• Published 28th Oct 2018
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My Little Pony: The Wingless Knight - Aegis Spirit

One day, a young thestral pony wakes up in the Ponyville Hospital with neither memory nor wings.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Applebuck Season[Un-Edited]

I woke up early this morning and prepared some breakfast for Twilight and Spike before I leave for my morning job at Sweet Apple Acre. Big Mac hurt his side yesterday so I told to him I would take his place today. Suddenly, I heard somepony nocking on the door. I turned the stove off and checked on who it could be. To my surprise, it was my martial art teacher Black Belt. Black Belt had a white coat with a short black mane and a black belt cutie mark. “Morning Crest, I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” He said.

“Not at all Mr. Black Belt, I was just making some breakfast. Would you like to come in?” I asked. He nodded and walked in.

“Crest, who’s here?” I heard Twilight ask. I turned my head and saw she and Spike walking down stairs.

“Twilight and Spike, this is Mr. Black Belt, my sensei at the dojo.” I explained.

“Oh, it’s nice to meet you Mr. Black Belt, I’m Twilight Sparkle, and this is Spike.” Twilight said, gesturing to Spike who waved.

“It’s nice to meet you both, but I unfortunately can’t stay long. I just came here to discuss something with Crest.” Black Belt said.

I looked at Twilight and Spike and wondered what Black Belt wanted to discuss. “Um… what’s that Mr. Black Belt?” I asked.

“Well Crest, a new Dojo in Manehattan opened up and since my family lives there, I was going to ask the Martial Art Association to let me teach there.” He told me. I was surprised he was moving out of Ponyville.

“Wow Mr. Black Belt that’s great, but who would teach the dojo here?” I asked.

“Well, I was thinking you could take over for me.” He said. My jaw dropped to the ground. Mr. Black Belt wanted me to take over for him.

“WHAT! Why?” I responded in shock.

“Crest, you remember when I was sick and you had to take over with teaching the classes for a week." I nodded. "I talked with the students you taught and they said you did a splendid job improving their martial art skills. So when I was thinking who would take over for me, you were the first to come to mind.” Mr. Black Belt told us.

I was surprise Mr. Blackbelt thought of me first. “Wow Mr. Blackbelt, I'm honored you thought of me running the dojo, but are you sure?” I asked.

Mr. Blackbelt nodded. “Yep, but I would like you to think it over before you decide. It could get in the way of some of your other job.” He told me.

He was right, if I do decide to run the dojo, I would have to leave some of my other part time job at Sweet Apple Acre.

“I understand Mr. Blackbelt, thank you.” I responded.

"I’ll be moving out in three days of the week, so I would appreciate if you tell me you decision before then." Black Belt said. He nodded and left the library.

“So Crest, what do you think? Are you gonna run the dojo?” Spike asked.

I sighed. “I don’t know, I mean, I’m honored to teach the dojo, but I can’t do that if I’m working on my other job in Sweet Apple Acre.” I told him. Just then, I realized what time it was. “Oh shot, I’m gonna be late at Applejack’s orchard!” I exclaimed as I ran out the door.

I jogged to the farm and found Big Mac with bandages around his waist heading to the barn. “I’m sorry I’m late Big Mac. I had to talk with Mr. Black Belt this morning.” I explained. I noticed Applejack wasn't around. “Um…where’s Applejack?” I asked. Brig Mac nudged his head toward the orchard. I assumed he was saying Applejack was working the field. “Ok thanks.” I said as I headed to the field.

After looking around the orchard, I found Applejack standing in front of one of the apple trees.

“Hey Applejack.” I said getting her attention. Applejack turned around in surprise.

“Oh! Howdy Crest. Um…how about you take the day off for today and I’ll take car of getting the apples today.” Applejack said.

I looked around to the hundreds of trees with apples still in them and thought she was crazy. “Um…Applejack, are you sure you can handle this yourself?” I asked questionably.

Applejack just glared at me. “Crest, I don’t need you telling me I can’t do it. Now I better get kicking. These Apples aren’t gonna shake themselves.” She said.

Suddenly, I started to feel the ground shaking and one of the apples fell from the tree next to her. “Oh no.” Applejack said in worry looking off to the distant. I followed her eyes and realized why she was worried.

We spotted stamped of cows stampeding straight to Ponyville. If they reach the town they’ll flatten it. “Applejack, we have to do something.” I told her.

