• Published 17th Nov 2018
  • 1,160 Views, 9 Comments

A Love You Can Sink Your Teeth Into - Jest

Chrysalis is an expert infiltrator, and has made a fool out of every guard shes come across. As such, the crystal castle is completly open to her, and the only question left to answer is just what will she do with this opportunity?

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The Infiltration

The crystal guard were surprisingly good at their job, which isn't quite as impressive when you realize that most of them were born or were alive during the reign of the tyrant king Sombra. As such they grew quite adept at their job and had a vigilance that bordered on paranoia, none of them having quite gotten use to the new peace they found themslf in. Though even with training, experience and their particular mindset they were ill prepared for the infiltration of a changeling queen. The changeling race itself was little more than a myth with the same validity as vamponies during Sombra’s reign. Which meant that when a particular queen crept through the halls of the castle, the crystal guards were none the wiser.

A tall, turquoise colored crystal pony walked one of the many halls in the crystal castle, passing by paintings and architecture that to him seemed new, but to everypony else were relics from a bygone era. As he trotted through the halls he thought of nothing but the job, having not accepted the explanation that the mad king was truly gone for good this time. He stopped, gripping his spear and staring at a vase he hadn't noticed on his patrol from this morning.

Gripping his weapon a little tighter he prodded the vase, noting the crystal flowers inside the crystal vase were a little off. After a few test prods revealed nothing, and a cursory evaluation determined that it was indeed just a vase, albeit one that didn't quite fit with the color scheme of the hall, he relaxed.

“I should remind the royal decorator about the importance of complementary colors.” He mused, before turning back to his patrol.

As the stallion disappeared down the hall, the vase let out a sigh of relief, turning back into a changeling queen in a flash of green fire. “That was surprisingly close.” Chrysalis muttered to herself, her opinion of the crystal ponies rising a few notches.

The changeling queen’s form vanished amidst a swirl of green flames, replacing her hole ridden form with that of a maid she knew was currently attending to a mess Chrysalis had made on the other side of the castle. With a smirk on her face, the queen slipped down the hall and through one of the many doors that lined it.

Inside was a small sitting room that seemed rather out of place amidst the grandeur and sparkle of the rest of the castle. It was intimate, being roughly the size of a bedroom, with the only furniture being a small desk, a coffee table and a pair of bean bag chairs pushed near the window. On the walls were posters of sports heroes right next to ones depicting battles between great heroes and villains wearing comically oversized armor and wielding truly massive weapons. Smirking to herself, the changeling queen made sure to lock the door before sniffing the room, her powerful nose easily picking out the scent she was looking for.

“Shining Armor.” She whispered, a smile crossing her face.

She knew from her reconessiance that this room was a favorite of the crystal prince, and he often spent most of the morning here. Either reading the paper, comics, or simply relaxing with a cup of coffee. A perfect place where he was utterly relaxed and completely vulnerable.

The changeling queen stifled a maniacal laugh before it had a chance to slip past her lips, stuffing down such mirth for later, when her plan was complete.

She gave her head a shake, forcing down the happiness that threatened to spill out and instead focusing on her mission. Summoning her magic, she retreived a small box from her personal pocket dimension, placing it on the beanbag chair.

It was a small, nondescript box covered in bright green and black striped wrapping paper, atop which was a small card that said simply. To: Shining Armor, From: You know who. Then there was a small heart being blown by an equally tiny changeling drawn next to it.

With a smile on her face, the changeling turned, unlocked the door and slunk out of the room, part one of her plan now complete.

Sneaking across the castle wasn't difficult, as it seems as though the sharp eyed guard from before did not share this attribute with the rest of his fellows. Still, it had been slow going for the changeling queen as the sheer distance made her infiltration a tedious task, though she refused to grow impatient. This mission was, after all, of paramount importance for their future and she refused to mess it up by getting hot headed now that she was so close to her goal.

Waiting patiently, the now perfectly complementary vase remained motionless as a pair of guards chatted as they patrolled the halls, their attention more on each other then anything else. The queen could tell from just the way they spoke to one another that they were very much in love, but were both doing their damndest to not show that love. Which made it all the more tempting to reach out and take a bite, but, Chrysalis stopped before she partook, the changeling queen reminding herself of the promise she had made six months ago to the day.

