• Published 16th Aug 2018
  • 291 Views, 26 Comments

Violet - WritingIsDope

A young mare named Violet is about to discover that her mother has a darker mind than she thought.

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Chapter 3 - Violet's New Home

Author's Note:

Here's the third chapter of Violet, I hope you're enjoying the story so far ^^

The next chapter of Violet will be the fourth and final one, and I'll complete it some time this week. After I've completed this story, I'll be releasing some short mini stories I've written based on this story (so kind of like OVA's from an anime series. The stories won't be too heavily related to the main plot, but they'll still feature the characters from the story).

Enjoy ^^

Violet awoke, and she remembered everything. She remembered how amazing the date was when it started, she remembered seeing her mothers distraught look as she smooched Race, she remembered how her mother beat the crap out of Race and then stabbed him through the chest in complete rage, and she remembered how badly it hurt seeing her ex-boyfriend and former friend's corpse on the floor right in front of her, and her mother then casting a spell to temporarily knock her out.

Violet didn't know how long she'd been out cold for. All she knew was that she was in a dark, rotting cell wearing a ragged and messy straitjacket and her horn had been sealed, preventing her from using magic to escape.

For a few hours, Violet was all by herself, alone in the cell. She squirmed around like a worm, she laid on the floor and kicked the walls with her back hooves, and she hummed tunes to herself to try and keep her entertained. Violet was extremely bored and was begging to be released.

She was starting to get worried after another hour, she was worried if this would be her life. Trapped forever in a tiny cell with very little light and a disgusting smell. Whilst she was waiting for something to happen, she had two theories in her mind. The first theory was that after her mother knocked her out, she placed her in an insane asylum and told the heads of the asylum to keep her inside for good and never let her out. The second theory she had was that her mother had murdered her and she had been sent to hell, and that for eternity, she would be in this room with nothing to do and no chance of escape.

The thing is, Violet wasn't too wrong about her first theory.

After waiting hours upon hours upon hours, Cherry entered the room with two police ponies. Cherry looked sad and stared at the ground, and she was wearing an orange jumpsuit and shackles across her hooves, so she couldn't run and escape.

"Mom!! What in the name of Celestia is going on here!? Why is my horn sealed? Why am I wearing a straitjacket in a cell? I want answers and I want them NOW!!" Violet screamed.

Cherry gave a long sigh. "Race is dead Violet, he was presumed dead 3 days ago, a few hours after I murdered him." she explained.

"I can't believe you actually murdered Race, you beast!! What did he ever do to you!!??" Violet cried out in anger.


"Not all men are the same mom!! Race was a good pony!!" Violet replied.

"You stupid, stupid child. You're so naive, Race was obviously just gonna be another monster who would lure you into a false sense of security, and then not give the tiniest damn about you after some time." Cherry replied back.

"You didn't even get to know Race, you only seen him for about 10 seconds, you didn't get to know his personality!" Violet announced.

"Don't make me laugh. All men are the same, they're all disgusting creatures who just like to abuse others and have no signs of sympathy or mercy. I thought your father was a good man, but I saw the truth when I seen him beat you for crying. I swore to myself that day, that I would never let you have a boyfriend or even boys who were just friends, and you promised me every day that you wouldn't have a boyfriend.....YOU LIED TO ME!! HOW COULD YOU LIE TO YOUR OWN MOTHER!!!???" screamed Cherry.


Cherry slowly inhaled, then slowly exhaled. She knew that this was the last time that she was going to speak to her daughter, so she needed to calm herself.

"I need to tell you what's going to happen." Cherry explained. "Starting from today, you're never going to even look at the face of a male ever again. But also, you will never see me again either. I'm currently being held as a prisoner at correctional facility in Manehattan. If you have any final words to say to me, say them now. You're not going to be seeing me ever again after this talk".

"Good...you're dead to me anyway." Violet replied, staring away from her.

Cherry was heartbroken by Violet's response, but wasn't surprised neither. She entered the room at first knowing that Violet would be enraged with her.

"Violet...you're my daughter...I'm not gonna see you again after today...don't you understand what that means..." asked Cherry.

"Yes, I know that mom, I heard what you said, I'm not dumb. I'm sorry for breaking the vow, but the vow was completely stupid in the first place, and you MAJORLY crossed the line for KILLING MY BOYFRIEND. I'm not going to forgive you for this, I'm glad I'm not gonna speak to you anymore after this talk." said Violet.