“Come on Crest. let’s herd them cows. Winona you too.” Applejack yelled. Applejack’s pet brown dog came running and we made a break towards Ponyville.

After what felt like twenty minutes, we reach the front of the stampede.

“Yeehaw!” Applejack yelled when we reached the stampede. “Other side, Crest and Winona.” Applejack said. I nodded while Winona barked and we ran to the other side of the stampede.

“Put’em up, ya’ll!” Applejack yelled, encouraging us. I focused on keeping the herd in on place and Winona barked in response.

“Come on, little doggies! Turn!” Applejack yelled, pushing against on of the cows.

“You all have to turn right!” I yelled doing the same, but to no avail.

Applejack whistled. “Winona, put ‘em up. Crest, make sure no cows stray away.” Applejack yelled. Winona and Applejack jumped on the horde of cows. Winona made her way to the front of the stampede, while Applejack stood onto of the lead cow.

“Haha! Gotcha!” Applejack yelled in success with Winona leading the stampede. Applejack got out her lasso and roped the front cow. She got down to the ground and tugged the rope with all her might. I looked ahead and we were getting dangerously close to Ponyville.

Winona barked at the cow, getting her attention. Applejack and Winona lead the stampede to the right while I stopped and made sure no cows strayed away from the rest. I could here my friends cheering for me and Applejack as I stopped and made sure the cows were following the pack. Applejack slammed her hoofs to the ground and got the lead cow to stop. The rest followed suit and I ran up beside her.

“Now, what that was that about?” Applejack asked the lead cow.

“Moo.” The cow said before clearing her throat. “Oh, my. Begging your pardon, Applejack, but Mooriella here saw one of those nasty snakes.” She said looking over to the cow beside her and the rest of the cows gasped. “And it just gave us all the willies, don’t you know.” She told us. Considering my reaction when I first saw a snake, I can’t blame her.

“I completely understand. Just next time, try and steer clear of Ponyville.” Applejack told her which I nodded in agreement.

“We certainly will, Applejack. So long, Crest and Winona.” She said as the cow went back to the farm. I waved my hoof goodbye and Winona barked.

We walked over the hill and the crowed cheered for us. “Yeehaw!” Applejack yelled before galloping off. Winona and I went off with her.

We made it back to the orchard a short while later and Applejack was already bucking apples off the trees. I was about to help her, but she stopped me.

“Crest, I know you want to help, but I’m telling you. I can handle this.” Applejack told me.

I wanted to protest, but with the glare she was giving, I knew there was no talking with her. I sighed and turned around to the barn. I figured I would talk to Granny Smith about me running the dojo. After talking to her about it, we worked up a schedule so I could work both jobs without me being tired out by one of them.

When I walked out of the barn, I noticed the sun was about to go down. Right after we finished, Rainbow Dash came over and told us about the ceremony in a week being held for Applejack and I. After that, I said goodnight to the Apple family and headed back to the library.

1 Week Later...

It’s been a week since the stampede, and whenever I went over to the farm, I was turned away by Applejack from helping with the orchard every time. While the girls were finalizing the party, I noticed Applejack hasn’t shown up. I decided to head over to Apple Acres to make sure Applejack remembered the celebration at noon. When I arrived, I saw Apple Bloom in the barn.

“Hey Apple Bloom, have you seen your sister.” I asked.

Apple Bloom turned around with a worried look. “Yeah, she started working the orchard this morning.” She told me.

“Ok, thanks.” I said heading to the orchard. Though I wondered why Applebloom looked worried.

After looking around the orchard, I found Applejack trying to buck one of the trees. Thing was, she was kicking the air to the side of the tree. “Um…Applejack.” Said getting her attention.

“Oh… howdy Crest, what are ya doing here.” She asked tiredly. I wonder if she slept at all last night or week.

“I came here to make sure you remember about the celebration in half an hour.” I answered.

“Huh…oh yeah, come on.” She barely responded walking away.

“Applejack, Ponyville is this way.” I told her pointing my hoof to the opposite direction.

“Oh…right.” She responded turning around and I walked with her to the town. I wanted to ask how she’s feeling, but I knew that would just make her upset. I was quiet on the way to Ponyville, but Applejack looked like she was going to collapse sleeping.

We entered the town just as Twilight was beginning her speech with a stack of note cards. I helped Applejack over to the stage behind the curtain. When we reached there, Applejack snoozed off. I considered waking her up, but decided to let her sleep with the amount of work she’s been doing by herself. I just wished she’d let me help.

