• Published 26th Dec 2018
  • 682 Views, 1 Comments


The end of the war with Satan, and the events after retiring

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Gearing up

One fateful day in Equestria, Brandon, Link, and Colin ventured underground. They had been picking up strange signals on their scanners while looking for anything placed by their enemy. They turned on their flashlights, and became nervous upon seeing what lay before them. A massive device, wrapped around the ENTIRE PLANET, had been planted by Satan. A closer examination revealed that this device would reduce the civilizations of the planet to complete ruins. They knew that they would have to try their best at training their Equestrian allies to hopefully disarm this piece of equipment.
One year later...
There was no time for play. Everyone was getting ready. Tech Specialists were preparing to hopefully disarm the device that would turn Equestria to ruins. The ERS was packing up all of their rescue and treatment supplies, knowing they might lose their base. Everypony else, as instructed by Celestia, began getting their weapons primed and ready for the battle. All other branches of the fleet were gearing up as well. This was the ending point of the war between the Christian Fleet and Satan. They all knew that there would be many lives lost in this battle, but those who would lose their lives, would die proudly. They aimed to finally defeat Satan once and for all. Otherwise, the ENTIRE UNIVERSE would be doomed, and have to serve in Satan's evil reign. Upon knowing this, Brandon, Link, Colin, and all other soldiers vowed to NEVER allow that to happen. The Lemurian Star would be totaled in this final fight, but she would be brought back, and converted into her own museum/memorial. All soldiers would then retire, and be remembered as heroes, until they rejoined God in the Heavens. All others, who were too young to fight, were sent to be sheltered in underground bunkers. Among them was Twilight's six year old daughter, and Flurry Heart's cousin, Emerald Sparkle. She was proud that Flurry was one of the soldiers, but she had no desire to be one herself.

God sent out this announcement, straight from Heaven:

"Attention my soldiers,
This is it. The final battle of the war between us and Satan, is coming soon. This will be the bloodiest phase of the war that you will ever experience. Some of you may be killed right off, while others will either die in the middle of the war, or after the war has ended. Regardless, may courage, determination, wisdom, bravery, and loyalty drive you to win this war for me. Good Luck."

"You heard the Lord.", said Brandon to the entire fleet, over a mass microphone, "Keep it up, for we can not allow Satan to begin his reign. If he does so, the whole UNIVERSE will be met with certain doom."

The promise was made. Satan wouldn't be victorious.