• Published 28th Oct 2018
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My Little Pony: The Wingless Knight - Aegis Spirit

One day, a young thestral pony wakes up in the Ponyville Hospital with neither memory nor wings.

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Chapter 6: Griffon the Brush-off[Un-Edited]

It’s been a little over a week since Applejack and I made up. This morning, I was in the park with Twilight practicing my martial arts while Twilight read her book on a bench. While we were there, Pinkie Pie showed up and started talking about how amazing Rainbow Dash is.

“Hoof-fighting action overload! She was like a stunt superstar, flying higher and higher, and then Rainbow Dash swooped down, swoosh and right before she hit the ground. Shoom! She pulled up! Vroom!” Pinkie Pie told us, trying to imitate what she saw Rainbow Dash doing during one of her practice performances.

“Uh-huh.” Twilight responded, trying to read her book on a bench. I was practicing one of my Martial Art patterns, but I kept my attention on Pinkie Pie’s story.

“And Then she looked around and around, like Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!Whoo! Whoo!” Pinkie Pie said swaying her head around and falling on her back.

“Uh-huh.” Twilight said, keeping her eye’s on her book. I finished my pattern and returned to my ready stance. My ears picked up on something flying over me and I turned my head upwards.

“Huh, speaking of Rainbow Dash.” I commented, looking up and see her flying fast over us. Pinkie Pie saw her as well ran towards her.

“Whew!” I heard Twilight as she turned the page of her book. I looked of to the distance at Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, though it looked like Rainbow Dash was trying to get away from her. Up ahead of them was a mountain and Rainbow Dash was still flying faster toward it.

“Oh no.” I muttered as I took off in a burst of speed after them. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to warn Rainbow Dash before she crashed head first into the mountain. I shortly reached Pinkie Pie. “DASH! MOUNTAIN!” I yelled to the top of my lungs.

Rainbow Dash looked ahead with the mountain closing up to her face and pulled up at the last second. I skid to a stop at the base of the mountain and Pinkie Pie stood right beside me. Rainbow swooped down in front of us.

“Whew, thanks for the warning Crest. That could have ended badly.” Rainbow Dash said gratefully.

“But that’s what I was trying to tell you!” Pinkie Pie complained to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash groans. “Um, sorry Pinkie, but I need to practice my flying if I’m gonna make it into the Wonderbolts. So, see ya.” She said launching to the sky. I looked at Pinkie Pie who had a dejected look.

“Don’t worry Pinkie, you know how much Rainbow Dash wants to join the Wonderbolts. You could always hang out with her when she’s not practicing and do something you both like.” I told her, hoping to raise her mood. Which it did as it brought a smile to her face.

“Heh, your right Crest, Wait! I know what Rainbow Dash would like!” Pinkie Pie said before running off. I raised a eye brow and wondered what Pinkie had in mind. I shrugged it off and walked back to Twilight.

When I got back, Twilight was still on the bench reading her book. “Is everything alright? You kinda just took off in a rush.” Twilight asked me.

“Yeah. Rainbow Dash almost ran into that mountain without looking, so I went to warn her. She missed it at the last second.” I explained. Twilight sighed in relief.

“Well that’s good. Do you want to head on back to the library? I need to see if the book store have a chemistry book for an experiment I’m working on.” Twilight asked.

“I’ll go with you, I need to stop by the dojo and clean the place before tomorrow morning classes.” I said. Twilight closed her book and we went to the Ponyville marketplace.

When we reached the bookstore, I notice Pinkie Pie walking around asking ponies where Rainbow Dash is. As Twilight and I were nearing the book store, the shadow of the cloud moved on it’s own. Twilight noticed it as well and we looked up. It turned out that it was Rainbow Dash trying to hide inside the cloud like an ostrich. Pinkie Pie saw Twilight and I, so she bounced over to us.

“Twilight, Crest, have you two seen Rainbow Dash anywhere?” Pinkie asked us.

