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New Family

As Sunset collected herself, the sound of an approaching visitor snapped her attention. She reminded herself of the letter that was written earlier.

“Sunset,” the visitor asked

“I am. As are you.”

“How can there be two of us? I never had a twin sister,” she asked curiously

“Long story. I have a few questions I was hoping you could answer.”

“I'll do my best,” she replied hesitantly

“When's your birthday?”

“Halloween. October 31st.”


“Filthy and Spoiled Rich. I'm their adopted daughter.”

“If you don't mind me asking; what happened to their actual daughter?”

“She died a month after being born. I was abandoned in the hospital and they decided to give me a chance.”

“What do you call your parents?”

“Mom and dad. What else should I call them?”

“One last question. Would you like a kiss?”

Despite not getting an answer, Sunset proceeded to kiss her human counterpart on the neck, before sinking her fangs in. After she became limp, Sunset stripped each of them and made sure to have her human form’s clothes on as she carried the body to the cave.

“Go ahead you two. Enjoy your meal; just hide the bones,” Sunset said as the wolves devoured the body

Now having known everything about ‘herself’, the second part of her plan would begin. She took a couple deep breaths to steady herself after what just transpired.

Knowing it was late, Sunset left the forest and made her way home. She was secretly glad to have made so many trips to find her way back without any problems and used the front door upon her return to not look suspicious.

“Sunset, darling welcome home. You were gone quite a while,” Spoiled Rich said hugging her ‘daughter’

“Sorry mom. I wanted to take a walk in the forest and clear my head.”

“Who are you; and what did you do with Sunset Shimmer,” Filthy Rich asked accusingly “My daughter doesn't want anything to do with nature.”

“Very funny, dad. Couldn't I have a change of heart?”

“You're right; I'm sorry. Dinner is waiting,” he said, relenting

Later that night, Sunset headed off to ‘her’ room while her parents went into an office to discuss some matters privately.


“That is not our daughter. Something happened earlier,” Filthy said simply

“How can you say that? She's our Sunset,” Spoiled argued

“At no time did Sunset want anything to do with nature. Why all of a sudden did she decide to take a walk to the forest,” he questioned

“Let's say for argument’s sake that you are right. What do you recommend we do,” Spoiled asked

“We do nothing except treat her as our daughter. Take a trip tomorrow to anywhere and do that,” he answered cryptically as she nodded


Although Sunset was in her bedroom; she heard everything they discussed about her arrival. That night she hesitantly went to sleep knowing she had a new life waiting and a proper family. She tried to focus on the good in hopes of not having any nightmares over what she's done.

“Good morning, Sunset. Sleep well,” a maid asked, opening the curtains

“Sorry to ask, but could you tell me your name again?”

“It's Lydia; ma'am,” she said, before adding in a whisper, “I'm the one who spotted you.”

“Are you ready for today,” dad asked

“What are we doing? Sorry; I guess that walk cleared my head too much,” Sunset with a laugh

“You wanted to learn about the family business,” he replied

After breakfast Filthy led her down the hall of the mansion to a windowless room that contained a computer with multiple flash drives scattered around the table.

“These contain information on any potential rivals. While we are the richest family in Equestria; there are people that don't often agree with us. I'd rather plan in advance than wait,” he explained

“I see. At times, information is power.”

“Exactly. Feel free to read any of the files.”

Going through the files, she found items that were interesting, such as the judge having a questionable porn collection and the human Celestia being arrested once when she was a teenager. Unfortunately for Sunset, the file was sealed so she would never know what happened. One name that came up was Abacus Cinch; who was married to the judge. Her file listed many things including blackmail amongst others. Seeing that made Sunset not want to be around her under any circumstances.

“Some good things in here. Perhaps someday I'll have my own collection,” she thought

A few hours later, Sunset decided to explore the house. She found out that Spoiled was going out of town for a few days to assist with one of her boutiques. In the meantime, Sunset was hoping to get one thing changed.

“Dad; do you mind if I moved my room?”

“Where do you want to move to,” he asked skeptically

“Downstairs, if you don't mind.”

“Why there, when we have so many rooms to choose from,” he inquired

“Sometimes the sun bothers me. Mild irritation; plus we really aren't using anything down there.”

