still trying to talk them out of it, before he turned to Duke. “Duke, help me out on this will you?”

“I’m sorry, but I kind of have to side with them, “ Duke replied, “After all, what harm is there in him giving it a go? The worst she can do is say no.”

Sighing, Joseph said, “I guess so… but don’t expect much to come of it!” He then looked up at the clock and said “Oh, class is going to start soon, I’m going to head there now. Make sure your date attempt doesn’t make you late! You know how Cheerilee gets if you’re late!”

“Yeah, if you’re late again she’ll probably eat us up like Painis Cupcake... “ Duke said joking, prompting Joseph to once again facepalm out of sight. Duke then turned to Ryan and Snails and said “But anyways, I better get going too, good luck chums,” He concluded, before he turned to follow Joseph.

“Thanks buddy,” Snails said, before he and Ryan turned away from him and began walking towards the teal haired girl, who had just concluded arguing with the girl with bacon hair and was starting towards them.

“So what are you gonna say to her man,” Ryan asked Snails, but before Snails could respond to him, they were interrupted as the teal haired girl slamming her fist into a locker before wincing in pain and shouting “Son of a ...blowhard!.”, before she noticed those nearby looking at her and cussed them out too.

Snails, not perceiving that engaging her in any way now would be ill advised, turned to Ryan and said “Ok, let’s get going eh?“

“I dunno,” Ryan said as she stormed in their direction deep in a funk, “She seems angry man!”

“Maybe, but you know, I think they’re cutest when they’re ang...” Snails said turning towards him, before he was cut off mid-sentence as he ran headlong into the girl. The ensuing collision caused both of them to fall backwards onto the floor hard, and the girl was the first to recover from the incident after a couple seconds.

“Ouch,” the girl said as she got up off the floor, rubbing her head. Her eyes then settled on Snails, whom Ryan was helping up, and she said ”Watch where you’re going will you?! You interrupted the Great and Powerful Trixie as she was thinking some Great and Powerful thoughts!”

“Oh, sorry eh,” Snails said to her, “I guess I was just too distracted by the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”

“Hmmph,” Trixie said, rolling her eyes. “ Typical rabble!!” before she walked past them and made to leave.

“UH… who’s Trixie?” Ryan said, looking around to see who she was addressing.

Trixie then groaned and rolled her eyes, before she turned back to them and pointed to herself. “Trrrrrrixie is Trixie! Or to you, the Great and POWERFUL Trixie! But anyways, Now that Trixie has answered your question, Trixie must be leaving you two…. Because… Trixie!” Before she turned and again made a move to walk away from them.

“Wait, don’t go yet Trixie,” Snails said running after her and getting in front of her, causing her to stop in her tracks.
i thought

“GRRRR, What now!?,” Trixie snapped, quickly getting annoyed with them due to her conflict with Sunset. “And I thought Trixie just told you she was the Great and Powerful Trixie to you!”

“Listen, Trixie… Um, I mean, Great and Powerful Trixie,” Snails said, “I was wondering if… if…”

“If WHAT?” Trixie said getting more irritated, “Trixie swears, if you stopped her just to play guessing games!”

“Come on man… say it,” Ryan said, already wanting to end this encounter as soon as possible.

“I was wondering if you would ever, you know, want to go out with me… sometimes?” Snails asked nervously.

Trixie, briefly taken aback by his bluntness, soon felt her anger rising at him, before she said, “Now let Trixie get this straight, because Trixie wants to make sure she understands this situation right! You, a lowly peon who Trixie doesn't even KNOW, wasted the Great and Powerful Trrrrixie’s valuable time and interrupted her important thoughts to ask her on a date!?”

“Yeah… that’s pretty much right” Snails said, “So whaddya say eh Trixie?”

“What does Trixie say!? NO!” That’s what Trixie says!” Trixie shouted at him. “Really, you truly think Trixie would ever agree to go out with a LOSER like you? Puh-lease! Now stop WASTING Trixie’s time already will you?! Trixie has to get to class!” She shouted at them again, before she once again turned to leave them.

Ryan and Snails… in shock from her aggressive actions, opened their mouths to say something, though nothing came out, except a couple tears from Snails, which he quickly wiped away. However, before they could turn to leave, a voice from another person snarkily retorted to Trixie. “You know, I find it ironic you mentioned class just now, as just from hearing you talk i can tell you have no class, AT ALL!”

“Huh? !” Trixie said as she turned around and looked for the source of the voice, “Who DARES to talk to the Great and Powerful Trixie that way!”

“Me, that’s who!” The mystery student said as he rounded a nearby corner.

“Spike!” Snails and Ryan said, not expecting him to show up so suddenly.

Trixie, turning to look at him as the other did, briefly took in his short green hair and purple skin, before she said. “Who the hell are you?, And what makes you can insult the Great and Powerful Trrrrrixieeeeee like that!”

“The name’s Spike….” Spike said, “And Great and Powerful Trixie? Who the hell is that supposed to be?”

“Duh! Trixie is the Great and Powerful Trixie you fool!” Trixie shouted at him while pointing to herself.