After the guards passed, disappearing around the end of the hall, the vase was once more replaced by the changeling queen, who returned to her normal maid disguise. With swift, silent steps she crept down the hall, peeking around the corner and noting that the guards had just reached the end of the second hallway.

With a smirk on her face the queen crept after them, her steps completely silent as she slunk closer to her second and final goal of the day. As she passed by a window she cast a curious glance towards the horizon where the sun was just barely beginning to rise. Muttering a curse under her breath, the queen continued a little faster, knowing that she had precious little time to set everything up before the royals began their day.

Spying the door she was looking for, the changeling queen hastily sprinted over to it before picking the lock and stepping inside.

A cursory glance told her that the room was as empty as her emotional senses had said it was. The interior of which held nothing but a massive oversized mirror, a vanity, and more beauty products then Chrysalis could even name. She knew that this was the spot she had been looking for, and a quick sniff told her this was indeed the place where Cadence started her morning routine.

The queen glanced down to the hairbrush and noted the strands of hair that still clung to it, further enforcing the idea that she had indeed found the place. Though she hadn't thought Cadence would be the type of pony that enjoyed the quiet solitude of this lonely room, the queen had been surprised quite a bit over the past six months so in hindsight it wasn't truly too far from the new normal she found herself.

Retrieving the next package was a simple matter, the size, shape and color of which were all identical with the only difference being the fact that it was addressed to Cadence. Chrysalis had even managed to perfectly replicate the drawing she had made of herself in the corner, which was blowing hearts at the reader.

With excitement welling inside her, the changeling did a small happy dance in the centre of the room, giggling like a school filly. “Oh this is just perfect! Finally, my vengeance will be complete!” She was about to launch into a maniacal laugh before she remembered she was trying to be stealthy.

“Mental note, cackle evilly when I have a minute to myself.” She muttered, before slipping out the door and proceeding in the direction of their bedroom, a smirk on her lips. “Oh I can't wait to see their faces, this is going to be delicious.”

The queen licked her lips, and slipped into a stairwell, undetected by any of the castle staff.

Waiting patiently was not a strong suit of Chrysalis’, even ambushes had to be carefully planned to ensure she was not forced to sit and twiddle her hooves for very long. It was one of the changeling queen’s most enduring character flaws and no amount of failures or rushed plans seemed to make that trait go away.

This was doubly true as she lay in their bed, tapping her hooves together nervously as she stared at the door. It had been an hour, and they should have got the little gifts she left, yet there was no screaming, or any reaction at all. What had happened?

The queen sat bolt upright in the bed. “What if they didn't do their normal routines?” She wondered aloud before beginning to chew nervously on her hoof.

“No that's silly, those two are creatures of habit, they always go to their little spaces before starting their day.” She muttered to herself before an even darker thought entered her mind. “What if the gifts were stolen?”

The changeling’s panicked muttering was abruptly halted by a sudden burst of emotion from beyond the door. Hope bloomed in the queen’s heart and she looked up at the door with wide, panicked eyes.

A second later that hope was vindicated when the door opened, revealing two smiling royals. Gathering her wits, the changeling quickly wiped the happy grin from her face, trying to smile as confidently as she could. “Ah I see you have received my gifts.”

Shining Armor raised an eyebrow, lifting the small pendant that now hung around his neck. The chain it hung on was thin, made of perfectly interwoven links of gold, which attached to a small blindingly pink crystal that hung at the centre. “Though I’m thrilled with the gift, what exactly is it?” He asked.

Cadence frowned, shooting her husband a dirty look. “Shining, that's not very nice.”

Chrysalis chuckled. “Don't worry my little love bug, I understand his confusion.” She smiled. “That, is a love infused crystal that took several months to grow.”

“Wow.” Shining Armor muttered, staring down at the crystal in newfound appreciation. “Thanks Chrysalis.”

The queen smirked, noting the blush on Cadence’s face. “That is a special love you know. That was the love you gave to me six months ago on this very day.”

“Wow.” Cadence muttered, mirroring her husband’s sentiment, her eyes watering, the alicorn looked up at the changeling. “You did all this for our anniversary?”

Chrysalis lifted a non existent eyebrow. “I thought it was customary to make elaborate gifts for our six month anniversary. Is it not?”

