• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 750 Views, 7 Comments

The Road to Us - BoredAuthor817

Sunset and Wallflower take their family on a little tour through Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 9

The morning began as it had for the past few days. Wallflower and Sunset sipped their coffee as the children cheered on the rising sun.

“You know the funny thing” Sunset lightly chuckled, “I used to do the same thing when I was their age.”

“What happened?”

“One morning I lost my voice.”

“Well,” Wallflower smirked, “you've always been a little horse.”

They headed out after a light breakfast. Honey was the first to be dropped off. He seemed a bit hesitant to be away from his parents. However, after spying a few other foals, he was soon galloping and prancing to his delight.

It was a bit of a longer walk to the CMC's day-camp.

“Don't they have a campground of their own?” asked Even.

Sunset nodded. “That's a camp they have year-round and is based near Ponyville. This is a special summer camp they do primarily for foals who can't travel. Last year, they were in Apple Loosa.”

As they approached the park, they started seeing banners and signs for the camp. Eventually, they came up to the sign-in table.

A yellow earth pony with a giant bow in her mane scrolled down her list. “Ah!” she smiled, “Here yer are!” She pushed forward names tags for them to fill out and marked their names on the list. “Yer a little early. Sit yerselves down a spell and relax while we wait fer the others ta arrive.

“Moms, yer welcome ta join them.”

“Is it just me,” Rose said, sitting at a picnic table, “or did that mare seem strangely familiar?”

“She should be” nodded Sunset, “That's Applejack's little sister.”

The three foals quickly turned again to see the pony.

“Okay,” Even said, “that's really weird. And also really cool.”

“Does that mean Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are here, too?” Stardust asked.

“Yes” Wallflower said, “But, try not to let on that you know alternate versions of them. If anyone asks, you're all from Canterlot.”

Stardust looked a little uneasy. “What if they ask more questions?”

“Just answer as you normally would” Sunset said, “Just leave out the part that you're from another world.”

Even's body dropped slightly. “Like you have to?” It brought him no pleasure to see the hurt in his mother's eyes. But, it was something he felt had to be said.


Wallflower gently nuzzled her wife as they walked away from the camp. “You know Even didn't mean to hurt you.”

“And, yet, he's right.” Sunset let out a sigh. “I'm sure he's not the only one who sees it. How I have to lie all the time.”

“Not all the time.”

“Most the time.”

“You're not the only one, you know.”

“You shouldn't have to.”

“And, yet, I do. Because I love you.” She pressed her muzzle into Sunset's neck. “Come on, it's just you and me, and I want a little fun.”


Wallflower released a strained squee, grabbing Sunset tightly. Heights had always made her feel a bit squeamish. She began to wonder why she asked Sunset onto the ride. Though, there was nothing to fear. Unlike other Ferris wheels, this had a completely enclosed gondola. There was no way of falling out, even if one tried.

Still, there was the matter of why she so enthusiastically pulled her wife into the ride queue. Perhaps, it was because it seemed much smaller from far away. Perhaps, it was a new attraction, and one neither had been on. Perhaps, it was just for the thrill of it all.

Whatever the motive, Wallflower was regretting it. Her wife, on the other hand, was quite enjoying it.

Back on terra firma, Wallflower never felt happier. On wobbly legs, she turned to Sunset with great delight. “Let's go again!”

Sunset laughed, nuzzling her wife. “It's a good thing you're not a pegasus.

“Maybe we'll come back later with the kids. Right now, there are a few other things I want to see.”

They strolled back to the falls. Though it was still morning, a large crowd had already gathered to watch the falling water. However, it wasn't so crowded that the two mares couldn't get a spot by the guardrail. Sunset embraced her wife, kissing her cheek.

“Remember all the times I used to bring you here?”

“I remember it was always for something special.”

“That's because I wanted this place to remain special. Too many mundane things in life. It's nice to have something that's special.”

Wallflower rested her head on Sunset. “To me, you'll always be special.”

Sunset stood still for a moment. The roar of the water drowned out all other noise. The rising mist clouded the area. For a moment, nothing else existed. They were alone. A feeling arose within her chest. She knew it well. She'd experience it so many years before. As it did then, it became so intense, she couldn't ignore it. She had to do it.

Firmly grabbing Wallflower, she pressed their lips firmly together.

At first, Wallflower jolted, surprised by the impromptu kiss. However, it didn't take her long to melt into it and reciprocate.

The only thing that could break the moment, and it did, was the cry of some poor soul who dared to venture the falls via its famous barrel ride.

A short while later, another followed.

The mares looked over as, one by one, a new barrel crested the falls and plummeted into the pool below.

Sunset turned to Wallflower. Smiling, she repeated words from years ago. “Will you take the plunge?” She received a peck on the cheek.

“Last time you asked that,” She giggled, “it ended with a ring on my finger. But, okay!”

The line for the barrel jump wasn't long, but, as usual, it was also very quick. After filling out the required paperwork, and getting all geared up, the two stood on the wooden deck, anxiously awaiting their turns.

As before, Sunset had elected to go first. Climbing into the barrel, she blew one last kiss to her wife before being sealed in.

Wallflower looked on in anticipation as the old mountain goat kicked the barrel containing her beloved off the dock and into the river. Heart pounding, she watched the wooden casket bob up and down, till it was lost to the mist.

Swallowing down her own fear, Wallflower prepared to enter her own barrel. The attendants were very courteous and gently helped her in. Firmly sealed in, Wallflower only had to wait in the dark for the initial jolt—which seemed to take forever coming.

Then it came.

Wallflower had forgotten how much it hurt to be kicked. Barrel or not, it still hurt. A lot.

The ride down river was quite pleasant. Very much as she had remembered. However, she also remembered the burning anxiety building up as she neared the edge. She couldn't recall how long it took to reach the falls. Whenever she thought it was near, and had steeled herself, it proved to be a false alarm.

When it finally happened, she was completely unprepared. It wasn't so much the ride to the edge, or the plunge into the pool that she disliked. It was all the time spent in free-fall.

Finally, she splashed down. Once again, it was a nice ride down the river till she was fished out. Wallflower grunted as she and the barrel were roughly thrown onto a conveyor which took them back to the top.

At last, the ordeal over, the barrel was opened and she was relieved to finally see light again.

Looking around, she found a feeling of de-ja vous. Sunset was kneeling on the deck, small box held in her magic. Wallflower exited her barrel. Her breath stuck in her throat as walked to her wife. Her heart pounded, tears filled her eyes. Soon, she stood before Sunset.

“Wallflower Shimmer-Blush,” Sunset smiled, “will you take the plunge?” She opened the box. In place of a diamond ring, was a diamond necklace. “Another fifteen years, another road of triumphs and hardships, heck,” she chuckled, “even another four kids, I want to be yours. Will you do me the pleasure, and honor, of continuing to be yours truly? And only?”

Wallflower let her tears fall as she nodded. She wrapped her hooves around her wife before pulling her in for a deep kiss. “Yes” she whispered, going in for another, “When you first asked me, today, in fifteen years, and forever, you know my answer will always be 'yes'.

“Though, maybe, let's not go over the falls next time.”

Sunset laughed. “You wanna know the funny part?”


“That was never part of the plan.”