“Huh, Wait a minute!” Spike said. “So when you keep saying Great and Powerful Trixie you’re referring to yourself then?”

“Of course! Who else would Trixie be speaking about?!” Trixie said.

“Ah, alright, I just wanted to confirm my suspicions of you before I said the following... you, Trixie, are CRAZY!"
Spike said.

Trixie, eye twitching in anger at his response, narrowed both eyes and took two menacing steps towards him. “Alright, listen up you asshole! Trixie has had MORE than enough of lowly fuckers like you harassing her and trying to make a fool out of her! So here’s what’s going to happen, either you stop making fun of Trixie OR ELSE!!”

“Me harassing you?” Spike said, “Now that's a laugh, if anyone’s harassing anyone here it’s You who’s harassing US! And please, why would I try to make a fool out of you, it's pretty clear you're doing a fine job of that on your own!”

Trixie, her anger rapidly exploding, quickly walked up to him, terrifying Ryan and Snails, and making Spike nervous as he backed up against the nearby locker away from her. “If I was you, I'd stop talking NOW, because Trixie swears, if you say one more snide remark... she'll, she'll...”

"You'll what?" Spike said.

"Trixie will.... she doesn't know offhand, but she does know you will regret it so just shut up!" Trixie said.

“Oh yeah, I think you're bluffing!” Spike said. “You aren't going to do ANYTHING to me and we both know that... and besides, there's literally NOTHING you could do to me that would make me regret it more than your mom probably regrets having some pathetic, hotheaded, BITCH like you as a child!”

Trixie, suddenly not even realizing what she was doing, or thinking rational thoughts anymore, growled and got angrier than she had in a long time. Suddenly, before she even knew what she was doing, she had grabbed Spike's shirt with one hand and shoved him against the locker, and she had balled her other hand into a fist. “DON’T YOU EVER SAY ANYTHING ABOUT MY MOM!” Trixie shouted as loud as she possibly while tightening her grip ln Spike’s shirt, causing Spike to wince in fear, as he suddenly realized Trixie meant business. Trixie then reached back with her free fist, and began swinging it directly at Spike's face.

“MISS LULAMOON! UNHAND THAT STUDENT AT ONCE” A loud voice, who Trixie immediately recognized as Vice Principal Luna, shouted behind her as she simultaneously grabbed the arm with the fist Trixie was about to assault Spike with to protect him.

Trixie, shocked out of her enraged stupor by the person's voice, quickly widened her eyes and dropped Spike as she stepped back, while relaxing her balled fist.

Still holding onto Trixie, Luna turned to Spike and said “Art thou ok?”

“Yeah, I mean my shirt’s a bit wrinkled but you came before she did anything worse.” Spike said.

“Good,” Luna said, before she turned Trixie around to face her.

“Vice Principal Luna.. I.. I... I didn't mean...” Trixie said in a mix of shock and confusion, before Luna loudly cut her off.


“But.. but I” Trixie said, before Luna cut her off.

“AT ONCE, Luna shouted, while simultaneously stamping her foot down hard enough to shake the lockers in the hall.

“*gulp* Trixie swallowed nervously, before she said “Yes Luna...!” and then turned and began walking towards the front office with Luna right behind her. However, as she reached the office and entered it, she turned back to Spike, and saw him obnoxiously waving while mouthing buh bye, before Luna dragged her into the office and shit the door behind her.

Spike, dropping the obnoxious act once Trixie was out of sight, turned to Ryan and Snails. “Hey, are you two ok?” He asked.

“Maybe...” Snails said, still shaken and upset by what just happened.

“Yeah, I guess man.” Ryan said.

“Good” Spike said. “What was her deal anyways?

Why the hell was she all postal on you guys when i came up.

“I don’t know… all I did was ask her out and she went crazy!” Snails said.

“Well, I guess I don’t need to ask if she said yes then, ” Spike said rolling his eyes. “What a wanker!”

“Spike… not appropriate eh?” Snails said.

“Oh, and I suppose what she said was appropriate then?” Spike said angrily. “I mean honestly, who the heck does she think she is belittling you two like that?”

“I think she thinks she’s the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Snails said bluntly.

Spike, staring at Snails for a couple seconds, quickly broke out into laughter, half nervous and half genuine, and the other two followed suit, if only because they needed to destress after that encounter. After Spike’s laughter subsided, he said “Thanks Snails, I needed a good laugh like that after what just happened.”

“You’re welcome,” Snails said.

Spike, suddenly hearing the bell ring, said “oh my Grogar, look at the time, we need to get to class pronto.”

“Yeah man, let’s go,” Ryan said, to which Snails nodded before all three of them began heading towards their first class of the day.

Comments ( 8 )

You could blame a lot of people for that conflict happening.

17 people are brain dead imbeciles and likely pedos since everyone on here is a pedo

Figure of speech, Way more than should be at least

Hope you pathetic pedos are happy you successfully bullied me into stopping this story

Probably 18 now due to the ‘genius’ who downvoted you lol. I swear, people are so moronic sometimes

I’m sorry this happened, no words can describe just how awful and irredeemable the jerkoffs who did this to you are! You deserved so much better, and I hope you find it, as well as get even with them someday for their sins!

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