• Published 31st Aug 2018
  • 525 Views, 2 Comments

First Week of Summer - Zenyattaluver677

It's the first week out of school for the summer and Adagio now has no way to escape the behavior between Aria and Sonata.

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Day 5 - It's Just Dark, It's Not That Scary

It was about 10:30 at night and Adagio, Aria and Sonata had just exited the movie theatre and were now in Adagio's car and making their way through town to head home, the movie they'd seen had been a really good movie, it had sort of been like a documentary type movie, they'd all enjoyed it. Sonata was pretty tired now though, since it was past her bedtime, which was normally ten o'clock, most of the businesses in their local town were closed for the night and as they drove through the town, Sonata warily looked out her window, she didn't really like the dark and even though the street lights were on, it was still fairly dark in the town and in Adagio's car. She was currently sitting behind Aria, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, she looked away from the window and back and forth between her two older sisters as they talked with each other about the movie, deciding she'd get Aria's attention, knowing her older sister would give it to her since she was scared.

"Ari." Sonata quietly said as she reached forward and around Aria's seat to gently tap her older sister's shoulder to get her attention.

"What?" Aria softly asked, pulling down the little flip-up mirror that was in front of her, she could sort of see Sonata in it but not really because it was dark.

"It's dark and I'm scared because it's dark." Sonata answered, explaining to her sister that she was scared because it was dark.

"It's ok, nothing's going to hurt you." Aria softly replied, smiling at her sister through the mirror that she could see into the back of Adagio's car with.

"Seriously?" Adagio sarcastically asked, rolling her eyes at Sonata.

"What?" Aria spat, turning to Adagio with an unamused look on her face.

"Sonata you're joking right? You already know nothing will hurt you, it's just dark. You know that." Adagio exclaimed flatly, looking in the rear-view mirror of her car at her youngest sister.

"Adagio knock it off, she's always been scared of the dark and you know that." Aria flatly stated, raising her voice slightly because she was addressing Adagio and not Sonata.

"Yeah I know, but, she's just being a baby right now and whining and complaining about it." Adagio flatly argued as she turned off the road that led from their local town and led to their house, which was about fifteen minutes outside of town.

"I'm not being a baby, I'm just scared!" Sonata exclaimed, she began to cry now because of what Adagio'd said.

"Really Adagio? You had to make her cry? Can't you just go with one day without upsetting her?" Aria flatly asked Adagio as she turned back to look at Sonata through the pull-down flap with the mirror on it.

"You know Aria, I don't really care about her. I could care less if I make her cry or not." Adagio answered, continuing to drive down the dark road towards the driveway of their house, which was now about thirteen minutes away.

"Come up here Sonata, you can come sit with me." Aria softly said, turning her attention back to her younger sister, giving her permission to take her seatbelt off and come to her.

Sonata took her seatbelt off and then slid over to the middle of the backseat of Adagio's car, once she was there, Aria turned and gently picked her up and carefully brought her up to the front of the car and set her down on her lap once she had her in the front. She often did this lots in Adagio's car when Sonata got upset and started to cry so she'd grown accustomed to doing it carefully. Once Sonata was in her lap, Aria gently hugged her and began to rub her back as Sonata leaned into her and wrapped her arms around her shoulders and began to cry into her chest, Adagio looked over at them through the corner of her right eye and rolled her eyes at them as she continued to drive down the long road to their house.

"Shh, you're ok. Nothing going hurt you and you're allowed to be scared." Aria softly whispered to Sonata, continuing to rub her back and gently hug her to calm her down.

"C-Can I play on your phone until we get home?" Sonata asked her older sister when she was calmed down a little bit.

"Sure, go ahead. Just keep the brightness and volume down." Aria answered, grabbing her phone out of her side pocket and then handed it to her younger sister.

"Ok." Sonata replied before grabbing her older sister's phone and turning it on, turning down the brightness and volume before unlocking it, since she knew the passcode for her sister's phone. She yawned while she switched to the section that had all the games and then she went to her section of games.

"As soon as we get home you're going to bed. It's already past your bedtime." Aria softly said as she gently took the ponytail out of her younger sister's hair and put the elastic around her wrist so she could hang onto it until her and her sisters got home.


Adagio pulled up to her and her sister's house and they all got out of the car, Aria was carrying Sonata because Sonata had sort of fallen asleep in the time it had taken them to get home. Adagio locked her car and then walked up the steps to the front door where her sisters were waiting for her to unlock the front door, when she unlocked it, Aria stepped into the house and turned on the light that was in the mudroom and then took her shoes off. Adagio hung her car keys on the hook for her and Aria's keys and then shut the front door quietly as Aria gently took off Sonata's shoes and then walked out of the mudroom and across the hallway, heading upstairs to get Sonata ready for bed and then to put Sonata to bed. Adagio watched her head upstairs before she to headed upstairs, leaving the mudroom light on because she'd be coming back down after plugging in her phone and putting her house key in her bedroom, rolling her eyes at Aria and Sonata again as she walked up the stairs.

Author's Note:

Here's this chapter, I love how it's a little different than the others because it doesn't start at their house or stay at their house, but ends at their house and start in the car when they leave the movie theatre. I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter and are still reading this story and enjoying it.