
by WritingIsDope

First published

A young mare named Violet is about to discover that her mother has a darker mind than she thought.



Violet is a young unicorn mare who lives in Whinnyapolis, Equestria. She lives a fairly usual life besides the fact that she has an over the top strict and male hating mother. When Violet gets a boyfriend and keeps it a secret from her mother, her mother soon discovers the truth and is enraged, she murders her boyfriend while also knocking out Violet. Violet is then sent to a large home with other mares where she is to become a sister, Violet finds out that this place is much worse than her home, so she must escape.

Chapter 1 - Before The Event

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Violet is a 17 year old unicorn from Whinnyapolis. Her best friend is Lulu who she hangs out with every single day, she has other friends too (some who are boys that her mother doesn't know about), but no friend is closer to her than Lulu. Violet thought she had a good life, she knew her mother was very strict and had a hatred towards all males, but she got used to it over time, despite the fact that she disagreed with her. In front of her mother, Violet pretended that she hated men, but she didn't in reality, as some of her closest friends were males.

"Have you got all your things?" Violet's mother Cherry asked.

"Yes mom, I've got all my things. Lulu is meeting me at the bus stop in 10 minutes so I better get going." Violet replied.

Violet's mother gave her a warm smile, "One more thing before you leave dear. I know you already know this, but I have to remind you in the rare case that you don't. Under absolutely NO circumstances, are you allowed a boyfriend. Not even boys who are just friends, do you hear me young lady?"

Violet smiled and rolled her eyes, "Yes mom, no boyfriends and no boys who are friends, I hear you loud and clear. Bye!" Violet slammed the door and ran to the bus stop.

"Vi!!" Lulu shouted when she saw Violet running over.

"Lulu!!" Violet replied.

Violet then gave Lulu a hug whilst she was out of breath.

"Kisses!" they exclaimed in unison as they both gave each other 2 kisses on each cheek.

"The bus will arrive in two minutes, you're usually here before me, what took you so long this morning?" Lulu asked.

"Sorry Lu, I kinda overslept a little. Don't know why though." Violet said nervously smiling.

"Yes, that is out of the norm for you." Lulu said, then giving her friend a boop on the nose.

"Oh! The bus is here! Let's get going!" said Violet.

The girls arrived at school, put their stuff in their locker, and then sat down in their classroom. Their teacher, Miss Sweetie Plum, entered the room. She was a very kind teacher who cared deeply about her students, and she had some big news to tell them.

"Okay class, settle down." Miss Sweetie Plum announced. "We have a new student joining us today, so please all be kind and give a warm welcome to Race, who has moved here all the way from Cloudsdale in Southern Equestria".

Race lightly flew into the room. "H-hey everyone. My name is Race, it's nice to get to meet all of you for the first time. I hope we'll all get along and become great friends".

Most of the students lightly clapped as Race sat down, but the class bully, Bulge Popper, didn't like him one bit. Then again, Bulge didn't like anyone except himself.

"What do you think of the new kid?" Lulu quietly asked Violet.

"He seems like a nice guy, I'll probably be his friend. Mom would kill me if she found out I have some guy friends though." she chuckled quietly.

It was lunch time, and Whinnyapolis High's cafeteria was extremely crowded, as per usual. Of course, Violet and Lulu sat together next to each other on their own table in the corner of the cafeteria. Whilst talking to each other about rumours such as Discord having a crush on Fluttershy (the elements of harmony are extremely popular in all parts of Equestria, due to the leader of the Elements Of Harmony being the very well known Princess Of Friendship) and Hinny Of The Hills finally making a return to Whinnyapolis next month, Violet realised something.

"Oh shoot! Sorry Lulu, but I have to get back to class. I left my bag underneath my desk. If Bulge finds it, he'll probably take it and put it in the guys room again." Violet explained.

"Ugh, I can't stand that jerk. Be quick though, I have a lot more elements of harmony crush rumours to discuss." Lulu replied as she showed Violet her book of EOH gossip.

Violet rushed back to her classroom and saw her bag underneath her desk, she gave a sigh of relief and walked into the classroom to get it. After collecting her bag, she placed it in her locker, then at the end of the corridor, heard a mean spirited conversation going on.

"Look, I'm sorry alright, it was j-just an accident! I swear it won't happen again!" Race told Bulge as Bulge had him pinned in a corner.

"You're lucky I got another free meal afterwards you little dumbass. I'm not gonna kill ya, but I'll beat ya senseless. After school today, 3pm, buckball court, be there." Bulge harshly announced.

Bulge shoved Race into a locker and locked him inside, then walking away whistling a tune. He then noticed Violet angrily staring at him.

"Well looky here, if it isn't Little Miss Guy's Bathroom." announced Bulge.

"Sweet Celestia, that's got to be the worst insult I've ever heard in my entire life. Anyway, leave Race alone and get him out of that locker right now, or Miss Sweetie Plum will know about this, and she will NOT be happy." Violet looked like an angry bull, about to charge at the red flag.

"Why don't you make me, bitch? I'm sure your mom wouldn't be happy knowing that you spoke to a guy and actually helped another." Bulge replied with an evil smug.

"H-how do you know about my mom hating men?" Violet replied nervously.

"Everyone knows about that you dumbass, now get out of my way before you end up in the locker with him!" Bulge exclaimed.

"Bulge!!" Miss Sweetie Plum shouted from behind. "I've heard and seen quite enough of that thank you! Shoving a student into a locker and locking him inside could possibly lead to your exclusion! Have you not learn anything from the princess of friendship!".

"I..uh..I.." Bulge was at a loss for words. Miss Sweetie Plum was Bulge's cousin, so if she told Bulge's mom, Bulge would be a dead pony.

"I'm sorry cuz, it won't happen again." Bulge replied.

"Bulge Popper, when you are at this school, you will not address me as your cousin, you will address me as your teacher, do you understand?" Miss Sweetie Plum sternly announced.

"Yes Miss Sweetie Plum." Bulge replied in a slow and uncaring tone.

"Now, as soon as I've gotten Race out of the locker, I will be calling your mother and telling her about this behaviour of yours, and she will be deciding your punishment." said Miss Sweetie Plum.

Bulge was scared, so he ran quickly down the hall as fast as he could. After Bulge ran away, Miss Sweetie Plum got Race out of the locker using the key on her lanyard.

"I'm so sorry Race, are you doing okay? What happened?" Miss Sweetie Plum asked, giving him a warm hug.

Race spoke. "I'm better now thanks, and I accidentally fell onto Bulge after slightly tripping in the school cafeteria, so his food got everywhere. His face went red with anger at first and it looked like he was going to beat the living daylight out of me right then and there, but he was given another school meal for free because the dinner lady saw the accident, so Bulge let go of me, but after he finished his meal and I was halfway finished with mine, he grabbed me with his magic and pulled me into the school corridor and said-"

"That's ok, you don't need to tell me everything, I heard the whole conversation in the hallway. It's fine now, I'll make sure he won't pick on you anymore." Miss Sweetie Plum explained.

"Okay, thank you very much Miss Sweetie Plum, and thank you too...sorry, what's your name?" asked Race.

"Oh, Violet. My name is Violet. Also, anytime, no problem! Bulge has bullied me a couple times before. He's done it to most people in this school, and he doesn't have any friends." Violet said in a sad tone.

"That's pretty sad, everyone needs at least one friend." Race replied. "Well, can I be your friend?" Race asked.

"Sure! Of course! The more friends the merrier!" Violet replied with a big smile.

"Yay! A new friendship has been made!" Miss Sweetie Plum happily announced. "Oh, I can't wait to tell your mother all about this Violet, she will be so proud of you for sticking up for another pony and making a new friend!".

"No! Please Miss Sweetie Plum! You CANNOT tell my mother that I helped out a guy!" Violet exclaimed in fear.