"Well I'm just GLAD to know that you would have put a guy who would abuse you a few years after dating over your own FAMILY." Cherry replied in a sarcastic tone whilst gritting her teeth, trying to remain calm but failing.

"That's not what I'm saying! If you didn't have this crazy obsession of hating stallions and hadn't have MURDERED MY BOYFRIEND. I would have loved you and Race both equally. Race was a good pony, he was kind, well behaved, selfless, considerate, and just an all around simply wonderful. But YOU murdered somepony INNOCENT." Violet explained.

Again, Cherry slowly inhaled and slowly exhaled to keep calm.

"Ok, I need to continue explaining. I knocked you out after Race was murdered, you've been out cold for almost a week now, shortly after knocking you out. I've signed you up to stay at this place until you're 25." Cherry explained.

Violet looked around at her horrible, rotting cell, and then down at her messy, itchy, unclean straitjacket.

"I'm surprised I didn't notice that you were insane sooner." said Violet.

"No no no, this is just the holding cell. You'll be out of this cell in about an hour. I'm currently just covering things over with the head of the home. As I was saying, before I was caught by the police for murdering Race thanks to some detective, I set you up in this home. This is "Miss Charlotte's Home Of Sisterhood and Friendship", where you will be staying for the next 8 years" Cherry further explained.

"I can't be here, I didn't agree to this!!" cried Violet.

"It doesn't matter if you didn't agree to it or not, you're under 18 so I can send you here, and I've set you up here until you're 25. This is for the best Violet, this place will teach you how cruel stallions really are, I clearly wasn't doing a good enough job. I should have sent you to this place when you were younger, if I'd have done that, I wouldn't be going to prison right now." informed Cherry.

"You wouldn't be going to prison right now if you didn't have such a STUPID ideology and MURDERED my boyfriend!!!" yelled Violet.

"Well, Violet, this is goodbye. Mother Charlotte will arrive in an hour......I love you....." Cherry said slowly.

"Screw you...." Violet replied, turning her head away from her.

Cherry then cried quietly, and left the room. After that day, Violet and Cherry never saw each other again.

An hour had passed since Cherry left the home, and Violet was crying to herself in the corner of her cell. She thought that her life was one sick joke, just to see how long it would take to make her to snap. Whilst waiting for Mother Charlotte to arrive, Violet made a vow to herself that she was actually serious about, she wasn't gonna let life bite her in the ass. She was gonna kick life's ass, and get through the rest of her life without snapping.

As soon as she had the chance...Violet would escape this horrible place...

Violet heard footsteps coming towards the door. Violet was getting scared, how bad was this "Mother Charlotte" pony gonna be?

The door opened and Mother Charlotte entered the room.

"Hello there dearie!" announced Mother Charlotte. She had a happy-go-lucky, cheery voice, that sounded really sweet, it would give Windy Whistle's voice a run for her money. She was a fairly tall unicorn mare that was light orange. She had a purple mane and her cutie mark was a candle.

Mother Charlotte walked up to Violet, grabbed her cheeks with her hooves, and gave her five passionate kisses on the top of her head.

"You are saved now, my daughter." Mother Charlotte told Violet.

Violet was confused, and had no idea what to say. Since Violet was bisexual, she thought it was nice to have her head kissed by a mare who she thought was honestly pretty attractive.

"Look, I know what you're thinking. Where am I? Why am I in a cell wearing a straitjacket? What did I do to deserve this? Well don't you worry, I'll explain everything to you. You're here at Mother Charlotte's Home Of Sisterhood and Friendship, a home that's simply one big happy family. There's seventeen more sisters who just can't wait to meet you! Now, we know what you did, and it was wrong, but we forgive you for that. Just join our family, you're amazing life will start after the initiation! Are you ready?" Mother Charlotte explained.

Violet thought to herself that she really didn't have any choice, so she just nodded her head.

"That's wonderful news dearie! I'll get you out of that horrible straitjacket very soon, I just need to go fill out some more papers. I know patience is hard, but you've been doing a wonderful job so far, just hang on for a TINY bit longer." Mother Charlotte then left the room and Violet was by herself again.