“Well sorta.” Shining Armor began. “We didn't think you'd do something this grandiose though.” Shining Armor frowned. “Now it makes our gifts seem kinda lame.”

Cadence elbowed her husband. “Hush, I’m sure Chrysalis would love the restaurant we picked out for our date.” She leaned down whispering in the stallion’s ear. “Tomorrow go shopping for something nice, I’ll distract her.”

Shining Armor nodded.

“I thought it was customary to give a heartfelt gift.” Chrysalis muttered. “Twilight and I’s research said it was key to the dating experience that the gift be from the heart.”

“She didn't mean that literally.” Cadence pointed out.

“Ooooh.” Chrysalis blushed. “Well now that makes a lot more sense. Oh and don't worry about buying me something tomorrow, the love you've been giving me is more than worth it, and quite delicious I must say.”

The changeling queen smacked her lips and sighed contently, patting her stomach.

Shining Armor smirked, nudging his wife. “I think we can do one better than that, can't we babe?”

Cadence nodded. “You know it hun.”

The changeling queen looked from one mate to the other in confusion. “What are you two talking abo-!”

The queen fell back into the bed, pinned under the weight of two happy ponies that held her tightly, nuzzling either side of her face. “Ooooh that is nice.” Chrysalis muttered, purring happily as she felt a massive wave of love pour into her body, slowly filling her belly.

Shining Armor was on her left, wrapping his body around hers while he happily nuzzled the changeling queen’s chitinous cheek. On the other side his wife did the same, gripping one of the changeling’s hooves in her own as she did. The queen purred happily, feeling love begin to pour into her from seemingly everywhere at once. For a long while she remained motionless, lost amidst the flood of love and too confused to really do anything.

Only when her mates stopped their nuzzling did the queen come out of her love drunk haze. “Why did you stop?” Her eyes lit up suddenly. “Are we going to make love again?”

Shining Armor seemed to consider it, but Cadence just rolled her eyes. “No, we thought we should pay you back with a different kind of love.” She winked. “We will save that other kind for later.”

Shining Armor nodded. “Agreed.”

Chrysalis was about to ask what they were going to do, when all of a sudden they threw a blanket over all three of them, with both ponies snuggling up on either side of the changeling’s body, pressing their fuzzy coats against her chitinous hide. The warmth that flowed over the queen was unlike anything she had ever experienced and the way that heat seemed to fill her very soul made her shudder with pleasure. Within seconds she had consumed more love then she had managed to get during her years of exile.

In minutes she melted completely into the embrace, feeling her stomach begin to fill with liquid love while the two ponies began to pepper her cheeks in kisses. Chrysalis couldn't help but giggle like a filly, the love flowing into her increasingly tenfold as Shining Armor and Cadence took turns kissing the queen. Shining Armor’s lips were firmer, more domineering, and his kisses were brief but passionate, while Cadence lingered, her soft supple lips pressing against Chrysalis’ insistantly.

For minutes this continued, with the queen’s stomach beginning to stretch as it filled with love, her body unwilling to part with such a potent source of pure, directed love. The queen herself hardly even noticed as her waistline began to balloon in size. Amidst the writhing, pressing bodies of her mates, Chrysalis hardly even noticed the changes occurring to her growing stomach and distending belly.

More and more time passed and though the two ponies noticed the way their changeling lover’s belly began to grow, they resisted the urge to say anything, both silently marveling at the way it grew so big so quickly. By the twenty minute mark of their little cuddle session the queen’s gut had grown so large that she looked as though she had eaten an entire adult pony, her belly jiggling with liquid love.

The only thing Chrysalis noticed was the way that the love emanating from her partners seemed to jump at the twenty minute mark, with the flavor turning even sweeter, as the love took on new meaning. Chrysalis could normally discern all types of emotions after just tasting them, but now she was simply too overwhelmed to bother, her senses overridden by the sheer flood of love.

Only at the thirty minute mark was she alerted to something having changed, as the bed suddenly creaked beneath them. The changeling queen’s eyes fluttered open for the first time, her lips still occupied by Cadence’s. Noticing her now towering belly standing tall above the bed, Chrysalis tried to speak but found that Cadence had gripped either side of her head and was holding her firm, intent on feeding her even more love.