“Welcome everypony. Today, we are here to honor two ponies we can always count on to help in matters great and small… Ponies whose contribution to…” Twilight didn’t finish as Rainbow Dash interrupted. I peaked through the curtains and saw Rainbow Dash flew in and knocked the note cards over.

“Did you see Applejack’s slick moves out there? What an athlete!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, but it looked like Twilight was miffed about having her speech interrupted. “This week, she’s gonna help me with my new flying trick, and I know it’s gonna be awesome!” she said before Twilight pushed her out of the pedestal.

“Exactly, and…” Twilight was interrupted again, only by Pinkie this time.

“This week, I get to run sugercube corner for the first time!” Pinkie said in excitement.

“What does that have to do with Applejack?” Twilight asked her. Good question.

“Oh, Applejack, one of the best bakers ever, is gonna help me. Applejack makes everything great, so free samples for everypony!” Pinkie yelled in the end. Everypony else cheered for Pinkie and Applejack.

Twilight pushed her out of the pedestal looking annoyed and continued her speech. “Okay, that’s great. Now if I could make a point without being inter…” She didn’t finish as Fluttershy came up on stage.

“Twilight?” Fluttershy said.

“…Rutped.” Twilight finished as she stepped to the side of the pedestal. I was kinda surprised Fluttershy wanted to talk on stage in front of a crowd.

“Twilight, I’m so sorry, but I just wanted to mention that Applejack is also helping me this week with the official bunny census, where we count up all the new baby bunnies that were born this season. She’s gonna help gather them using her wonderful herding skills.” Fluttershy said, but noticed Twilight looking annoyed at her and stopped talking. I couldn’t believe Applejack decided to help others when her work is already overflowed.

“Anyone else? Anyone? No?” Twilight asked the crowd annoyed as Fluttershy stepped out of the stage. See that nopony was speaking up, Twilight levitated her note cards. “Well then, as I was trying to say…” She stopped when she noticed the Mayor giving her the look that said, 'wrap it up.' “Ugh, never mind.” Twilight said frustrated, tossing away her note card and walked off the stage.

Mayor Mare took her place on the pedestal and cleared her throat. “And so, with no further ado, it is my privilege to give the prize pony of Ponyville award to our beloved guests of honor, two ponies of the utmost trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity, Ponyville’s most capable and dependable friends, Applejack and Crest!” Mayor Mare said as she gestured her hooves to the curtains. When they opened, I nudged Applejack to wake up, but she wouldn’t. The crowd started cheering for us when the curtains opened up, but gasped when they saw her fast asleep.

“Way to go, Crest and Applejack! That was Awesome!” I mean…” Spike said before noticing Applejack asleep. I nudged her again but she wouldn’t wake up. There was an awkward silence in the crowd and Mayor Mare cleared her throat.

“Awkward.” Spike said stating the obvious.

I shook Applejack violently this time and she finally woke up.

“Huh…yawn…” Applejack said and walked over to the pedestal. “Miss Mayor, thank you kindly for this here, uh, award thingy.” She said as she walked over to the award and yawned. “It’s so bright and shiny, and ha I sure look funny.” She said looking at the distorted reflection of the mirror. “Whoo, whoo!” She said. Pinkie Pie found it funny and started to whoo with her.

Twilight got back on the stage next to me. “Okay. Well think you Crest and Applejack for saving us from that scary stampede and always being there for everypony.” Twilight said to us.

“Of course Twilight, I’m just glad nopony was hurt.” I said as Applejack just yawned.

“Yeah. I like helpin’ the pony folks, yawn, and stuff.” She said as she started to snooze off again. I walked beside Applejack and nudged her again. “Oh! Uh, Yeah! Uh, thanks!” She said and grabbed the award with her teeth and dragged across the stage. I quickly picked up the award and placed it on my back.

“At least let me carry this for you.” I told her.

“Yawn…fine.” She answered and we made our way past the crowd.

The reward was pretty heavy but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. We went back straight to the farm. I set the award in the living room of the Apple family’s house while Applejack immediately went back to the orchard.

I figured I would try one more time to convince Applejack to let me help. As I was looking for her, I noticed Twilight walking into the farm.

“Hey Twilight.” I said.

“Hello Crest, have you seen Applejack?” She asked me.

I looked around the orchard and saw Applejack trying to buck a tree.

“She’s over there.” I said pointing at Applejack. We then noticed she was trying to buck a tree she just shook down.

“What on earth is that pony doing?” Twilight asked.

