• Published 30th Sep 2018
  • 802 Views, 6 Comments

Twilight Learned: Redemption Road - Prismfire Productions

This is a canonical sidestory to Penalt's "Twilight Learned" saga.

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Redemption Song

Everypony can wait for time, but time waits for nopony. It is precious like a golden ring, but abused and taken for granted like an everyday meal, only missed most when it is already gone. The bristling wind often carried the tales of such things, hidden stories that will never be told, but always was a sign of change on the horizon.

The wind that blew through Ponyville was different, it only carried what was important at a particular moment in time. Nightmare Night was around the corner, with eager fillies and colts decorating the shops and houses before turning in for a peaceful fall slumber and watched over by Luna; but the wind cared not about them, just only the one pony currently walking through town.

You can do this Dashiel, time to get this behind you… Remember the mission, protect civilians at all cost, even if they hate me push forward.

A lot had changed in the month since Dashiel had arrived in her exile, all for the better. Pinkie had helped her find a house on the edge of Ponyville, she had got a job as a sales mare in the local jewelry store, and she had even managed to make a friend with a little filly named Scootaloo.

Despite all the positives, one thing still bothered the exiled Captain. Such happiness, such joy, all meant nothing to her due to deeply missing her dearly departed Pinkamena, who gave her life to ensure that Dashiel would carry on and her Equestria be free again.

To her, that Equestria was better off without her around, and she had come to terms with Pinkamena’s sacrifice because it reinforced the mission that her wife had drilled into her.

"Your mission is to die from an arrow or a sword blow or a magic blast so that a civilian does not!” Pinkamena had told her, and all the other recruits, during basic training. ”It is the job of nobles and the Princess to ensure that you do so. That is your mission. The civilians will not know, nor will they care. In time they will come to hate your guts. Nonetheless, you will keep true to your sugar and fly onward toward the mission everyday!"

Since she had arrived here, Dashiel had carried that out, often taking midnight patrols to make sure no crime was being committed and everything was in order. Only once, two weeks ago, did she have to spring into action; that instance being chasing off a timberwolf that had got a bit too close to the castle for her liking.

Due to her deeply rooted training, she was able to fight off the timberwolf, sending it back into the depths of the Everfree with its’ tail tucked between its’ legs. The fight had reignited a flame that she thought had died out, the pride of defeating an enemy in combat.

The wind picked up, the cool kiss of autumn causing Dashiel's ears to twitch, and a few stray hairs of her mane getting in her face reminded her that it was time for another mane cut. As she listened to the wind, she could almost hear the battle cry of her regiment that was done when they graduated her wife's boot camp.

You are now born from the shadows. In shadows you will live and in shadows you will die. From this day forward, you are not ponies, you are not soldiers, you are Shadowbolts. Bound by the shadows, bound by the steel. Repeat after me:

Shadow in our blood...
“Shadow in our blood.”

Shadow in our steel.
“Shadow in our steel.”

In Shadows we live.
“In Shadows we live.”

In Shadows we shall die.
“In Shadows we shall die.”




“The last Shadowbolt…” Dashiel muttered under her breath, once again resuming her walk towards her target. That thought ripped open some thinly-healed wounds, but she was able to carry on. Something had been gnawing at her, and as she knocked on the front door of the imposing building, hoping to vanquish her inner demons and win one last fight.

“Coming!” Pinkie said, putting down her mop and heading for the door. Being early evening, the shop had just closed, but her Pinkie Sense had given her forewarning as to who it was as she opened the door. “Oh, hi Dashiel, how can I help on such a super terrific evening?”

“Hello Pinkie,” Dashiel said, her nerves building once again but she beat them down. “I was wondering if you were available to talk, if not I can come back later.“

“No, please come in,” Pinkie said, sidestepping so Dashiel could enter, then closing the door behind her. “Go ahead and grab you a seat, once I am done cleaning I will whip us up something to snack on while we talk.”

“Sounds good,” Dashiel said, sitting at the nearest table and ruffling her only wing. The place still smelled like the day’s work, hints of chocolate and vanilla floating past Dashiel’s nostrils and making her want to drool, but being the soldier she was she didn't show it.

Back home, Pinkamena had very few resources to choose from, so it was always a mix of dishes that involved the same basic ingredients, mainly apples. This Pinkie, on the other hoof, had a natural skill for making everything taste delicious. Dashiel had fallen for the sweets the first time she had one, and often had Twilight make pastry runs to satisfy the cravings.

