• Published 14th Jan 2019
  • 439 Views, 0 Comments

Power Heroes Crisis Core - Firestarter Dazzle

Twilight and the rest of her friends conquered darkness, but a bigger and badder threat comes this way.

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Chapter 2 Heart of Crystal

Rarity treated Dash's ruptured stomach that was caused by Kassidy. The rainbow haired superheroine felt awful for not defending her friend, even though there was no way she could have stopped that psychopath in her current state. Applejack and Pinkie rushed in the observation deck, looking up at Dash laid out on top with Rarity stitching up the wound.

"What happened Dashie?" Pinkie asked frantically.

"She almost died trying to save Fluttershy from that dreadful Kassidy Black but unfortunately she was unsuccessful" Rarity explained.

All Dash could do was nod in agreement and look down at the ground in shame.

"Hey hey Rainbow don't blame yerself. Yer did yer best and we'll get Fluttershy back I promise" Applejack promised.

With those words etched into Dash's mind, it would give her the confidence to want their kidnapped friend back here before something else happened.

"Pinkie, I want you and Rarity to head down to the Diamond District for a massive power spike in that part of the city" Twilight commanded.

"On it darling" Rarity replied.

"We're on it" Pinkie said smiling.

They both put on their respective costumes before heading out into the city on their way to the Diamond District for that power spike.

"Twilight are you sure we can find Fluttershy?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know honestly but I am hopeful" Twilight answered.

Applejack nodded.

Rainbow Dash couldn't fathom what horrible and terrible things Kassidy wanted to do to poor Fluttershy at the hands of whoever the mastermind was behind it.

I will find you Fluttershy and bring you back Twilight proclaimed, feeling very determined.

Fluttershy's vision started to become clearer after being drugged with a chloroform rag that Kassidy used during her attack while Shy was tending to Dash's aid. The room was cold, full of nothing but a super computer with a space view of the planet Earth. Shy tried to move but something was holding her down, she looked down and noticed some chains shackles keeping her firmly to the ground.

"What on Earth? Where am I?" Fluttershy asked frantically.

Footsteps could be heard from the distant hallway and pattered on the solid cold ground until a tall dark figure came into Fluttershy's point of view.

Her eyes widen at the figure that stood in front of her.

"King Sombra!" Shy shouted in fear and surprise.

Sombra gave off a sinister toothy grin, letting Fluttershy know how dangerous he was. Looking everywhere else other than him, Sombra put his hand on her cheeks and squeezed a bit.

"Fluttershy my love I am so in love with you, I missed all those times we caused chaos. I want to live in that fantasy but make it a reality, I miss my little Flutterbat" Sombra explained, turning Shy's head over to a torn up but skimpy dress with bats in the design.

Shy's eyes widen after seeing that dress then turning her attention back to Sombra.

"I know leaving those heroes sounds hard but it gets easier the more times you do it" Sombra continued, letting Shy's cheeks go.

"I won't go back to what I was! All those people I hurt or killed which was even worse, the friends I betrayed just to feed your ego, I became better and more stronger when I got my super powers from a radiation accident and now I'm ready to defend the world from threats" Fluttershy proclaimed, breaking free of her chains using her increased strength.

Sombra was utterly mesmerized by the sheer power that was standing in front of him, Shy gave him a slight jab so powerful that you heard a crunching sound of Sombra's rib cage cracking from Shy's punch, sending him flying through two doors and into Kassidy who was walking over to see if Sombra converted that superheroine.

She used this an opportunity to escape so she ran out of the room she was being held captive and ran over to what looked like a pod room that had some of her friends in suspended animation. Twilight was in her Midnight Sparkle form, Rarity was back to being Nightmarity, Pinkie wore a purple shirt with a green vest on and what looked like face paint that branded a sinister smile. Rainbow Dash wore a lab coat covered in blood, holding a rainbow like syringe. Applejack was covered from head to toe in fur so Shy made an assumption that she was a werewolf or something.

"Midnight Sparkle, Nightmarity, Jinkie (Joker Pinkie), Rainbow Killer, and Applewolf" Shy read from the nameplates.

What is this? Is this what Sombra planning to unleash when we're all gone? Shy contemplated.

Distant noises interrupted her thoughts and Shy hustled to get inside one of the escape pods and set the coordinates to Metropolis, it shot out like a cannon and headed towards Earth back to Metropolis.

Rarity jumped from rooftop to rooftop while her speedster friend zipped and weaved through traffic, avoiding anything that was coming at her. Ever since the whole nightmare essence situation, the Diamond District has been in a fit of disarray after Nightmarity almost ruled Metropolis but thanks to Twilight's anger she was able to bring the real Rarity back. In the back of Rarity's mind, that thought of having power like what she had, made her mind swirl like a coffee mixer.

I hurt a lot of people including one of my best friends...it was dreadful but I choose to be betterRarity smiled.

Her guidance system on of her bracelets started blinking that signaled they were close to the power spike. Pinkie stopped in front of a huge crater laid before them for some unknown reason.

Coming out of the mist was a white haired lady wearing a worn down shadowbolt uniform, her eyes were hazel but looked soulless, like she was hypnotized but she wasn't.

"Guess we found out the source of the power spike" Rarity said, using her bracelets to create a purple staff.

Both girls put on a defensive stance in shape for what was going to be a very contested and heated fight.