"Why ever not? I'm sure she would be really proud of you for standing up to a bully and making a new friend." Miss Sweetie Plum questioned in confusion.

"I-it's personal. Just please, don't tell her that I helped out a guy. My mom would not be happy about it." Violet said quietly, backing up slowly with her head looking down.

"If you say so Violet, you are one of my star pupils after all, and you've done a lot for me. I'll just report Bulge's actions to his mother and say that I stopped him, but only because you're asking me not to." said Miss Sweetie Plum.

"Thank you for understanding ma'am." Violet said whilst walking away. Race then walked up to her.

"So, does this mean, we can't be friends?..." Race asked with a very sad look on his face.

"Oh, don't worry, we can still be friends. But no matter what, my mom CANNOT know about our friendship." Violet explained to Race in a worried tone.

"But what's wrong with being friends with someone?" Race asked, confused to all of this.

"There's absolutely nothing wrong with friendship, and my mother totally supports friendship, but only if it's between 2 girls. My mom doesn't believe in a friendship between a guy and a girl, and she CERTAINLY doesn't believe in romance between a guy and a girl." Violet told Chase.

"But why is she against it?" Race asked.

"Because my mother hates men." Violet informed Race. "After my mom had shortly given birth to me, my dad beat me senselessly whenever I cried since it annoyed him to death. My mom caught him and then beated HIM senselessly. He was sentenced to life in prison for filly abuse and he was never allowed to contact our family again. Ever since that day, my mom has been very protective over me. When I first started school, she was begging the teachers to let her come to school with me so she could keep a close eye on me and make sure that I never came into contact with any stallions. The school of course said no, but she made me make a vow, that I would never speak to or even deliberately look at any stallions. To make her happy, I just said yes, but of course I've long since broken that vow, and I've made plenty of guy friends since".

"Wow, that's rough. I'm surprised you told me some very personal information about yourself despite the fact that we barely know each other." said Race.

"Yeah, I might as well tell you since Bulge said that everyone in the school knows." Violet said as she sunk her head to the ground.

"He might have just been saying that to scare you and it may not be true. Bullies do that sometimes. Trust me, Cloudsdale has its fair share of bullying. It's sad but true." Race told Violet.

Violet gave him a smile and then lifted her head back up. "Well, we're gonna be buds now, so I don't see the harm in telling you personal stuff. We'll definitely be friends, but remember, my mom CAN'T know about you, and I'm afraid you can't visit my house, my mom would kill you if she seen you, and then me if she found out that I broke the vow."

"Okay Violet, I promise." Race said as he then pretended to seal his lips.

Violet giggled and the two of them then gave each other a hug.

It had been four months since that day. Since then, Bulge had been expelled from Whinnyapolis high for beating up another student. Also since then, Race and Violet became closer with each other, and Race even joined Violet and Lulu's friendship group. Violet's mother had still no idea about her friendship, and the plan was for her never to know.

One day, the cafeteria was yet again very busy, as it always was, and Violet, Lulu, and Race were reminiscing on their fantastic theatre experience seeing Hinny Of The Hills a few months back. Violet invited Race to come to the theatre with them, and it was the first time Race truly interacted with Lulu, and they both became very close friends.

"Hey guys, I just need to go to the restroom for a moment, I'll be back as soon as I can. You never know how long a line for the girls can be." Lulu announced as she then suddenly rushed off.

Violet and Race then went back to eating their food, but Race stopped in the middle of eating, and coughed to get Violet's attention. At first, she didn't hear him, but after a second, louder, cough, Violet heard and looked at Race.

"What's up dude?" she asked, looking at him with her adorable face.

"Violet... t-there's something I wanna ask you..." Race said, slowly and nervously.

"Uh-huh, what is it?" Violet asked.

"Ever since you stood up to Bulge for me a a few months ago, I've really looked up to you and truly appreciated our friendship. You're actually a huge inspiration to me and I think about you every day." Race told her calmly.

Violet gave her famous warm smile. "Awwww, thank you Race. I love you too bud." she replied, then and then giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek like she usually does.

Race blushed then quickly got rid of his blushes to continue asking the question. "So...uh...the question I wanna ask is...uh...will you...go out with me...on a date?...". Race buried his head on the table in fear of harsh rejection and destroying the friendship they had, but peeped with one eye after a moment of silence.

"Wow Race, I've gotta be honest, I didn't know you were gonna drop a huge bomb on me like that." she said slowly. "Well, the thing is, I like you a lot too...I'm in love with you, even..." She slowly said. "But there's one enormous obstacle that we're forgetting about mom....".

"Shoot....I forgot about that..." Race replied.

"I do wanna go out with you, badly, but maybe not right now. I plan on becoming a costume designer in Canterlot or Ponyville, hopefully working alongside Rarity, who is a huge inspiration to me. Maybe when I'm older and move to Canterlot or Ponyville, we could start dating without my mother knowing, and hopefully our relationship could grow from there. My mom might have gotten over her hatred for men by that time, however unlikely that seems, but who knows." Violet told Race.

Race liked the idea, but thought for a moment. "What if your mother didn't HAVE to know about us dating in the present?".

"Huh?" Violet asked, confused about what he assumed.

"Maybe we could start dating now, but your mom wouldn't have to know about it. We could do something like go to Las Pegasus this weekend, and you could just tell your mom that you're going with Lulu and her mother." Race suggested.

"It's a good plan, I'll give you that, but before I go on trips with Lulu, my mom ALWAYS checks with Lulu's mother to see if everything is set before we leave, and sometimes, my mother tags along if she's free. This weekend, however, she's going away to some city somewhere in Equestria for a business trip. The more I think about it, this plan actually MIGHT work. But Lulu and her mother would have to be in on it. Okay, it's a date, literally." Violet explained as she then hugged Race.

So, when Violet went back to Lulu's house with Race and told their plan to her mother, Lulu's mother agreed to go along with the plan, as she was against Cherry's ideology, even though she was her close friend. Lulu's mother thought that this experience would teach Cherry that not all stallions are heartless beings. Race agreed to meet Violet at the Las Pegasus fun zone at 5pm on Saturday, and have the best date ever with each other.

Little did either of them know, that the city where Cherry's business meeting would take place this weekend.....was Las Pegasus....

Chapter 2 - The Event

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Violet was packing up her money into her bag in her room. She only wore her hippie peace sign necklace with a black string lace and silver charm, since she was into that stuff, and that was all she planned to wear for the occasion. Violet wasn't really the dress and makeup type, the only jewelry she wore was the hippie peace sign necklace she owned, and she wears it whenever she isn't at school, since jewelry is not allowed at her high school. As soon as Violet would get back home on a school night, she would put on her necklace straight away and wouldn't take it off until she left for school the following morning. On weekends and school breaks, she'd wear it all the way through and wouldn't take it off once, not even in the shower or when she was asleep. Violet was truly obsessed with it.

She also wore it (and nothing else) the time she went to The Grand Galloping Gala with Lulu, when they won tickets from a radio show. It was the best day of Violet and Lulu's life, they both got to meet The Elements Of Harmony and even The Royal Sisters Celestia and Luna. Violet's mother Cherry also tagged along that night to make sure she didn't dance or interact with any stallions.

Violet knew that her mother was going on a business meeting to another city in Equestria, but wasn't told which city it would be. Las Pegasus was two hours away from Whinnyapolis so Violet had to leave her home handy to be in Las Pegasus for 5pm. It was currently 2:45pm so Violet had 2 hours and 15 minutes until she was going to meet up with Race. She then heard Lulu knock on the door with the taxi ready and waiting for her. Violet ran up to the door with her bag and saw Lulu waiting at there.

"Hey Violet, have you got what you need?" Lulu asked.