“Isn’t she right up there.” Twilight said, pointing her hoof to the cloud above us.

“RAINBOW DASH!” Pinkie Pie called out. Once she said that, Rainbow Dash took off at high speed away from us. Pinkie Pie followed her while bouncing. Twilight and I looked at each other and shrugged. Twilight went inside the book store while I headed to the dojo.

At the Dojo, I spent roughly half an hour vacuuming and dusting the counter. While I was cleaning the front window, I noticed Pinkie Pie in front of Town Hall telling Rainbow Dash where to place a cloud. With the cleaning done, I figured I’d see what my pink friend was up to.

“PINKIE PIE.” Rainbow Dash yelled in frustration over the cloud near the entrance to Town Hall.

“Uh, I mean, perfect. Now wait for my signal.” Pinkie Pie said before sneaking next to one of the Town Hall building windows.

What could they be up to? I walked over to them as the main door of Town Hall opened up, revealing Spike carrying a bunch of scrolls. Just as Spike exited the building, Pinkie Pie waved her hoof at Rainbow Dash, signaling her. Rainbow Dash kicked the cloud. Thunder roared from the cloud, scaring Spike and causing him to drop the scrolls out of his claws. Pinkie Pie ran next to Spike smiling as he started hiccuping.

“Hahaha. Oh Rainbow Dash, we startled Spike into getting the hiccups!” Pinkie said to Rainbow Dash as they both started laughing. Spike chuckled at the prank. I chuckled in amusement at the prank.

“Good one, Pinkie [Hiccup] Pie. [Hiccup] You’re always pulling a fast on [hiccup] on me.” Spike said to her. Spike picked up a scroll but accidentally hiccup and blew fire on it, sending it away to Princess Celestia.

“Oh no, you’re not hurt, are you?” Pinkie Pie asked him worried.

“Nah. [Hiccup] Don’t be [Hiccup] silly. Dragons are [Hiccup] fireproof.” Spike explained to them.

“Oh, okay, good.” Pinkie replied, before she and Rainbow Dash started laughing again.

Spike picked up most of the scrolls that fell, but he accidentally hiccuped and sent them away.

“I wish the same thing [Hiccup] were true of scrolls.” Spike said before walking next to one of the scrolls.

That just made Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash laugh even harder.

“Hold it Spike. How about I carry the scrolls until your hiccups go away.” I suggested.

“Thanks [Hiccup] Crest.” Spike said. He started helping me put the scrolls on my back, while carefully not to breath fire on them, or me for that matter.

“Have you ever seen anything more hilarious?” Pinkie asked Rainbow Dash.

“I can think of one thing.” Rainbow Dash replied, before kicking the cloud again. This time, it scared Pinkie Pie, causing her to fall on her back. After a few seconds, Pinkie started to hiccup and laugh at the same time.

“I didn’t take you for a prankster, Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow Dash told Pinkie Pie.

“Are you [Hiccup] kidding? [Hiccup] I love to pull pranks. It’s all [Hiccup} in good fun, and Pinkie Pie lo- [Hiccup] -oves to have [Hiccup] fun!” Pinkie Pie told her while hiccuping.

“You know, Pinkie Pie, you’re not as annoying as I thought. You want to hang out?” Rainbow Dash asked her.

“[Hiccup] That’d be- [Hiccup] I’d really- [Hiccup] When do - [Hiccup] I mean [Hiccup] When would you [Hiccup].” Pinkie Pie tried to talk, but she was constantly bouncing around every time she hiccups.

Rainbow Dash shook her head and placed her hood on Pinkie Pie’s mouth. “A simple nod would do.” She said.

“Mm-hmm.” Pinkie Pie nodded and they went off somewhere. Spike and I finished placing the scrolls on my back, so we left back.

On the way back, we spotted Fluttershy walking out of the grocery store with a bag on her back. “Oh, hello Crest and Spike.” Fluttershy greeted us.

“Hello Fluttershy. Getting food for your animal friends at you cottage?” I asked. Fluttershy gently put the bag down on the ground and shook her head.

