• Published 13th Oct 2018
  • 710 Views, 32 Comments

The Secrets of Nightholde - Bookpony579

A visit to Twilight's ancestral home brings about family drama, and the girls uncovering some of the castles' dark secrets.

  • ...

Chapter 1

It was another fine-

"You're not seriously going to repeat that again, are you?"


"Sorry Ms. Narrator, but at this point it's getting kind of redundant."

Fine, Pinkie, how about this:

It was NOT a fine day at Canterlot High. Not in the sense that something bad had happened, but that it wasn't all that nice out. On the contrary; it was raining pretty hard that day as the sound of thunder roared through the air followed by bright flashes of lightning.

"Much better!" Pinkie nodded with approval as said flash of lightning appeared outside the window next to her.

"Who are you talking too?" Rainbow asked, setting her lunch down next to her friend.

"The narrator silly."

"'The Narrator'?"

Pinkie casually waved it off, "I'll explain later. Let's just get the plot started, the readers have been waiting weeks for this!"

Rainbow blinked, but quickly shrugged it off a 'Pinkie being Pinkie'.

Soon enough, the whole gang had arrived to their daily lunch gathering.

"So how does a movie at my place sound? We're finally getting the cable fixed in a few days." Rainbow offered.

Twilight shook her head. "Can't make it. We're visiting my grandparents."

This caused Rainbow's eyes to widen. "Your...grandparents..." She said cautiously. "Like....the dead ones...?"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "No, the live ones. My father's parents."

"Oh..." Rainbow blushed and took a quick bit of her sandwich. She knew she shouldn't be surprised at this, as mages on average live to their early hundreds, making the possibility of great-grandparents meeting their great-grandchildren more possible.

"That sounds nice but why now?" AJ asked. "The holidays aren't fer a little while now."

"They got really excited when they learned Flurry Heart was born and they want to meet her as soon as possible. Besides, it's kind of a tradition when a baby is born to have them visit the castle right away."

"That sounds nice." Fluttershy nodded politely. To the right of her, however, Rarity's practically hit the floor and she gasped as though she were desperate for breath.

"I'm sorry darling, but did you say 'castle'?" She asked excitedly. "As in an actual honest-to-goodness castle!? You have your own castle!?"

"...Sort of?" Twilight answered nervously. "Technically, at the moment it's my grandparent's castle. It's been in my family for centuries."

Still, most of the other girls were amazed.

"Woah." Rainbow breathed. "When did that happen?"

Sunset spoke up before Twilight could come up with an excuse. "You'll mostly find them in the hands of old pureblood families like hers. Like, really old."

Twilight glared at the red head while the rest of the girls processed this information.

"Wait, 'pureblood'?" Fluttershy tilted her head. "I think we went over that briefly a few weeks back."

"Basically, it means a family of a particular species, mages in this case, who claim to have no outside species or non magical members in their family tree." Twilight explained. "It's complete nonsense of course. If you go back far enough you'll usually find a nomaj ancestor or two."

"But your mom doesn't have magic." Pinkie pointed out.

"Which makes me and Shining Armor half-bloods, like most other mages and supernaturals today. My dad can be considered a 'pureblood' though." She glanced to her childhood friend. "Sunset can be considered one too."

Their friend's turned in surprise. "Really?" Rarity asked. "You never mentioned that."

Sunset groaned. "Because it's like Twilight said; it doesn't matter. Scientists have proves over and over again that blood only makes it more likely you'll have magic at all and has nothing to do with whether you're a gifted mage or not." She sighed. "Unfortunately, some people still don't see it that way."

It was Rainbow's turn to groan. "Can we save the history stuff for later and get back to 'Twilight's visiting her family's castle'?"

"Gladly." Twilight nodded, eager to change the topic too.

"Darling you simply must take me with you!" Rarity got a faraway look in her eye as she began daydreaming. "I've always wanted to visit a castle! Oh I'll bet it'll be simply marvelous! So full of history and culture!"

"Is it like in the fairy tales!? Or scary movies!?" Pinkie asked.

"Pinkie!" AJ scolded her friend before turning back to Twilight. "Still, even Ah'm mighty curious to see it."

"I want to go." Fluttershy whispered.

"I've always wanted too see the place too." Sunset admitted.

Twilight began fidgeting and looking around nervously. "Are you sure? Like, really sure? I'm warning you; it's not like other castles, even in magical society. I just don't want you girls to freak out."

"We'll be fine!" Rainbow answered confidently. "We've seen way freakier stuff before; how different can this be?"

But Twilight didn't seem any more confident. "Look, I really want you girls to come too. It's just..." She seemed to struggle finding the right way to say something. "...My family has certain...quirks...We're not exactly good with outsiders...." She saw their disappointed faces and took a deep breath. "Look, I'll talk it over with my dad and grandparents and let you know. I'll personally be more than happy to have you girls with me."

The girls cheered at this, delighted at the prospect of visiting a centuries old castle that wasn't in complete ruins like the one in the Everfree forest.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Pinkie squealed.

"Of course, if this is just a family trip, we'll completely understand." AJ smiled at Twilight before giving a stern look as the girls quickly quieted. "This is your family's home and you're going to introduce your niece to her great-grandparents and if you want to keep it private; we'll respect that. Right everyone?"

This was responded by several nods and murmurs of confirmation.

"It's alright!" Twilight quickly comforted, her eyes brightening at the idea of having her closest friends with her. "It wouldn't be a bother at all! We have plenty of room and I'm sure my grandparents will be more than happy to meet you all." With nobody hearing her, she muttered. "...hopefully."

With that, the matter was mostly settled. All Twilight had to do was talk it over with her family and she would text her friend's as soon as she had a definite answer.

Author's Note:

Exposition! World building! .....Finding out a way to get this story started!