"Yep, just a bunch of money I saved up, safely stored in this bag. Thank you so so much for helping me out with this secret date. I really appreciate it and I owe you big time for this" Violet replied.

"I'd do anything for you bestie. Have an amazing time Vi, I'll see you at school on Monday. Love you bunches." said Lulu, as she and Violet gave each other kisses on the cheeks.

"Love you too Lu, see ya on Monday!" Violet shouted as she got into the taxi, waving goodbye to Lulu.

Little did Lulu know, that she had just said her final goodbyes to her best friend.

Two hours later, Violet finally arrived at Las Pegasus, and her jaw dropped to the ground. It was pretty much "Fun City" in her eyes. Violet thanked the taxi puller and stepped out of the cart, staring around in amazement. This was Violet's first time in Las Pegasus, and she absolutely loved it.

For the next 15 minutes, Violet walked around Las Pegasus, gazing in astonishment at the all the giant skyscrapers, the loud pop music, and the flashing lights. The constant insanity of Las Pegasus intrigued and amazed Violet. Violet kind of wished that she lived here, but on the other hoof, she would be away from her friends and family she loved so dear.

Violet arrived at the Las Peagsus Fun Zone after walking around for a short while, and the Fun Zone was INCREDIBLE. The place was essentially a giant indoor amusement park with nonstop things to do, see, eat, and drink. There were rides, shows, games, restaurants, walkthrough attractions, stores, it was a place of never ending enjoyment.

Race was waiting patiently next to the line for The Wild Blue Yonder rollercoaster. After waiting for the past half hour, he saw Violet in the distance.

"Vi!! I'm over here!!" Race shouted over the loud crowd.

Luckily, Violet just about heard his voice and seen him waving at her.

"Ray!!" Violet shouted back, which is the nickname that she and Lulu had given him.

Violet and Race ran up to each other and gave each other a big hug. They were both very excited for their date and couldn't wait to get started.

"You look amazing as always Violet, and it's nice to see you wear your hippie necklace again. I haven't seen you wear it since Hinny Of The Hills." said Race.

"I actually wear this necklace whenever I'm not at school, so I wear it a LOT. I'm kind of a Hippie nerd in a sense, I absolutely love that type of stuff. I'd never take this necklace off if I could, but our school just HAS to have it's dumb "no jewelry" rule. As soon as I'm done with this school, this thing won't ever be leaving my neck again." Violet replied with a cute giggle.

"Yeah, I remember you telling me on our Hinny Of The Hills theatre night out. It's a cool necklace regardless, and I love getting to see you wear it." Race replied back.

"Well if you were allowed into my house, you'd never see me without it." said Violet.

Race gave a warm smile as he didn't want to reply and continue the small talk, and instead wanted to start the date.

"So, what do you wanna do first...boyfriend?" Violet asked, feeling extremely happy that she finally had a boyfriend and got to spend a whole night out with him.

"I was thinking that we could start off our date by having a ride of The Wild Blue Yonder. I've been on it a few times before, it's really fun!" Race exclaimed.

Violet looked at the roller coaster and shook in fear as sweat came dripping down her head.

"Ummmm...I've never been on a roller coaster before. They've always looked so terrifying to I have to?..." uttered Violet.

"Oh come on Vi, it'll be fun. Besides, you're with me, and I won't let anything happen to you on this!" replied Race.

After a few minutes of coercing, Violet agreed to go on the roller coaster. The couple waited in line for 45 minutes until they finally reached the station. At the station, Violet was shaking like crazy in complete fear.

"Sweet Celestia please help me.." Violet muttered under her breath.

"Don't be scared Violet, it'll be fun. You'd kick yourself if you backed out right now." said Race.

The cart finally reached the station and Violet and Race stepped inside the vehicle. As they pulled down the bars, the safety announcement played over the speakers.

"Attention riders, to ensure your safety here at the Las Pegasus Fun Zone, please keep your hooves inside the vehicle at all time. There will also be no eating, drinking, smoking, or filming without permission whilst riding the ride. Have a fun time, and get ready for The Wild Blue Yonder!"

After hearing the announcement, Violet braced herself for the experience, and Race gave her an assuring pat on the hoof that everything was going to be fine. The ride then ran its course and did everything that a rollercoaster would do. It went fast, had many loops, and gave the riders an extreme feeling of G-Force. When the ride was done, Violet and Race jumped out of the cart in complete happiness.

"That...was....AMAZING!!!" Violet shouted as she jumped up and down.

"I know right!? I told you you'd love it!!" Race happily replied.

"Okay, what next?" Violet asked, excited for the rest of the date.

For the rest of the date, Violet and Race did pretty much everything. They seen all the shows, went on all of the rides and attractions, played on most of the games at the arcade, bought a bunch of stuff from each other from some of the stores, and had a nice meal at the restaurant.

"Mmmmm, that hayburger sure was delicious, cost a lot of bits though." said Race.

"I prefer to have a fruit salad over a hayburger. Hayburger's are good but I find them a bit overrated." Violet explained.

"So, before we say goodbye to each other and go home, I was thinking that we could go to a back alley and make out for a few minutes. I think it would be a good send off to the date." said Race.

"It's risky but I'm up for it since my mom isn't around." announced Violet.

Violet and Race finished their meals and put their dinner trays on the table and their leftover food in the trash. Afterwards, they headed out of the fun zone to try and find a quiet back alley way where they wouldn't be spotted by anypony.

Unfortunately for Violet and Race, they were unaware that Cherry's business trip was in Las Pegasus. She was heading from her final meeting of the day back to her hotel for a nice relax and good nights sleep before she headed back home to Whinnyapolis tomorrow morning. Violet was constantly on Cherry's mind and thought that Violet and Lulu were on a girl's day out to Canterlot, since that's what Lulu's mother told her, Cherry believed she could trust her best friend.

As Cherry was heading back to the hotel, she seen somepony in the distance who she thought looked a lot like Violet, head into a back alley with some stallion she's never seen before. Cherry became very curious, since the pony looked identical to Violet in her perspective....the thing was Violet, but Cherry was currently unaware. She walked over to try and find out if it was Violet, she knew that she would have to apologise if it was somepony else.

"Do you see anypony?' Race asked Violet.

Violet looked left, right, and up behind her but couldn't find anypony around. She gave a nod to herself before turning back around to Race.

"Nope, we're good. Let's do this." Violet exclaimed.

Violet and Race then had a deep and passionate smooch with each other. They both felt wonderful, they loved each other very much and couldn't be happier to be with each other at this very moment. Tonight would be a night that they would never forget.

Then it happened....

All of a sudden, Violet heard hoof steps from behind. She stopped kissing Race and turned around to see.....her mother....

Violet almost died of a heart attack. She couldn't believe her very eyes, her mother caught her kissing a stallion. Violet knew that she was gonna be severely punished for this, but tried her best to act cool. Her best night ever was about to be completely and utterly ruined, there's no way she would be able to see Race out of school ever again after tonight.

"H..hey mom...what are you doing here?..." Violet quietly and slowly asked, trying her best not to show any fear in her voice, but was doing a terrible job.

"No young lady, I think the real question here is, what are YOU DOING HERE!!???" Cherry screamed at the top of her voice.

Violet and Race both fell to the ground and were both shaking in complete and utter fear.


"'re going over board...please stop shouting..." Violet said quietly.


Violet started to cry whilst on the floor, knowing that her life was now going to be a hard, terrible one. Race then stood up and walked over to Cherry, to see if he could attempt to calm the storm. Violet looked in both fear and amazement. He thought Race was either the bravest pony ever, or the stupidest pony ever to try and confront her mother.