“Oh, not this time. I’m going to the river and feed the fishies. Also, um, I was wondering if you wanted to help.” Fluttershy ask me shyly.

“Of course Fluttershy, just let me get these to the library.” I said, gesturing to the scrolls on my back. Fluttershy smile and picked up the bag. We went our separate ways as Spike and I walked back to the library. On the way to the, Spike kept giving me a smug look.

After I gave Twilight the scrolls at the library, I headed to the river outside of town. I kinda wished I asked Fluttershy where at the river she was feeding the fishes. Luckily, I spotted her at an edge of the river.

“Hey, Fluttershy.” I called out. She turned around and smiled.

“Oh, hello Crest. Thank you for helping me. Would you mind feeding the fishies on this side?” She asked, looking on her left side.

“Sure thing.” I responded and grabbed some pieces of food. As I started tossing some into the river, a few fishes swam over and ate them. Feeling satisfied with my work, I turned around and saw Fluttershy feeding some fishes and a couple of turtles.

Wait a minute. One of the turtles looked strange. I walked beside Fluttershy, who noticed it as well.

“What is that.” Fluttershy asked. I got a closer look at the turtle and it was some kind of squeaky toy. There was a rope at the end of the fake turtle leading to the other side of the river. I looked across the river and saw Rainbow Dash and Pinkie talking behind a bush. Maybe they were trying to prink us, but why didn’t they go through with it.

I sighed and and shook my head. “Looks like Rainbow Dash And Pinkie tried to pull a prank on us. Though they probably stopped when they saw us feeding the fishes.” I said.

“Oh… Well at least they stopped.” Fluttershy said.

We ignored the fake turtle and finished emptying the food bag just as the sun went down.

“Well, I better head back. Do you want me to walk you home.” I asked her.

Fluttershy blushed a little. “Oh…that’s okay. Thank you for helping today.” She replied.

I nodded and I headed back to the Library in the night.

The next day after teaching my morning classes at the dojo, I was helping Twilight with her notes on her experiment yesterday. Unfortunately it went wrong thanks to Pinkie Pie’s and Rainbow Dash’s prank. They swapped her ink with disappearing ink. Twilight knew they were just having fun, but it still annoyed her that she had to start over. Spike was currently sitting on the stair case reading a book.

A little while later, Pinkie Pie came storming in telling us how mean Rainbow Dash’s friend, Gilda, is. Whom is apparently a griffon. From what I know about them, griffons live in mountain range of Griffonstone, which is located East of Equestria.

“So, Pinkie Pie, are you sure that this friend of Rainbow Dash is really so mean?” Twilight asked as she flipped the pages of her book with her magic.

“Um, YEAH! She keeps stealing Rainbow Dash away, she popped my balloons, and she told me to buzz off! I never met a griffon this mean. Well, actually, I’ve never met a griffon at all. But I bet if I had, she wouldn’t have been as mean and grumpy as Gilda!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“You know what I think Pinkie Pie?” Twilight asked.

“Hmm?” Hummed Pinkie Pie as she stood next to her.

“Well, I think… you’re jealous.” Twilight answered.

“JEALOUS.” Pinkie Pie yelled.

“Green with envy. Well, in your case, Pink with envy.” Spike add.

“Well, yes, jealous.” Twilight continued. She stopped reading the book and faced Pinkie Pie. “Listen Pinkie, I don’t want to upset you, but just because Rainbow Dash has another friend doesn’t make Gilda a grump. I mean, perhaps it’s you, Pinkie, who needs to improve her attitude.” She suggested.

“Improve MY attitude? But I… but it’s Gilda that… are you serious.” Pinkie shrieks in anger and walked past Twilight to the door.

“You know Twilight, maybe Pinkie Pie was telling the truth. I mean, think about it. She wouldn’t have accused Gilda without at least some justification.” I explained. Pinkie Pie can be over exaggerating sometimes, but I can’t remember the last time she called somepony mean.