“Let’s make sure she’s okay.” I told her, just as Applejack nocked over a bucket of apples.

“Hey, Applejack!” Twilight yelled as we were getting closer to her. Applejack just fell asleep standing.

“Applejack! Applejack!” Twilight yelled again, but Applejack continued snoring. Twilight looked frustrated and glowed her horn. Next thing I know, we teleported in front of Applejack I couldn’t think straight.

“APPLEJACK!” Twilight yelled in front of her while I was still shaking off the dizziness from her spell.

“Oh! bl-bl-bl!” Applejack said shaking her head rapidly. At least Applejack finally woke up. “Howdy, Twilight. Howdy, Crest.” She greeted us.

“What is all this?” Twilight asked as Applejack walked past us.

“It’s Applebuck Season.” Applejack answered and I followed her. Twilight teleported in front of Applejack again just as kicked another tree, knocking the apples down into the buckets.

“Apple-what Season?” Twilight asked.

I decided to answer in Applejack’s stead. “It’s when the Apple family harvest their orchards. They gather the apple and sell them.” I told her as I was walking with Applejack to the next tree. Twilight continuously teleported to keep up.

“But why are you doing it all alone and Crest, why aren’t you helping?” Twilight asked us.

“Cause Big Macintosh hurt himself and thinks I can’t do it by myself, So I’m gonna prove to him I can.”

“Wait. What about all those relatives I’ve met when I first came to Ponyville?” Twilight asked after she looked around.

Applejack sighed. “They were just here for the Apple family reunion. They actually live all over Equestria and are busy harvestin’ their own orchards. And even so, I’m gonna prove that I could do it alone.”

Twilight teleported again in front of Applejack, but stood in her way. “Which means, I should really get back to work.” Applejack told her, but Twilight wouldn’t budge. “Ahem…hint hint? Get back to work.” Applejack tried to persuade her to move.

“Fine.” Twilight said moving out of the way.

“Could you step aside, Twilight?” Applejack asked. I grew more concern for her.

“I just did.” Twilight said as Applejack looked dizzy. “Applejack, you don’t look so good.” She said in concern.

“Yeah, maybe you should sit down and take a break.” I added.

“Eh, don’t any a’ you six worry none, I’m just fine and dandy.” She said before trying to kick another tree but missed and said, “Whoa.”

Twilight teleported again. “Do you want some help?” She asked.

“Help? No way, no how.” Applejack said in defiance.

“But there’s no way you can do it all on your own.” Twilight said to her as I nodded in agreement.

“Is that a challenge?” Applejack asked in anger and aggressively.

“Uhm…no?” Twilight answered.

“Well, I’m gonna prove t’ you that I can do it! Now if you’ll EXCUSE me, I’ve got apples to buck.” Applejack said before she walked away.

I sighed at Applejack’s stubbornness. “She’s been like that for the past week. Every time I try to work the orchard, she would turn me away. I don’t suppose you have any ideas Twilight? I asked her.

“I’m sorry Crest, but I don’t know what to do, I guess we’ll have to wait and hope Applejack can regain her senses.” Twilight told me.

I wished there was something I could to help, but Applejack would just yell at me if she see’s me applebucking trees. Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in my head. “Wait a minute, Applejack is going to help some of our friends out today, right?” I said and Twilight nodded.

“Well, with Applejack out helping everypony else, I could work the farm and lessen her work load.” I told her, but she seemed unsure.

“Are you sure that’s a wise idea? I mean, you could get in trouble with Applejack if catches you applebucking the trees.” Twilight told me in worry.

“You’re right Twilight, that’s why I’m gonna ask Applebloom to keep an eye out for her sister while I work the farm.” I explained.

“Well, I guess that’s ok, just try not to push yourself Crest, I don’t want you to hurt your self.” Twilight said. I nodded and I headed to the farm while Twilight went back to the library.

After I reached the Apple family’s house, I found Applebloom playing with Winona. “Hey Applebloom and Winona.” I greeted them.

“Crest!” Applebloom yelled smiling as she and Winona ran up to me. “It’s so good to see ya, but what are ya doing her, I thought Applejack didn’t want anypony’s help.” She said to me.

“I wanted to talk to you about that. Applejack is going to help Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy to day.” I said before Applejack gasping in shock.

“WHAT! But she’s already working so hard in the orchard.” Applebloom said in surprise.