"Ma'am, please don't be mad at Violet, she did nothing wrong. It was completely my fault and I 100% take the blame for this. I asked her out on a date and I was the one who came up with the idea to have a make out session in private. I peer pressured her into doing this, and she refused many times before I finally convinced her to do it. Please don't get mad at her, I'm the one you should be mad at." Race spoke up bravely.

Cherry couldn't believe it. She thought that Race had the actual nerve to think he could tell her what to think. Cherry was now incredibly pissed off.

"You little piece of SHIT. Thinking you could take MY own daughter away from ME!! You are about to experience a world a pain you ASSHOLE!!" Cherry screamed.

Cherry then head butted Race forcefully into the wall. Race fell to the wall and then fell onto the floor. Cherry kicked Race in the stomach multiple times, which soon made Race cough up blood and and breathe as if he were out of oxygen.

"Race!!" Violet cried with tears in her eyes as she watched her former boyfriend get brutally beaten in front of her.

Cherry eventually stopped kicking Race as he was on the floor suffering. Then right after, Cherry picked up his body and pinned him up against the wall, and then did the unthinkable....

Cherry murdered stabbing her horn through his chest....

Race's body then fell to the ground again, and he wasn't moving with his eyes closed. Violet was completely silent, but her jaw was wide open. She seen her former boyfriend and best friend be brutally beaten and murdered by her own mother, right in front of her eyes.

Violet broke down, she fell to the ground and hugged his corpse, crying her eyes out.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS MOM!!?? WHAT IN THE NAME OF CELESTIA IS WRONG WITH YOU!!?? HE DIDN'T DESERVE THIS!!!!" Violet cried as she continued breaking down.



Cherry had nothing else to say. She was enraged with her daughter, and knew that grounding would not be a good enough punishment for her. In her eyes, Violet truly needed to learn that what she did was wrong. Cherry then remembered a place where Violet would best be sent to, and learn there that what she did was wrong. She knew what she had to do.

"Violet, don't be scared when you wake up. I'll see you soon..." Cherry announced.

"What?..." Violet asked, confused as to what she was implying.

Cherry's magic glowed brightly, until it was all Violet could see. Suddenly, Violet was in complete darkness, and couldn't see a single thing, as she then went to sleep.

When Violet would wake up....she would wake up in a new, terrible place.

Chapter 3 - Violet's New Home

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Violet awoke, and she remembered everything. She remembered how amazing the date was when it started, she remembered seeing her mothers distraught look as she smooched Race, she remembered how her mother beat the crap out of Race and then stabbed him through the chest in complete rage, and she remembered how badly it hurt seeing her ex-boyfriend and former friend's corpse on the floor right in front of her, and her mother then casting a spell to temporarily knock her out.

Violet didn't know how long she'd been out cold for. All she knew was that she was in a dark, rotting cell wearing a ragged and messy straitjacket and her horn had been sealed, preventing her from using magic to escape.

For a few hours, Violet was all by herself, alone in the cell. She squirmed around like a worm, she laid on the floor and kicked the walls with her back hooves, and she hummed tunes to herself to try and keep her entertained. Violet was extremely bored and was begging to be released.

She was starting to get worried after another hour, she was worried if this would be her life. Trapped forever in a tiny cell with very little light and a disgusting smell. Whilst she was waiting for something to happen, she had two theories in her mind. The first theory was that after her mother knocked her out, she placed her in an insane asylum and told the heads of the asylum to keep her inside for good and never let her out. The second theory she had was that her mother had murdered her and she had been sent to hell, and that for eternity, she would be in this room with nothing to do and no chance of escape.

The thing is, Violet wasn't too wrong about her first theory.

After waiting hours upon hours upon hours, Cherry entered the room with two police ponies. Cherry looked sad and stared at the ground, and she was wearing an orange jumpsuit and shackles across her hooves, so she couldn't run and escape.

"Mom!! What in the name of Celestia is going on here!? Why is my horn sealed? Why am I wearing a straitjacket in a cell? I want answers and I want them NOW!!" Violet screamed.

Cherry gave a long sigh. "Race is dead Violet, he was presumed dead 3 days ago, a few hours after I murdered him." she explained.

"I can't believe you actually murdered Race, you beast!! What did he ever do to you!!??" Violet cried out in anger.


"Not all men are the same mom!! Race was a good pony!!" Violet replied.

"You stupid, stupid child. You're so naive, Race was obviously just gonna be another monster who would lure you into a false sense of security, and then not give the tiniest damn about you after some time." Cherry replied back.

"You didn't even get to know Race, you only seen him for about 10 seconds, you didn't get to know his personality!" Violet announced.

"Don't make me laugh. All men are the same, they're all disgusting creatures who just like to abuse others and have no signs of sympathy or mercy. I thought your father was a good man, but I saw the truth when I seen him beat you for crying. I swore to myself that day, that I would never let you have a boyfriend or even boys who were just friends, and you promised me every day that you wouldn't have a boyfriend.....YOU LIED TO ME!! HOW COULD YOU LIE TO YOUR OWN MOTHER!!!???" screamed Cherry.


Cherry slowly inhaled, then slowly exhaled. She knew that this was the last time that she was going to speak to her daughter, so she needed to calm herself.

"I need to tell you what's going to happen." Cherry explained. "Starting from today, you're never going to even look at the face of a male ever again. But also, you will never see me again either. I'm currently being held as a prisoner at correctional facility in Manehattan. If you have any final words to say to me, say them now. You're not going to be seeing me ever again after this talk".

"'re dead to me anyway." Violet replied, staring away from her.

Cherry was heartbroken by Violet's response, but wasn't surprised neither. She entered the room at first knowing that Violet would be enraged with her.

"'re my daughter...I'm not gonna see you again after today...don't you understand what that means..." asked Cherry.

"Yes, I know that mom, I heard what you said, I'm not dumb. I'm sorry for breaking the vow, but the vow was completely stupid in the first place, and you MAJORLY crossed the line for KILLING MY BOYFRIEND. I'm not going to forgive you for this, I'm glad I'm not gonna speak to you anymore after this talk." said Violet.

"Well I'm just GLAD to know that you would have put a guy who would abuse you a few years after dating over your own FAMILY." Cherry replied in a sarcastic tone whilst gritting her teeth, trying to remain calm but failing.

"That's not what I'm saying! If you didn't have this crazy obsession of hating stallions and hadn't have MURDERED MY BOYFRIEND. I would have loved you and Race both equally. Race was a good pony, he was kind, well behaved, selfless, considerate, and just an all around simply wonderful. But YOU murdered somepony INNOCENT." Violet explained.

Again, Cherry slowly inhaled and slowly exhaled to keep calm.

"Ok, I need to continue explaining. I knocked you out after Race was murdered, you've been out cold for almost a week now, shortly after knocking you out. I've signed you up to stay at this place until you're 25." Cherry explained.

Violet looked around at her horrible, rotting cell, and then down at her messy, itchy, unclean straitjacket.

"I'm surprised I didn't notice that you were insane sooner." said Violet.

"No no no, this is just the holding cell. You'll be out of this cell in about an hour. I'm currently just covering things over with the head of the home. As I was saying, before I was caught by the police for murdering Race thanks to some detective, I set you up in this home. This is "Miss Charlotte's Home Of Sisterhood and Friendship", where you will be staying for the next 8 years" Cherry further explained.

"I can't be here, I didn't agree to this!!" cried Violet.

"It doesn't matter if you didn't agree to it or not, you're under 18 so I can send you here, and I've set you up here until you're 25. This is for the best Violet, this place will teach you how cruel stallions really are, I clearly wasn't doing a good enough job. I should have sent you to this place when you were younger, if I'd have done that, I wouldn't be going to prison right now." informed Cherry.

"You wouldn't be going to prison right now if you didn't have such a STUPID ideology and MURDERED my boyfriend!!!" yelled Violet.

