• Published 8th Sep 2018
  • 542 Views, 46 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Brass Sentinel - Chemtest

Only cowards kill from afar. Upclose and personal is so much more fun.

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Story Told

We deliver the wheels, and go back onto the ship. Captain Sparrow is there, “Well, you actually did it. Guess I got a story to tell. First things first however.” He turns around to face the rest of the clones, “Let’s get this ship rolling!”

I look around to see all the clones rushing around, “How exactly are they going to get this rolling?”

Then, hundred of Sparrows come rushing out. They all climb underneath the ship, and lift it up and off the building. They collectively lower it to the streets, before rushing back to where they began. Sparrow smiles, “That’s how.”

I shake my head, “Alright then, guess that works. Now, why was this ship on the building to begin with?”

He smiles proudly as the ship goes racing down the street, “Ah, so good to see it back in action. Basically, a week ago or so, we mutinied against the previous Captain. He didn’t listen when we said we didn’t want to be pirates. So, we tossed him Ivey the side with a sword through him back near ‘Lot. Went along for a while, thought it a good idea to ramp on a hill. Impaled the ship on that building, and the wheels bounced away. Then, you came along.”

I shrug, “Alright, not the strangest story I’ve heard.”

Sparrow looks off the side as we travel at speeds the same as a bullet, “So, I suppose you lads would be traveling towards that scavenging operation?”

I nod, “Yeah, that would be where we are heading.”

Sparrow then shouts to the back of the ship, “Short stop, full mast!” The ship come flying to a stop, and I see we’re right next to a group of ponies. Sparrow starts to push us towards the exit elevator, “Alright, here we are! Thank you for useing Captain Jack Sparrow’s taxi boat on wheels! Now, get off my ship.”

I’m taken aback by the sudden exiting, “Do you want us off for some reason, Captain?”

He continues pushing us, until my friends stumble onto the elevator, “You’re presence, mate.”

I turn my head to face his, “What presence?”

He looks all around, nearly afraid, before leaning down and whispering into my ear, “There’s a presence around you, one of pure evil. So powerful that my crew wants to kill you just for carrying it. We’ve always been good at sensing these types of things, and let me tell you one thing. You, you are in danger.”

I look at him more seriously, “What do you mean?”

He whispers so quiet that I have to strain to hear, “Something so powerful we can’t comprehend it. And right now, it’s eyes are on you. It watches from behind the walls, with out order, invoking the feeling of Chaos in the worst way possible. Word of advice, don’t trust it. No matter what form he may take, you cannot afford to trust it. Dishonest, but not dishonest about being dishonest. You did me a favor, and I’m doing you one now. You’ll know it when you see it, don’t trust it.”

I slowly nod, “Thank you.”

He pulls away, before speaking back in his normal voice, “Now, get off my ship.”

Giving him a respectful nod, I turn around and board the elevator down. Rattle and Hunter both look concerned. Hunter questions , “What did he say to you?”

I shrug, “He gave me some helpful advice, and let’s leave it at that.”

Rattle looks over at me as the elevator reaches the bottom, “Can you share that advice?”

I shake my head, “Doesn’t apply to you two. You won’t benefit.” I hold my hoof up before they ask more questions, “We have a group to meet up with.”

So, we walk towards the group of ponies. Two similar looking white ponies of the same age stand near the front. One, the mare, carries a sniper rifle. The stallion holds a shotgun. The stallion steps forward as we approach, “You here for the job?”

I nod, and hold up the flyer from the wall, “Says here you’re scavengers needing protection. I’m Sentinel, this is Hunter and Rattle.”

The mare shoots ahead of her brother, and shakes our hooves with energy, “Wonderful, you look like a tough bunch, I’ll be glad to have you on our side! I’m Sure Shot, and the grouch over there is my brother Sure Shield. Pleasure to meet you!”

My hoof starts to ache from the shake, “Yes, a pleasure.”

She hops on back behind her brother, “Well, we’re setting off soon, so why don’t you introduce yourself to the others?”

I nod, “I’m sure they’re a wonderful bunch as well.”

She nods, “Yep, there’s only three of them though. I’m sure you’ll love them!”

I nod, and start to walk to the rest of the group. I see the three standing there. There’s a Steel Ranger armed with heavy power armor and a mini gun. He is the first to greet us, “You’re traveling with a skelepony?”

I nod, “Yeah, and what of it?”

He glares at Rattle, “Be cautious around those type. They’ll gladly lie to get closer and kill you. Not that smart either.”

Rattle glares right back, “As if you have any room to speak, Ranger. I am Rattle, and I, unlike you, can easily accept ponies for what they are.”

He snorts, “Call me Hail, if you must. I’m just here to get any tech at these locations. I don’t plan to risk my neck to save any of you. Sentinel, and Hunter was it? Be cautious, I don’t want to see anypony die for no reason.”

I nod, “You got firepower, advice, now all you need is kindness.”

He shakes his head slightly, “Skelepony’s have been our enemy for quite a while, so forgive me for not trusting one. Oh yeah, don’t try talking to the others just yet.” He nods over at the two others, “That pegasus with the beam guns is quite sensitive, don’t like non-pegasi much. Give him time and he might open up. That other one with the rags and dynamite was a slave, and that’s all I could get. He doesn’t talk at all, and is very secretive. So, you only got yourself, me, and the bosses for company on this trip. Prepare for a lot of walking, and be prepared to scavenge.”

I smile a bit, “Thanks for the info.”

Then, Sure Shot stamps her hooves down, “Alright ponies, daylights burning. Let’s get a move on towards Raven AFB.”

We all pack up, and start to move. The pegasus and the other one don’t even acknowledge us as we start to move. Hail walls in a sure and steady pace, leaving indentations where he steps. I look at my two friends, “Well, this is gonna be fun.”