“Well, I guess you have a point.” Twilight said putting her hoof over her chin, though she looked a little unsure.

“I’m gonna go check on Pinkie Pie. I’ll see you two later.” I told her before walking outside. It didn’t take me long to find Pinkie Pie walking away from the library. I quickly ran up beside her.

“Hey Pinkie, how are you doing?” I asked.

“I’m fine Crest.” Pinkie Pie respond but paused a moment. “Do you think I’m jealous?”

“It sounded like you were jealous, but I wasn’t there when you met this Gilda. So you would know better than me.” I answered.

“Maybe Twilight is right. Maybe Gilda isn’t a big mean, grumpy, mean, meany pants. Maybe I’m just a big, jealous, judgmental, jealous, jealousy pants.” Pinkie Pie said with a sigh. It hurt’s see Pinkie Pie this sad.

“Pinkie, how about we go to Sugercube Corner, and I get us some milkshakes.” I suggested, hoping to make her feel better.

“Yeah okay.” Pinkie said while still frowning. I sighed, hoping for a better response than that.

When we got to Sugercube Corner, I bought a couple of milkshakes for Pinkie Pie and I. We were outside the shop, sitting at a table with a umbrella over our heads. Even though Pinkie was slurping her milkshake, she was still upset. All of a sudden, Pinkie and I heard laughing over us. I recognized one of the laughters belonging to Rainbow Dash, but I didn’t know who the second one belongs to. Pinkie immediately hid under the table, while was looking in the sky. I spotted Rainbow Dash flying with what I assumed was a griffon. The griffon had a body of a lion and a head of a eagle.

“That was sweet! I got to take care of a few weather jobs around here. Shouldn’t take long. Just, uh, hang out in town, and I’ll come find you.” I heard Rainbow Dash say as they land. Thank you sensitive hearing.

“That’s cool, I guess. I’m gonna go chow down!” The griffon told her

“Later!” Rainbow Dash said before taking off. I looked at Pinkie who was still under the table.

“Gilda, I assume?” I asked Pinkie Pie. She just nodded to my question.

Gilda looked around and went behind a food stall. I noticed Granny Smith walking to the stall Gilda hid behind. She was sniffing the fruit on the stall when Gilda’s tail poked out in front Granny Smith.

“Ahh! A rattler! A rattler!” Granny Smith yelled, pointing at Gilda’s tail. “Run for the hills! Everybody, run! Save yourselves!” She yelled, running away from the fruit stand, or at least running away at granny speed.

Gilda came up from behind the stall laughing a little. She looked at the owner of the fruit stand and inspected a tomato with her tail.

“This stuff ain’t fresh, dude.” Gilda told her before walking away.

“Aw, poor Granny Smith! She didn’t know it was a joke! How mean! No, no. I can’t misjudge her. It was kind of a funny prank, I guess” Pinkie Pie said. I wanted to say something about that, but we saw Gilda use her tail to grab an apple from somepony’s basket and ate it.

Pinkie Pie gasped. “I did misjudge her! She’s not only a meany, mean pants, she’s also a thief!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. I nodded in agreement. Why is Rainbow Dash friends with someone like her. “No, no, no, no. She might give it back.” She said.

“You sure? Give it back from her stomach?” I questioned. Just then, we saw Fluttershy walking backwards and leading a family of ducks following her across the road.

“All right, little ones, this way, this way. Mama duck, you’re free and clear.” She said. She accidentally bumped into Gilda.

“Hey.” Gilda exclaimed.

“Please excuse me.” Fluttershy asked politely.

“I’M WALKIN’ HERE!” Gilda yelled in Fluttershy’s face. I felt my eye twitch and blood began to boil.

“Oh, um, I’m sorry. I-I-I was just trying to…” Fluttershy tried to apologies while slowly backing away from the angry griffon.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Gilda mocked her. “Why don’t you just watch where you’re going, doofus?” She told her. Okay, that crosses the line.