“That’s why while Applejack is helping our friends, I’m gonna work the farm and so as much of it as I can before she comes back. I’m gonna need your help to keep an out out and warn me when you see Applejack.” I explained.

“Sure Crest.” Applebloom said smiling. I nodded and waited on the porch of the house for Applejack to help one of our friends.

While I was waiting for Applejack to leave, I helped Applebloom with some of her chores, such as squashing the berries and harvesting the carrots. After about an hour, I noticed Applejack leaving the front gate.

“Okay Applebloom, Applejack just left, so let’s get to work.” I told her. She nodded and went to the gate as I went to the other farm. I decided to work on the other end of the farm so Applejack wouldn’t notice.

Luckily it was a Sunday and I didn’t have to teach the dojo, so I could push my body to a certain limit. I quickly start kicking the trees one after the other. I worked for the past hour and I started to feel my muscles strain a little. I harvested at least forty five trees. I walked up to the next apple tree before I saw Applebloom coming my way.

“Crest! Applejack’s heading this way.” She warned me. I nodded tiredly. We picked up the bucket of apples and rushed over to the barn. We managed to put them with the other apples Applejack harvested. Applejack walked inside the barn and set a bucket on her back.

“Howdy ya’ll.” Applejack greeted us without noticing the increase in apples or me sweating.

When Applejack left, Applebloom and I sighed in relief. “That was close.” I said and Applebloom nodded in agreement. I waited on the house porch resting and drinking some apple juice. So far Applejack didn’t notice the trees I bucked.

After relaxing for a bit, I noticed Twilight walking through the front gate with a worried look. “Hey Twilight, something wrong.” I asked.

Twilight stopped and looked at me. “Hello Crest. I’m guessing Applejack is in the orchard? I need to talk to her.” She said. I nodded and wondered what the problem.

We headed to the orchard and found Applejack just as she hit her head on a tree branch.

“Applejack, can we talk?” Twilight asked but Applejack just rubbed her ear and narrowed her eyes at Twilight.

“CAN BEES SQUAWK?! I DON’T THINK SO.” Applejack said yelling. Oh no, that thick branch may have damaged her hearing, hopefully it’s just temporary.

“No. Can we TALK?” Twilight corrected.

“20 STALKS?! BEAN OR CELERY?” Applejack asked yelling again.

“NO! I need to TALK to YOU!” Twilight said, raising her voice a little.


I cleared my voice a little. “SHE NEED TO TALK TO YOU!” I yelled higher that Twilight.

“OH! WELL WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SO? WHAT YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT.” Applejack asked, finally understanding what we were saying.

“Rainbow Dash dropped in to see me today.” Twilight yelled.


“Yes, except that she crashed onto my balcony after you launched her into the air.” Twilight yelled. I looked at Twilight in worry. I hoped that Rainbow Dash wasn’t hurt.

“Oh, yeah. I wasn’t feeling quite myself this morning.” Applejack said lowering her head.

“Because you’re working Too Hard and YOU NEED HELP.” Twilight told her, emphasizing on the help and walked by her side.

“WHAT? KELP? I don’t need kelp. I don’t even like seaweed.” Applejack said, misunderstanding again.


“Nothin’ doin’, Twilight and Crest. I’m gonna prove to you, to everypony, that I can do this ON My OWN.” Applejack said walking away, but not before bumping her head on the branch again. “Ow! Now if you’ll EXCUSE me, I’ve gotta go help Pinkie Pie.” She finished, stumbling away.

“Ugh…” Twilight groaned in frustration and I gave her a sympathetic look.

“I’m sorry Twilight, Applejack can be very… stubborn at times, especially when she trying to prove something.” I told her.

Twilight sighed. “I know Crest, but what about you? Are you doing ok?” She asked.

“I’m fine, just a little sore.” I said rubbing my left leg. “At least Applejack can relax a little helping Pinkie Pie. By the way, is Rainbow Dash okay?” I asked.

Twilight nodded. “Yes thankfully, but are you sure you don’t want some help with the orchard.” She asked. I thought about it a bit.

“Thank’s Twilight, but I think I can handle this for now. If I feel like I’m overworking myself, I’ll let you know.” I told her.

Twilight nodded reluctantly and headed back into town. I called Applebloom to look out for her big sister, while I started bucking the trees.

It’s been a little over an hour and I’ve made more progress with over seventy five apples before Applebloom called my name. We rinse and repeat like last time with carrying the buckets of apples to the farm before Applejack noticed anything. Luckily she didn't notice anything again and walked to the orchard.