"Well, Violet, this is goodbye. Mother Charlotte will arrive in an hour......I love you....." Cherry said slowly.

"Screw you...." Violet replied, turning her head away from her.

Cherry then cried quietly, and left the room. After that day, Violet and Cherry never saw each other again.

An hour had passed since Cherry left the home, and Violet was crying to herself in the corner of her cell. She thought that her life was one sick joke, just to see how long it would take to make her to snap. Whilst waiting for Mother Charlotte to arrive, Violet made a vow to herself that she was actually serious about, she wasn't gonna let life bite her in the ass. She was gonna kick life's ass, and get through the rest of her life without snapping.

As soon as she had the chance...Violet would escape this horrible place...

Violet heard footsteps coming towards the door. Violet was getting scared, how bad was this "Mother Charlotte" pony gonna be?

The door opened and Mother Charlotte entered the room.

"Hello there dearie!" announced Mother Charlotte. She had a happy-go-lucky, cheery voice, that sounded really sweet, it would give Windy Whistle's voice a run for her money. She was a fairly tall unicorn mare that was light orange. She had a purple mane and her cutie mark was a candle.

Mother Charlotte walked up to Violet, grabbed her cheeks with her hooves, and gave her five passionate kisses on the top of her head.

"You are saved now, my daughter." Mother Charlotte told Violet.

Violet was confused, and had no idea what to say. Since Violet was bisexual, she thought it was nice to have her head kissed by a mare who she thought was honestly pretty attractive.

"Look, I know what you're thinking. Where am I? Why am I in a cell wearing a straitjacket? What did I do to deserve this? Well don't you worry, I'll explain everything to you. You're here at Mother Charlotte's Home Of Sisterhood and Friendship, a home that's simply one big happy family. There's seventeen more sisters who just can't wait to meet you! Now, we know what you did, and it was wrong, but we forgive you for that. Just join our family, you're amazing life will start after the initiation! Are you ready?" Mother Charlotte explained.

Violet thought to herself that she really didn't have any choice, so she just nodded her head.

"That's wonderful news dearie! I'll get you out of that horrible straitjacket very soon, I just need to go fill out some more papers. I know patience is hard, but you've been doing a wonderful job so far, just hang on for a TINY bit longer." Mother Charlotte then left the room and Violet was by herself again.

20 minutes passed and Mother Charlotte returned to release Violet from her cell and straitjacket.

"Again dearie, I'm so sorry for the wait. I'll get you out of that messy old straitjacket now. Don't worry, if you don't misbehave, you'll never have to wear it again." said Mother Charlotte.

Mother Charlotte unbuckled the straps of Violet's straitjacket and Violet was released. Violet looked down at her body and was happy to see again, but also noticed that her hippie peace sign necklace had gone.

"Now before we get started with the initiation, there's a few things I must tell you. We had to keep you in that cell for a few hours just so you wouldn't escape so we could file the forms to say that you were allowed to stay here and not allowed to escape. Your mother had signed you up before she was arrested. I think it was wrong for her to be arrested though, she did a good thing." Mother Charlotte explained.

Violet gave Mother Charlotte a sneaky cold stare, how could Mother Charlotte just say that without even getting to know Race's personality?

"You may have also noticed that when I took of your straitjacket, I left your horn sealer on. Unfortunately for you, that thing is on for good, it's permanently locked onto your horn. I am the only pony in this home who can use magic. It is only left on so that the sisters who are unicorns can't escape using their magic. The sisters who are pegasi also have their wings bound, so they can't fly away. Our sisters need to stay home at all times unless they are required to leave, but I will be leaving with them. Now that that's out of the way, it's time for initiation! Follow me!" Mother Charlotte cheerily announced.

Violet followed Mother Charlotte as they walked through the home. Some of the sisters saw Violet and gave her hugs and kisses on the head and cheeks. Violet noticed that all of the sisters were wearing a certain necklace. It was a straight line that went down with a line that also went across at the top. Violet just guessed that she will be wearing it after her initiation and it will be explained what it is to her.

"You'll be joining us soon new sister, good luck on initiation." one of the sisters told Violet, who then proceeded to give her a peck on the cheek.

After walking down the hallway for a short while, Mother Charlotte opened the door and Violet entered the room. The door for the room simply read "Initiation". Violet was now starting to get nervous, but it surely couldn't be worse than being left in the cell.

Inside the room, there was a box with an open door at the side. The door of the box had a few padlocks on it. The box also had a hole at the top, which could fit around someone's neck. At the top of the ceiling in the room, there was a bucket with a tap on top. Violet knew that she was gonna be locked inside of the box, but wasn't exactly sure what the bucket would tip on her, she hoped it would only be water. She thought that this was gonna be one strange initiation.

"Before we proceed, you haven't eaten in a while. You just stay in here whilst I go and get you some soup." said Mother Charlotte.

Violet waited for 15 minutes in the room, and then Mother Charlotte returned with some tomato soup and a glass of water. Violet quickly scoffed the soup and water, she thought the food was average but that was the least of her problems, she was more concerned on trying to escape later on and grieving the loss of her boyfriend and social life.

"Now, please get into the box, Violet." said Mother Charlotte.

Violet knew she had to do either this for probably a few minutes, or be stuck inside of a cell for Celestia knows how long, so Violet decided to get into the box. Once Violet got into the box, Mother Charlotte locked the door with Violet's head sticking through the hole, but Violet knew that was going to happen. Violet didn't like the small space in the box and found it very uncomfortable. She hoped that this would be over and done with very quickly and then hopefully get something to eat afterwards.

"Ok, here is how the initiation will proceed. Starting now, for the next 24 hours, you will be locked inside of this box." Mother Charlotte announced.

Violet's eyes widened, she thought she was only going to be in here for at most a few minutes. However, there was nothing she could do to escape so she had no choice but to stay put and listen to what was going to happen.

"Every 10 minutes, the bucket will drop and cold water will be poured over you. If you can remain silent in this box for a whole day, then you will be allowed out of the cell for good, unless you misbehave, and become a sister for good. If you make any noises during the next 24 hours, you will be placed back into the cell for another day, and there will be another initiation soon after. You will be fed and watered three times, once more tonight and twice tomorrow. Do you have any questions?" Mother Charlotte asked.

"Yes, what exactly is the point in all of this?" asked Violet.

"This initiation is determine your patience and loyalty to the sisterhood. We will keep trying this until you succeed though, so if you fail the first time, you'll have another chance. The time now is 5pm, so if you complete the initiation, you will be released at 5pm tomorrow." explained Mother Charlotte. "Now, I'll be back in a few hours with some bread and water. I wish you the best of luck Violet."

Mother Charlotte left the room and locked the door, as Violet sat there, locked away in her box with very little room. Ten minutes after Mother Charlotte left, a waterfall of ice cold water poured drastically over Violet's head. Violet loudly gasped but didn't say anything or scream, as she knew that she would be sent back to the cell if she did. She didn't want to be sent back to the cell and have to do this again, so Violet put up and shut up with the initiation.

After a treacherous 23 hours, Violet was cold, wet, miserable, and uncomfortable. She was begging to be released but unfortunately had to wait for one more hour and 6 more waterfalls. Violet knew that she could do this and that she was a strong mare, she wouldn't let a measly hour take away her sanity.

An hour had passed, and Violet was still in the box. The water had stopped pouring on her head but she was still in an uncomfortable position and desperately wanted to get out of this torture device. Mother Charlotte then entered the room with a huge smile on her face.

"Congratulations Violet! You've completed the initiation! I'm so proud of you!" exclaimed Mother Charlotte.

Mother Charlotte unlocked the padlocks and Violet fell out of the box, onto the floor, coughing like crazy.

"That was horrible! I never want to go through something like that again! I'd lose my saneness!" cried Violet.

