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Centaris Castle

Author's Note:

Hello!! You know I have never been good at starting a story, however, here is the starter chapter for the next chapter in the Alien Twilight Series. How long before it all goes downhill? Well that is for you to discover as the tale continues!! Enjoy and the Next Chapter will be on its way soon.

Short ... like usual


What the public didn't know ... Twilight Sparkle is the reason the Xenomorphs went into defensive mode. At the castle, the aliens stopped attacking and waited for a command. Even the Queen herself waited for the Alicorns permission. Using the Queen Gene and the powers it brings. Twilight was able to give the order to stay in Canterlot ... the city becoming the permanent hive for the creatures.

Rumham turns off the T.V. and removes the hoof from Twilight Sparkle, the alicorn looked weak and tired from the day. Sunset Shimmer got the mare up onto her hooves, the door would open, and injured Coco Pommel would step inside the room. The Android would be holding a hoof over her wound ... she was lucky the wound was not enough to kill her.

"I have one more question for you ... Clone Twilight" Sunset Shimmer spoke in a weak, tired, and soft voice tone. "Who are you now?"

Twilight thinks hard for a moment on the answer she wanted to make, the real Twilight did everything she could to save Equestria from the Xenomorph attack. Even gave her memories away to a clone of herself, so that she would live on.

"The basic premise of this is that, yes, I was a clone of her, but that doesn't mean I can't try to be her" Twilight looks to her new group of friends and smiles. "I am Twilight Sparkle"

Rumham looks to Coco Pommel as Twilight and Sunset Shimmer exit the room, to get away from everything for a while. The stallion places a hoof on the android’s shoulder and smiles.

"You are coming with or do you need some rest?" Rumham chuckles, knowing the mare was probably still in pain from her fight against Mistilie.

"I think I am going to stay here for a little while, Rumham," Coco says in a soft voice, feeling weaker than ever before Her blue eyes a little faded to show how tired she was.

Rumham leaves the room giving a nod of understanding the situation, Coco lets out a long sigh before turning on the T.V. and the reporter returned to the story about the Aliens. Mostly talking about how many lives were lost, the destruction that had taken place in the city.

"One question remains, however, one thing we might not understand” The reporter continues, the sound of him unfolding a paper can be heard. "Where did these things ... come from?"

Coco grins, setting down the remote after shutting off the T.V again. The mare giggles at the question, getting up from her seat slowly. Heading over to a mirror she answers that question.

"I can't imagine where such a thing could have come from" The blue eyes of the Android flickered as she investigated the mirror, changing to a variety of colors before shifting completely. Her new eye color ... an array of rainbow colors.

"I cannot begin to imagine" Coco Pommel's eyes narrow as she glares at her own reflection, "I have a few more tricks and plans, Twilight Sparkle"

Chapter One

Rahzzy's eyes shoot open gasping for air, everything around him is cold to the touch. The metal table below him is so cold he jumps from it. The surrounding walls of the chamber he is inside of look like diamonds puzzled together to form a wall, heavily armored. There is a residual pain in the stallion's body from when he was stabbed during the fight against Mistilie Flare. As the starts to study his surroundings further a projector screen illuminates the wall in front of him with the Weyland Yutani Insignia.

"Good morning Rahzzy Dazzle, I am Lunar!" A robotic voice echoes throughout the room, the symbol on the wall flashing as the voice speaks. "Weyland Yutani has selected you! Yes!! You!!"

The black diamond shapes on the wall move from their place revealing a mechanical arm that was hidden behind the armor. The arm reaches out opening clamping down on the stallion as a bright red-light scan over his body.

"Several years ago, hundreds of lives were lost! Weyland Yutani didn't have the technology to rebuild what had been lost" The voice continues on as the red light scans the stallion's body up and down, the arm keeping its hold. "Only after the company gained its prior control on technology were, they able to replicate ponies like yourself. This technology was made possible with the helpful hoof of an android named, Coco Pommel"

"Welcome back, Rahzzy Dazzle~" Another area in the armored wall peels away revealing an open door. Coco Pommel stand's in the opening with a smile on her face. "You may release him, Lunar"

Rahzzy falls to the ground as the mechanical arm releases him from its grasp, however, the stallion doesn't stay down as he gets back up and looks to Coco. He rushes up to her coming to a stop standing in front of her now, not saying a word because he doesn't know where to start. The realization that he has been resurrected dawning on him like a brick wall his first words finally come out and he looks at Coco.