I was relaxing on the porch again and waited for Applejack to help Fluttershy out. I was actually impressed that Applejack kept bucking apples, but still felt worried that she refused anypony to help her.

While I was drinking my apple juice, I spotted Twilight walking through the gate. I really hoped Applejack didn’t caused trouble again. Twilight saw me as I walked up to her. “Crest, do you know where Applejack is? I’m afraid she cause some more trouble with her baking.” She told me. I wanted to ask what happened but figured we should talk to Applejack first. I gestured her to follow and we walked the the orchard.

We found Applejack just as she was turned upside down with a cart to load the apples into the bucket.

“Applejack, we need to talk.” Twilight said.

“What?! Huh?!” Applejack said waking up. At least it appeared her hearing has returned. “Oh, it’s you, Crest and Twilight. [Yawn] I know what you all are gonna say. But the answer is still no.” She told us stubbornly.

“Not to upset your apple cart, but you need help.” Twilight told her while I nodded in agreement.

Applejack sighed. “Hardy-har.” She said struggling to role her and the cart back over. “And, no, I don’t.” She said failing to fix her situation.

“Here. Let us help.” Twilight offered.

“Help? No thanks.” Applejack said continuing to struggle with the Apple cart. She pushed back and forward to realign the cart. I couldn’t resist not helping her, so as she pushed her weight forward, I quietly walked up and push the cart up and got her unstuck. “There. I’ll prove that this apple can handle these apples.” she said as she started kicking the tree next to her. “Come on apples. FALL OFF!” She yelled, but no apples came down.

When I noticed that no apples were falling, I looked up and saw the problem. “Applejack, I think that’s a dead tree your beating.” I told her. She looked up and notice the lack of leafs on it.

“I knew that.” She told us walked away from us. ‘Yeah right.’ I sarcastically thought as Twilight and I walked behind her.

“Actually, Applejack, I had something else to talk to you about. I just came back from Ponyville Urgent Care and…” Twilight said before being interrupted by Applejack.

“You know, I’m a little busy to get lectured right now, Twilight.” She said.

“If you’d just let us help…” Twilight Started to say but was interrupted again.

“Ugh! No! No! NO! How many times do I got to say it? I don’t need no help from nopony!” Applejack told us walking off.

“Ugh! That pony is stubborn as a mule!” Twilight told me before we heard a bray behind us.

“No offense.” Twilight told the mule.

“None Taken.” he replied. I’ve forgotten that he picks up the apples for Filthy Rich today.

We walked back to the barn and loaded some of today’s harvest into the cart for the mule with Twilight helping out. “I’m sorry that Applejack won’t listen, Twilight. When she sets her mind to something, almost nopony can talk her out of it.” I told her.

“I know Crest, I just hope she realize that her actions are effecting everypony else around her.” Twilight said. Speaking of which, I recall she mentioned about the Ponyville Urgent Care.

“By the way, didn’t you say you just came from the Ponyville Urgent? What happened?” I asked.

“I don’t know how it happened, but Applejack made terrible muffins with Pinkie Pie, and now several ponies have stomach sickness. Luckily it wasn’t anything too serious and they should make a full recovery.” Twilight told me. I was glad the ponies were going to be ok, but I’m gonna need to talk to Applejack later.

Twilight headed back to Ponyville as I went back to harvesting apples and told Applebloom to keep and eye out.

It’s been another hour and I’ve harvested half of the east portion of the orchard. I was pushing my body near it’s limit so I decided to harvest one more tree and call it a day. Unfortunately, before I could kick the next tree before I heard Applejack call my name.

“CREST SHIELD!” Applejack yelled angrily. I turned around to see her running to me. “What in tarnations do ya think your doing? Ya were about to harvest the apples, weren’t ya!” Applejack said, which sounded like she didn’t know that I already harvested a bunch of the trees in the orchard. I looked around and wondered where Applebloom was.

I sighed. “I’m sorry I went behind your back Applejack, but I didn’t want you to work yourself to death.” I told her, but Applejack got even angrier.

“I knew it! Your just like everypony else! Ya didn’t believe I could do it by myself!” Applejack yelled.

“Applejack, I know your angry, but your pride has started to harm everypony else, including you. I mean, isn’t family supposed to help each other.” I told her, hoping she would listen, but she looked even angrier.

“Well family is also supposed to have faith in each other, and YOU DIDN’T. It’s no wonder Princess Celestia gave up looking for you. No family wants a pony who can’t believe in them.” Applejack yelled. I was a little taken back by what she said.

