• Published 19th Dec 2018
  • 675 Views, 20 Comments

Code Of Ethics - ActivistVictor

Trixie must do community service by volunteering for the Special Olympics or face expulsion

  • ...

The discussion

Author's Note:

Due to sustained hate on this and other stories which I have repeatedly identified as being therapeutic and personal, ratings have been disabled on this and all other stories indefinitely. If you cannot even take five seconds say why you're disliking you don't deserve to be able to rate at all. Plus I'm seriously tired of everyone acting like they're still in effing high school and spamming dislike for petty reasons... grow up already and start acting like the adults you are!

It was the Friday before finals week at Canterlot High School, and a tall blue-skinned woman could be seen entering the front of the school. Once leaving the outdoors behind, she turned towards the nearby principal’s office and entered it, instantly wincing at the combined brightness of the sun coming in through the window, and the fluorescent lights blazing on the ceiling. Eager to escape them, she quickly ducked into the adjacent Vice Principal's office, and breathed a sigh of relief at the room's lack of light. However, her relief was short lived, as she quickly noticed someone with cream white skin relaxed at her desk with her feet propped up on it.

“Ahem…” the recent entrant cleared her throat as she sternly glared at the desk’s occupant and slammed the door behind her.

“Huh… who’s there…” She looked up in surprise, before her face sunk in slight shame at seeing who it was. “Oh, Luna… hello… I… didn’t see you there…” Luna, not saying anything, cleared her throat again before she pointed to Celestia’s feet, and then at the floor. Celestia, chuckling nervously, said “Oh, my feet… oh don’t mind then i was just… keeping your desk warm for you.” she said as she quickly put them on the ground, stood up, and then grabbed a tissue and began wiping the spot her feet had been on the desk moments prior.

“Save the excuses sister!” Luna boomed in a voice that echoed about the room, “How many times have we told you we are not pleased when thou puts thy feet up on our desk!?”

“... Several” Celestia said nervously… “I’m sorry Luna.”

“We accept your apology,” Luna said, still using the booming voice, “IF thou cleanest our desk using the lysol in the drawer.”

“Yeah yeah yeah, I’m on it, “Celestia grumbled as she opened a side draw on Luna’s desk, retrieved the lysol, and sprayed it on the area her feet had been and began wiping it with a tissue. “Honestly Luna, I get you don’t like people messing with your desk… but was it absolutely necessary to use the Canterlot faculty voice on me right then?”

“We thinkist so,” Luna said, using her normal voice this time, “Ever since our tenure as a student it has been tradition to use the Canterlot faculty voice on students to show our displeasure with the actions of others, and we are not one to break tradition. Plus, seeing as how thou has been asked many times to cease the offending behavior and yet thou still continue to do it, we feel our displeasure in thy actions is most justified.”

“Luna, have you ever thought that some traditions might be better if they were broken?” Celestia said with irritation as she put the lysol back. “I mean when was the last time that yelling rashly solved anyth…” she continued before a dinging noise on her phone stopped her short. Celestia, looking down, and noticing that she had run out of time to answer the question on the quiz app she had been playing, suddenly looked at Luna and spoke using a booming voice similar to the one Luna had used earlier. “Curse you Luna, we were just four questions away from winning a share of $25,000… we hereby use the power of the continuum transfunctioner to banish you to….” she raged, before her eyes widened in realization. “Hoboken… New… Jersey…” she meekly said, as an embarassed blush came over her cheeks.

Luna, raising her eyebrow at her sister, said “Hoboken eh? Tell us sister, art thou the pot or the kettle in this scenario?”

“Either or works I guess.” Celestia said sheepishly, “Sorry Luna, I haven’t had my coffee yet!”

“Again, we accept your apology...,” Luna said, “However, we do not understand thy anger at missing the question. Thou haveth been playing that game for six months, and not once have thou won anything. Surely even if thou had answered the question correct, this time would have been no exception.”

“You don’t know that....” Celestia said, “After all, this trivia app covers all sorts of topics. And all of the remaining questions could have easily been about something I know all about, like the educational system or Canterlot’s history… or the educational system!”

“Heh,” Luna chuckled, “ We have our doubts about that. It would be much more likely to be about something thou know nothing of, like rocket science for instance...”

“Oh yeah, well you know what….” Celestia said annoyed as she glanced down at the next question, and promptly blushed as she read it, “What is the minimum angle relative to the earth’s surface at which a space shuttle could be launched using traditional boosters and achieve low earth orbit?....” She concluded awkwardly…. Before she frowned and said, “Ok, so it was about rocket science… but even so, I still had a 25% chance of guessing right!”

“True,” Luna said, ”For that question... but what about the remaining ones sister? Thou said thyself four questions remained, and to guess correctly that many times would require a lot of luck indeed. Face it sister, that game is impossible, even moreso than some of the students we teach!”

“HEY!,!” Celestia said angrily, “Luna! You know full well that I don’t like you bashing the students like that”

“Well, perhaps we wouldn’t need to talk about them that way if they didn’t constantly have us attending to their disturbances all year, now would we?” Luna said. “We swear, we lost count of the number of detentions we have had to oversee this school year back in March.”

“Ok… ok,” Celestia said ,”I will admit, some of the students in our school may not be the epitome of a model citizen…”

‘What gaveth thou THAT impression?” Luna muttered under her breath.

“However,that is beside the point!” Celestia continued, not hearing Luna’s remark. “Even if the students we are in charge of have some serious flaws, as the principals of the school, it is our job to look past that and provide them with proper care and guidance during their time here, as only with our shared knowledge and experiences can the utilyze their skills to the best of their ability and achieve their full potential.”