“Here you go Dashiel,” Pinkie said, putting a platter of lemon frosted cupcakes in front of the Pegasus before taking her own seat. “Fresh out the oven and full of lovin’! So, you said that you wanted to talk, about what exactly?”

“A lot of things actually,” Dashiel said, briefly moving a hoof towards the platter then withdrawing it out of instinct. “But the first thing I want to say is thank you for keeping your distance. Please understand, I was not avoiding you to be rude, but I was grieving and seeing you so soon after arriving here stung.”

“I could tell, that's why I respected what you wanted. And you have permission to eat soldier.” Pinkie said, giggling as Dashiel snatched the pile before taking a cupcake of her own. “Also, Princess Celestia suggested that I try and help you in anyway possible, so I'm glad that you are at least attempting to open up a bit to me.”

“Had to happen at some point, right?” Dashiel said, shrugging with her wing. “I'm tired, worn out, and feel like I can't fight no longer. However, I refuse to rest until my mission is complete. I am a soldier, a silent protector, and will put my life on the line to ensure others live just as my wife did to give freedom a chance.”

“Then you need to flip that frown upside down,” Pinkie giggled, putting her hooves on the side of Dashiel's muzzle and pulling the muscles up into a smile. “Stop focusing on the bad stuff, and think about the good! Tell me, was there any special moment you two had that you will always remember?”

“Our wedding,” Dashiel said, her neutral mask cracking into a slight smile. “We were on a good winning streak, reclaiming nearly two-thirds of the territory Sombra had took over, and he had surprisingly agreed to an armistice for Hearth’s Warming. Everypony figured it was just a ruse to gather himself, and turned out we were right, but none of us were complaining about a week long break. Princess Celestia came from Canterlot to the base we were at to perform the ceremony, and that one day will always be the happiest of my life.”

“You smiled thinking about that,” Pinkie said, moving back into a seated position. “Want to tell me more about her?”

“She was perfect to me,” Even though Dashiel couldn't see it, her eyes had took on a joyous shimmer. “Really brightened my life you know? Tougher than diamond, strong as a dragon, and one of the best damn Silent Hoof technique users in the military. Yet, beneath that rough exterior was a kind and compassionate mare, one that helped me through one of the toughest times of my life and cemented the mission into my core. That is what I fell in love with Pinkie, the mare in the shell, but accepted the baggage she carried.”

“That is so sweet!” Pinkie bounced in place as she spoke, her pupils a few sizes bigger than they had any right to be. “Sweet like my cupcakes, well not the lime ones since they are a bit tart, but super duper sweet like my triple chocolate deluxe! I should make you a batch sometime, I'm sure that you will love them just like everypony else does. Nopony has yet to dislike them, and are a special treat to changelings and-”

“Pinkie…” Dashiel said, in an authoritative tone, cutting off the energetic mare mid-sentence. “I think you are getting a bit off topic, do you agree?”

“Oh…” Pinkie stopped, realizing her mistake as her mane and tail briefly deflated. The reaction caused Dashiel to frown, and hold in a sniffle, before Pinkie's mane and tail returned to normal. “Sorry, got a bit too excited I guess, so what is the mission that you keep talking about? The war is over Dashiel, it is time for you to settle down and enjoy the rest of your life.”

“The physical war may be over, but the mental one never will Pinkie,” Dashiel said, her muzzle set in a firm, neutral expression but her eyes showed pain. “That is one thing I'm grateful for, none of you in this world have to go through that hell. As for the mission, I’ll tell you what it is…”

“Alright listen up!” Sergeant Pie said, slamming a hoof on the table that had a map of our target laid out on it. “This is your first mission, but you can bet your flanks it is a damn important one. This mountain base is only five clicks from Canterlot, way too close for anypony’s comfort, so we are to take it back with no mercy. Any questions?”

“I got one,” I said, raising my hoof, not saying another word until the Sergeant nodded for me to continue. “Just how many Sombrians we are going to deal with here? That base was one for our major supply depots, has heavy defenses, and the sharp downslope wind is going to make aerial attacks hard as buck.”