"I can never repay you for this, but I owe you so much," Rahzzy says in a grateful tone of voice because of her he is alive again. "Coco it feels so good to see your face"

"Rahzzy, I am sure we can figure something out" Coco smiles and she places a hoof over her muzzle to hold back a playful giggle. "Though that can wait ... for another day"

Coco turns away and begins walking down a hallway outside the cell. The Hallway is made up of the black diamond-shaped armor that the cell was made up of. Rahzzy follows behind looking around as he exits the cell door, segments of the armor peel away revealing many doors along the hallway. Each of the doors has the word Specimen followed by a number printed on the face of the door.

"Where are we? I have never seen anything like this before" Everything around him feeling so foreign to anything he can remember. "This place is incredible"

Coco Pommel hesitates not wanting to overwhelm Rahzzy or tell him something he shouldn't know, stopping in place the mare turns around to face the stallion. Rahzzy almost walks right into her but notices she has stopped in time to stop as well. The openings in the wall slowly close hiding the doors of the hallway once again and as the walls shift so does Coco's eyes.

"Centaris Castle, the entire building is a fortress made to protect the important ponies of Equestria" Coco Pommel's irises are a shade of black much like the wall. Once the walls stop shifting her eyes return to their normal Blue. "This is the labs where all the world’s most powerful scientist work"

"Your eyes ... " Rahzzy's eyes widen having seen them turn from blue to pitch black before returning to blue once again. "Why did they do that! That was crazy to witness!!"


Twilight levitates the book in front of her face focusing her magic as Sunset Shimmer continues tidying up the bedroom. The beds blanket sprawled out on the floor and pillows scattered around the room, Sunset Shimmer uses her magic to pick everything up and putting it back where it belongs.

"You are going to need to talk about it, Twilight" Sunset Shimmer places the last pillow on the bed and a dim smile grows on the unicorn’s face. "I know you don't like too ... but I am your wife now and you can always talk to me"

"If I say it was just a nightmare will you believe me, Sunset?" Twilight giggles turning around in her seat to look at the unicorn. Sunset Shimmer shakes her head and tries not to laugh at this response, the two ponies know it wasn't a nightmare.

"Okay Twilight, what was the 'dream' about?" Sunset Shimmer kisses the alicorn on the cheek before sitting down next to her. "Did you dream you were a pirate or something?"

Twilight shakes her head and places a hoof on Sunset's chest fluff, as the alicorn presses her hoof down and moves in closer to her wife. Twilight presses her muzzle against Sunset's in a kiss and it is a passionate one. Twilight's face turns red as she keeps holding the kiss wanting this more than talking about last night. Sunset Shimmer closes her eyes pressing back to deepen the kiss further, however, pulls away breathing hot breaths. The two mares stare into each other eyes, Twilight uses her wings to pull Sunset closer for a hug.

"Sometimes the hive talks at night ... Sometimes I hear it talk" Twilight says as she hugs Sunset Shimmer, her wings tighten the hug as she says this. "Last night the hive spoke so loud it woke me up and I was scared"

"You don't have to be scared here, Twilight" Sunset embraces the hug as it tightens to comfort the alicorn. "You can always feel safe here and the hive won't be going anywhere past Canterlot"

The door to the bedroom shifts into place as the panels of the room reveal it. An android with glowing black eyes steps in first followed by Rumham. The Stallion isn't a good knocker and comes in whenever he pleases. The Android that escorted him leaves and the walls shift back to cover the door. Sunset and Twilight break the hug and turn to the stallion as he stands there waiting. Rumham wearing a Weyland Yutani uniform as usual, after Weyland Yutani came back from its hiatus he was given a job immediately.