“Applejack… what do you mean?” I asked in worry.

“Crest Shield… ya are no longer part of this FAMILY!” She yelled. My jaw dropped in shock.

“But… Applejack.” I said, but was interrupted.

“NO! I’m done listening. Ya not welcome here anymore Crest, so LEAVE before I kick ya out.” Applejack told me.

I was shock of what Applejack told me and saw no way to convince her. It was heart breaking for Applejack to kick me out of the Apple family, and I couldn’t help but shed a tear.

“Alright Applejack, if that’s what you want.” I said and walked away in gloom.

I was near the front gate where Applebloom came running to me.

“Crest… I’m so sorry I didn’t warn ya of Applejack came back. I saw some rabbits eating the carrots we harvested this morning and was busy getting rid of them.” Applebloom explained.

I sighed. “Don’t worry about it Applebloom. Unfortunately, I’m no longer welcome here.” I told her, refusing to look at her in the eye.

“What do ya mean?” Applebloom asked in confusion.

“Applejack was so angry with me, she fired me and made me leave the Apple family.” I sadly explained.

“WHAT!? SHE CAN’T DO THAT!” Applejack yelled in shock.

“I’m afraid she did. [Sigh] I should be heading back home.” I told her and left without looking back.

“But… this is your home too.” I heard Applebloom whispered, but I just continued back to Ponyville.

Along the way back, I couldn’t help think of what Applejack told me, about Celestia giving up on me. Is that why she didn’t find me.

“Crest.” I heard Twilight bringing me out of my thoughts.

I looked up and saw Twilight walking to me down the road.

“Crest, why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be at the farm?” She asked.

“I’m afraid Applejack found out that I was harvesting the apples behind her back. She was… less than happy about it.” I told her with a sad look. Twilight looked me with sympathy in her eyes.

“Oh, I’m so sorry Crest. What did she do?” Twilight asked.

“I’ll… tell you later Twilight. Right now, I think I just want to go home.” I said depressingly as I walked past her. Twilight protested but I just kept walking down the road.

I was halfway to Ponyville and I was still hurt of what Applejack said to me. I mean, I know I harvested the apples behind her back, but I only did it because I was worried about her. I wondered if Applejack would eventually forgive me.

“CREST!” I heard somepony calling. I turned around and saw Applejack running towards and skid to a stop. She looked up at me panting with tears running down her cheeks.

“Crest…I’m so sorry. I said all those terrible things to ya when you’ve done nothing but help me when I needed it the most. Applebloom and Big Mac showed me how much ya helped me.” Applejack told me.


Normal POV

When Crest Shield left the farm, Applejack immediately put a basket on her back and went back to harvesting the apples. Unfortunately she didn’t get started as she almost fell asleep next to a tree on a hill.

“Must keep buckin”. Just a few more. Must finish harvesting.” Applejack said to herself as she weakly kicked the tree. Twilight walked up the hill with a angry look on her face.

“All right, Applejack, your apple bucking hasn’t just caused you problems. It’s overpropelled pegasus, practically poisoned plenty of ponies, terrorized bushels of brand-new bouncing baby bunnies, and you got angry at Crest for helping you. I don’t know what you said to him, but YOU NEED HELP!” Twilight told her.

Applejack just kicked the tree again and the apples fell into her basket. “Ha! No, I don’t. Look, I did it. I harvested the entire Sweet Apple Acres Without your help. How do you like them apple?” Applejack said in triumph, overlooking the trees she harvested. Her victory was short lived as Big Mac and Applebloom walked up the hill next to her.

“Oh, how do you like them apples.” Big Mac said looking to his right down the hill. Applejack and Twilight followed his eyes and saw about twenty apple trees unharvested.

“Oh… well… no problem, I can buck those apples by the end of the day.” Applejack told them. That’s when Applebloom got right into her big sister’s face.

“That’s because Crest did the rest of that part of the orchard!” Applebloom yelled, pointing to the at the many trees lacking apples. Applejack jaw dropped looking at how many tree’s Crest harvested.

“But…that’s impossible. It would have taken me half a day, and he did it in a few hours.” Applejack said unbelievably.

“That’s because Crest worked his tail off making sure you don’t overwork yourself. He was worried that you would get severely hurt, AND YOU MADE HIM LEAVE!” Applebloom yelled and anger.