“I know that greenhoof,” Sgt. Pie said, a hint of aggravation creeping into her intense glare. “But to answer your question, rough estimates are between 2-300 Sombrians are currently residing there, and they do have shard launchers as three of our infiltrators found out the hard way.”

Everypony lowered their heads in respect of the fallen, the loss of the three poor fillies that had got turned into crystal hitting me the hardest. Those tears had long since been shed, and now was the time for vengeance.

“300 to 20 is long odds,” Spitfire, one of my closest friends in the core, said as she stepped forward. “In all honesty, I feel like this is going to be a suicide mission, is there any front we can go to first to get our hooves wet?”

“Negative,” Sgt. Pie said, as to our surprise she showed a brief hint of sadness. “I am just following orders, nothing more. Derpy delivered the correspondence to me this morning, and it had both princesses’ seals on it.”

Not even a cricket dared to chirp in the ensuing silence.

“I feel the same way you all do, this is a high risk assignment for a fresh group and I slightly disagree with it.” Our sergeant continued, her posture straightening a bit. “But we must carry on the life mission I drilled into you in camp, and we will win this fight and likewise the war. Struck down by magic, sword, arrow, or shard matters not; know that your death is not in vain because you died defending Equestria and our way of life from that merciless Tyrant of Shadows. Now, are you Shadowbolts or a group of spineless grubs?”


“Are you soldiers or geldings?!”


“Will you lay your life on the line to make sure a civilian doesn't?”


“That's the spirit,” Sgt. Pie said, smirking before turning her attention back to the table. “You're called Shadowbolts for a reason, for this will be done under the cover of night. Now, the plan is simple, Rainbow and Spitfire will be Wing One and Wing Two. The rest of you will be assigned after the meeting, and watch out for shard launchers. Wing Two is to approach high and tight from the right, and Wing One low and secluded from the left.”

“Of course Stainbow Rash gets the safer route!” Lightning Dust, the only pegasus I considered to be close to my abilities, fumed. “It is one thing for her to be assigned as a leader, but to also get the forest cover is showing clear favoritism for your marefriend!”

“Favoritism?” Sgt. Pie glared, and all of us backed away knowing Lightning just opened a can of worms that was best left closed. “Did you, for one second, take into account she is the fastest pegasus in the squadron? That speed would be excellent in the air, but I need it on the ground so she doesn't get too far ahead of her division or try something cocky. The fact she is my marefriend is mute, for on the front lines we are all the same thing, we’re soldiers. Just for your outburst, I'm putting Rainbow directly in charge of you.”

“That's not fair on the rest of us!” Lightning exploded, and I had to use every bit of willpower to keep from pounding her into the ground. “When we get through with this, I'm going to report you for insubordination and thinking of your personal interests over the rest of us.”

“Fair!?” I no longer could keep my building fury at bay, but still showing enough restraint to avoid it coming to hoof-a-cuffs. “How about watching your whole squad get blasted out the sky by a shardstorm? Watching each of your friends die as they were crystalfied, one by one, until you were the only one left! Before I was a Shadowbolt, I was a Wonderbolt and I'm the last one left.”

“A Wonder-” Lightning Dust went white as a sheet, myself giving Spitfire a sympathetic look that she acknowledged with a sad nod. “Manehattan…”

“Yeah, Manehattan,” I said, my anger slowly releasing as I forced myself to calm down. “I lost more than just my wing that day. I lost my whole squad, who were my friends since we were foals, but I lost more than that. I lost my wing, but I also lost my soul. It was that experience that got me and Pinks to form the Shadowbolts in the first place. I may have gone through the same recruit training as the rest of you, but I'm on Sgt. Pie’s authority level, and she is in charge.”

“The only one I see that is doing anything insubordinate is you Lightning for back talking a C.O.” Sgt. Pie said, her tone making the temperature inside the outpost tent drop several degrees. “You don't think I'm scared?! I know, and she damn well knows, that the possibility exists I'm going to have her funeral arrangements to make come Celestia's first light. This is not to be taken lightly, now buck up and shut up before I do have you sent back through basic, do I make myself clear…”

“Yes Sergeant.” Lightning Dust darkly muttered, giving me a look of pure hatred as she made her way over to my side, never breaking eye contact.

“Now that outburst is out the way,” Sgt. Pie snorted, slightly amused. “We’re burning darkness, let's get a move on!”