“Crest?” Pinkie asked as I left the table, but ignored her. As Gilda began walking towards Fluttershy through the ducks, I quickly stood in between them.

“MOVE LAME-O.” Gilda yelled.

“No.” I simply said. This enraged Gilda and made a lion like roared at my face, while Fluttershy hid behind me.

“You probably don’t know this, but I stood up against Nightmare Moon. It’s gonna take more than a roar to scare me.” I told her unmoved.

Gilda just growled at my response. “All these lame ponies are driving me buggy.” She said to no one in particular and took off flying. At least a fight didn’t break out between us. I turned around and saw something that hurt my heart. Fluttershy is sobbing.

“It’s okay Fluttershy, she’s gone now. She won’t hurt you.” I said to her gently.

“Th-thank you Crest. Thank you for standing up for me.” Fluttershy said as I wiped away her tears. I help her gather all the ducks and I went to to the table Pinkie Pie was at. She just as angry at Gilda as I was

“She’s a grump and a thief and a bully. The meanest kind of mean, meany pants there is! I can take it, but no one treats Fluttershy like that! No one!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in anger.

“I agree Pinkie, I think I’m gonna have a talk with Rainbow Dash about Gilda’s behavior.” I suggested.

“Hold on Crest, I have a better idea. One that calls for extreme measures, Pinkie Pie style!” Pinkie Pie said with confidence.

I wasn’t sure what Pinkie had in mind, but I decided to go with it. A few hours later, we threw a party to welcome Gilda in Sugercube Corner. I questioned Pinkie Pie about it and she said it would brighten Gilda’s mood. Our friends were already here minus Rainbow Dash and her friend Gilda. I was drinking some punch with Fluttershy when Twilight walked over to us.

“You two have met Gilda right? What’ she like?” Twilight asked us. I wonder where she heard that.

“Oh, um, well… I’ll tell you later, Twilight.” Fluttershy said before walking away toward Pinkie Pie, whom was greeting the guests. Twilight waited for my response.

“Let’s just say Pinkie Pie wasn’t exaggerating about Gilda.” I told her as I walked away as well.

Fluttershy and I walked to Pinkie Pie as she greeted the new guests. “Um, Pinkie Pie, about this party for Gilda. Um, do you really think it’s a good idea?” Fluttershy tried to ask, but was interrupted by Pinkie Pie.

“Don’t worry your pretty, little head about mean, old Gilda. You’re auntie Pinkie Pie’s got it all taken care of.” Pinkie Pie assured Fluttershy as she patted her head.

“I’m a year older than you.” Fluttershy stated a little angry for being put off by Pinkie Pie. I wanted to say something, but I noticed a familiar griffon at the front door.

“GILDA! I’m so honored to throw you one of my signature Pinkie Pie parties, and I really, truly, sincerely hope you feel welcome here amongst all us pony folk.” Pinkie Pie said to her as she held her hoof out. Gilda hesitated a little, but grabbed it nonetheless. She was instantly shocked. Pinkie Pie laughed along with everypony in the room.

“Oh, Pinkie Pie, the old hoof-shake buzzer! You are a SCREAM.” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Yeah…” Gilda chuckled nervously. “Good one, Pinkie Pie.”

“Come on G, I’ll introduce you to some of my other friends.” Rainbow Dash said walking away.

“Right behind you, Dash!” Gilda replied, but quickly turned towards Pinkie Pie. “I know what you’re up to.” She told her.

“Great!” Pinkie replied.

Gilda groan at Pinkie’s obliviousness. “I know what you’re planning.” She said.

Pinkie Pie just laughed in response. “Well, I hope so. This wasn’t supposed to be a surprise party.” She said.

“I mean, I’ve got my eye on you.” Gilda tried to clarify.

“And I…got my eye on you!” Pinkie Pie said as she got in Gilda’s face. I could have sworn I saw Pinkie’s eye’s bulge out a little. “Everyone, I’d like you all to meet Gilda, a longtime, dear friend of Rainbow Dash. Let’s honor her and welcome her to Ponyville.” Pinkie addressed the room while hugging Gilda.