"Oh, but it is over now Dearie, and you'll never have to do it again." said Mother Charlotte.

"Thank Celestia..." murmured Violet under her breath.

"I'll get you all dried up now dearie, then it will be time!" explained Mother Charlotte.

Mother Charlotte then dried off Violet using a bunch of towels, and afterwards took her to the dining room. In the dining room, there were a lot of young mares all wearing the same necklace and eating a dinner of bread and water. They all had smiles on their faces and were very happy.

"Attention everypony!" shouted Mother Charlotte as she used her magic to bang together a spoon and glass.

All of the ponies went silent and then stared at Mother Charlotte and Violet.

"Today, we have a new sister joining us!" Mother Charlotte explained. "Her mother signed her up recently after she was caught having a boyfriend-"

Mother Charlotte was then interrupted with a room full of gasps, oh dears and shaking heads.

"Girls! Girls! Please do not judge her! For she is here to heal herself and learn the truth! That is what some of you are here for, am I right?" Mother Charlotte rhetorically asked, with some of the girls agreeing with her.

"Good. As I said, starting today, Violet will become a sister. After the coronation, she will be assigned a close sister. I've already decided who it will be, and I will tell you who after the necklace has been placed around her neck. Sister Lemon Drop, please can you get a necklace quickly from my office?" Mother Charlotte asked.

Lemon Drop then nodded her head and got a necklace from Mother Charlotte's office, it was the same necklace that everyone else was wearing, the straight line down with another line going across, but it had a shorter lace to it. This confused Violet, as she didn't see a clasp at the back and was wondering how it would fit around her neck. Sister Lemon Drop placed the necklace on the table in front of Violet.

"Thank you Sister Lemon Drop, you may now return to your seat." Mother Charlotte instructed. "Violet, do you swear to remain loyal, truthful, patient, and caring to the sisterhood? Do you swear to love your mother and your sisters unconditionally, and put no one else before them? And do you also swear to yourself to live a life of chastity, and never to love any stallion again?"

Violet had no choice but to answer yes. She wanted to put on an act before she escaped and certainly didn't want to return to the horrible cell.

"Yes, I swear." said Violet.

"Good. Now by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you...a new sister of The Home Of Sisterhood and Friendship" announced Mother Charlotte.

Mother Charlotte used her magic to extend the lace on the necklace. The necklace was then placed onto Violet around her neck. Once the necklace was around her neck, Mother Charlotte used her magic to shorten the lace and make it shorter and tight around her neck so it was impossible to take off. Runes were then displayed on the lace of the necklace, so that no longer forth, the necklace could not be removed, even by the magic of anypony else, even Mother Charlotte. The necklace was very tight around Violet's neck, and it felt very uncomfortable.

Violet made a painful "tssk" sound and quietly muttered "ouch" under her breath.

"Sisters! Rejoice! Your new sister is officially here!" Mother Charlotte cried.

All of the mares in the room clapped and cheered for Violet, they were happy that they had a new sister to join them.

"Now, for the assignment of the close sister. Sister Violet, your close sister will be....Sister Evergreen." announced Mother Charlotte.

Evergreen was a light green earth pony with a dark yellow mane. She gasped and put her hooves over her mouth. She cried small tears of joy as her pupils widened.

"SISTER!!!!!" Evergreen shouted as she then gave Violet a big hug, Violet had no choice but to hug Evergreen back, as Evergreen have her a passionate kiss on the head.

"I'm so happy to finally have a close sister! I've waited months for a new sister to join! Yay!!" Evergreen shouted.

"'s nice to meet you too Sister Evergreen.." Violet replied.

After a meal of bread and water. Violet was instructed to go to Evergreen's room, as that would be where she would stay from now on. Evergreen's room had two beds, a lamp, raggedy curtains, and was just generally unclean. Violet knew from just looking at this room that she needed to escape as soon as possible. Violet then sat on her new bed, which wasn't too uncomfortable, but a lot more comfortable than the box she was stuck in.

"You may be wondering why there's 2 beds even though I'm the only one who sleeps in this room. Well, the thing is, I've been waiting so long for a new close sister, 5 months exactly, that this bed has just been empty since my last close sister stayed in here" Evergreen explained.

"Last close sister?" asked Violet.

"Yeah, when a mare here turns 25 years old, they're allowed to leave the home and move on to live normal lives, but the home still keeps an eye on them, just in case the mare doesn't betray the home or anything like that. I've been here for 2 years, I joined when I was 19, I'm now 21. So in 4 years, I'll be leaving and then you'll have a close sister to stay with until you leave." Evergreen explained.

After hearing all of that, Violet knew she had to escape, she couldn't let the home dominate her entire life.

"I have to ask though, how come you're so happy all the time. Do you like your life being dominated and decided for you? Wouldn't you rather be independent?" asked Violet.

"Nah, I've gotten used to this lifestyle." Evergreen explained. "I like it a lot here."

"What about when you had to do you initiation? Didn't you think it was tough?" Violet asked.

"Oh yeah, the initiation, that was tough. Well done on getting through that by the way, thank Celestia we never have to do that horrible thing again. I didn't understand it at first, but I do now. It's just to test our patience and loyalty. Anypony who wasn't loyal or patient would have screamed to get out." informed Evergreen.

"It's really dark if you think about it, just torturing somepony until they agree to join. Isn't that kind of against pony rights?" Violet asked.

"Well that's why there were forms that had to be signed before we joined. My mom signed my forms for me." Evergreen told Violet.

"Same here." Violet replied. "Hey, have you ever thought about escaping this place?"

Evergreen laughed. "Oh Sister Violet, you're so funny. Why would we wanna escape this place? We love it here!" exclaimed Evergreen.

"Yeah...we...." Violet replied. "And what about these necklaces?"

"What about them?" Evergreen asked.

"What's the point of them? Why can't we take them off? I used to wear a hippie peace sign necklace non-stop, but it wasn't sealed onto my body with runes like these ones? Is there a reason we can't take these off?" Violet asked.

"I don't know, I've never been explained why. I'm guessing it's just to show our undying love and devotion to the home. So, I'm proud to wear it if that's the case." Evergreen explained.

"They also hurt like Tartarus, I have this horrible stinging sensation around my neck. I wanna take this necklace off so it'll go away." exclaimed Violet as she was having a hard time trying to take the necklace off with just her hooves as she grunted multiple times.

"I had the sensation at first, you'll get used to it after some time. Also, you might as well stop trying to take the necklace off, it's stuck onto you forever, remember?" Evergreen told Violet.

"Yeah, that was pretty dumb of me." Violet was embarrassed to say.

"Anyways, it's getting pretty late, and we have a big day of cleaning and learning to do tomorrow. Best get some shut eye." said Evergreen.

Evergreen then got out of her bed and got into Violet's bed, where she snuggled up to her.

"Nighty night Sister Violet." Evergreen said as she kissed her passionately on the head, nose, and lips. "Sweet dreams princess".

After another passionate kiss on the lips, Evergreen went back to her bed and fell asleep. Violet couldn't believe what happened, she was actually kissed on the lips by a girl.

After that happened, Violet knew that now was the right time to escape. She couldn't stay in that hell-hole any longer.

Chapter 4 - The Journey's End

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Evergreen was sleeping in her bed, but Violet was still wide awake, staring at the ceiling. Violet was waiting for Evergreen to fall asleep, but could now tell that she was. Slowly and very quietly, Violet got out of bed and left the room, then closing the door carefully so to not wake up anypony.

The hallway was very dark, and Violet could barely see. Even though it was hard to see anything, Violet walked quietly and slowly along the hallway and kept on going until she could feel a step for the stairs. The floor was very creaky and wooden, so Violet had to be super careful not to wake anyone up. She passed the bedrooms of all the ponies at the home, including Mother Charlotte's room. Violet was the only one awake, as everypony else was fast asleep.