“Very well. I'll have the staff start getting the room moved,” he decided

With help from Sunset, the a were moved downstairs and rearranged to her liking with the bed being placed in one corner of the room and the dresser next to the foot of the bed.

“What do you want to do with the rest of the room,” Filthy asked

“I don't know. I didn't think about that.”

“For now we could put some collapsible walls up until some curtains get hung,” he decided

A few days later, a tutor arrived for Sunset. Her parents decided not to have her attend a public school right now. She would attend either Canterlot High School or Crystal Prep when the time came.

“Dad, do you think I can assist at the hospital?”

“I can probably arrange it, but are you sure that's what you want to do,” he asked “Besides, it's too close to the start of school.”

“That's fine. I thought it would be best to try and start early to have experience.”

“Very well. You want to become a doctor,” he asked

“Yes. A good way to help others is by saving those that need it.”

“By all means. Your mom and I will help any way we can,” he said

True to his word; Filthy was able to put a recommendation for her to work at the hospital despite her age. Sunset would be assisting by taking care of the stockroom as the doctors didn't think she was ready to see the injuries people had.

“Where's the blood go,” she asked curiously

“I never knew. It goes for disposal and that's all I know of,” Nurse Kindheart answered

“Seems to be a waste, though. This can't be used so it gets thrown out.”

“Honestly, I never put much thought in it,” Kindheart replied

“This might be odd, but do you believe in vampires?”

“I can't say I do; but if vampire bats exist I don't see why not a human couldn't become one,” she mused

“That's because they're fictional. Vampires don't exist and I certainly couldn't see one as a doctor,” Nurse Redheart said indignantly

Over the course of four months; until early March, Sunset was taught about every section in the hospital as she absorbed everything. Nurse Kindheart helped her sneak a couple pints of blood away each month in her backpack from what was getting destroyed.

To prevent anyone from noticing; bags filled with animal blood were used as replacements. The two shared a friendship and Sunset revealed the truth to her as it was kept secret.

“Don't you have to go to school soon,” Kindheart asked

“A while. My parents hired a tutor in the meantime.”

The next morning, Sunset was surprised to see presents waiting for her in the living room.

“It's not a holiday is it?”

“No its not. You've been working so hard we thought this would be a nice surprise,” Filthy said

Sunset opened the gifts to find different books about history along with medical journals that would be useful. She was grateful to have everything and figured potential future uses for the knowledge.

“One last gift for you, dear. We woke to find this on the doorstep,” Filthy replied

Sunset looked at the box and saw the initials ‘SS’ on the front and knew who gave it to her. Opening it up she found a wooden carving of a unicorn with her mane and tail, along with her sun cutie mark. Inside was a simple note.

‘Hope you like it. Always be yourself. SS’

“Who sent you such an interesting gift,” Spoiled asked

“A man that I was talking to when I went for my walk on Thanksgiving. I forgot about it as it didn't seem important.”

“Long beard and hair in blue clothes,” her dad asked as Sunset nodded “I've seen him around, but wouldn't think he would that good of a craftsman.”

“On a different subject; what do you want to do tonight,” Spoiled asked

“I thought we'd just have a quiet night here at home.”

“Very well. It's your choice,” dad said

That night, the three made popcorn and sat down to watch classic monster movies. As they popped in the next vampire movie, Sunset couldn't help but think how incorrect they were against what she read.

“Mom, dad; I have a question to ask you. Well, more of a hypothetical scenario. Here goes,” Sunset said taking a breath “What would you say if I was a vampire?”

“We'd continue to treat you the same as always. This has something to do with the bags of blood in the fridge; doesn't it,” Filthy replied

“Yes. I am a vampire, but I don't know when it happened or who did it. I couldn't tell you out of fear you'd treat me differently.”

“Nonsense. You're our daughter and that won't change. So, how often do you need blood,” Spoiled asked

“At least twice a month. One pint in that time is enough, otherwise I may kill someone.”

“How'd you get the blood? I wouldn't think the hospital would give it willingly,” dad asked

“Nurse Kindheart knows about it and helped me smuggle out a few bags. They're replaced with animal blood so no one notices.”