"You two are adorable~," Rumham says in a laugh before he continues on, "I have a schedule ... one that starts with you two!! Don't tell me you forgot that we were all having breakfast today!?!?"

"Of course, not Rumham but clearly you continue to forget what privacy is!!" Sunset Shimmer gets up from her seat walking over to the stallion. "We will be right out okay?"

Rumham smiles not really upset about being called out on his lack of knowledge on 'alone time' because he would rather be the one to be the asshole about simple things. Rumham taps a hoof as if he didn't get the hint to leave the room, he looks over to Twilight who is now up from her seat putting in contacts to cover up her Green Irises.

"I didn't forget, Rumham. I just had a very rough night last night" Twilight carefully pushes her contacts in and turns to Sunset Shimmer and Rumham. "We are eating outside the castle, right?"

The Panels covering the door peel back revealing the door again, Twilight pushes past the two and exits the bedroom. The Alicorn enjoys her time outside the castle more than anything because she can feel normal. The contacts help with that, however, going outside interacting with others that aren't just the ponies inside Centaris helps more. Rumham beams a smile down at Sunset Shimmer and follows Twilight out of the bedroom. Sunset Shimmer mumbles a few cuss words under her breath about Rumham, she never did get along with him. She too exits the bedroom and the walls cover the door once again as they all leave the room.

"Come on! Let's hurry before they stop serving breakfast food!!" Rumham shouts as they all head for the exit, "I hate when I get there, and they tell me they stopped serving hours ago"


The wall peels open revealing an empty room in front of Rahzzy, Coco Pommel steps inside the room letting out a sigh of frustration. Rahzzy steps in looking around, however, there is nothing but the floor walls and ceiling. Until the walls shift once again uncovering a giant window in the room that looks out over the city below and Coco looks down at the buildings that cover every inch of land.

"This is amazing!! Look at all these buildings!! We have to be really high up to see all of this!" Rahzzy screams in amazement. "This is incredible!!"

Rahzzy looks over to Coco Pommel and his emotions change as he spots a tear rolling off the android’s cheek. Coco's lower lip begins to tremble in sadness as she looks at the city outside. Rahzzy removes his hooves from the glass and looks over to the Android confused.

"Coco ... what is the matter?" Rahzzy's voice is choked up seeing the mare's tears.

"There is no such thing as beauty anymore ... Rahzzy" Coco Pommel's eyes shift again, however, this time they turn to the shades of the rainbow. "Nothing here is amazing!!"

"Mistilie Flare!!! It's you!! Get away from me!!!" Rahzzy closes his eyes expecting an attack but there is nothing. He opens his eyes to see the android pressing her face against the glass. Her tears dripping onto the floor below as she sobs. "I don't understand ... you are really crying?"

"The exit to your new life is over there!! You are welcome by the way!!" The android's eyes shift to black once again, a door revealing itself to the side. "Y-You can ... G-Go now"

"Mistilie ..." Rahzzy moves closer looking over the Android. She has the look and structure of Coco Pommel, but it is obviously Mistilie Flare inside what used to be Coco. "You survived ... by doing this? What is there to gain?"

"There is nothing to gain, Rahzzy" Mistilie sniffles removing her face from the glass and turning to Rahzzy. "Did I not make it clear that your exit is over there?"

"I can't say I have seen you do anything that didn't do anything for you," Rahzzy says confused, his fear of her being alive slowly dissolves. "Are you alright?"

The room goes silent and Mistilie's eyes return to the blue shade to disguise the truth. Rahzzy watches and holds back all the anger he has for her because she is obviously not feeling the best. Mistilie looks over Rahzzy and sniffles again and she walks past him heading for the exit that she created moments ago. Stopping at the door she taps her hoof on the frame of the exit and then glares at the stallion.

"Mistilie ... I know that you must hate me. Though we did use to work together" Rahzzy says confused still at what is going on. He watches Mistilie as she still attempts to get him to leave with hoof gestures. "We used to be friends!!"

"Used to be ... Rahzzy leave"