• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 749 Views, 7 Comments

The Road to Us - BoredAuthor817

Sunset and Wallflower take their family on a little tour through Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 10

In the silence, Wallflower snuggled closely to her wife, gently nibbling an ear. “The kids are still asleep.”

“Are they now?”

“I really enjoyed last night.”

“The feeling's mutual.”

“I was wondering what you had in mind for breakfast.”

“Something light. I've been feeling very full as of late.”

“Not exactly what I meant...”

Sunset turned over, a sly smile on her lips. “Whoever said that's what I meant?”


“Okay, guys,” Wallflower woke the kids, brushing the tangles from her mane, “we're leaving for the station in two hours. Mommy's ordered up room service..”

Even yawned. “Can't believe how tired we all were.”

“Well,” Rose leaned on her brother, “there was a lot of stuff to do at camp. I don't think we ever took a break.”

“At any rate” Stardust stretched, “it was fun.”

“You got that right” Even smiled, “Maybe we can sleep more on the train. Mom said it would take nearly the whole day to ride up there.”

“I don't know if I could sleep” said Stardust, “I'm too excited!”

The older siblings looked at each other. “She'll sleep.”


Once settled in the rail car, the younger children quickly nodded off to sleep. Even, however, had found new energy and settled himself off to the side to watch the landscape roll by.

The next row over, Wallflower and Sunset huddled together, enjoying a fresh pot of coffee.

Wallflower fiddled with the new chain which adorned her neck. “I don't know why, but I always feel uneasy meeting your mother.”

Sunset gave a smirk. “I hope it has nothing to do with her being a millennia-old being with enough power to move the sun.”

“Well, if you put it that way... No, though that is impressive, I mean, that she's your mother, and mothers want what's best for their children. And...” She stopped when a muzzle pressed into her.

“Stop that” Sunset gently scolded, “You never have had to fear what my mother would say. Yes, she has always taught me to go for the best. And I found it.

“Besides, you can't be nearly as nervous as I was first facing your parents.”

Wallflower laughed. “They did calm down... eventually...”

“That was after we told them we were engaged. And then we told them about Equestria.”

“Okay, maybe they didn't take that bit of news quite as well...”


After a long and relaxing train ride, the conductor yelled out their stop.

The foals were wide awake and energized as the train entered the station. Almost immediately, they noticed it full of royal guards.

“What's going on?” Wallflower asked, pulling the littler foals close as they exited the train.

Sunset looked around. “Looks like they've heightened security because of the summit.”

“Sunset Shimmer!” came a familiar voice.

“Shining Armor!” she smiled, “Good to see you again. See you have your hooves full.”

“Yeah, well,” the prince laughed, “Cant' really take any chances. And I could say the same for you.

"Anyway, let's get all of you to the castle. Everypony is excited to see you.”

Along with Shining, a small group of guards escorted them out of the station. In the city, they were once again free to wander. And wander the children did. Like in Canterlot, everywhere they looked, they were met with new sights, sounds, and smells.

“Earth ponies!” Honey cried out, pointing to the inhabitants.

“Crystal ponies” Wallflower corrected. “They're like earth ponies, though.”

“We can come out and explore more later” Sunset ushered the foals. “Right now, let's get to the palace, otherwise, Grandma may come looking for us.”

“Doubtful” Shining laughed, “She and the other princesses have been in meetings all day. Barely have had time for anything else.”

Sunset sighed. Where had she heard that before?

Once at the castle, Shining left the family to the care of the staff, who showed them to their rooms.

Free of their saddlebags, the children set out to explore the castle. Sunset and Wallflower, however, resided themselves to on the parlors, where a fresh brew of tea was steeping.

“You sure they won't get lost?” Wallflower asked.

“I've told you” Sunset smiled, “there's a tracker spell on this whole castle.” She lit her horn and floor plans lit up in mid-air. In a corner, were four little, blue dots. “See? Here they are.” She pointed to another set of dots not so far away, and here's where we are.”

“What about your mom?”

“For security reasons, I can't track her, or anyone else. Shining only gave me what I needed to locate the kids.” She took a sip of tea, “With any luck, though, they'll come across Mom before we do.”

“Oh, I highly doubt that.”

Sunset nearly dropped her tea in fright. “Mom! Please stop doing that!”

“I'll try, dear” Celestia said, nuzzling her daughters. “Sorry for not greeting you at the door. Our meeting ran a little longer than anticipated.”

“Let me guess:” Sunset smirked, “Twilight?”

“Who else?” her mother laughed.

“Grandma!” shouted a chorus of little voices.

Before Celestia could react, four little bodies descended upon her. Giggling, she embraced her grandfoals. “Now then,” she said, after kisses were exchanged, “let me see you, my little ponies.”

The children took a few steps back to allow their grandmother to see them in their pony forms. Similarly, they looked just as curiously at her.

Stardust's eyes went wide. “Woah... You're huge!”

Celestia let out a boisterous laugh while Sunset hid her face.


Unfortunately, Celestia's time was short. The children walked her back to the meeting room.

“I'm sorry I can't stay for much longer” she said, “but, I've cleared out my schedule so I can spend all day tomorrow with you foals.”

Even nuzzled his grandmother. “We're just happy we got a chance to see you while we were here.”

“Me too” she nuzzled back, “Now, get some rest because we're starting first thing in the morning.”