• Published 8th Sep 2018
  • 544 Views, 46 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Brass Sentinel - Chemtest

Only cowards kill from afar. Upclose and personal is so much more fun.

  • ...

Breathing In

I drag the huge wheel from the South behind me. It actually had nopony guarding it. I can only hope our luck upholds, and that nopony will guard these wheels. Feh, who am I kidding, it’s the Wasteland, we’re probably gonna almost die.

I push harder, and see a hook hanging off of the ship. I lift the huge wheel up, and hook it on. As soon as it’s secured, the Soarrows start to pull it up. I take a second to lean against a building and pant. My energy is recovered quickly, and I push myself back onto four hooves, “Alright, let’s head east.”

Hunter hides a yawn from beside me, “Oh, am I finnaly going to do something?”

I look back and glare at him, “You weren't the one pulling a ten kilo wheel! Now get your guns ready, I don’t feel good about our luck standing up.”

Hunter snorts, “Are you saying you have a bad feeling about this?”

I continue on through the ruined town with him behind me, “There’s a bad feeling in my gut, and I trust it. So either I’m suffering from radiation poisoning, taint, or indigestion, or I’m not trusting our chances of not getting shot at.”

He shrugs behind me, accidentally scraping his shoulder on a building, “Might just be those first three options.”

I think it over as I study the town, “Radiation and my Pip-Buck would’ve clicked. Taint and I’d be dealing with a whole lot worse. You don’t want to see me with indigestion.”

He stops behind me, “You ever actually look at these posters?”

I turn around to look at the poster he’s talking about. The poster shows a combined army of ponies, changelings, and skeletons marching in unity, all wearing the same dark combat armor. Facing the reader is a group of ponies in power armor, with bird skulls imprinted on the forehead of the helmet, and eyes with only glowing red dots in the middle. But the ponies still smile happily, as they gather around a single figure in a black cloak, also wearing a smile. It doesn’t seem like most propaganda, instead, it looks more like a picture with all the details captured, the curves and edges of changeling carapace, the marking of bones, the fur of ponies, the shiny but dark metal of the power armor wearers. And the figures smile reaches out, almost making me smile back. Above the group reads ‘Become one of Raven’s Reapers today!’ in a green and red text.

Hunter studies it as well, “The quality is beyond good. Not to add on it seems like a joint Ministry poster.”

He’s right. At the bottom, there is a scythe turned upside down to look like a smile. Written in blue, bouncy writing is ‘Smile knowing your home is safe!’

I nod, “If this is the average poster, no wonder the pre war ponies were so inspired. Hell, I myself almost want to rush off and help fight a war.”

Hunter nods, “To think it went so wrong from then. It’s horri-“

He’s cut off by the small noise of something metal hitting the ground. He looks over at what made the noise.

The panic from him is palpable, “Duck and cover!”

I waste no time diving to my right, behind some rubble. I get low to the ground, and cover my ears.


The grenades explosion rocks the ground, but I’m otherwise fine. I can see Hunter ducking behind a different piece of rubble for cover, also safe. I look over towards the wall the poster was on to see it blown to pieces. The poster, however, wasn’t with the rubble. The poster blows in the wind right on over to me, landing right in front of my muzzle. I decide to keep it.

I hear a mad voice shout, “Boom! Boom!”

Raider, singular from what I hear. Hunter peaks his head around the corner to see, but nearly gets it blown off when a bullet whizzes past him. He quickly ducks back in.

I decide to peek around the corner myself, and find my head also blown off by a flurry of bullets. I can see enough to draw the conclusion that raiders had us pinned, and we could do nothing about it. I draw my head back into cover, and the raiders stop firing.

I look over at Hunter to see that we’ve drawn the same conclusion. We’re screwed, pure and simple.

I can hear a raider start to speak, one obviously not all the way gone, “Come on out Sentinel, we can wait here forever and you don’t have food. You can’t even show a hair without it getting shot, and you will eventually fall asleep. Surrender by throwing your knuckles out, and walking out with hooves in the air. Same with your friend.”

Hunter decides what he chooses when he shouts back, “Fuck off!”

The raider simply walks the opposite way, “Very well then, gang, shoot to kill when they show anything.”

I can hear raiders start to enthusiasticly shout, “Kill! Kill! Kill!”

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”


—(1 hour later)—

“Smash and stab!”

I sigh, how much breath do these ponies have, “Shut the fuck up already!”

“Break and crunch!”

I can hear some type of melody, “Creators, are raiders about to sing?”

“Pillage and rape!”

I place my head in my hooves, “They are.”

“Chew and munch!”

“Pop eyeballs like a grape!”

“Bang and ping!”

“Threat comin this way!”

“Killing without thinking a thing!”

“No, seriously, something’s comin to slay!”

“Breaking bones so small and white!”

“Are you all idiots, look to the right!”

“Crushing all with our might!”

“Boom, start shooting, solve our plight!”

Then, a different, more masculine voice shouts, “Die puny ponies!”

I can hear a swing, and the noise of bones breaking. The melody and singing stops, “Oh shit!”

The clack of bones rings out as another swing connects, “Stupid, weak, raiders!”

I can hear a body slam on the other side of my cover, and a rattling of bones gets closer, “No, no, shit, I’m sorry!” I can hear the bones rattle again, “No, ple- ahhhhhhhh!”

I can hear the thump of a body hit the ground. No more voices ring out from the raiders, only that masculine voice speaks, “Come out friends, I took care of the raiders.”

I decide to peek my head around the corner, “Who are you?”

The response rings out, “My name is Rattle. I’ve heard of you, Sentinel, and I like what you’re doing.”

I finally see our savior. I see... a skelepony.



Footnote: Level Up.

New Perk Added: Three’s a Crowd — With added strength comes added responsibility. Nah, just kidding. Your new friend is strong, so you are stronger as well. +2 Strength to everypony, or nonpony, in your party.

Quest Perk Added: Inspiration of the Past — Even two hundred years late, posters are still effective in making ponies want to fight. If anypony in your party is injured, they have a 10% chance to just shrug it off!