Luna, listening to her straight-faced, cracked a hint of a smile, before she burst out into laughter, earning her an instant death glare from Celestia. “BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! The humor has been doubled! Tell me sister, did thou come up with that spur of the moment, or did thou write it out beforehand, because if it were the latter then thou may want delay taking it public.. We haven’t heard so much cheese since our trip to moon museum! The only way this would be any more humorous if is thou had a soap box to stand on!” she concluded, before bursting into another fit of laughter.

Celestia, her anger growing and eyelids twitching, watched Luna laugh for awhile longer, before she said “Are you quite done!? Because I for one see NOTHING funny about mocking someone else’s beliefs like this!”

Luna, her laughter finally subsiding, regained her composure and said, “Wait, thou cannot tell us thou were SERIOUS just now!?”

“Yes I was!” Celestia said, “And I do NOT appreciate you openly laughing at me when I’m talking about a serious topic like that!”

“Oh come on sister, thou art naive it those truly are thy beliefs!” Luna said, “Granted, what thou say may hold validity for most students, but for others, like a certain ‘great and powerful’ one, thou cannot help them regardless of thy beliefs or actions.”

“Luna, stop it will you!” Celestia said scorning her as she looked around nervously, “ You know as well as I how much trouble you would get in if the board heard you singling out individual students like that!”

“Yes, we are well aware,” Luna said, “But thou are being fearful for nothing. School does not start for another hour, and we are completely alone!”

“Perhaps…” Celestia said, “But that’s still no excuse. Talking about students behind their back like that is wholly tactless!”

“Tactless?!” Luna said with increasing anger, “Oh, and we suppose the person in question is full of tact then?”

“Luna, you know what I mean,” Celestia said, “So don’t blow this out of proportion…”

“Oh, so now thou accuseth us of blowing this out of proportion?” Luna said becoming full on angry. “On the contrary, if we are remiss in anything it is in failing to do the gravity of the situation proper justice! For their whole tenure at this school, the only thing that person has done is cause incident after incident, such as that magic show last month, when they LITERALLY blew the trophy case out of proportion!”

“Yes, how could I forget?” Celestia said, “But you’re still blowing this out or proportion Luna! After all, you know as well as I that she didn’t MEAN for that squirting flower to explode…”

“Maybe not, but that still does not excuse her having something that could explode on school grounds in the first place!” Luna said raising her voice, “She has no discipline, and tactless or not, we cannot just sit back and let her antics continue unabated.

“LUNA!” Celestia said raising her voice also, “We DID discipline her! She just got done with a month of detention, during which time she missed out on the spring fling AND manually repaired the trophy case she deformed. Are you suggesting we should still continue to punish her even now after all that’s she’s done to make up for it?”

“Yes we should!” Luna said, “Because that is far from the only incident she has been involved in. What about that time she put posters with her face up on all the lockers without our permission; covering over the bids for fall formal king and queen and the school donation fliers in the process? Or the time she disrupted the assembly with her unauthorized impromptu magic show and flooded the gymnasium with so much smoke some people couldn’t breath and the fire department showed up! Or the time she verbally threatened revenge on the head of the yearbook committee for not listing her as the greatest and most powerfulest student! she concluded with increasing anger, before regaining the faculty voice, causing c=Celestiato shrink back in moderate fear.

“She wanders the halls acting as if she owns the place, and as if the students and faculty are mindless puppets meant to serve her and her alone. She doesn’t care about anyone but herself, nor does she care about how she adversely affects others’ lives in her seemingly constant quest for self gratification! Ever since she’s transferred she’s been nothing but a menace to everyone her, and the worst part is that not once, not even ONCE, has she even tried so much as giving a great and powerful apology for ANY of her actions. We swear, if she does one thing, JUST ONE MORE THING, to disturb the peace around here, SO HELP US, WE WILL…!”

“LUNA, LUNA LUNA, SNAP OUT OF IT!!”” Celestia said, overcoming her fear to grab her and shake her back to her senses.

Luna, snapping out here anger induced daze, said “Oh dear, we lost our temper again didn’t we?”

“That’s putting it lightly.” Celestia said.

“We are sorry sister…” Luna said, “*sigh*but at the same time, we still stand by what we said. And while we commend your optimistic outlook on her, and her hopes that she will turn herself around with the next chance, for the sake of the rest of the student body, her antics simply cannot be allowed to continue unabated anymore. The other students do not deserve to have to put up with such behavior anymore, and if thou refuse to put your foot down on the issue, then we will have to do so for thou.”

“... ok,” Celestia said disappointed.

“But sister, we simply cannot continue to…” Luna said defensively, before she straightened up in shock. “What did thou say?”

“I said ok…” Celestia said, “You’re right Luna… her antics are having a negative impact on the other students… and it’s not fair to keep subjecting them those kinds of things in the name of second chances. So, as such, if she does act out again, in any way, and especially if she doesn’t show any remorse for her actions… then you have my full permission to punish her as you see fit.” she concluded, before she got up and slowly exited the room. “Now, if you’ll excuse me… I think it’s high time I got my morning coffee.” She then shut the door behind her, leaving Luna alone in the room.

Wow… she actually agreed with us completely,” Luna thought, before she looked at her coffee and said “We are not sure whether to be relieved at not having to defend ourselves further or concerned that the edibles we ate last night might still be affecting our perception.”She then shook her head, put her coffee down on her desk, and then sat down to get prepared for the day ahead.

Meanwhile, Celestia, having grabbed her own coffee from the nearby machine, went back to her desk and put it down before she furrowed her eyebrows in thought as she waited for it to cool. “I really don’t want to expell you Trixie…” Celestia thought to herself, “But Luna's right, we can't just sit back and let you do anything you want anymore. So,for your sake, you had better not mess up this last chance.” She then sighed and rubbed her temples, trying to mitigate the stress induced migraine she could already feel coming.