At least, that's what Violet thought.

Eventually, Violet came across the first step of the staircase, and slowly walked down the stairs. Violet got to the bottom of the stairs, and saw the main door right in front of her. Violet smiled, she remained hopeful, since escape and freedom were staring in her direction.

Violet walked up to the door and tried to use her magic to unlock it. Unfortunately, that did not work as Violet's magic had been sealed by the horn ring, and Violet had forgotten. Violet tried to unlock the door by shaking the handle about slowly and carefully, but failed to open the door.

Violet saw the window next to the door and figured that she could climb out of it and escape, since all she had to do was simply open it by using the handle. After a bit of struggling, Violet opened the window using the handle, and put her first leg up upon the windowsill.

All of a sudden, Violet couldn't move her leg, her whole body was actually covered in a magic auroa. Violet knew who's magic this was, and she knew she was gonna be in deep trouble.

Mother Charlotte used her magic to place Violet on the ground, and then close the window, locking it. She glared at Violet angrily.

"Sister Violet, care to explain?" Mother Charlotte asked in a severely sharp tone.

"I..I was just going to the bathroom Mother Charlotte, I couldn't find it so I-"

"LIAR!!!" Mother Charlotte roared at the top of her voice. "I know EXACTLY what you were trying to do! You were going to try and escape!!!"

"Mother Charlotte, I SWEAR I wasn't!!!" replied Violet in a very worried tone.

"Violet, we'll talk about this when you wake up, you are in HUGE trouble young lady!!" Mother Charlotte shouted, reminding Violet of Cherry.

Suddenly, Violet's world went very light and then completely pitch black. She knew what had happened, she'd been knocked out again.

Violet awoke in the exact same situation as last time. She was in a cold, dark, rotten cell wearing an itchy, messy, uncomfortable straitjacket. Violet opened her eyes and saw Mother Charlotte standing right in front of her, staring at her coldly, she looked extremely angry.

"W-what's going on?" Violet asked.

"SILENCE!!" Mother Charlotte yelled. "You're back in your cell that you despised so much, but we're only here because it's your fault."

Violet tried to move but had a hard time doing so since she was in her straitjacket, and her bottom hooves were chained to the wall behind her.

"There's no point in trying to escape again Violet, this cell is now you're new home." Mother Charlotte explained.

Violet gave Mother Charlotte a shocked stare. "You mean, I'm here for good!? But the contract says I'm only here until I'm 25!!" Violet said, raising her voice a little.

"The contract ALSO says that if you were to break any of the house rules, then you are to stay here for the rest of your life. You broke 2 rules. Attempted escape, and LYING." Mother Charlotte replied.

Violet couldn't believe what she was hearing. She thought that if she was caught trying to escape, she'd be kept in this cell for about a week or something but she'd still be let out when she was 25. Violet wouldn't have attempted to escape if she knew THIS was gonna happen.

"Wh-who knows about what I did?" asked Violet.

"All of the sisters know of your sins." Mother Charlotte explained. "They are all very, very disappointed in you."

Violet sunk her head in shame. She told herself yesterday that she wasn't going to let this place beat her down, but she knew that she couldn't survive being in this cell for the rest of her life without going insane.

"Sister Evergreen, you may now enter." announced Mother Charlotte.

Evergreen entered the room with a severely disappointed and sad look on her face. Evergreen walked over to Violet slowly and looked at her face. Violet looked up at Evergreen with a sad look on her face.

Suddenly, Evergreen punched Violet in the face, and then kicked her body as it lay on the ground.

"WHY???!!!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS SISTER VIOLET!!!??? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!!!!???? I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU!!!! MY OWN CLOSE SISTER!!!!" Evergreen screamed, with tears pouring down her eyes.

"I'm sorry Sister Evergreen...I'm so so sorry..." Violet said with a body beaten to a pulp. She had a black eye and multiple bruises across her body.

"I usually don't tolerate violence of any kind but I will give Sister Evergreen an exception here as I don't blame her for her actions. She knows what's going to happen to both you and her." Mother Charlotte explained, prompting Violet to give a confused expression.

"Sister Violet, you and Sister Evergreen will be left in this cell for the rest of your lives. Neither of you will leave this cell until your dying day, you will both be here for a very VERY long time." said Mother Charlotte.

"Mother Charlotte, PLEASE don't punish Sister Evergreen, she did nothing wrong, this was all my fault!" Violet tried to explain to her.

"One of our house rules is that when a sister performs an act of sin, then their close sister is to receive the same punishment so the sister who performed the bad deed, will truly feel guilty as their close sister who is innocent will receive the exact same punishment as her as well." explained Mother Charlotte.

Violet truly couldn't believe what she was hearing. Violet thought that she was in a nightmare, a horrible dream that she couldn't escape out of.

"Sister Evergreen, since you didn't try to escape, your punishment will be slightly less harsh than Sister Violet's. Whilst I am enraged at Sister Violet, I am not mad at you in the slightest, I know that this is only house rules, but you will be punished as well since you are the close sister of Sister Violet. Sister Evergreen, you will not be placed in a straitjacket or chained up against the wall like Sister Violet, you will also receive food and water whilst Sister Violet will only receive water." Mother Charlotte continued to explain.

"I will be visiting this room twice a day. Once in the morning, and once in the evening. I will give you your nutritional needs and 5 kisses on the forehead to remind you that no matter what you did, I still love you. Sister Violet, I am disgusted at you for attempting to escape and for lying, but you are still my daughter. I still love you and I'm only punishing you for your own good. Sister Violet and Sister Evergreen, I will see you both tonight with your nutritional needs. I love you both with all my heart, my daughters." said Mother Charlotte.

Mother Charlotte walked up to Evergreen and gave her a hug and 5 slow, passionate kisses on the forehead. Mother Charlotte then did the same to Violet and then left the room. When leaving the room, Mother Charlotte locked the door tightly so neither of them could escape.

"Sister Evergreen, I-" Violet tried to explain.

"Sister Violet, words cannot explain how disgusted, enraged, and mad at you I am right now. I don't think I can ever forgive you for what you've done, but I still love you dearly. I'll help you get through this horrible experience. I'll hug you, kiss you, snuggle you, comfort you, give you words of encouragement, and I'll still love you forever and ever. But I will never ever forgive you. I want you to know that..." Evergreen explained.

"I know Sister Evergreen, but I'm still sorry..." said Violet.

"I know that, and I do believe you're truly sorry and I appreciate the fact that you're apologising and know what you did was incredibly wrong, but I can still never forgive you." Evergreen replied. "Also, I'm really sorry for beating you up, but you did deserve it for what you did. I won't hit you again, I promise. I'll also make sure that you drink your water whenever Mother Charlotte comes into the cell.

"Yes, thank you Sister Evergreen.." said Violet, as she sunk her head in shame again.

Evergreen walked over to Violet and snuggled up against her body on the floor, giving her many kisses all over her body. On the head, on the lips, on her mane, on the back of her neck, and even all over her straitjacket.

"I love you so so much Sister Violet, I'll never stop loving you, and I'll never stop giving you kisses. We need each other through this to survive." Sister Evergreen explained.

"Thank you Sister Evergreen..." Violet replied.

Evergreen continued to kiss Violet, and would be doing so for a very long time. All Violet could live on now, were water and Evergreen's kisses.

It had been 5 years since Violet and Evergreen were locked up in the cell. It had been an incredibly long and tortuous 5 years of complete hell, but they tried their absolute best to remain strong. Violet's front hooves were dead, if Violet were ever to be let out of her straitjacket, she would need to at least be put in casts, possible even but in a wheelchair as she knew that she would no longer be able to walk normally. Evergreen walked around the cell many times and did stretches a lot, Violet would kill to stretch her arms or at least just walk about a little, but being chained up to a wall whilst wearing a straitjacket proved that feat to be impossible.

