• Published 14th Jan 2019
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Power Heroes Crisis Core - Firestarter Dazzle

Twilight and the rest of her friends conquered darkness, but a bigger and badder threat comes this way.

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Chapter 1 Mysterious Message

The events of what happened with Rarity was devastating but they were able to rebuild and make Metropolis much better. Kate and her symbiote companion Kassidy Black vanished after the Nightmarity incident, Kate had her own reasons that the other heroes had to respect despite what Rainbow Dash thought of her.

Twilight looked out the observation window at the rising sunlight that rose to greet the city with a warm bubbly feeling after what was a dangerous place at first.

After Rarity was corrupted by the nightmare essence, things are starting to calm down

She walked over to her bulletin board where she saw notes about Kate's plan with a few of her accomplices including Kassidy, Crimson (which Twilight announced he was deceased when Shy and Pinkie found the body), and there was a question mark above a picture of Genevieve which made Twilight ponder a bit.

"She turned on both Kate and Kassidy to fill her own MO" Twilight pondered.

That question was going to keep being a mystery to her, all of a sudden some kind of note scanned itself off the fax machine that rested a few inches away from the super computer. Twilight took a picture of Spike in her hand and traced her fingers across it.

"Spike...thank you for keeping my spirits up even though you left this world too late" Twilight said, wiping a single tear away before it had any chance to escape her eye.

The door opened to reveal Rarity who came back after going to a store along with the others, she noticed a strange message point out from the fax machine.

"Darling there is a strange message on the fax machine" Rarity stated the obvious.

Rarity got a sense of what has happened a few days ago involving Genevieve and that nightmare essence that entered her friend and turned her into a monster. The fashionista gave Twilight a big hug, reassuring her that she will stand by her side. Twilight wiped a single tear from her eye and returned the embrace.

Thank you Rarity Twilight smiled.

"Twilight I'm not going anywhere except by your side in this fight" Rarity proclaimed.

"Thank you Rarity that means a lot to me" Twilight replied, wiping more tears from her eyes.

Both girls smiled and gave each other another tight but warm embrace. This felt great for Twilight as the diamond bracelets shined in the morning light.

The ship that loomed over the Earth, circling in a tight but maneuverable circle which didn't come as a surprise as Kate walked down to a corridor inside a dark room that only had one window of nothing but deep space.

"My master" Kate bowed in respect.

King Sombra looked over at a bowing Kate Taiga and gestured her to stand up and approach her.

"The snake siren is dead, a forced partnership with those heroes, during that time Kate have you learned anything about them?" Sombra asked.

"More than my fair share master. Those heroes were like open books to me and Kassidy" Kate replied, handing Sombra her notes.

Looking through them, Sombra could tell that Kate took a watchful eye on the Power Heroes. A diagram of a some kind of a sword caught Sombra's eye like a fish hooked to a lure, examining it closely it seemed to be in the testing phase but still posed a threat to his plan.

"Kate I want you to grab the schematics for this weapon and bring it to me" Sombra commanded.

"Yes master" Kate said obediently.

Kate then left his chambers with orders to snatch up plans for a potential sword that could pose a threat to the king of shadows. His plans to plunge the world into eternal darkness would be met with resistance from Twilight and her friends, Kate would bring those plans to him and then strategize a counterattack. Imaging that placed an evil smirk across his face and gave a hardy laugh, with a picture frame of him and Fluttershy during her corrupted days with him.

"My little batty queen will come back to me" Sombra said, looking at the photo.

Kassidy was the next to walk inside Sombra's chambers upon his request, she was kinda confused why she was summoned considering that between her and Kate they helped those heroes defeat Genevieve.

"You wanted to see me sir?" Kassidy asked, still confused at the odd summoning.

"Kassidy I have something very special for you to do, I want you to kidnap Fluttershy for me" Sombra commanded.

"Doesn't she hate you?" Kassidy asked.

Sombra gave Kassidy a death glare, "I am well aware of her hatred of me miss Black, I would just like for her to be here so I can turn her against those heroes" he explained.

"Ohhh...that makes sense" Kassidy replied, finally getting the hang of it.

"So I request of you to capture Fluttershy for me Kassidy" Sombra requested.

Kassidy gave a nod and left his chambers, Sombra stared at the photograph once again then let out a sigh.

"I will have you back very soon" Sombra said to himself.

Dash drilled in another screw on the new turbine on the jet to keep from having unwanted problems like with that hair raising situation. Fluttershy came off the elevator to see Rainbow fixing the jet and gave off a small giggle upon approaching the rainbow haired super heroine.

"Hey Dashie I didn't know that being someone that has electrical powers would never fix a jet" Fluttershy joked.

Dash let out a laugh at that joke and gave her shy friend a hug.

"Shy I know that taking care of Aria was a reminder of what 'he' did to you" Dash said, being careful to not step over any boundaries.

"No Dash I know what you meant trust me, I would NEVER go back to what I used to be. That part of me died a long time ago and now I can focus on what's happening now" Shy proclaimed.

Dash was proud that her friend is letting the past behind her and thinking about moving on as a person.

"I'm glad your doing so well, it would be quite a shame if someone took that away from you" Kassidy said as she walked out of the shadows.

"Kassidy..." Dash said, balding up her fists causing them to spark.

Turning her hand into a blade, Kassidy charged at both girls almost slashing her arm blade at them. Shy increased her strength enough to punch Kassidy in the mouth, sending the symbiote host flying into a wall that cracked some. She slid down the wall and struggled to stand but Rainbow grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up a little bit.

"Alright shit stain, who the fuck sent you?" Dash demanded.

Kassidy just smirked and a spike drove itself into Dash's stomach, pushing her back as she was on the ground, writhing in pain after almost being impaled. Shy rushed over to her downed friend to stop the bleeding before it got worse.

"Behind....you...." Dash managed to say.

Unknowing to Shy, a chloroform rag smothered her until she went limp and unconscious courtesy of the rag that Kassidy had placed in her pocket. Dash went to try and stop her from taking Fluttershy but Kassidy round house kicked her to knock her out.

"Idiot" Kassidy said.

She pulled out her ear piece and pressed a button to contact Sombra about the success.

"Have you captured her?" Sombra asked anxiously.

"I did, I will admit that she and another that goes by the name of Rainbow Dash aka Zapp were tough but I got the job done nonetheless" Kassidy explained, admitting that kidnapping Fluttershy was not easy.

"All that matters is that you got her" Sombra said.

Kassidy nodded at that and released the button on the ear piece and faded away with Fluttershy in her possession.