• Published 4th Sep 2018
  • 610 Views, 6 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is PG-13 Season 1 - Cherry Crunch

Twilight is in for quite an adventure when she moves to Bloodville...

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Friendship is PG-13 Part 2

“Also,” Nightmare continued. “I shall destroy every other mean spirited pony who might oppose me. I shall go to a mysterious place in the Everfree Forest and blow you all up. Bye!” She turned into a blue blob and shot out the door.

“Spike, finish my homework!” Twilight called to Spike over the crowd. “I’m going after Nightmare! I won’t be blown up!” She ran through the doors and continued toward the Everfree Forest when suddenly she was knocked to the ground and sat upon.

“You’re welcome!” trilled Rarity.

“We want to come and defeat Nighty,” Applejack explained. “We’re not gonna be blown up!”

“And if you don’t let us come,” Rainbow Dash added threateningly, “I’ll continue to carry out Celcy’s orders!

“Ha ha ha!” added the nameless pink pony.

Twilight sighed. Goddammit, this was gonna be a pain. Literally.


They walked for a long time, taking in the spooky forest.

“Wow,” Applejack eventually said. “This forest is spooky.”

“Ha ha ha!” said pink pony, as we will refer to her until she gets a name.

Twilight jumped in fear at the sudden loud noise. Fluttershy came over. “Oh my, you’re shaking in fear from mane to tail! You need to be comforted.”

“No, no, I’m good,” Twilight said backing away. Fluttershy followed.

“No, really it’s no trouble. Just give me your hoof and I’ll—”

“No, really, I don’t need help. See? I’m not scared.” Fluttershy took a step closer and Twilight shrieked.

Applejack walked over. “Honestly, that cliff behind you is just begging for you to be kicked over it.” Applejack kicked her. She screamed. Pink pony laughed.

Suddenly Rarity saw a giant boulder. “I would keep this beautiful rock for myself,” Rarity said to herself. “But I think Twilight deserves it.” She pushed it over the side of the cliff and they all waited. Seconds later–


There was a large crash and silence.


Now they were walking again, Twilight limping. Suddenly a manticore appeared and charged them. Fluttershy stepped in front of the others and stared down the manticore. Then she grabbed Twilight and threw her directly into the manticore’s mouth.

“It will be an interesting and new experience to be eaten by a manticore!” Fluttershy called to Twilight as the manticore’s mouth closed around her. She screamed as the manticore’s jaws came down toward her. She scrambled away and found herself falling down the manticore’s long throat and into his stomach. She frantically looked for a way out of the cramped space but found none. Suddenly Rainbow Dash, Rarity, pink pony, and Applejack came tumbling down into the manticore’s chest as well. None of them could move. Suddenly the manticore burst open from the pressure and was dead. Fluttershy came over from where she had been leaning against a tree and went to Twilight. “Oh, I’m so sorry for scaring you,” Fluttershy said. “I’ll make you feel better.”


“I knew that was gonna happen,” Applejack said. “The author wasn’t sure what to do so just made a repetitive scene. Classic.”


They came to a clearing. Suddenly pink pony gasped. She was staring at the trees. Twilight looked and screamed again. The rest of the ponies looked at the sound and screamed too. There were creepy faces drawn onto the trees with chalk. Twilight blinked and suddenly there was a pink and blue cannon next to pink pony. Pink pony loaded it with—was that a nuclear bomb?—and fired at the trees. Pink pony laughed evilly. Twilight gulped.



“Why are you always screaming?!”

“Because, Applejack, you ponies are crazy!”

“So are you.”

“True. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!”


They landed in front of a frothing river. There was no way to cross. Then they noticed a giant purple sea serpent was making the water wild. He was crying. Rarity stood and walked over.

She called up to him, “Mr. Sea Serpent! I have a gift for you that will relieve you of your woes!”

“Thanks!” the sea serpent said through tears. “What is it?”

“This beautiful blue necktie,” Rarity told him, producing a giant necktie and floating it up and around the sea serpent’s neck. The sea serpent looked down at it, a happy expression appearing on his face, though soon replaced by one of horror. The neck tie magically tightened around the sea serpent’s neck and killed it. Rarity smiled and waded across the river, the surface now tranquil and smooth. The others followed, stunned.


They came to a cliff. They could just see the other side and a broken bridge hanging down. After the promise of a strengthening potion afterwards Rainbow agreed to to go to the other side and fix the bridge. She flew to the other side and grabbed the bridge. Suddenly three darkly colored pegasi appeared. The leader offered him a gold bit. He thought for a second, then kicked the leader in the chin and flew back with the bridge. Strength potion was way better than one gold bit. When she landed back with the others Rainbow grabbed Twilight and threw her over the side. Princess Celestia had still given her more than Twilight had.


Suddenly they saw a giant castle. They ran inside—because creepy castle = scary villain, duh. They went up a flight of stairs and emerged in a throne room. There was Nightmare Moon.

“Evil laugh,” she told them. “Oh, btw, you want the elements of dynamite? I don’t know why I came to this castle in the first place, but I don’t care about these. Take em’.” Nightmare Moon floated them over to Twilight and her enemies.

“Okay girls,” Twilight said, putting her hoof out. “Lets do this—together.” She smiled encouragingly at them. They smiled back and put their hoofs out to meet hers. They all got electrocuted by her shocker wristband.

“Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!” they all screamed.

Twilight laughed. “Now,” she said, “Lets blow Nightmare up.” She looked at Nightmare. “Pink pony is the element of nuclear, Rainbow Dash is the element of bribes, Rarity is the element of Pain, Applejack is the element of Truth, Fluttershy is the, uh, second element of Pain, and I am the element of super villain. Now make with the boomedy boom!”
Nightmare Moon blew up and they all cheered. “Enemies forever?” Twilight asked.

“Enemies forever,” they all agreed.