20 minutes passed and Mother Charlotte returned to release Violet from her cell and straitjacket.

"Again dearie, I'm so sorry for the wait. I'll get you out of that messy old straitjacket now. Don't worry, if you don't misbehave, you'll never have to wear it again." said Mother Charlotte.

Mother Charlotte unbuckled the straps of Violet's straitjacket and Violet was released. Violet looked down at her body and was happy to see again, but also noticed that her hippie peace sign necklace had gone.

"Now before we get started with the initiation, there's a few things I must tell you. We had to keep you in that cell for a few hours just so you wouldn't escape so we could file the forms to say that you were allowed to stay here and not allowed to escape. Your mother had signed you up before she was arrested. I think it was wrong for her to be arrested though, she did a good thing." Mother Charlotte explained.

Violet gave Mother Charlotte a sneaky cold stare, how could Mother Charlotte just say that without even getting to know Race's personality?

"You may have also noticed that when I took of your straitjacket, I left your horn sealer on. Unfortunately for you, that thing is on for good, it's permanently locked onto your horn. I am the only pony in this home who can use magic. It is only left on so that the sisters who are unicorns can't escape using their magic. The sisters who are pegasi also have their wings bound, so they can't fly away. Our sisters need to stay home at all times unless they are required to leave, but I will be leaving with them. Now that that's out of the way, it's time for initiation! Follow me!" Mother Charlotte cheerily announced.

Violet followed Mother Charlotte as they walked through the home. Some of the sisters saw Violet and gave her hugs and kisses on the head and cheeks. Violet noticed that all of the sisters were wearing a certain necklace. It was a straight line that went down with a line that also went across at the top. Violet just guessed that she will be wearing it after her initiation and it will be explained what it is to her.

"You'll be joining us soon new sister, good luck on initiation." one of the sisters told Violet, who then proceeded to give her a peck on the cheek.

After walking down the hallway for a short while, Mother Charlotte opened the door and Violet entered the room. The door for the room simply read "Initiation". Violet was now starting to get nervous, but it surely couldn't be worse than being left in the cell.

Inside the room, there was a box with an open door at the side. The door of the box had a few padlocks on it. The box also had a hole at the top, which could fit around someone's neck. At the top of the ceiling in the room, there was a bucket with a tap on top. Violet knew that she was gonna be locked inside of the box, but wasn't exactly sure what the bucket would tip on her, she hoped it would only be water. She thought that this was gonna be one strange initiation.

"Before we proceed, you haven't eaten in a while. You just stay in here whilst I go and get you some soup." said Mother Charlotte.

Violet waited for 15 minutes in the room, and then Mother Charlotte returned with some tomato soup and a glass of water. Violet quickly scoffed the soup and water, she thought the food was average but that was the least of her problems, she was more concerned on trying to escape later on and grieving the loss of her boyfriend and social life.

"Now, please get into the box, Violet." said Mother Charlotte.

Violet knew she had to do either this for probably a few minutes, or be stuck inside of a cell for Celestia knows how long, so Violet decided to get into the box. Once Violet got into the box, Mother Charlotte locked the door with Violet's head sticking through the hole, but Violet knew that was going to happen. Violet didn't like the small space in the box and found it very uncomfortable. She hoped that this would be over and done with very quickly and then hopefully get something to eat afterwards.

"Ok, here is how the initiation will proceed. Starting now, for the next 24 hours, you will be locked inside of this box." Mother Charlotte announced.

Violet's eyes widened, she thought she was only going to be in here for at most a few minutes. However, there was nothing she could do to escape so she had no choice but to stay put and listen to what was going to happen.

"Every 10 minutes, the bucket will drop and cold water will be poured over you. If you can remain silent in this box for a whole day, then you will be allowed out of the cell for good, unless you misbehave, and become a sister for good. If you make any noises during the next 24 hours, you will be placed back into the cell for another day, and there will be another initiation soon after. You will be fed and watered three times, once more tonight and twice tomorrow. Do you have any questions?" Mother Charlotte asked.

"Yes, what exactly is the point in all of this?" asked Violet.

"This initiation is determine your patience and loyalty to the sisterhood. We will keep trying this until you succeed though, so if you fail the first time, you'll have another chance. The time now is 5pm, so if you complete the initiation, you will be released at 5pm tomorrow." explained Mother Charlotte. "Now, I'll be back in a few hours with some bread and water. I wish you the best of luck Violet."