Violet and Evergreen still received 2 visits a day from Mother Charlotte. Evergreen had food, water, and kisses, and Violet had water and kisses. They had gotten used to the ordeal by now and spent most of their time sleeping, playing eye spy, chatting about their lives before moving to the home, and so on. Violet and Evergreen had become closer with each other, knowing each other's deepest darkest secrets, and Violet had come to truly love and care for Evergreen.

Also, a few months after being in the cell, Violet and Evergreen decided to get together and became a couple. Evergreen told Violet that she was a closet lesbian who was afraid to tell anyone about it, and Violet told Evergreen that she was bisexual. Evergreen also told Violet that she had a crush on her as soon as she saw her, and Violet thought Evergreen was pretty hot. They then decided to become girlfriends and drop the whole sister act, only pretending to call sisters when Mother Charlotte was around. When they were on their own in the cell, Violet and Evergreen would passionately French kiss each other.

Even though they had become a couple, Evergreen still never forgave Violet for what she did all those years ago.

Meanwhile, while Violet and Evergreen were locked away, Lulu was on a hunt to try and find Violet. Lulu hadn't heard from Violet after the trip to Las Pegasus, and only a few days after Violet went on her trip, the school was informed on what happened. The school was told that Violet's mother had murdered Race in cold blood after catching him kissing Violet, and that Violet's mother had been arrested. The school was also told that Violet had been moved to a "correctional facility" by her mother, but the school was not told which correctional facility it was.

After the whole school was informed of the news, Lulu went under major depression. She knew that she was never going to see her best friend Violet ever again, and Lulu even felt responsible for the death of one of her close friends, Race. Lulu and her mother now both despised Cherry for what she had done, and Lulu's mother no longer considered Cherry her friend.

After spending a few years mourning the death of Race and the fact that Violet had been forced into a correctional facility, Lulu finally decided to try and find Violet. Lulu told her mother the plan and her mother was all for it, and allowed Violet to stay at her home. After doing a fair bit of research and detective work, Lulu discovered that Violet was at Mother Charlotte's Home Of Sisterhood and Friendship, was a few miles away from Appleoosa in Southern Equestria.

Lulu made a plan to try and get Violet and help her escape from the home. She told her mother the plan and wished her the best of luck, so Lulu packed her bags and set off on her long journey. Lulu got the train from Whinnyapolis station to Appleoosa train station, which was a very long 10 hour journey, Winnyapolis was Northern Equestria and Appleoosa was Southern Equestria.

Lulu got off the train at Appleoosa station and then walked 4 miles from the station to Mother Charlotte's home. Lulu walked up to the home and knocked on the door. Lulu's plan was to kindly be let into the home to see Violet, escape from the home with Violet by jumping out of a window, and then running to Appleoosa to get the train back to Whinnyapolis. Lulu thought it was a good plan and was just crazy enough to work.

Lulu knocked on the door, she waited for half a minute and then Mother Charlotte answered the door with a big smile on her face.

"Oh hello there dearie, are you here to join our home?" Mother Charlotte asked.

"Hi there, my name is Lulu. I'm actually here to meet somepony." Lulu replied.

"You are? Who are you here to meet?" Mother Charlotte asked.

"I'm here to see Violet Blossom. Is she here?" Lulu asked.

Mother Charlotte's smile turned into a serious frown.

"Sister Violet's busy, don't come here again. Leave now." Mother Charlotte replied in a nasty and harsh tone, then slamming the door shut.

Lulu knocked on the door again. She decided to join and then escape with Violet after she found her. Mother Charlotte then answered the door again.

"I thought I told you leave." Mother Charlotte announced sternly.

"Sorry, I meant to say that I'm here to join." said Lulu, hoping that Mother Charlotte would buy the act.

"Oh, that's wonderful! However, before you join, you must pass our initiation." Mother Charlotte informed Lulu as she let her into the home.

Once Lulu was let inside, Mother Charlotte directed her into the initiation room, and explained to her about the box trial. Mother Charlotte then locked Lulu into the box, and when finished locking her up, gave her a cold, hard stare.

"I'm not as stupid as you think I am you know." said Mother Charlotte.

"Sorry?" Lulu replied.

"Don't be stupid, girl." replied Mother Charlotte. "I know you're here to try and get Sister Violet out of here, but it's not going to work."

Lulu squirmed around, trying to get out of the box, but failed in doing so.

"Get me out of this box!" Lulu demanded.

"Quiet, girl. You're trespassing onto my property and stealing something of mine, so I legally have the right to murder you." Mother Charlotte explained.

Lulu froze as soon as she heard what Mother Charlotte said.

"You're going to murder me!? You can't do that, you'll go to prison!!" shrieked Lulu.

"But I just explained why I legally can, avoiding any type of prison sentence. I'll probably get questioned by the authorities, but I know that I won't be put into prison." Mother Charlotte explained.

Lulu continued fidgeting in the box, trying to get out of it.

"Your punishment for trying to steal my daughter is immurement." announced Mother Charlotte.

"What's immurement?" Lulu asked.

"It means that I'm going to leave you here to die. You'll die of thirst and starvation in a few days. It's going to be a long and tortuous death for you, young one." Mother Charlotte explained, then giving Lulu her trademark forehead kiss.

Mother Charlotte then left the room locking the door and turning off the lights, leaving Lulu trapped in a small box in a cold, dark room with no lights. She walked away from the room hearing Lulu's cries and protests, but completely ignored them.

4 days later, Lulu died of thirst and starvation, trapped inside of the small box. Her corpse is still in that room to this day.

After dealing with Lulu, Mother Charlotte went straight to the cell. Inside the cell, she saw Evergreen and Violet snuggling with each other. Mother Charlotte then knocked on the door, which prompted Evergreen to move away from Violet. Mother Charlotte then entered the room.

"Well played Sister Violet. Well played. I don't know how you did it, but you did it. Thankfully for me though, I sorted her out." Mother Charlotte announced.

"What do you mean, Mother Charlotte?" Violet asked.

"Ugh, stop playing dumb with me. Your friend "Lulu" came by today, she wanted to get you out of here to try and escape." Mother Charlotte explained.

It had been a long time since Violet had heard that name. Lulu. Violet couldn't believe that her best friend tried to come and get her so she could escape.

"Where's Lulu!? WHERE IS SHE!!??" Violet shouted.

"She's in the initiation room. I've locked her inside of the box, I'm going to leave her there to die of starvation and thirst. I give her 5 days at best before she dies." Mother Charlotte continued to explain.

"You monster!!!" Violet shouted. "You didn't have to kill her!! You're just like my mom!!"

"Sister Violet, Sister Evergreen, I'm sorry I have to do this, but you leave me no choice. I can't trust you Sister Violet, I can't trust you with anypony." explained Mother Charlotte. "This isn't the first time I've done this, but I need to kill one of my daughters. I'm sorry Sister Evergreen, hopefully you'll descend to a better place."

Then, all of a sudden, Mother Charlotte used her magic to murder Evergreen.


"I have had ENOUGH of this unacceptable behaviour!!" Mother Charlotte yelled. "Sister Violet, I can't handle you anymore!! I'm just going to leave you in this cell to rot! Nothing can change you!!" Mother Charlotte then left the room and locked the door for good.

Violet cried many tears over the corpse of her new partner. Anyone who dated Violet died, it wasn't fair. Life wasn't fair. Violet just laid there for the next few days, crying continuously, expecting death to take her at any moment.

Violet finally died 4 days later due to starvation and thirst in her cell. She died lying over the corpse of Evergreen. She was still wearing her straitjacket and was still chained to the wall.

Violet had moved on to a better place.