“I'm glad you decided to be open with us. I have a hypothetical question myself. What would you do if you had a twin you never knew about? A few times we've been out; I could have sworn I saw someone that looked just like you,” dad asked

“If that was the case; what would you have said about me killing your actual daughter and taking her place? This is hypothetical, of course.”

“I'm glad you admitted the truth. We know you killed our Sunset and replaced her. Don't worry, we've never said anything about it,” he replied

“You snuck into the house on multiple occasions. When you were told I went out of town; it was really to look for our daughter,” Spoiled added

“You're right about everything. I repeatedly snuck in to learn more about her in the hopes of replacing her. Sorry for lying to you for so long.”

“It's alright. You wanted a better life for yourself, but I'm curious to learn more about you. How did that guy know to make that figure,” he asked “As I've said; we will never tell anyone about this. In fact, the maids aren't here at all; so it really is just the three of us.”

“I was a pony before I came to this world. It sounds insane, but true. A guy dragged me into an alley to do something bad when I killed him. As for the male with long hair, his name is Star Swirl and was the person I stayed with for a while.”

“So, that statue is what you look like,” Spoiled asked

“Yes. That’s exactly what I look like. It took about a month to gain the courage to have a meeting with your daughter and kill her. I actually don't know what happened afterwards when I left. As I said, I'm sorry for lying to you.”

“I started figured it when you mentioned the sunlight bothering you, but the blood confirmed my suspicions. You have nothing to worry about, Sunset. Thank you for your honesty,” he said hugging her

“We love you no matter what. You could have joined your sister and we would have taken you in,” Spoiled added, hugging her

During the next few months heading into May, Sunset’s basement room was extended to become more hospitable. A set of black curtains were hung to partition off the bedroom. The rest became a living room with a makeshift ‘kitchen’ behind it consisting of a microwave and table.

She was glad that although her parents knew she was an imposter; they wouldn't tell anyone about her being a vampire. A plan was being created to make sure they can't tell anyone.

In the meantime, Filthy Rich had a surprise for his daughter that would help her out. Another surprise was set for Sunset’s 16th birthday.

“I contacted a friend of mine to get you some things you'll like,” Filthy said cryptically

The next week, a couple boxes containing empty pint bags and equipment to draw blood in one box and a second containing two dozen filled blood bags were given to Sunset.

“Thank you for these.”

“You're welcome. Let's get these put in the freezer downstairs,” Filthy said “You'll receive a box with supplies every month to make sure you don't run out.”

“The rest of these are going to a spare room to be used as a donation room,” Spoiled added

Later that day, the dozen maids were lined up outside the room to have their blood taken. All were sworn to secrecy as to why this was done. With help from her parents, the freezer in her room was completely stocked, so Sunset wouldn't have to worry about going hungry.

By June that year, Sunset felt ready to put her plan into motion. She had started reading up about nature and hoped her parents wouldn't mind going camping.

“Can we go camping?”

“I guess it wouldn't be too bad. Besides; we could use a getaway,” Filthy replied

“Where would you propose we go, Spoiled asked

“We could head to the Everfree Forest. It's nearby and also private as many don't go near it for superstitious reasons.”

Her father excused himself for a while to head into the office to take care of something, only to return a short time later.

The three headed to the store for the sleeping bags and tent. Sunset made sure to ask for a couple days off from the hospital. As an assistant; she hadn't missed a day and the hospital recognized that by giving her time off.

“So, where exactly are we going,” Spoiled asked as they walked

“I found a good clearing I thought we could set up the tent in. It's wide open to give a great view of the sky.”

“You were fond of the stars at home,” Filthy asked curiously

“Yeah. The princess actually controlled the raising and lowering of the sun and moon. It was something I looked forward to, seeing the stars at night in amazement of how old they were.”

“That's surprising that one being can control the sun and moon. Your old world seems interesting, but I'm curious as to why you left,” Spoiled commented

“I was forced out of Equestria after the incident. It's all a blank as to what happened before. It's probably better not to remember as I have a good life now.”

The three managed to get the tent set with little incident and started a small campfire. Spoiled removed a package of hotdogs and buns for the family to enjoy.