The mountain fortress was as daunting as it was secluded. A thick evergreen forest, tangled with thick splinter vines, made the path itself a challenge to the most hardcore runners. Once past that line of defense, the hidden doorway had to be unlocked with a complicated sequence involving a reflecting mirror and a sunset.

Inside was like a labyrinth. A maze of tunnels led to various weapon storages, the living quarters, kitchen, a cavern used as a training ground, and a room used to store information gathered about our enemy. Multiple tunnels also led to either dead ends or had a pressure plate that instantly collapsed the tunnel and killed whoever set it off. A few had traps set to slowly, and painfully, kill the victim by a wide range of methods from suffocation to impalement to death by acid. One even had a trap floor that led to a pit, which housed a tatzlwurm nest, and lined with smooth polished stone to ensure no escape was possible.

Heavy year-round snow covered the top third of the mountain, making an attack from that way nearly impossible, but Sombrian armor made such things possible. The report given by the only survivor, Pinkamena’s third cousin Surprise, told of Sombrians descending on them like flies to honey; their armor using Dark Magic like a heater and allow passage through the snow. It was because of the attack that Sgt. Maud wouldn't be joining us, her electing to stay and care for Surprise by using ancient Pie family remedies.

The lots yielded a few surprises, with me getting the sisters Sunfire and Flare Storm and Spitfire getting Shadow Surprise and Thunderlane. Sunfire and Flare Storm were almost identical, the only difference being that their mane and tail styles were different. Each had volcano-orange coats, feathers that transitioned from orange to red as if they were on fire, and firecart red manes.

“Alright company, here's the plan,” I said, motioning the others to gather close so I would just have to whisper. “Lightning is going to cover my six, Sunfire and Flare are going to cover my eight and four. Each of you will be twenty meters behind me, The secondary wave, led by Fleetfoot, will cover an arc fifty meters distant from three to nine. Any questions?”

“I got one,” Lightning said, and I had to fight the urge to smack her for the cheeky smirk she wore. “Just how do you expect us to stay in formation on the ground? Those are thick and full of dangerous creatures and plants. Fifty meters seems a bit too far, why not thirty?”

“We’re all wearing night vision goggles,” I said, my face a deadpan. “Easy to see our surroundings but, as much as I hate to admit it, you might have a point about the formation spread. Instead of fifty, lets go with thirty-five to make sure a rogue timberwolf or chupacabra eats one of us.”

“Chupacabra?” Vapor Trail gulped. “I thought those were just a thing parents told fillies and colts were real to make sure they came in for curfew.”

“Oh trust me they're real alright,” Lightning’s tone was one of fear, her eyes almost developing a 1000 years stare. “I had a run-in with one a few years back, just prior to the start of the war. It was because of that experience, and that experience only, that I decided to join the volunteers. My performance was excellent to the point I was lapping the others, so they moved me to Shadowbolt basic.”

“How did you escape?” Fleetfoot asked, speaking the same question that was running through my mind. “You looked like you got away unscathed the day you arrived with our group.”

“I didn't say I got away fully intact now did I?” Lightning's statement made me, and every mare, shiver and place our tails firmly against our backsides. We couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards her, but that was for later, the mission had to be done.

“I suggest we get back to the task at hoof,” I said, clearing my throat as Lightning gave me a relieved look. “If there are no further questions, lets move out.”

“Can I talk to you Captain?” Lightning asked, all the other recruits already outside.

“Make it quick.”

“Sorry about earlier, I had no idea that you were part of that attack.” Lightning's tone was sincere, but I couldn't look her in the eyes due to pain from that mission. “You're a hero to Manehattenians.”

“I am no hero, at least not yet,” My statement caused her head to tilt in confusion so I continued. “I have yet to repay the debt from that day greenhoof, it is a debt that will only be repaid by winning this war, and only then can I say that it is done. Spitfire lost her husband Soarin that day, and when I approached her about joining she jumped on board wanting to get vengeance for his death. That day will haunt me to my grave.”

“Sombra was smart, using some converted pegasi to whip up that shard storm, and it caught us all off guard. I was the lead pony for that mission, and I planned on us using a counter current to bust apart the storm and the shards fall harmlessly to the vacant streets below. However, things didn't go according to plan. He had the shards preenchanted, so when we tried to tear it apart…”

“It switched and followed your currents instead,” Lightning said, putting a hoof on my wither that I briefly flinched away from. “I can't imagine going through that pain.”