Mother Charlotte left the room and locked the door, as Violet sat there, locked away in her box with very little room. Ten minutes after Mother Charlotte left, a waterfall of ice cold water poured drastically over Violet's head. Violet loudly gasped but didn't say anything or scream, as she knew that she would be sent back to the cell if she did. She didn't want to be sent back to the cell and have to do this again, so Violet put up and shut up with the initiation.

After a treacherous 23 hours, Violet was cold, wet, miserable, and uncomfortable. She was begging to be released but unfortunately had to wait for one more hour and 6 more waterfalls. Violet knew that she could do this and that she was a strong mare, she wouldn't let a measly hour take away her sanity.

An hour had passed, and Violet was still in the box. The water had stopped pouring on her head but she was still in an uncomfortable position and desperately wanted to get out of this torture device. Mother Charlotte then entered the room with a huge smile on her face.

"Congratulations Violet! You've completed the initiation! I'm so proud of you!" exclaimed Mother Charlotte.

Mother Charlotte unlocked the padlocks and Violet fell out of the box, onto the floor, coughing like crazy.

"That was horrible! I never want to go through something like that again! I'd lose my saneness!" cried Violet.

"Oh, but it is over now Dearie, and you'll never have to do it again." said Mother Charlotte.

"Thank Celestia..." murmured Violet under her breath.

"I'll get you all dried up now dearie, then it will be time!" explained Mother Charlotte.

Mother Charlotte then dried off Violet using a bunch of towels, and afterwards took her to the dining room. In the dining room, there were a lot of young mares all wearing the same necklace and eating a dinner of bread and water. They all had smiles on their faces and were very happy.

"Attention everypony!" shouted Mother Charlotte as she used her magic to bang together a spoon and glass.

All of the ponies went silent and then stared at Mother Charlotte and Violet.

"Today, we have a new sister joining us!" Mother Charlotte explained. "Her mother signed her up recently after she was caught having a boyfriend-"

Mother Charlotte was then interrupted with a room full of gasps, oh dears and shaking heads.

"Girls! Girls! Please do not judge her! For she is here to heal herself and learn the truth! That is what some of you are here for, am I right?" Mother Charlotte rhetorically asked, with some of the girls agreeing with her.

"Good. As I said, starting today, Violet will become a sister. After the coronation, she will be assigned a close sister. I've already decided who it will be, and I will tell you who after the necklace has been placed around her neck. Sister Lemon Drop, please can you get a necklace quickly from my office?" Mother Charlotte asked.

Lemon Drop then nodded her head and got a necklace from Mother Charlotte's office, it was the same necklace that everyone else was wearing, the straight line down with another line going across, but it had a shorter lace to it. This confused Violet, as she didn't see a clasp at the back and was wondering how it would fit around her neck. Sister Lemon Drop placed the necklace on the table in front of Violet.

"Thank you Sister Lemon Drop, you may now return to your seat." Mother Charlotte instructed. "Violet, do you swear to remain loyal, truthful, patient, and caring to the sisterhood? Do you swear to love your mother and your sisters unconditionally, and put no one else before them? And do you also swear to yourself to live a life of chastity, and never to love any stallion again?"

Violet had no choice but to answer yes. She wanted to put on an act before she escaped and certainly didn't want to return to the horrible cell.

"Yes, I swear." said Violet.

"Good. Now by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you...a new sister of The Home Of Sisterhood and Friendship" announced Mother Charlotte.

Mother Charlotte used her magic to extend the lace on the necklace. The necklace was then placed onto Violet around her neck. Once the necklace was around her neck, Mother Charlotte used her magic to shorten the lace and make it shorter and tight around her neck so it was impossible to take off. Runes were then displayed on the lace of the necklace, so that no longer forth, the necklace could not be removed, even by the magic of anypony else, even Mother Charlotte. The necklace was very tight around Violet's neck, and it felt very uncomfortable.

Violet made a painful "tssk" sound and quietly muttered "ouch" under her breath.

"Sisters! Rejoice! Your new sister is officially here!" Mother Charlotte cried.

All of the mares in the room clapped and cheered for Violet, they were happy that they had a new sister to join them.

