• Published 1st Aug 2012
  • 738 Views, 4 Comments

Gear Knights- Initiations - Amalvi

Secret pony agents with watches

  • ...

3- Could be way worst

Amalvi was pleasantly sleeping in his apartment. Since he received his watch three days ago his leg has been hurting terribly and sleeping has been becoming a more difficult task so he tried to enjoy every minute of his rest as much as he could. However he heard something, or to be more exact somepony inside, pretty much thanks to his light sleep.

He opened his eyes and automatically tried to look at his watch as he always do, only to find himself like an idiot looking at the bandages around it. The earth pony looked around, some sun rays were entering the horizon and soon Luna would lower the moon to let the night end. Then he rolled to the side of the bed, falling to the floor silently. Once he sharpened his ear and made sure there was indeed someone or something inside the apartment he crawled to the door and opened it as slow as he could and took a glimpse to the scenery.

Amalvi saw the figure of a pony inside the house. It was dark but he could totally distinguish it. After some seconds the intruder walked to another room and the colt took this chance to open the door and sneak behind him. The intruder was having a hard time trying to move in the darkness, but Amalvi knew perfectly the house and had no problem getting closer to him. Once he was just behind him, Amalvi turned and performed a sweeping kick, trying to throw the intruder to the floor.

However he couldn’t. When he preformed said kick he was suddenly stopped by the leg of the pony as if it was made of concrete. There was only one pony Amalvi knew who could resist his kicks.

-”Arg! You scared the buck out me, Amalvi!”

-”Oh, screw you Tejer, is not even even 7 in the morning.”

Amalvi walked and turned the lights on, then he looked at the pegasus, who was rubbing the spot where Amalvi just kicked him.

-”Nice shoot, I didn’t expect anything less from one of our agents. Anyway, are you ready for your first day of work?”

-”Well, I haven’t had much sleep, but you don’t care, right?”

-”Oh, I do. I remember perfectly how bad I slept the first nights after I received the watch. However it seems you are now able to walk with it, right?”

And just like that, the pain of his leg suddenly returned, but true was that it didn’t hurt as much as the day before and he was able to walk with it.

-”Thanks for remembering me, your shenanigans made the pain return.”

-”Don’t be a wimp. At this point you would be able to take the bandages off”

-”For real? You better not be lying to me and this still needs to be bandaged for more time”

-”Really, go ahead.”

Amalvi lifted his left hoff and biting the bandages he got rid of them. His leg was all dirty with dry blood sticked with the hair. Amalvi felt both relief for taking it out and displeasure for seeing such a mess.

-”Well, if you excuse me, I would like to clean this and then maybe have something for breakfast”

-”Go ahead, but there is no time for breakfast, we need to go.”

-”Just one thing.”

-”What is it?”

-”How did you enter my apartment?”

Tejer smiled and gave him a superiority look.

-”Amalvi, please...”


Once Amalvi was ready they marched towards the ponex building, which wasn’t too far away from Amalvi’s house. During the walk Tejer took the liberty to explain Amalvi certain things about the missions and such.

-”Well, now you have your watch. Do you remember the functions?”

-”I think this is for calling the supervisor, this one for displaying the info and this one for delivering the message”

-”You got the order wrong, but basically those are the functions. Speaking of which, do you know what a supervisor does?”

-”I think those are unicorns who can telepathically talk with me if I press this on my watch, right?”

-”About half right. You can contact the supervisor at anytime by pressing that button. The supervisors are unicorns born with the gift of using the telecommunication artifacts who are also trained to use a searching spell that allows them to search any information that has been written. If something has been in a book or a newspaper or anything they can find it and tell you.”

-”That sounds pretty convenient.”

-”The bad news, for you at least, is that the supervisor also can see anything that happens to you”

-”Wait, what?”

-”From the moment your watch is magically linked with the supervisor, he or she will be able to watch anything of your surroundings, like if they were phantoms floating over your head.”

-”That’s, great?”

-”Just think that is more awkward for them than for you”

Both ponies continued with their walk until they finally reached the Ponex building. Upon entering Amalvi couldn’t prevent to remember the first day he was there and how anything had changed.
The earth pony followed Tejer to the elevators. He continued his talk.

-”Well, you are about to meet your supervisor.”

-”How is he or she?”

-”Her name is Miriam. I know is a weird name, but she doesn’t want to talk about it.”

-”You didn't answer me, how is she?”

-”Well, to be honest she is not the nicest supervisor we have. To be more honest she is going to drive you crazy, but at least she is really good at doing her work”

-”Driving ponies crazy is one of my specialties.”

-”Then you have both something in common. And here we are”

After walking through the corridors they arrived at the front of a door with no sign on it. After calling, Tejer abruptly entered, followed by Amalvi.

-”Miriam, this is the guy I talked you about, his name is Amalvi”

Inside the office there was a white unicorn with cyan mane sitting on chair and looking at some magical screens and paperwork. A chess queen cutiemark was visible on her flank. Then she turned and gave a look at Amalvi and especially to the his leg with the bruises.

-”He is just a kid”

Tempting the luck, Amalvi tried to guess the age of that mare.

-”For what I heard, you are only one or two years older than me.”

Miriam didn’t even react and turning around she replied.

-”What did I just said? Just a kid.”