“Pain?” I asked, offering a sad chuckle. “Being injured is pain, because it will hurt for a little bit then heal and recover, it is weakness leaving the body. No, my body is still here, my mind is still here, but my soul isn't. I now have only one goal, a goal that drives me forward, and that is to lift Equestria from having to deal with the Menace of Shadows any longer than it has to.”

“I still see their faces clearly Lightning. From the gentle chuckle Soarin had to go with his calming Emerald eyes to the bright personality Cloudkicker always had. My comrades, my brothers and sisters in combat, each having their lives cut tragically short. In a way, since I was the lead pony, I was responsible for their deaths just as much as Sombra was. That's why I died on that mission.”

“But you are still here in the flesh and blood,” Lightning said, motioning to the other recruits gathered outside. “They are counting on you to lead us back alive.”

“A count that should be taken with a grain of salt,” I was making sure that only Lightning could hear, knowing the consequences of being seen as a weak leader. “Most of us will die tonight, that I guarantee, because a cornered animal is the most dangerous. I think Pinks put me in charge as a test of my resolve, to see if I finally got a grip on myself.”

“Well then, best not disappoint her then huh Cap?” With that, she walked out the tent to join the others, leaving me gobsmacked.

After taking a few moments to clear my head, I took the lead and headed into the woods as Spitfire took her squad up above, but staying as close to the canopy as possible without hitting the trees. The new moon, plus some light cloud cover, gave us an additional boost in our favor. The goggles, designed by Inquisitor Sparkle, made things clear as if it was midday and enabled us to clear the path with less trouble.

Hours were spent, taking extra care to remain as silent as possible, and true to our name we stayed hidden in darkness as we finally reached our destination. With ten guards stationed at equal intervals, each with their launchers primed and ready, I knew it was going to be rough.

“I got a crazy idea, but it just might work.” Lightning whispered in my ear, causing me to nearly give away our position out of surprise. “A few of us double back to that clearing two klicks behind us and glide up to above Spitfire's altitude. Using the cool air, we make a thick fog to help cover Spitfire's attack.”

“Under normal circumstances, I would agree,” I admired Lightning's smarts, and the ability to think outside the box while assessing the situation. “But we don't have the time to double back for reinforced air support, she is about to start her run, and since it is just us out here it would leave us on the ground sitting ducks.”

Before I could say anymore, the guards got alarmed as one of them was taken out by a large fallen boulder. A second and third followed in short order, the sounds of crushed metal and crunching bones filled our ears, making us cringe as the Sombrians started to open fire at the darting pegasi. Spitfire separated herself from the group, flying in a tight and fast circle above the fight below as clouds started to be pulled into the vortex.

“Oh no…” My eyes shrunk to pinpricks, the remaining Sombrians aiming their launches as more of them charged out from inside the fortress. In less than two seconds I realized what was about to happen. “Spitfire no!”

The distraction was a double edged sword, one that I took the full brunt of. As a Captain, I knew that I had just made the mistake of giving away my position, but realizing that there were troops on the ground only added to the amount of shards being shot into the vortex. Images flashed in my mind and filled my vision, the ghastly screams of my Wonderbolt teammates pounding in my ears like a battle drum.

“Captain!” Lightning's voice snapped me out of the flashback, just in time to see a shard rapidly approaching my face. Doing a barrel rolling, I got out the way just in time, unfortunately the tree behind me not being as lucky while Lightning came up to me. “What are your orders? Six of the troops in the sky have been killed, and two of our ground support have also been crystalized.”

“Retreat…” My order caused Lightning's eyes to shrink to pinpricks out of shock. “Take the remaining troops and get back to base, I got one last party favor up my hoof… You get the others to safety, that is my order.”

“With all due respect ma’am, I cannot follow that order,” Lightning's hoof felt like concrete against my right foreleg, preventing me from using the one thing I knew that would put those despicable Sombrians six feet under. “Killing yourself is not going to bring back the Wonderbolts or the rest of us Captain, if you are going to face the fire then we're all going to as a unit.”