"Now, for the assignment of the close sister. Sister Violet, your close sister will be....Sister Evergreen." announced Mother Charlotte.

Evergreen was a light green earth pony with a dark yellow mane. She gasped and put her hooves over her mouth. She cried small tears of joy as her pupils widened.

"SISTER!!!!!" Evergreen shouted as she then gave Violet a big hug, Violet had no choice but to hug Evergreen back, as Evergreen have her a passionate kiss on the head.

"I'm so happy to finally have a close sister! I've waited months for a new sister to join! Yay!!" Evergreen shouted.

"Ummm...it's nice to meet you too Sister Evergreen.." Violet replied.

After a meal of bread and water. Violet was instructed to go to Evergreen's room, as that would be where she would stay from now on. Evergreen's room had two beds, a lamp, raggedy curtains, and was just generally unclean. Violet knew from just looking at this room that she needed to escape as soon as possible. Violet then sat on her new bed, which wasn't too uncomfortable, but a lot more comfortable than the box she was stuck in.

"You may be wondering why there's 2 beds even though I'm the only one who sleeps in this room. Well, the thing is, I've been waiting so long for a new close sister, 5 months exactly, that this bed has just been empty since my last close sister stayed in here" Evergreen explained.

"Last close sister?" asked Violet.

"Yeah, when a mare here turns 25 years old, they're allowed to leave the home and move on to live normal lives, but the home still keeps an eye on them, just in case the mare doesn't betray the home or anything like that. I've been here for 2 years, I joined when I was 19, I'm now 21. So in 4 years, I'll be leaving and then you'll have a close sister to stay with until you leave." Evergreen explained.

After hearing all of that, Violet knew she had to escape, she couldn't let the home dominate her entire life.

"I have to ask though, how come you're so happy all the time. Do you like your life being dominated and decided for you? Wouldn't you rather be independent?" asked Violet.

"Nah, I've gotten used to this lifestyle." Evergreen explained. "I like it a lot here."

"What about when you had to do you initiation? Didn't you think it was tough?" Violet asked.

"Oh yeah, the initiation, that was tough. Well done on getting through that by the way, thank Celestia we never have to do that horrible thing again. I didn't understand it at first, but I do now. It's just to test our patience and loyalty. Anypony who wasn't loyal or patient would have screamed to get out." informed Evergreen.

"It's really dark if you think about it, just torturing somepony until they agree to join. Isn't that kind of against pony rights?" Violet asked.

"Well that's why there were forms that had to be signed before we joined. My mom signed my forms for me." Evergreen told Violet.

"Same here." Violet replied. "Hey, have you ever thought about escaping this place?"

Evergreen laughed. "Oh Sister Violet, you're so funny. Why would we wanna escape this place? We love it here!" exclaimed Evergreen.

"Yeah...we...." Violet replied. "And what about these necklaces?"

"What about them?" Evergreen asked.

"What's the point of them? Why can't we take them off? I used to wear a hippie peace sign necklace non-stop, but it wasn't sealed onto my body with runes like these ones? Is there a reason we can't take these off?" Violet asked.

"I don't know, I've never been explained why. I'm guessing it's just to show our undying love and devotion to the home. So, I'm proud to wear it if that's the case." Evergreen explained.

"They also hurt like Tartarus, I have this horrible stinging sensation around my neck. I wanna take this necklace off so it'll go away." exclaimed Violet as she was having a hard time trying to take the necklace off with just her hooves as she grunted multiple times.

"I had the sensation at first, you'll get used to it after some time. Also, you might as well stop trying to take the necklace off, it's stuck onto you forever, remember?" Evergreen told Violet.

"Yeah, that was pretty dumb of me." Violet was embarrassed to say.

"Anyways, it's getting pretty late, and we have a big day of cleaning and learning to do tomorrow. Best get some shut eye." said Evergreen.

Evergreen then got out of her bed and got into Violet's bed, where she snuggled up to her.

"Nighty night Sister Violet." Evergreen said as she kissed her passionately on the head, nose, and lips. "Sweet dreams princess".

After another passionate kiss on the lips, Evergreen went back to her bed and fell asleep. Violet couldn't believe what happened, she was actually kissed on the lips by a girl.

After that happened, Violet knew that now was the right time to escape. She couldn't stay in that hell-hole any longer.