• Published 4th Sep 2018
  • 610 Views, 6 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is PG-13 Season 1 - Cherry Crunch

Twilight is in for quite an adventure when she moves to Bloodville...

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The Ticket Trickster

Twilight was walking along a dirt path in the middle of Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack and Spike, helping sort apples. Applejack had promised her an authentic 27-5 Shotgun from the twenty-third Equestrian civil war in exchange for helping out on the farm. Spike was sitting on Twilight’s back doing her homework and sorting apples at the same time while Twilight lazily strolled along. Suddenly Spike, as he picked up another apple, belched a letter. Twilight snatched it and opened it. Two ticket were enclosed inside.

“Dear Twilight,” Twilight read, “Because I hate your guts I am inviting (commanding) you to the Grand Galumphing Gala, the most prestigious of all galas. While most ponies crave nothing more than going, I will make sure it your worst nightmare. Hoping you die first, Princess Celestia.

PS: May you stumble to your death during the dance.” Twilight grimaced. “Great. Now I have to go to some stupid ball—”

“Hold a darn tootin’ second,” Applejack exclaimed. “Some stupid ball? This ball is everpony’s dream! Can I have the other ticket?”

“What would a pony do to get a ticket?” Twilight asked, paying no mind to Applejack’s request.
“Anything,” Applejack told her fervently. “So?”

“You can have it,” Twilight told her slyly. “For the right price.”


Twilight strolled along through the center of Bloodville, holding the tickets in her hoof. She had a plan. She would first go to the Mayor’s home, pretend to fall, the mayor would come out with her pitchfork, and the tickets would land right on her doorstep. Twilight would and pick them up, and the mayor would beg her to be allowed the other ticket. Twilight would accept, for a price, and say that she wouldn’t give the ticket just yet. Then she would continue to—

Lost in her thoughts, she ran into a pony and fell to the ground, dazed. She clambered to her hoofs gingerly and saw Pink Pony. Pink Pony picked up the ticket and laughed evilly. Twilight looked on in horror as the ticket went toward the pony’s mouth. She then kicked Pink Pony in the shins and ran as fast as she could, the ticket clenched between her teeth. Suddenly a white pony landed on her painfully.

“Ahhhhhh!!!!” Twilight yelled, out of both pain and aggravation.

“Hello darling,” Rarity greeted her. “Oooh, gala ticket! Gimme!” Rarity snatched the ticket from Twilight. “Thank you!” Rarity ran. Twilight painfully rose and teleported herself ahead of Rarity. Rarity turned down a side street and Twilight followed. They continued this way for about two days, then both came to a stop, rather out of breath. Twilight recovered quickly, snatching the ticket from Rarity.

“Listen Rarity,” Twilight told her. “You can have the ticket, just do a few favors for me first. Deal?”

Rarity nodded. “You’re very generous. I think I need to be generous to you.”

Twilight ran like the demons of Tartarus were after her.


Twilight was walking along when Rainbow Dash crashed into her.

“Agh!” Twilight screamed. “I have had it! What is it with ponies crashing into me today!” She paused. “And yesterday.”

“Sorry Twilight,” Rainbow Dash told her, then whispered, “That was totally a lie.” Then she notice the ticket. “Say, is that a ticket to the gala?”

“Yes, Rainbow,” Twilight told her slyly. “I’ll give it to you—for a price.”

“Or I could just take it!” Rainbow grabbed the ticket and, well, dashed away.

Twilight sighed and took off running again. Rainbow flew away towards Stormsdale. Twilight teleported herself there just outside of Rainbow Factory. She hid behind a rainbow and watched as Rainbow Dash approached. Twilight then leaped out from behind the rainbow and tackled Rainbow Dash, wrestling the ticket from her.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight yelled. “I will give you the ticket if you do me a few small favors!”
Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “What favors?”

Twilight smiled.


Twilight, knowing that their encounter was going to happen anyway, went to Fluttershy’s shack. It was in the middle of a old military camp that was no longer in use. Twilight entered the shack and found Fluttershy throwing leeches into a cage full of bunnies. Twilight came over.

“Hey, Fluttershy,” Twilight said hesitantly. “I have an extra ticket to the gala. If you want it, just do me a few favors. Deal?”

“Yes!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “The Royal Leech Vault is the largest leech collection in all of Equestria!”

It took a second for Twilight to register this. “Royal Leech Vault? Celestia actually has that? How are you going to get access? Wait, don’t answer that. Anyway, this is the bargain I drive…”


Twilight was back home in the Iron Elm Library. She had hit every house in Bloodville. Now ponies rushed all around, getting things for her. She sipped from her lemonade as a pony did her toenails. Then someone spoke.

“Wait a darn tootin’ second!” Applejack said. “I just noticed. There are other ponies doing favors for Twilight apart from me! Uh, how did I not notice that?” she asked no one in particular. All the ponies started looking around and noticing the others. Then the ponies started advancing on Twilight. Twilight stared around at the ponies. Then she thought of a spell. She smiled, stood, took a sip of lemonade, took another sip of lemonade, and cast the spell. It erased all the ponies memories of Twilight’s trickery and they were teleported back to their homes. Well, almost all the ponies. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pink Pony advanced on her.

“So, Twilight,” They all said in unison. “I was the one you were planning to give it to, right?”

Twilight laughed harshly. “I was never going to give it to any of you! So long, suckers!”

She disappeared with a pop. The five ponies looked at each other. They agreed—They would have revenge.