Applejack was taken back by her sister and looked around one more time. “Oh my gosh, what...what have I done?” Applejack said to herself. Big Mac and Twilight looked at each other in confusion.

“Applejack, what does she mean?” Twilight asked.

“I’m sorry Twilight, but right now, I need to find Crest.” Applejack told them before running off.



After Applejack explained what happened, the waters in her eye’s didn’t stop.

“Crest Shield, I’m so sorry I said all those awful things to ya. Ya knew I needed help and I just turned ya away.” Applejack said as she continues to cry he eyes out.

I walked up to her and gave her a hug. “Applejack, thank you for apologizing.” I said to her. Applejack returned the hug and we stayed like that for what felt like a couple minutes.

“I’m glad you two made up.” I heard Twilight say. I looked behind Applejack saw Twilight waiting for us. Applejack and I let each other go and she turned towards Twilight.

“Ya were right Twilight, I did need help, and I could still use some.” Applejack told her. Twilight sighed in relief.

“Crest Shield, could you take Applejack back while I get our friends.” Twilight asked me. I nodded and we went our separate ways.

Later today, Twilight came back with our friends Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash kicked one of the trees and the apples came down into a cart Pinkie Pie was holding. Fluttershy and Rarity were carrying baskets full of apples while Twilight used her magic and levitated all the remains apples in the trees. They finished up harvesting the remaining trees while Applejack and I were resting. When everypony was near finished, Applejack and I brought out some apple juices on a table for everypony.

“Hey ya'll. Thank ya for finishing up the harvest. We got some fine apple juice waitin’ for ya!” Applejack said as I pushed the drinks on a table outside. Everypony walked over to us.

Applejack sighed. “Girls and Crest, I can’t thank you enough for this help.” She turned to me. “Especially you Crest. I was actin’ a bit stubborn.” Applejack said smiling.

“A bit?” Twilight and I replied.

“Okay. A might stubborn, and I’m awful sorry. Now, I know the town gave me the Prized Pony award, but the real award is having you six as my friends.” Applejack told us and we took a sip of our drinks.

“Whew! That Applebucking sure made me hungry.” Rainbow Dash said.

Spike came walking over to us. “And I’ve got the perfect treat.” He said holding up a tray of the worse muffins I have ever seen.

“Ew! Spike, I threw those away! Where did you get them?” Pinkie asked in disgust. Wait a minute, are those the muffins that put a lot of ponies in the hospital. Spike must have a stomach of steel.

“From the trash!” Spike answered.

“EW!” We said and walked away from him.

“Just a nibble? Come on!” Spike asked following us.

“Ew! Gross! Gross Spike!” Everypony complained. I thought of a way to get rid of those muffins.

“Hey Spike, if you get rid of those muffins, I’ll bake you a few crystal cookies when we get back to the library.” I told him.

“DEAL!” Spike yelled before he ran behind the Apple family’s house. He ran right back with the tray emptied. Everypony else looked at me and mouthed the word ‘thank you.’

“Hey Twilight, could what happened today be a lesson for you to write to my Mom?” I asked.

“Just what I was thinking Crest, Spike take a letter.” Twilight told Spike put the muffins down and took out a letter and quell.

“Dear Princess Celestia,” She began. “My friend Applejack is the best friend a pony could ever have, and she's always there to help any pony. The only trouble is, when she needs help, she finds it hard to accept it, so while friendship is about giving of ourselves to friends, it's also about accepting what our friends have to offer. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight said. Spike finished writing and blew green fire on it.

After we finished out drinks, we said our goodbyes to each other. Before me, Twilight and Spike left, Applejack called me over. “Crest, I want to apologize again for my rash behavior before. Especially after ya done so much. I… was hoping ya could be our honorary family member again.” Applejack asked me with pleading eyes. I smiled and gave her a hug.

“Of course Applejack, you and the others will always be family to me.” It told her. I heard Applejack sniffled a little and returned the hug. We stayed like that for a moment before we let each other go. We said goodbye to each other and went our separate ways.

“That was really beautiful Crest.” Twilight said smiling, but I could a sworn she looked bother by something.

“Thank you Twilight, shall we head home?” I asked. Twilight nodded while Spike jumped on my back and we started to walk back to Ponyville.

Author's Note:

Sorry everyone for the late update. I've been playing Destiny 2 in preparation for the Shadowkeep DLC and working on a potential Star Wars Fanfiction. I'm trying to decide wether to work on the next chapter of this story or work on my Star Wars Fanfiction.