Most of the ponies cheered, beside Fluttershy and myself.

“Please help yourself.” Pinkie Pie offered Gilda some snack on a table.

Gilda walked over to the snack table. “Vanilla Lemon drops. Don’t mind if I do.” She said before she tossed one into her mouth and began to chew. A moment later, she made a sower face and roared out fire. Pinkie Pie just roasted marshmallow on a stick with the fire. “Hot.” Gilda cried out.

“G, the punch!” Rainbow Dash yelled out to Gilda, who had smokes coming out of her mouth.

Gilda sprinted over to the punch bowl and grabbed a glass. However, the glass turned out to be a dribble glass and the punch spilled on Gilda’s feathers.

“Well, what do you know? Pepper in the vanilla lemon drops and the punch served in a dribble glass!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Ha! Priceless! Priceless!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Gilda raced over to another drink, chugged it down and gulped. “Yeah, Hilarious.” She said sarcastically.

“Hey, G, look. Presents!” Rainbow Dash said, pointing her hoof at several presents on a table. Gilda immediately ran over in excitement. She grabbed a cylinder present and undid the ribbon with her beak. However, several fake snakes popped out of the present and surprised her.

The ponies and I all laughed at the prank.

“Spittin’ snakes.” Applejack chuckled. “Somepony pulled that prank on me last month.” She told Rarity. Wait, last month. Didn’t Mooriella see a snake that caused her and the other cows to stamped.

“Ha, Ha. I bet I know who that was!” Gilda said, glaring at Pinkie Pie.

“You do?” Pinkie Pie asked innocently.

I was beginning to wonder if Pinkie Pie was the one pulling all those pranks.

A little while later, Fluttershy was directing the birds’ song. I was thinking about who was pulling those pranks on Gilda. It couldn’t have been Pinkie Pie, since she’s trying to raise Gilda’s mood. Well, minus the hoof-shake buzzer. Then I realized something, Rainbow Dash had been the one directing Gilda to those pranks.

“Cake time, everypony!” Pinkie Pie called out, binging me out of my thoughts. She brought out a large cake with some candles on it.

“Hey, can I blow out the candles?” Spike asked.

“Why don’t we let Gilda blow out the candles, Spike? She is the guest of honor, after all.” Twilight suggested.

Gilda ran over and pushed Spike over, enraging me even further. “Exactly!” She said. I walked over to make sure Spike was okay, while Gilda inhaled deeply. She blew out the candles, but the flames appeared again. She tried to plow them out again, but they turned on anyway.

Everypony was laughing at the prank. Gilda continuously tried put out the flames, but failed every time.

Spike laughed next to me. “Relighting birthday candles, I love that prank! What a classic.” Spike said.

“Now, I wonder who could have done that?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Yeah. I wonder.” Gilda replied, glaring again at Pinkie Pie.

I heard Spike digging through the cake, literally. “Who cares? This cake is amazing!” He said as he popped out on top of the cake.

“SPIKE!” Twilight scolded.

“What? It’s great. Try some.” Spike replied.

“Then save some for us.” I told him.

“Hey, G, you’re not upset about some silly candles are you?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“No way, Dash. Like I said, I’m down with a good prank.” Gilda replied, trying to keep her cool, or latest what she considered as cool.

“Come on, then. Let’s have some cake.” Rainbow Dash said before she ran over to the cake.

I was about to get a slice of the cake, but I noticed Gilda’s talon grabbed Pinkie’s neck and bulled her behind the cake. I gave my slice to Spike and walked over to them as calmly as I possibly could.

“Hey. I’m watching you like a hawk.” Gilda warned Pinkie Pie.

“Why? Can’t you watch me like a griffon?” Pinkie asked.

“Is there a problem over here?” I asked in a angry tone.