The desire to simply melt back into the kiss nearly overwhelmed the changeling and when Shining Armor nibbled her neck she gave in for just a moment before shaking her head. Prying her lips away from the greedy alicorn Chrysalis managed a muffled. “Stop.” Before Shining Armor traded off, pressing his lips against hers.

Cadence giggled. “Not yet, we need you to know just how much we love you.”

Chrysalis tried to resist, tried to say something, but a second later she felt both Shining Armor’s tongue enter her mouth, and Cadence’s lips press against that soft, erogenous zone just beneath her right ear. When that happened she had no choice but to submit, vaguely aware of her already massive belly growing larger still, the entire thing sloshing audibly as liquid love shifted inside her. The feeling was a strange one, and though she worried, a primal part of the queen's mind told her that she was going to be fine, strange though the feeling might be.

Only when the bed creaked again, did the queen force her eyes open. Grabbing Shining Armor’s head in both hooves she gently removed the pony’s lips from hers, only to almost kiss him right back when the stallion pouted like a foal.

“No really, we need to stop for a second.” Chrysalis muttered, desperately trying to hold back a smile as Shining Armor’s pout grew more and more ridiculous as time passed.

“Just five more minutes okay?” Cadence muttered, nuzzling the soft underside of the changeling’s chin.

Removing the changeling’s hooves from his head Shining Armor leaned down, mirroring his wife. “Yeah, just five more minutes.”

“I- oh that's nice.” Chrysalis muttered, feeling her eyes begin to flicker closed a second before snapping open once more. “No, the bed, it's-”

The bed creaked ominously, making the ponies stop for a moment. “Don't move.” Chrysalis whispered.

Cadence blinked. “I thought you said the bed was reinforced Shiny?”

Shining Armor nodded. “I thought so too, ever since that night when we erm.” The stallion blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.

The bed groaned once more, making Chrysalis wince. “Stop loving me you dorks!”

Both ponies exchanged a look, barely holding back the urge to giggle before suddenly exploding into laughter. With one last burst of love, the bed groaned one final time before the supports snapped and the entire thing collapsed to the ground, all four legs having shattered in the same second.

“Augh.” Chrysalis groaned. “Are you two happy now? We broke the bed.”

Shining Armor smirked. “Yup, I’m pretty happy. What about you dear?”

Cadence smirked right back. “I’d say so, but I’d be happier if I could snuggle our favorite little snuggle bug a little more.”

“Agreed.” Shining Armor said.

Together the two ponies leaned in close, caressing the changeling’s wobbly belly that now scraped the top of the fabric that was stretched over the top of their four poster bed.

Chrysalis shook her head and sighed. “Ponies.” She muttered, a smile on her lips.

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of:
Kali, Craig, Ozzy, Robert, Quill, JPMK, Tommy, Ivar, Mikhaila, Pacsik, Matt, Brendan, Peter, Nicky, Princess Pudding, Nofreedom, T Sparkle, Apollyon, Luckyfanisaac, Azin, Zairvin, Random_Reader, Iamunkown, Facinus, M, Nfreak, Doomgooey, Michael, Ceepert, Diokyo, Starless.

Comments ( 9 )

*blink blink blink* i....um....im confused

By what

the hard right this story took halfway in...the charicters behavior up to a certain point sets up a certain idea then about halfway into the story that expectation has a truck drive by and its leg wraped in a rope dangeling behind said truck and draged off to left feild violently

That is the point, also there were plenty of hints earlier like when she refers to cadances bed as theirs and a few other things.


Seems pretty straight forward to me.


Cadance: You're our adorable little snuggle bug!

Chrysalis: SILENCE! I am EVIL! Look how I sneak about nefariously!

Shining: Nefariously cute.

Chrysalis: I'm TRYING to maintain a reputation here! Could you NOT undermine it? I can't be the Big Bad Changeling if someone sees me like this!

the idea of chrysi being shining and cadences snugglebug isnt exactly a new one kinasha panda has a whole slew of naughty comics witht his idea being the core tenenet, i forget offhoof the tittle of the series as a whole but its there
but there was just something about the way its done here that caught me totaly off gaurd...jest is just that good a writer i suppose.

That was adorable but doesn't explain how they got together

That's not the point of this story. Its up to you to imagine how that happened.

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