• Published 1st Aug 2012
  • 738 Views, 4 Comments

Gear Knights- Initiations - Amalvi

Secret pony agents with watches

  • ...

1-Who is this douche bag?

A solitary blue coated earth pony entered the building of Ponex. The elegant vestibule was decorated with some palm trees, some white leather sofas and advertising images of their last models of watches all over the walls. Now and then some ponies dressed with suits and ties would pass coming in and out of the elevators situated behind a counter where a young mare was sitting. The colt approached her with a smile on his face he saluted the pegasus in the counter.

-"Hello there"

-"Good day sir, welcome to the main offices of Ponex, biggest watch trademark of Equestria, what can I help you with

-"Not to mention the only. I was here because I need to give a message to the president"

-"Have you made an appointment?"


-"In said case you need first to fill a document and then wait to receive an answer, and if Ms. Dove finds it worthy of her time she will then contact you to agree on a date when you can meet her

-"But I was told I wouldn't need to, besides I need to give it to a stallion named Mirage Sun, not some Dove mare”

The mare stopped looking at her paperwork and then she gave the blue pony an inquisitor look

-"I'm sorry, I didn't get that. What did you just said?"

-"I said that I need to give a letter to the president, named Mirage Sun"

-"Well, I'm afraid to tell you that you've been informed incorrectly, there is no pony with that name working here."

-"Sure? Oh well, I guess I'll have to leave then"

-"I'm sorry I couldn't help. Would you like some candy?".

The mare pointed at a bowl filled with colored wrapped sugary sweets.

-"Oh, thank you, I'll take some"

The colt reached one and put it in his mouth, cherry, not his favorite but will do, then he opened his saddlebag which was hanging on his side and put some more candy in it, then he turned to the mare who was now staring at him with critical eye.

-"Is something wrong?"

-"Absolutely not, now if you don't have any questions or something...

-"Oh no, thank you, but I'll better go, good day miss."

-"Good day sir."

The colt walked away, once the mare made sure he was out of sight she called the bellcolt and said:

-"Kid, I need you to send a note this instant


-"Okay, so how do I do this?"

Outside the offices and just around the corner, the pony was inspecting the building he just came off. It wasn't as tall as nearby edifications but tall enough to reach six or seven floors. The outside walls were all painted in white with windows all over them. However it wasn't any of the Ponex building what the pony was interested in, but a hotel just in the same block. Those two buildings were separated two meters from each other and the hotel was only one floor taller. Yes, that will do it..

The blue colt walked to an alley behind the hotel where a lot of ponies were coming in and out from the kitchens. Once he made sure there weren't any ponies watching he sneaked inside, them he moved through the kitchens. Most ponies were surprised to find him but they were too busy to actually say anything, so they let him wander around. After being lost for a while the intruder found the the stairs to the roof, which luckily for him was open. He went outside and looked over the edge, in the direction of the Ponex building. It was a big fall to the ground, so no sane pony would ever dare to do such a thing.

The problem for this colt is that for him, sanity is overrated

He took some steps back and with all his strength he jumped to the roof of the Ponex building, having an awful landing on the other side and hitting hard his two front forelegs, but at least he made it, hurt, but he made it.

After a minute or so of silent crying for the pain in his legs, the pony stood up and walked to the door that leaded downstairs. He tried to open it but it didn't budge, so he sighed, turned around and with all his force he kicked the rusty door, making it open and letting him inside.

He wandered through the building and the corridors, several ponies were doing paperwork and some unicorns were using magic screens to look data and talk but the colt didn't pay any attention to them, his mind was too busy looking for Mirage Sun or any sign of where he could find him. Luckily for him in the instructions he received he has been told that the office of said director could be found on the floor 4, making the search easier. After some minutes he found a door with a plate that read: "Mirage Sun" not other information was showing on it. The pony stopped, knocked the door a couple of times and a voice answered from the inside.

-"Come in"

The colt smiled and opened the door and when he entered inside he was greeted by an old stallion punching him hardly in the face.


About half hour ago

-"Kid, I need you to send a note this instant"

-"Yes ma'am, right away, to whom it might be?"

Before answering the pegasus finished writing said note, then she folded it and passed to the bellcolt

-"Make this reach mister Sun as soon as possible"

-"It will be done!"

The pony grabbed the note with his unicorn magic and went to the elevators, once reached the fourth floor he walked towards the office of Mirage Sun, but he found him just about to enter inside along with another Stallion.

-"Oh, mister Sun, mister Sun!"

The stallion turned to face the colt

-"Do you want something kid?"

-"Yes, Ms. Stomp told me to give you this note."

The unicorn levitated the little note in front of Mirage, who grabbed it with his own magic

-"Thanks kid, you may retire now"

The bellcolt obeyed and moved away. Mirage Sun entered his office, followed by a cream colored pegasus. He unfolded the note and read out loud:

-"Mister Sun, I must warn you that there is an unidentified pony asking for you and willing to give you a message. It was a blue earth pony with light brown hair and a light bulb cutiemark. He was carrying a saddlebag on his side and a watch in his left foreleg. When I told him that there is no Mirage Sun he left the building and walked away. When I sent you this letter he was walking towards the hotel on the side."

The stallions looked at each other and smiled, then the pegasus said.

-"Possible candidate?

-"Possible candidate, you know the procedure, tell the guards to avoid the boy and if he manages to get to my office I'll see what I do, depending of his performance."

-"Do you know him?"