Then her horn glowed with a yellow aura and a lighter came levitating along with a package of some tubular little sticks that Amalvi couldn’t tell what they were. Then the unicorn put one of those sticks in her mouth and lighted it, soon a pestilent smoke impregnated the air of the room, making Amalvi cough. With disgusted face Tejer grumbled at her.

-”Miriam, you perfectly know you can’t smoke here. I’ve already told you that it disgust other ponies.”

-”And I’ve already told you that I couldn’t care less about other ponies.”

Tejer was furious, but he didn’t said anything. Amalvi now understood why the pegasus said that Miriam drives ponies crazy. She continued to look at the magical monitors and to the papers. Without even bothering to look at him, she started to talk to Amalvi.

-”If I’m going to be your supervisor you need to know a few rules. The first one, don’t expect any sympathy from me.”

-”That’s a shame, you look like a pony who knows how to have fun.”

The mare ignored the poor attempt of Amalvi to compliment her.

-”Second one is that you are only going to contact me if you need something important that is worth my time.”

-”Don’t worry, I can pretty much handle on my own.”

Miriam abruptly interrupted the colt

-”And the third one, learn to listen, idiot.”

Amalvi blushed and looked down. He couldn’t hide his impulsivity and because of that there was already somepony mad at him. However that didn’t discourage him, and trying come back with something to disarm the mare he looked at her and said.

-”Well, I didn’t expect my boss to be so...”

Miriam raised an eyebrow


She started to laugh. Amalvi smiled, thinking that he had surprised her. Far from the truth, the unicorn replied.

-”Cute? Seriously? You are insulted and you came back with a compliment?”

Amalvi shrugged his shoulders.

-”Well, what can I say?”

-”Oh, you better not say anything. You are better with your mouth shut.”

Tejer rolled his eyes.

-”Okay Malvi, we need to leave”

Amalvi nodded and then he smiled at the unicorn.

-”Well Miriam, it’s been a pleasure.”

-”How sad I can’t say the same”

Miriam smiled while she soaked more of her cigarette and before the two colts left the room she said.

-”Let’s see how much you last with that attitude”.

The door closed behind them and Tejer let a long sigh before he talked.

-”What did I tell you? She gets me on my nerves.”

-”Well, perhaps she may need a humility lesson, but is also true that I would brag if i had such an important work and talent.”

-”The worst is the smoking. Nopony has no idea where she gets those. In any case, usually the tradition is that the boss himself gives you your first mission, so come with me.”

-”The boss? You mean...

-”Yes, the same who kicked your face when you entered this building back then”

Amalvi followed the pegasus through the building and to the same door he knocked the first time he came there.This time Tejer called and voice answered from the inside telling to enter. Inside there was Mirage Sun standing behind a desk and smiling at the ponies. Amalvi could tell that his mane has gone grayer since the last time they met, but otherwise he was the same pony who greeted him years ago.

-”Hey Malvo! Nice to see you son, and welcome to the organisation.”

-”Is Amalvi, or even Malvi, but anyway, everything is great.”

-”Yeah I can tell you have received your watch. That hurts huh?”

-”Well not as much as...”

-”But anyway, we are here to talk about your first mission. Take a sit please.”

Tejer closed the door and Amalvi sat in front of Mirage, who levitated a stack of papers and gave it to the colt.

-”Here it is, detailed information will be charged in your watch once it’s linked with the supervisor, who is Miriam, right?”

-”I think.”

Amalvi looked at the paper and he started to read just to stop seconds later after he saw the location.

-”Am I going to enter the palace in Canterlot?”

-”Yes kid, is not as hard as you think. Since the changeling invasion most guards have now vacations so security is not as it used to be. However, there are still a lot of guards so be very careful. The easiest way to enter is the gardens.”

-”Wouldn’t be the gardens the most difficult place? You know, since it’s the place where I would put most of the guards.”

-”Let me finish. The garden may have a lot of guards patrolling it, but only in near the walls of the castle. You actually want to enter from other place, the side of the mountain. Using some ropes you can move actually below the castle and enter through the sewers. Here, let me show you in this picture.”

Mirage sun passed several drawings and photos of the gardens, the spot where Amalvi was supposed to jump and the entrance to the sewers.

-”This is going to be a hell of a first work.”

-”Anyway, once inside you are going to move in the total darkness, so we’ll give you a lantern and a map. count 3 to the left and 7 t the right and then go up. You’ll appear at the kitchens. At that hour in the night there will be noponies there so don’t worry. Once you are there go to a door in a corner and go upstairs to the highest floor. You’ll appear in the top of the tower, and you are going to need to jump to the nearest roof, at the east. Once there descend a floor and You’ll be at the room of the princess.”

-”Aha, great, yes.”

-”Since you didn’t pay any attention I’ll make someone write it down for you.”

Amalvi blushed, he was right, he didn’t pay any attention to what he just said. Except for...

-”Wait, what did you just said?”

-”I will fucking kill you if keep not paying attention?”

-”No, before that.

-”You’ll be at the room of the princess.”

Amalvi was scared.

-”Don’t tell me I’m going to give a message to...”

-”Yes, Malvo.”

Mirage gave the earth pony a malevolent smile.

-”Tell Celestia I say hi.”