“I said get back greenhoof,” My tone was like steel, but pierced like a flaming arrow since Lightning recoiled. Using the moment to my advantage, I reached under my leg plating and pulled out a sphere of metal. Inside were reverse engineered crystals like the Sombrians used, but when the six second delay ended and the a crystals exploded out, they blew up whatever they came in contact with. “I play for keeps, and when you get back to camp tell Pinks I love her. Now sound the flugelhorn and get out.”

“But Cap-”

“I said GO!” Ducking under a barrage of arrows and shoving Lightning out the way, I planned my attack. Lightning sounded the horn, causing the remaining Shadowbolts to stare in dismay before fleeing down the mountain. The Sombrians looked at each other in confusion, unsure about the cause of retreat before working on cleaning up their own dead.

Before the war, I was a well known athlete, and a popular star in both Hoofball and Cloudball with my specialty sidewinder throw. It was a skill that nopony else could do without injuring their fetlock, and that skill was going to be what spelled doom for the enemy. Taking off and gliding without a sound, I got the first two party bombs ready by placing them in my forehooves.

“This is for my units. This is for my friends. This is for Equestria!” I said under my breath and dive-bombed as I pulled the first two pins, tossing the orbs into the entrance of the fortress. By the time then went off, and the guards outside started to randomly fire, I was already back up in the clouds and out of range for the shard launches. The initial explosions made the mountain rock, with the smaller ones bringing screams as Sombrians were burned alive in their tomb of fire.

I always carried six orbs on me, and knew it was going to take all six to get the job done. Doing a half dive with a 270° back, I dropped the next two on the ground outside, forcing the troops to flee with no hope of escaping, but I had made one critical miscalculation. Due to my mechanical wing, I had to slow down to make my bank, and the loss in forward momentum put me in range of the shockwave….

“So what happened?” Pinkie waiting until Dashiel went quiet to answer earned her the pegasus’ respect. “How badly did you get hurt by the shockwave?”

“Shattered left rear fetlock on impact with the trees,” Dashiel said, rubbing the limb in question. “As far as everything else, the fortress collapsed, the Sombrians died, and I got my hide chewed out by Pinkamena when I got back to base.”

“I honestly don't blame her, she had every right to be mad, you could have gotten yourself killed or permanently injured.” Pinkie’s statement made Dashiel’s ear fold, the party mare giving her another hug as she softly hummed.

The tune was soft, slow, and gentle; however it stirred something in Dashiel. A light glow surrounded her, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, she sang.

”Over crys-tal fields I see...
The souls of many resting peacefully
All victims of... horrors unseen,
Fighting until they fulfilled their deed...

War brings on new changes,
And the rebuilding of old places
But is it worth the price of those lost?

Side by side, hoof in hoof
As a unit together we moved
Each of us having something to prove
With every win our nerves did sooth

War brings on new changes
And the rebuilding of old places
But is it worth the price of those lost?

On both sides… many bodies lay
It shouldn't have to end this way
But as Celestia raises a brand new day
It's a debt we don't have to pay

War brings on new changes,
And the rebuilding of old places
But is it worth the price of those lost?

A kind mare once, asked respectfully,
"What’s it mean to finally be free?"
The question is quite dead to me,
For its a future my wife won't see...

War brings on new changes,
And the rebuilding of old places
But is it worth the price of those lost?

War brings on new changes,
And the rebuilding of old places
But is it worth the price of those lost?

For they're the ones who pay the ult..i..ment.. cost…”

“That was beautiful Dashie,” The pegasus’ eyes widened, giving Pinkie a questionable look at the nickname. Pinkie, however, shook her head and pointed behind where Dashiel was seated. “But the price is always worth it dear.”

All the color drained from Dashiel as she slowly turned in her seat, revealing that Pinkamena's spirit was there smiling at her. The specter made her way across the room, each step deliberately slow before giving Dashiel a boop on the nose.

“I knew it…” Dashiel said, her voice barely audible as she remained frozen in place. “I knew that you would come haunt me, I just knew it. I caused you to die because I wasn't strong enough. You forgave me, but was it only because you knew you were about to die?”

“Dashie no!” Pinkamena gasped, a bit of hurt showing in her eyes. “I forgave you because I love you! I told you I would be ok, my little cupcake, and this is superduper cool because look I got wings now!”

Pinkamena spread the crystalized wings on her back, the lights in the room causing them to emit a full spectrum of color. Every shade danced off the walls like a slow and extravagant waltz, astounding the two ponies that were witnessing the display.