-"I think I've remember something, he might be the son of Gerard, my banker. He keeps my money and helps me to launder it so he more or less knows about the organisation. I once made a watch for him and for each member of his family, so if this colt is the son of Gerard then the watch he is wearing is my creation."

-"So it's safe to let him in?"

-"Oh, please, is not like many ponies attempt to be part of the organization this way,these days, let him have some fun. Meanwhile I'll be watching him using the magic monitors."

-"Alright sir, have a nice day."

-"Same for you Tejer."

The pegasus left the room and closed the door behind him. Mirage Sun trotted to his desk and glowing his horn he made a magical screen appear on his table which showed some parts of the building such as the hallways and the offices as well as the windows

-"Now, where are you?. Where are you going to enter from?"

Then he found it, on the roof of the hotel. Mirage Sun was actually surprised, only pegasi try to enter from the roof and it was interesting to see an earth pony trying for once. The stallion laughed when the colt almost break his legs with the fall and continue to watch all his moves until he heard him knocking his door.


The blue earth pony was now laying on the floor, he has been hit so hard that his nose was now bleeding and his ears were whistling, needless to say he was stunned enough to not be able to say a single word. Mirage Sun took advantage of this and stole the saddlebag of the intruder and levitating it to his desk he emptied it to see its contents: A bottle of water, a package of cookies, a bag with bits inside, a multi tool knife, some bandages, candy and more important, a little envelop with his name, "Mirage Sun" on it.

The colt finally was able to mutter something after a minute, Mirage Sun noticed this and said:

-"Oh you are back!"

Then he slowly walked towards the semi conscious pony, who was still struggling to understand anything of what was happening. Then the horn of Mirage glowed and the multi tool knife came from the table levitating with a cyan glow. Then he took the blade out and pointing it to the laying colt he said:

-"I have a question for you and you will answer as I command you or else I'll start to cut each of your joints, one by one and I'll finish with your tongue once I have no more joints to cut."

Of course he wasn't planning to do this, not in his office at least. What he was probably going to do is send him to the security room and let the guards beat him up a bit, but not everyday you have the chance of scaring the crap out of somepony.

And this one was specially scared. When he saw the knife pointing at him he started to scream and say unintelligible words, and keeping in mind that he didn't paid any attention to the menacing words of Mirage that said a lot of him.

Mirage laughed and put the knife away. He threw it into the desk and asked.

-"First question: Why does a pony with fear to blades have a knife in his saddlebag?"

-"Wha... what? how do you know I have..."

The colt didn't even finished the phrase as the unicorn hit him once again with his hoof. That would leave a mark.

-"Wrong answer! Never answer to me with another question"

-"Wait.. what the fuck is g..."

-"Second question: Who the hell are you?"

-"Amalvi sir, my name is Amalvi"

-"Didn't ask for your name kid, but I'll keep it in mind. I was asking of who would be so freaking willing to deliver a letter as to infiltrate here jumping from one roof to another, which, by the way, was the worst landing I've ever seen. Hell I can even see the bruises in your legs.

-"Oh yes! the letter. I was told to give it to you today and only today, I guess you should read it."

-"Wrong guess Malvo, I won't turn my back on you. Third question!"

The stallion then got close to Amalvi and with menacing tone he whispered:

-"Who I am?"

The colt seemed surprised for such a bizarre question, however he knew that saying "what" or similar would result in another hit to the face so he tried to say what he knew about the stallion who was giving him a beating

-"You are... Mirage Sun, the president or to be more exact leader of an organisation of secret agents, who deliver messages?"

-"Perhaps. Who told you that?"

-"My father. Gerard"

-"Ponies from Marerid surely have the weirdest names"

-"How do you I'm..."

-"Of course I know who are you and your father. I made this watch myself."

The stallion was holding a watch on his right hoof. When Amalvi saw it he realized it was his own watch. He was both surprised to find its creator and also angry because of hard difficult was for him to buckle the band with his tongue.

- "Hey, that's mine!"

-"Actually is now mine, here you can see my initials. But anyway, let's read that letter"

Mirage Sun walked away. He didn't care anymore about being attacked by Amalvi. That little brat couldn't harm him even if he let him. He seated and putting on some glasses he opened the envelope and read the note inside:

-Dear Mirage Sun

If you are reading this letter then there is not much I can say that my son hasn't already proven. He has managed to infiltrate into your office and deliver it, which as long as I'm aware of, is enough to qualify for being an agent. When I told him about the order he immediately wanted to work for it. Sure I got mad at him because I wanted him to be a doctor or an engineer, but there is no way I can detail how stubborn he is. Consider this a favor to me since besides business associates we are friends.

Garnet Earring

Once finished reading the note, Mirage Sun gazed at the colt, who was now painfully standing up and giving him a smile. Mirage Sun smiled back said.

-"So, what makes you think you can be an agent?"

-"I have certain skills"

-"Well, as long as I can see your skills suck, specially when you broke that door. Damn, everyone in the building heard that"

Amalvi didn't say anything, he just kept smiling. Mirage couldn't prevent a laugh.

-"You are going to need a lot of training"

-"So, is that..."

-"Yes son, you are accepted, come here tomorrow so we can send you to our training facilities"

Amalvi smiled even more. He even had to hold himself from laughing or grinning like an idiot. Then he got closer to the desk and offering his hoof he said:

-"You won't regret this sir"

-"Oh, but you will”

Then they shook their hoofs.