• Published 31st Aug 2018
  • 525 Views, 2 Comments

First Week of Summer - Zenyattaluver677

It's the first week out of school for the summer and Adagio now has no way to escape the behavior between Aria and Sonata.

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Day 3 - I Can't Get Her To Stop Crying

It was currently about 2:00 in the afternoon at the Dazzling's house, Adagio was in the kitchen, rummaging through the pantry, fridge and deep freeze to see what she could find to make for supper that night, Aria was upstairs in her room and was most likely on either her laptop or her phone and Sonata was sitting in the living room playing with a couple of her toy horses she'd brought up from her playroom downstairs. At the moment, Sonata was doing alright, she'd been upset and really attached to Aria all morning and was having one of her worse days as Aria put it, but, had been calmed down enough for the past hour that Aria'd been able to leave her and go relax in her room, but had told Sonata to come up to get her if she wanted or needed something and for Adagio to sort of watch Sonata. It was only sort of watching because all Adagio really had to do was go into the living room every few minutes to check on Sonata and see if she was alright, Aria'd also told her that if she saw that Sonata was ever not playing with her toys and just sitting quietly on the floor, to ask her if she was alright or not, then to go and get Aria if Sonata said she wasn't alright.

"Well, I better go check on the little brat again, it's been about ten minutes since I last checked on her." Adagio mumbled to herself as she walked out of the pantry and closed the door behind her.

As soon as Adagio shut the pantry door, she heard Sonata start to cry for no apparent reason at all, she walked across the kitchen and then through the doorway that led to the living room. When she entered the living room, she looked over at Sonata and saw that she was sitting on the floor and crying in her knees, which were pulled up tightly to her chest and that her arms were wrapped around her legs. Adagio watched her with a confused look on her face for a few seconds before walking over to her youngest sister and walking in front of her so she was facing her and knelt down in front of her, moving the toy horses out of the way with her right foot before kneeling down.

"What do you want Sonata?" Adagio asked Sonata, thinking she'd wanted something because she knew that her youngest sister sometimes cried when she wanted something but didn't want to ask for it.

Sonata didn't look up or stop crying to answer, she just continued to cry into her knees and she seemed to be crying harder now than she had been when Adagio'd come into the living room. Adagio thought that was the reason she hadn't answered and didn't realise it was just something Sonata did sometimes when she was upset because of her anxiety.

"Look, here's one of the little toy horses you were playing with." Adagio said, grabbing one of Sonata's toy horses she'd moved to the side before and putting it in her youngest sister's left hand, knowing that her sister liked them.

Sonata threw her toy horse a little ways away and then started to cry harder, at this point, Adagio wasn't even sure if Sonata was listening to anything she was saying or if she was just crying. She was just getting frustrated because she couldn't figure out what her youngest sister wanted so she figured she'd just go and get Aria so Aria could deal with Sonata. Adagio stood up, brushed off her pants and then turned and left the living room and walked out into the hall and then down the hall before turning a sharp left and walking up the stairs to the second floor. When she got to the top of the stairs, she began to walk down the hallway towards Aria's room, when she walked up to her younger sister's bedroom door, she saw that it was closed all the way, like it usually was. Adagio stopped outside the bedroom door, reached up with her right hand and knocked on the door, when she got no answer she knocked on the door again, this time louder and still got no answer. Growing fed up with knocking, Adagio just opened the bedroom door and walked into Aria's room, quickly realising why her sister hadn't heard her knocking, she had her headphones plugged in and was watching something on her phone.

"Aria." Adagio said as she walked over to the bed and shook her younger sister's shoulder to get her attention.

"What?' Aria asked flatly, pausing what she was watching, taking her left headphone out of her ear and looking up at Adagio to see what her older sister wanted.

"Can you come downstairs and get Sonata to stop crying, I tried to but she won't stop crying?" Adagio asked as she turned and began to walk towards Aria's bedroom door when Aria stood up and set her phone down behind her on her bed.

"Ok, why is she crying?" Aria asked defiantly, following Adagio and shutting her bedroom door behind her when she exited her room, instantly growing protective of her younger sister.

"I don't know, I was in the pantry looking for something and she just randomly started to cry." Adagio explained, walking to the stairs and then beginning to walk down the stairs.

"Oh, her anxiety probably just flared up again. She is having kind of a bad day today in terms of her anxiety." Aria replied as she followed Adagio down the stairs and they both turned and headed towards the living room.

"Ok, your turn. I'm going to go and continue to look for something to make for dinner." Adagio said, pointing to Sonata and then turning and walking back down the hall to the kitchen doorway.

Aria made sure Adagio had gone into the kitchen before she quietly walked into the living room and over to her younger sister, who she immediately saw crying extremely hard and into her knees, which were pulled tightly to her chest. When she reached her younger sister, she sat down in front of her and gently reached over and gently got her sister to uncurl herself from the ball she was curled in.

"Ari!" Sonata exclaimed when she saw who was sitting in front of her, immediately scooting forward and wrapping her arms around her older and protective sister's torso and burying her face into her chest while she continued to cry.

"Shh, it's ok. I'm right here." Aria softly said to Sonata as she gently hugged her and began to gently rub her back to help her calm down.

"Do you want to go upstairs to my room?" Aria asked softly a couple minutes later after Sonata'd calmed down a little bit.

Sonata nodded as she looked up at her older sister, her face was stained with tear tracks and she was still crying a little but not as much as she had been before.

"Ok, let's go." Aria softly instructed, smiling down at her younger sister as she stood up, allowing Sonata time to accept that she was doing so.

"Up." Sonata said, gesturing to Aria and that wanted to be picked up and carried.

"Alright, come here." Aria replied, bending down and gently picking up her younger sister, giving Sonata time to wrap her legs around her waist and her arms around Aria's shoulders.

After Sonata was situated, Aria turned to leave the living room, but before leaving, she walked over to the side table that was by the couch and reached into the little cubby on it and grabbed one of Sonata's anxiety stress reliever toys out of it, looking to see which one she grabbed when she did and seeing that it was one of Sonata's fidget cubes. After grabbing it, Aria walked out of the living room, down the hall a little ways to the stairs and then turned and went up the stairs when she got to them. When she got to the top of the stairs, she walked down the hall and opened her bedroom door when she got to it, walked into her bedroom and then quietly shut her bedroom door behind her and then walked over and sat down on her bed after moving her phone and setting it on her bedside table.

"Here." Aria softly said as she handed Sonata her fidget cube after setting Sonata down on her lap once she'd moved to the head of her bed.

Sonata took her fidget cube from her older sister and began to fiddle with it, leaning into Aria while she did. Aria softly kissed the top of her head, held Sonata close to her and softly rubbed her back to keep her calm, slowly reaching up to wipe her face and eyes with her right hand after a few minutes went by.

Author's Note:

Here's the third chapter of this story, I really hope you enjoyed this one because I think it's my favourite so far, I love how Adagio tries to see what Sonata wants but is ultimately unable to and then goes and gets Aria once she gets fed up with trying. I hope you continue reading this story to see what other things Adagio finds weird with Sonata and tries to cope with since it's summer vacation, the next chapter is going to be a bit different, but, I'm not going to give anything away.