• Published 17th Nov 2018
  • 288 Views, 20 Comments

Bamboozle boogaloo 2: Tokyo drift - Theboxcatgamr

I never should have written BAMBOOZLED AGAIN. Now I guess it’s time for me-as in me the scrawny teenage author, to go and fix this mess. I regret everything

  • ...

chapter 4: but they make it so easy!

Author's Note:

The world is our hockey rink, and we’re all Canadian

(Canadian way of saying we all inevitably go a bit mad sometimes )

Noah and daring were walking at a casual pace as they slowly progressed towards the capital

”...so you have a name?”

”yeah. Just call me Noah.”

”but what’s your real name?”

”that...that is my real name.”

”why say ‘you can call me’ then?”

”why not?”

”but won’t that confuse somepony?”

”I uh guess? Well it’s confusing me at least?”

The sound of many hooves trampling the ground was echoing through the run down town and as Noah looked back he spotted Loki barely out pacing the five attackers. A strange blue chain tripped the group of pony’s and some fell down before the chain began slithering around the three that fell and constricted them as it continued to tie them up. A faint yelp emitted as the chain shot up and wrapped around a tattered and rotting wood balcony suspending the captives in the air.

Loki was tacked by the leader and his one remaining henchman. Daring suddenly struck the leader and launched him a small distance causing an almost cartoony dust cloud to go airborne. She leapt into the cloud and many different sounds from that of a rubber ducky to a frying pan striking something emitted from the cloud as the henchman stood around looking at the cloud.


The henchman quickly kicked Loki in the head in an attempt to look cool and knock out Loki. He failed and simply kicked Loki in the face as he went to assist his boss. A chain wrapped around his neck and began pulling upwards. The chain stopped and suspended mid air as Noah slowly approached the henchman with an air of violence. Noah punched the henchman where he assumed his kidneys were. Noah’s arms were glowing bright blue as he launched into a flurry of jabs into the pony’s torso so quickly that he had left an afterimage of himself punching the tiny horse.

The top of the chain flew to Noah’s arm dragging the pony along with it as it uncoiled causing the pony to drift on the ground with his face and spin like around like he was doing some type of break dance. Noah regained his senses and after witnessing exactly what he had done.

He didn’t react well


The rotten balcony splintered and shattered as the chain lost its glow. The tied up stallions quickly got up and jumped into the cartoony cloud of dust joining the brawl. Noah just stared in disbelief as an elephant sounded off somewhere in the dust cloud. Loki went in slashing and a fucking LION growled as the fighting intensified. Thinking of trying something strange, Noah somehow reached inside of the cloud and pulled both daring and Loki out as the brawl continued from within.

Running off cartoon logic Noah reached behind him and hoped to everything in existence that his gambit would work. Noah suddenly felt a weight in his hands as he pulled out the storm hammer

Noah raised the hammer in an extremely over exaggerated motion as the cloud thinned out to reveal that the leader had beaten the crap out of all his henchmen in his blind panic. Noah brought the hammer down on the leader and instead of his head flattening like a pancake the hammer hit his head with a slight “thuk” the sound of something hard meeting flesh. Reality set in as the pony hit the floor. The mercenaries fled with their leader down and a growing sound emerged from an alleyway.

”crap. Was that a timber wolf?”

”a what wolf?”

”timber wolves. Nasty creatures made of wood. But why are they so close to a town?””

”the body’s.”


”well being made of wood they really aren’t affected by the Black Death. And since body’s are in...high quantity they tend to stick around”

Daring do paled at this news. Noah quickly ran over to the body and found the pony was still breathing. A wolf emerged from the shadows and its gaping maw contained bloody chucks of meat.

Family friendly my ass

Noah picked up the Tiny horse and back-pedalled away from the wolf as it snapped at him. Loki sprang towards the wolf and sank his claws deep into the creature’s temple

”yep that’s the kill switch”

More wolves emerged from the shadows again. Noah during his backpedal threw down a shadow portal by mistake and daring fell through it and landed on a roof of a building along with three timber wolves. Noah ran off holding the pony in the air like a hero clad in green holds a pot and Loki took to the air

”weeeeeeee. Faster papi faster”

Noah would have found this display adorable if he hadn’t been running for his life. Daring was dodging chimney’s and smokestacks left and right as she evaded her wooden foe’s. Loki having been exsausted by the previous encounter was attempting to stay airborne as wolves jumped and snapped at him as he made his way over a stone barricade that housed two griffin’s in armour. The griffins saw the massive pack of wolves and quickly began closing the gate. Daring using her wings to escape the wolves managed to get over the gate and look back at Noah. Only to see her rival hurdling towards her at an impressive speed. She caught him and watched in horror as Noah was caught by the leg and dragged into the ravenous pack as they mowed him down.

Noah let out a blood curdling screech so loud and at such a high pitch in his panic that the dogs stopped and crouched in pain. Using his less than manly opening Noah quickly rolled under the gate as it shut and closed off the wolves. Daring’s ears were pressed against her skull as she displayed a look of discomfort and the griffins present simply looked on in a look of disbelief.

”...what? I get it that wasn’t exactly fair but honestly I couldn’t give two dicks-“

One gaurd was murmuring something to the other and then they approached the human

”so. You are a Dragonborn”

”ahm sorry wa?”

”...why are you looking at me like that?”

”did you just call me Dragonborn?”


God Damm it Todd. Now I’m hearing things I wish I would hear

”what I said was that you used the cry of evermore”

”...and that means?”

”why that means you are one of us if...you...”

Noah turned around and saw a rather regal looking griffin who looked surprised

”by oden’s Beard...the fateless walks among us once more...”

”...bu-scuse me?

”I am Thor son of oden. Welcome to asgaurd”

”marvel’s gonna sue...”

”why yes it is a marvel to look at! Come. My father requests your presence great one”


”shit meet fan”