“That's… That's awesome Pinks,” Dashiel said, a small sniffle on her words. “So how are you here?”

“I simply transcended from the living plane Dashie,” Pinkamena said, pulling her wings back to her sides. “My mortal vessel may be hollowed into nothing but crystal, but my spirit lives on. I have been reawoken as a being of knowledge, guidance, and will be yours and Pinkie's guardian pegasus.”

“Why are you acting so serious about me and this Pinkie getting together?” Dashiel’s hoof pointing to the Earth Pony in question as she made her point. “You even said it before you died in my hooves, but you know my heart is yours and yours only Pinks.”

“I am not saying you two will be together anytime soon, now did I?” Pinkamena’s tone was like a wise, old sage giving their pupil a life riddle that only they could solve. “But as I said before I was crystalized, I just want you to be happy. Yes, this Pinkie is not me, but she is a Pinkie that's here to help you. If at some point down the road you fall in love with her, you have my blessing. Unfortunately, since I’m still learning how to project my essence, my time is short for now. Before I leave, I have a gift for each of you.”

Pinkamena then spread her right wing, each crystaline feather seeming to be so full of life despite being translucent. Reaching carefully, Pinkamena reached down and plucked one of the feathers, giving it to Dashiel and putting it in her mane between the green and purple bands.

“This is for you, my love,” Pinkamena said, smiling as she gave Dashiel a kiss on the forehead. “You always said I was the wind beneath your wings, and may that feather help your spirit soar to heights you never reached.”

She then turned to Pinkie, the Earth Pony looking at Pinkie with a nod of understanding. Reaching into her mane, she pulled out an elegant, flawless crystal that pulsed with the same spectrum effect her wings had. The crystal itself was attached to a platinum chain, forged and cured with pure dragonfire.

“And for you Pinkie Pie, my heart,” Pinkamena said, placing the chain around Pinkie's neck, the crystal fitting perfectly on the Earth Pony’s chest. “Wear it with pride, and everytime my little cupcake sees it, have it be a visual reminder of my love for her… and the trust in instilling in you to help her move on.”

“I will do my best,” Pinkie said, giggling at the ghost in front of her before flashing a salute. “And I won't let you down.”

“I know you won't, you will succeed in the mission I've given you.” Pinkamena said, starting to fade from view. “And Dashie…”

“Welcome home soldier, mission accomplished.”

Author's Note:

This chapter is a canon side story to Penalts Twilight Learned saga and takes place between chapters "Second Interlewd Part One" and "Second Interlewd Part Two."

Thank you so much Penalt for allowing me to do this story, not only to world build between time skips but to also help you as a friend.

As always, thank you Penalt for keeping me straight with edits, but also thank you to my two guest editors HiddenMaster and CrystalMysteria.

Comments ( 6 )

You ask me why I’m weary
Why I can’t speak with you
You blame me for my silence
Say it’s time I changed and grew

But the war’s still going on, dear
And there’s no end that I know
And I can’t say if I'm ever...
I can't say if I'm ever gonna be free...

You see me now, a veteran
Of a thousand Crystal wars
My energy’s spent at last
And my armor is destroyed

I have used up all my weapons
And I’m helpless and bereaved
Wounds are all I’m made of...

Did I hear you say that this is victory?

Hmm I am going to have to try reading these related stories because this was interesting. Thanks for the story I always love some PinkiDash.

After reading this story it makes my really interested to see how the dynamic between Dashiel and Pinkie evolves over time. I am also interested to see how with that evolution it interacts with Rainbow Dash and how she is friends with Pinkie. I mean it has got to be weird to have another version of you show up and have been married to their version of one of your best friends. On top of that perhaps there may become something between that best friend and your doppelganger? That is going to make for some potential drama.

I will look forward to more from this series in particular in the parts that deal with Dashiel and Pinkie Pie.

In that case you'll have to read further chapters of the original story I have linked


That is the plan and I already read what is currently on site so I will be awaiting new content.

If love remains.
Though everything is lost.
We will pay the price,
But we will not count the cost.
---Rush, Bravado

Though the price might be worth paying,
We must never forget:
For those who fought and lived,
They will never be free of the cost
Of their friends, their blood, and their flesh
Which were all lost. :rainbowdetermined2:

BTW, great picture.
And some music to go along with it:

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