“This has been fun. Thank you for suggesting this,” Filthy said, hugging his daughter

“I've enjoyed actually being out in the forest. This was the first time being here,” Spoiled added

“I love you mom. Love you dad.”

“Goodnight dear. We love you too,” they said together, before he whispered “Check my pocket.”

Once the two were asleep, Sunset grabbed a pair of rubber gloves to protect herself and proceeded to open up her mom's sleeping bag first before draining her dry. After killing her father; she reached into his pocket and removed an envelope addressed to her.

‘Sunset; I know why you wished to take us camping. Your mother and I have turned everything over to you to do with it as you see fit. Spoiled and I have raised you to be independent and want only the best for you. There is a surprise waiting you in a few years. We love you very much.
P.S. Destroy this after reading. This would be incriminating, otherwise’

Sunset quickly threw the letter and gloves in the fire; just as the two wolves made their way towards her.

“I need you two to do me a favor. Attack them and me.”

The wolves seemed to question that last part as one cocked its head as its sibling whimpered in response.

“Just do it, I'll be fine. Afterwards, leave the area so no one finds you.”

The two followed her orders and attacked the dead bodies of her parents as she made sure to clean any blood up on her. She took a deep breath and nodded as a signal for them to start.

“Hello? Police? My family and I went camping when we were attacked by wolves. Yes, Filthy and Spoiled Rich. I'm their daughter, Sunset Shimmer. I don't know, I think they're dead.”

She proceeded to pass out as the paramedics arrived to get her to the hospital as soon as they could. Some time later she woke only to find she was in a different bed from home.

“Uh, what happened,” Sunset asked, sitting up

Looking around the room she saw a nurse and police officer looking over at her.

“Good to see you're awake. I'm sorry to say, but your parents have passed,” a nurse replied

“I have some questions to ask you. I'm officer Shining Armor,” he said, shaking her hand

“I'll try my best.”

“Could you tell me exactly what happened two nights ago,” he asked

“The three of us went camping and fell asleep. Some time that night we must have attracted a wild animal to us unintentionally. I guess I was sleeping when my parents were attacked.”

“There was an oddity about the remains. Two bite marks were left on the jugular of your parents that don't match that of a wolf. I know that you have worked here at the hospital and could have access to needles,” Shining continued

“What would I get out of it? Besides, a needle doesn't leave that big of a mark as compared to a tooth. Also; how sure are you it was a wolf? That's not something I mentioned.”

“I figured wolves are the only creature in the forest capable of attacking a human. As to your question about what you'd get from their deaths; Filthy and Spoiled Rich owned most of Canterlot and are worth quite a lot. Many would believe you killed them for the inheritance,” he suggested

“You are making assumptions about that without merit. The wolves attacked me as well as them. I'm just lucky to have survived.”

“Thank you for answering my questions. If I have any more, I will be in touch,” he said walking away

“I'm glad he left. I'm Doctor Redline, Miss Shimmer. After the attack by the wolves, you were left with long gashes over your chest and back. What seems to be interesting is the fact that you've healed rather quickly as those scratches are gone. Just what exactly are you,” Redline asked, closing the door

“What would you think I am?”

“An interesting being,” he replied

“Could you at least help me with something?”

“Anything. What do you need,” he asked

“If you can, could you give me two pints of blood every month from what is going to be disposed,” Sunset asked in a whisper, lowering her fangs

“Vampire. You did do it,” he realized “I promise not to ever say anything.”

“When can I leave? I feel fine now.”

“I'll get the paperwork for your discharge,” he replied, shaking his head

Once Redline left the room, Sunset grabbed the bandages and started removing them. She decided that if the wounds were healed, then the cover wasn't needed. As she put her shirt back on, she noticed just how damaged it was, but couldn't rid herself of it as it reminded her of Equestria.

“Sunset, I'm here to take you home,” Lydia said “You should throw that out when we get home.”

“If you don't mind, could you or one of the others sew this up for me? I really like the design on here and it didn't get ruined in the attack."

“Of course. Afterwards, we'll store it in the closet,” Lydia replied

“Thank you. I grew quite fond of this shirt that I'd hate to throw it out.”