Gilda was about to respond, but Applejack spoke up. “Hey, y’all. It’s pin the tail on the pony. Let’s play.” Applejack announced, while Gilda tried to pretend everything was alright.

“Oh, my favorite game! Can I go first? Can I have the purple tail?” Rarity asked as she was about to grab it. Unfortunately, Gilda snatched with her talon at the last second.

“Well, I am the guest of honor, and I’ll have the purple tail.” Gilda said, behaving like a brat. That griffon is starting to really push my buttons. I looked around the room and some most of the other ponies disliking her just as much as I was. Maybe I should have talked to Rainbow Dash about her friend after all.

“Yeah, Gilda should definitely go first. Let’s get you blindfolded.” Pinkie said as Spike took out a blindfold an walked toward Gilda.

“Hey, wh-what are you doing?!” Gilda asked angrily as Spike quickly blindfolded her. Pinkie Pie then spun Gilda rapidly.

“We’re spinning you around and around, and then you can pin the tail on the pony.” Pinkie Pie said as she directed Gilda to the poster with a drawing of a pony that’s lacking a tail. “Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail.” She said.

“Now, just straight ahead and pin the tail.” Gilda mocked. “Hmph! Yeah, right. This is another prank, isn’t it? I’m going this way.” She said, turning around and walked away from the poster.

“Wait! The poster is this…” Pinkie tried to warn her, but Gilda slipped on some cake icing and crashed into the kitchen. She came out with some cake icing on her body and the tail was on her beak.

“Uh, Gilda? You pinned the tail on the wrong end.” Pinkie told her.

“At least we know what a griffon with a mustache looks like.” I commented.

All of us laughed at Gilda. Said griffon finally lost her cool and roared out in anger.

“This is your idea of a good time?! I’ve never met a lamer bunch of dweebs in all my life! And Pinkie Pie…You…You are queen lam-o with your weak, little party pranks! Did you really think you could make me lose my cool?! Well, Dash and I have 10 times as much cool as the rest of you put together! Come on, Dash, we’re bailing on on this pathetic scene.” Gilda said as she began walking to the front door. Rainbow Dash however didn’t move. In fact, she looked very displeased. “COME ON, Rainbow Dash! I SAID we’re leaving!” She yelled.

“You know, Gilda… I was the one who set up all those weak pranks at this party.” Rainbow Dash told her. Huh, guess I was right.

Gilda gasped. “WHAT?!” She said as she looked at Pinkie Pie

“Ooh.” Pinkie Pie said.

Rainbow Dash got between Gilda and Pinkie Pie. “So I guess I’M queen Lame-o.” She continued.

“Come on, Dash, you’re joshing me.” Gilda responded, trying to think it was a joke.

“They weren’t all meant for you specifically. It was just dumb luck that you see them all off.” Rainbow Dash told her.

“I should’ve known. That dribble cup had Rainbow Dash written all over it.” Pinkie Pie said to Spike, who was standing next to her.

“No way! I-It was Pinkie Pie! She set up this party to trip me up, to make a fool of me!” Gilda accused.

“Me? I threw this party to improve your attitude. I thought a good party might turn that frown upside down.” Pinkie Pie said, turning her head upside down. Seriously, how does she do that.

“And you sure didn’t need any help making a fool of yourself. You know, this is not how I thought my old friends would treat my new friends. If being cool is all you care about, maybe you should find some new cool friends someplace else.” Rainbow Dash told her.

Gilda growls at her. “Yeah? Well, you…you… you are such a, um, flip-flop, cool one minute and lame the next!” She yelled.

“The door’s behind you Gilda, don’t let it hit you on your way out.” I told her.

Gilda growled at me and pulled her talon back to punch me. The ponies gasped as my combat instinct kicked in. Right when Gilda threw her punch, I got on my back two hooves, grabbed her talon, and prepared a takedown move. I threw Gilda over my shoulder, spun my body in a 360 degree angle, slammed her on the wooden floor. Some of the ponies made a painful expression on their faces when Gilda hit the ground.

