• Published 26th Dec 2018
  • 683 Views, 1 Comments


The end of the war with Satan, and the events after retiring

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Neighsay's death

Neighsay and his crew were slow to reach the coordinates, because a heavy rainstorm had lowered their field of visibility. They soon reached the site, and it was chaotic. Medics were swarming all over, helping ponies and soldiers, moving some of them, checking vitals, etc. They began rescuing some of the trapped ones, but it became harder, as the storm picked up and worsened. Rocks became slippery, bandages would not stick, and radio became staticky. Above all, Satan was preparing to drop a mass of bombs.

"RED ALERT!!! THIS IS A TRAP!!! EVACUATE AT ONCE!!", Neighsay yelled as he spotted the bombers coming fast. They soon found that it was too late to get out. Bombs began falling, and causing mass damage. The storm subsided, and the bombs were supposedly depleted from the planes. Neighsay had sustained major injuries himself, along with everyone else. He was still alive, but he could not move, due to all limbs either broken, or dislocated. He weakly radioed for help, and got word to Twilight. She began to head for the site, along with other rescue personel. They were 3/4 of the way there, when tragedy struck.

"BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOM!!" rang out as a surprise set of bombs went off at the site.

Twilight felt a lump in her throat, and cried as she looked around, and discovered that everyone, including Neighsay, had been killed in the blast. Celestia decided that the ERS crew would be buried with the heroes from Equestria's history. Twilight felt this to be perfect. Unfortunately, the Young Six were killed too. Their bodies were purified, and placed under glass cases in the School of Friendship. Twilight mourned over them the most, because of how young they were. Thorax, Ember, the Griffons, Hippogriffs, and Seaponies were deeply saddened over these losses as well, but they put the sadness aside. It was now time for the final round of the battle. They were all stunned cold, when sirens began to SCREEEEAAAAMMM!! They realized that Satan had remotely reengaged the device. It was time to get out.