After a moment, Gilda rolled over and slowly got back up.

“Leave Gilda.” I warned her.

She growled at me and turned her sight to Rainbow Dash. “When you decide no to be lame anymore, give me a call.” She said as she walked out the front door and slammed it close. We could hear her shriek like an eagle when she flew off.

“Not cool.” Rainbow Dash said to Gilda's behavior.

“Wow, talk about a party pooper.” Spike said, pointing his claw at the door. Everypony began to talked about awkward that was.

“I’m sorry, everypony, for bringing Gilda here. I didn’t know how rude she was. And Pinkie Pie, I’m really sorry she ruined that awesome party you put on for her.” Rainbow Dash apologized.

“Hey, if you want to hang out with party poopers, that’s your business.” Pinkie Pie replied cheerfully.

“I’d rather hang out with you. No hard feelings?” Rainbow asked, offering a hoof shake.

“No hard feelings.” Pinkie said, grabbing Rainbow Dash’s hoof. They both shocked each other and laughed. They both revealed they had hoof-shake buzzer on their hooves. Everypony began laughing with them. Twilight walked up to Pinkie Pie.

“Hey, Pinkie, sorry I accused you of misjudging Gilda. Looks like I’m the one who misjudged you.” Twilight said to her.

“It’s okay, Twilight. Even you can’t be a super smart, smarty smart pants all the time.” Pinkie said, giving her a hug and accepting her apology. “Come on everypony, there’s still a whole lot of party to finish.” She announce while jumping. Everypony began laughing.

Rainbow Dash looked at me. “I’m also sorry Crest that Gilda attacked you. I didn’t think she would attack you like that.” She apologized.

“Don’t worry about it Rainbow Dash, you didn’t know. Though I admit, I probably provoked her." I told Rainbow Dash, feeling a bit guilty for potentially starting the fight. "Also, before I forget, thanks for not going through with that prank at the river yesterday.” I thanked Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.

“Wait, you knew it was us?” Pinkie asked in surprise.

“Yeah, I saw you two across the river. I figured since you two saw us feeding the fishes, you both didn’t want to interrupt. So, thanks.” I told them.

“Um, yeah. That’s exactly why we didn’t prank you two.” Pinkie Pie said as she and Rainbow Dash laughed nervously. I raised and eyebrow, but decided to shrug it off.

“Oh, I almost forgot. Pinkie, remember the plan yesterday?” Rainbow Dash asked. Pinkie smiled and over to the counter. What are they planning? “So Crest, it was pretty cool how you took down Gilda.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Of course Dash, one of the main reasons I practice fighting is to protect my friends.” I told her.

“Aww that’s so sweet of you Crest.” Twilight said next to me. Suddenly, her eyes went wide as she looked behind me.

My ear’s picked up something flying towards my head. I turned my head at the last second to see a flying pie flying to my face. I wanted to move, but Twilight would get hit. In the end, my face met the pie head on.

“HA! Pie in the face, classic!” Rainbow Dash and everypony laughed.

I licked the pie on my face. “Mm, apple.” I said, laughing with everypony else.

The party continued for a couple hours. After it was over, the girls and I helped Pinkie Pie clean the place up. It just turned night and we said our goodbyes. Twilight, Spike and I returned the the library.

“Spike, a letter please.” Twilight asked when we entered the library. Spike took out a quill and piece of paper.

Dearest Princess Celestia, today, I learned that it’s hard to accept when somepony you like wants to spend time with somepony who’s not so nice. Though it’s impossible to control who your friends hang out with, it is possible to control your own behavior. Just continue to be a good friend. Just continue to be a good friend. In the end, the difference between a false friend and one who is true will surely come to light. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight said. Spike finished writing and sent the letter.

We walked upstairs and went to our rooms. “Goodnight Twilight and Spike.” I said to them as I opened my room door.

“Goodnight Crest.” Twilight and Spike said. I closed the door and went straight to sleep.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delayed update, I had to focus on college work.